Control systems Definition and 104 Threads

A control system manages, commands, directs, or regulates the behavior of other devices or systems using control loops. It can range from a single home heating controller using a thermostat controlling a domestic boiler to large industrial control systems which are used for controlling processes or machines.
For continuously modulated control, a feedback controller is used to automatically control a process or operation. The control system compares the value or status of the process variable (PV) being controlled with the desired value or setpoint (SP), and applies the difference as a control signal to bring the process variable output of the plant to the same value as the setpoint.
For sequential and combinational logic, software logic, such as in a programmable logic controller, is used.

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  1. G

    Control Systems Engineering - Masons Rule Help

    Homework Statement I'm trying to find \frac{V_{Load}(s)}{I_{Dist}(s)} using Mason's rule. I was able to solve for \frac{V_{Load}}{I_{Cf}(S)} using Mason's rule but am not sure how to solve for \frac{V_{Load}(s)}{I_{Dist}(s)}. Homework...
  2. C

    MHB How to Solve This 2nd Order ODE in Control Systems?

    I'm trying to solve this equation analytically, but I can't even find the auxiliary equation or general solution! Km = 0.5 C*e = 0 K2 = 0.03 K1 = 0.05 x* = 49
  3. G

    Engineering Control Systems Engineering - Circuits

    Homework Statement Find the transfer function, G(s) = \frac{V_{0}(s)}{V_{i}(s)} for each network shown in figure P2.3. [Section 2.4] Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution When I try and solve this problem I...
  4. N

    Advanced Control Systems in Cambridgeshire: Find a Provider

    Can anyone recommend a company that provide advanced control systems for marine and civil engineering in the Cambridgeshire area? Thank you
  5. G

    Dover style book on control systems?

    Been reading some Dover books (topology, ODE:s, complex variables) and I think they've been just brilliant so far. I'd like more books in the same vein on other subjects. Most engineering books are absolutely awful in my opinion (books in the style of Merriam/Kraige mechanics - utterly...
  6. H

    Help with partial fraction in control systems

    I'm having problem with task (a) in this problem The question My attempt The solution Why don't I get the same after I take the partial fraction using my calculator? And where does this R(s)=1/s^2 come from
  7. N

    Control Systems: How Does High Gain Affect the System?

    I came up with this question while studying for an upcoming exam. I had a design problem, my solution gave me a gain of about 5500 with a PI compensator. Does having that high of a gain screw with my system? It gives me the desired results in MATLAB, but are there any drawbacks to doing that?
  8. P

    Which Course to Choose: FPGA with VHDL or Control Systems Design?

    Hello folks, I am having hard time to decide which class to take in my senior year. I have two choices: Embedded Systems with primary focus on FPGA and VHDL and another class is Control Systems design. I like both of them, but the problem is that they are offered almost at the same time, so I...
  9. F

    Looking for an Interesting Project in Control Systems Engineering?

    Heyo, Finally taking my first senior level course in Mechanical Engineering - Dynamic Systems and Controls. I find it incredibly interesting and was hoping someone could suggest an easy to medium difficulty project I could do on my own. This is for my own edification. The book that my class...
  10. F

    How Do You Determine Root Locus Characteristics from a Given Transfer Function?

    Homework Statement Given the transfer function: R(s)=\frac{K}{s(s+2)(s^2+4s+5)} Find the following (needed to sketch the root locus: a) Number of branches b) Symmetry c) Starting and ending points d) behavior at infinity (asymptotes) e) Real axis breakaway and break-in points. f)...
  11. F

    Control Systems, Reduction, Stability,Characteristics and Overshoot

    Homework Statement Welding robot is defined by the block diagram attached/ excuse the paint work. (hope that worked) find: a)maximum value of K required to achieve stability. b)roots of the characteristic equation, at half the maximum K value. c)estimated percentage overshoot, if the...
  12. D

    Transfer Functions: Why Input Must Match Output in Control Systems

    Why should the input follow the exact output in control systems (Transfer function). What if my system is an amplifier ? shouldn't that means that the output is the input * gain ? I can't understand the differences between dealing with a real system ( such as an amplifier) of dealing with a...
  13. F

    Control Systems Types: Tracking System Explained

    Homework Statement Different control systems can be distinguished by categorising them as regulator control systems, positioning (or servo) control systems or tracking control systems. definition? components features, diagram? examples? describe one industrial application in detail...
  14. B

    Control Systems Engineering : Response of a system to a Harmonic Input

    Homework Statement In my notes it is stated that an integrator adds a phase lag of -Pi/2 and thus can cause instability. I want to understand what this really means and am deviating from the notes somewhat so do not know if I am barking up the wrong tree. Homework Equations Given a...
  15. B

    Control Systems Engineering : Masons Gain

    Homework Statement Here is the system I am looking at Homework Equations So I worked out a formula for the steady state error and put it in a form similar to masons gain formula The Attempt at a Solution But when I try and draw a block diagram and work out e I get...
  16. S

    Quantum transistors in aircraft aileron control systems

    hello all, i need some help on this one. i want to do an article about the posible aplications of quantum entanglement in aircraft flight control systems. i want to entangle two transistors, put one of them at the ACE - actuator control electronics (probably) in the pilot's cabin and the other...
  17. R

    Designing a PID controller - control systems engineering

    Homework Statement I am given the transfer function Gp (s) = 1/(s+16) and I have to design a controller of the form Gc (s) = K(1 + 1/T*s) (which is a PID controller) To meet the following requirements: Maximum steady state error to a steadily changing desired position = 5% Maximum...

    Control systems question involving laplace transforms

    I have narrowed down a control systems question I am doing to the following function in the S-domain.. numerator = (5s+1) denominator = (s+3)(3s+2)(s^2) Using partial fraction expansion - I compute A = 14/63... D = 1/6... B = -2.25 And I can go no further - because both MATLAB and MAPLE...
  19. A

    Engineering Control Systems: How would you find the State Equations for this simple circuit?

    Homework Statement Consider the electrical circuit shown: Let the state variables be x1(t)=Vc(t), x2(t)=iL(t), and x3(t)=Vc(t); output is Vo(t). Write the state-space equations in matrix form and find the transfer function, T(s)=Vo(s)/Vi(s)...
  20. B

    How to Write MATLAB Code for Control Systems with Variable K?

    I have a given system and I need to A) determine the transfer function B) find the values of K form Routh-Hurwitz C) Determine the values of K for the stable region D) Create the simulink model. I want to know how to write my MATLAB code so that I can solve what I need to. I DO NOT want...
  21. H

    MATLAB Matlab simulink + control systems + 3D model how?

    I am fairly new with simulink and only went through a couple of tutorials on how to use it. but i am looking to do some control system design with a 3D model. I know i have lots to learn so i would like to get some directions as to where i should go to reach my goal. I am looking to...
  22. J

    Engine and control systems vs powertrain

    "engine and control systems" vs "powertrain" I am interested in working for a person in charge of "powertrains" on cars, and I have an interview for a co-op opportunity to work with someone in charge of aviation "engine and control systems" how much would these things overlap? i guess both...
  23. D

    MATLAB Control Systems RLC Circuit Queries

    Hi there, we recently completed a laboratory session on MATLAB relating to an RLC Circuit and arrive at a code and relevant inputs and got our graphs as shown below. I was just wondering if anyone know if these are correct and make any sense? Or any other comments appreciated. We also have...
  24. L

    Feedback Control Systems as an Elective

    Hey everyone, I am an undergraduate mechanical engineering major considering a EE feedback controls course as an upper division elective. I have taken ME Control Systems and am also the Lab Instructor for it this semester. I am familiar with signals, filters