This is a question with regard to a specific step in a problem. I don't think it is necessary to elaborate the whole problem.
Homework Statement
Resolve this apparent contradiction. I get two different answers for Na|n\rangle
Homework Equations
For a fermionic oscillator, we have...
In quantum mechanics, the phase velocity is f/k=E/p because of E=hf and p=hk where k=1/wavelength.
In special relativity, E=mc^2 and p=mV (V<c). So, E/p=cc/V >c.
To photons in media, however, the phase velocity is f/k =c/n<c.
What’s wrong ?
Hello everyone! I apologize if my first post is of a problem that may seem like a really silly one. But it was something we were stuck with today in Modern Physics class. It is NOT a homework assignment!
We have proved that relativistic force, F = m*(du/dt)*(gamma)3 where gamma is the Lorentz...
I was recently looking at a circuit and I just realized that I didn't understand something.
If we have the circuit ( the one attached below:)
From what I understand the voltage in a capacitor cannot change instantaneously and the current in an inductor cannot also change instantaneously...
Hello, I'm have just started on this subject, and I am confused with the following equation:
since E(t) = kq(t)
=> \frac{dE}{dt} = k \frac{dq}{dt} = k*I
=> E = \int(kIdt)
so if there is a constant current, wouldn't my electric field blow up??
Hi guys, I am looking to find some exercises, preferably online to practice Mathematical Proof by Contradiction.
I have just finished my A-levels in the UK doing Maths and Further Maths and very little is done in the way of mathematical proof. The is only a single chapter on proof by...
I was thinking. The collapse of a stellar nucleus into a black hole is an apparent contradiction to the Pauli exclusion principle, right? So which one of those theories fails at that point - quantum mechanics or the theory of relativity? I used to think that it's the theory of...
I was wondering how the state vector for a particle in a 1-D box can be expanded as a linear combination of the discrete energy eigenkets as well as a linear combination of the continuous position eigenkets. It seems to me that this is a contradiction because one basis is countable whereas...
Homework Statement
For any integer n, let A(n) be the statement:
"If n=4q+1 or n=4q+3 for some q \in Z, then n is odd."
(a) Write down the contrapositive of A(n).
(b) Is the contrapositive of A(n) true for all n \in N? Give brief reasons.
(c) Use proof by contradiction to show that...
Unification of Gravity versus General Relativity -- The Ubiquity of Contradiction
Is it just me or is something smelling rotten about unifying gravity with the fundamental forces? Didn't science unanimously agree that Einstein's "Theory of Relativity" correctly explained gravity as not a force...
Okay, here’s the concept.
Is it just “empty space” or something else?
But since relativity; we know that space cannot, and does not exist without time,
And it’s a continuum "spacetime" rather than space and time.
So does it means that vacuum is just “empty spacetime”
There arises a...
Homework Statement
Let A be the set of all sets.
#1.) Show that P(A) is a subset of A.
#2.) Find a contradiction.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
#1.) We know that P(A) is a set. Therefore it must be in A, since A is the set of ALL sets.
#2.) I cannot...
I was thinking about gauss's law and ran into this contradiction.
Consider this situation in electrostatics. You have an infinite line of charge, uniform charge density [text]\lambda[/tex]. In cgs units, E at a distance r from the line of charge along the +y axis (assuming a left handed...
Homework Statement
I just need to decide how to show this by contradiction.
If either A or B is the empty set then AxB=\oslash.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
Here is how I started:
Assume either A or B is the empty set and AxB\neq\oslash
ok so according to special relativity, light moves at a fixed speed C in every frame of reference. Special relativity also makes clear that any two things moving at a constant velocity along side each other, will perceive each other to be motionless. In other words, in any specific frame of...
I've 2 questions:
First, is there any particular reasons why accelerating an object from 1m/s to 2m/s requires less work than accelerating from 2m/s to 3m/s?
Second, when I see another inertial frame moving 1m/s w.r.t. me, in which there is an object moving 1m/s in the same direction w.r.t...
So, I have in my mind an apparent contradiction that hopefully can be cleared up.
From early lessons we learn that an objects velocity in an x direction has no effect on its velocity in the y direction. So, the y component of a particles velocity is not effected when we change its x...
Homework Statement
GCSE past paper question.
prove algebraically that the sum of the squares of any two consecutive even integers is never a multiple of 8Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
n and x are integers 2x and 2x+2 represent two consecutive even integers.
see attachment.
Stumped about GR "contradiction"--help please
Apparently some crackpot blew some $$ on a full page ad in a science magazine, claiming to show that there black holes don't exist because GR contradicts itself about them. I haven't seen the ad, but there's also a blog about it and a thread about...
[SOLVED] basic math proof by contradiction
Homework Statement
prove: If a and b are positive numbers, a/b +b/a>=2
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
by contradiction (a^2+b^2)/ab<2 and got lost
Could someone please sort out this contradiction which must come from some very basic error - but where and which error? If you raise -3 to the power of 1/2, this gives the square root of -3 which has no real value, but if you raise it to the power of 2/4, you are finding the fourth root of -3...
Homework Statement
What is the smallest radius of an unbanked (flat) track around which a bicyclist can travel if her speed is 29 km/h and the coefficient of static friction between tires and track is 0.29?
Homework Equations
coefficient of static friction = (f of maximum static...
1) between two charged plates, the electric field is given by E=U/d=F/Q->F=QE
that means that the force on a particle between these two plates is independant on the position between them. But consider that you have two plates separated by a huge distance, then the force is constant wherever we...
I read this on
How is this a contradiction? If p^2 = 2q^2 just says that p^2 is even, it doesn't say that 'p' is even. It is a very obvious mistake. So.. is this a stupidity on their part or something that i may have missed [or a stupidity] on my part..
I generally...
It's happening again...will it end the same way this time too?
Nearly 2 years ago, Abdul Rahman was sentenced to death for converting from Islam to Christianity. While there was intense international pressure on President Karzai to overturn the verdict, he was in no legal position to do so (and...
For a wheel in pure roll, or smooth rolling motion, with constant angular velocity, \omega, the velocity of the point on the top of the wheel is 2v_{com}, and the velocity of the point at the bottom of the wheel is 0. (all relative to the ground)
However, since centripetal acceleration is...
Consider a two body system for simplicity: M1 << M2. M1 is in a circular orbit about M2.
The tangential speed of M1 is inversely proportional to its distance from the center of M2. However, in order to move to a lower orbit, or to de-orbit completely, M1 must lose tangential speed (in the...
Homework Statement
I don't have great expectation that this will get a reply but here goes, because this is bugging me.
I will assume that you are familiar with the notation used by Spivak.
In the last section of chapter 4, he shows how to integrate a k-form on R^m over a singular k-cube...
Homework Statement
You have the function f:R->R and f(x) = f(x+k) where k is in R and k>0.
Prove or disprove:
1) If f is continues at x0 then it's also continues at x0 + k
2)If the limit of f at infinity is 0 then f(x)=0 for all x in R.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a...
I have a question which has perplexed me for a time and thought maybe someone here would have some insight that might prove useful. My research involves a generalization of first order partial differential equations. The simplest case can be defined in the following manner: Let V be an arbitrary...
Homework Statement
Consider T:V->V
where the basis vectors in V are {v1, v2}
T(v1) = a(v1) + b(v2)
T(v2) = c(v1) + d(v2)
With T = the square matrix
a c
b d
Now let v1=(1,1) v2=(1,-1)
So T= the squre matrix
1 2
1 1
Of course it's not a contradiction, it's really just my misunderstanding. But here's what I don't get:
(N.B.: I'll be using the terms "electric potential" and "voltage" interchangeably in this post.)
Consider a charge moving in the direction of an electric field. If it moves a distance of x...
Consider a gaussian surface of arbitrary size and a point charge located outside of the gaussian surface at an arbitrary distance.
Gauss's law states that the flux through the gaussian surface is zero, since there is no charge enclosed by that surface. From this we can deduce that the...
How widely used is this method? Is it the most popular proof technique? All it takes it to find a condradiction or counter example in order to prove something which is often much simpler than listing all the cases (not to mention if there are infinite of them to start with) or directly proving...
My dad asked me the other day... if space orginated from a big bang as we think... does that not mean it is expanding outwards? How can it be expanding if it is infinite already.
I couldn't answer him there and its a serious paradox in thinking. So where is he wrong and what's the go with that?
I'm about to teach the photoelectric effect in class. Everybody knows that observations contradict the classical prediction. Which is: Stopping voltage schould go up with light intensity. OK.
But I have a problem: What EXACTLY is the classical prediction? I mean, is there a formula that...
a causal system?? the biggest contradiction!
Hey guys - can someone tell me why i get two contradicting asnwers...
i am asked to determine whether the following system is causal or not:
y[k+1] + 0.64y[k-1] = x[k] + 2x[k-1]
method 1:
put k = k-1 (delay the signal by one unit)
I have a problem I'm working on that I'm a bit stuck on. In this problem we are allowed to use Taut Con in our Fitch proof. The goal is to prove the following from no premises:
~∃x∀y ( P(x,y) ↔ ~P(y,y))
My initial thought is to begin a subproof with the problem itself, except without the...
Hello everyone! THe directions are the following:
Carefully formulate the negations of each of the statements. Then prove each statement by contradiction.
Here is the problem:
If a and b are rational numbers, b!=0, and r is an irrational number, then a+br is irrational.
I made it...
Hello everyone. Before I start this proof i have to make sure my negation is right of the statement and also my translation of it into universal statements before I take the negation.
The directions says, prove the statements by method of contradition. The method of contradiction states...
A contradiction of Heisenberg uncertainty principle??
Suppose an atom is cooled to 0 K (Practically impossible). However theoretically, all its motion will cease ; and therefore it will be possible to determine the exact position of the atom and exact velocity (which is zero).Doesn't this...
This is my analysis:1)quantum can have two states at one time:0 and 1.So n QBits have the volume 2^n. 2)when it's observed,the quantum state will collapse to a certain one.
So the comtradiction is evidence:the information of the 2^n Qbits disappear when I only read n Qbits from it.
Dear my friends,
Everything become so blurred to me, I don't know what I should do for life.
I used to be very ambitious and want to be a good physicist, because the beauty of Nature has been fascinating me for a long time, since the first day I read Einstein Relativiy.
But, as I grow...
In complex analysis we say that for fn's like lnz we apply a branch cut along positive x-axis to make sure it's single valued. i.e restrict theta s.t 0<=theta<2Pi but we never allow theta to equal 2Pi as this would make lnz take on 2nd value.
Let us integrate around a contour which goes from...
Let k be a real number (not necessarily an integer).
e^{i\cdot2\pi\cdot k}=\cos(2\pi k) + i\sin(2\pi k)= some complex number on the unit circe.
e^{i\cdot2\pi\cdot k}=(e^{i2\pi})^k=1^k=1
so if take \tilde{k}=2\pi k then 1=e^{i\tilde{k}}=every other number on the unit circle.
How can...
Whats the simplest proof that the Electromagnetic laws are independent of frame of reference? .What I know is contradiction method which einstein also used to conclude the postulate of SR.
The theorem of conservation of momentum states that the quantity of momentum is always the same. When two objects collide, during the interval of time they touch each other their velocities are the same but are in the same time changing, if they are both changing but remaining equivalent, why is...
Ok guys, this is my first post. Please go easy...:redface:
This question is from Morris Kline's Calculus: An Intuitive and Physical Approach and unfortunately there aren't solutions for all questions (really annoying).
I'm not even sure if this counts as a contradiction but anyway:
this question may sound kind of dumb, so if it is, i apologize, but let say you have a line with a point taken out of it. (<------- -------->) since a point does not have a defined length, how could you prove that the line is now two rays, and not still a line, because it seems a bit...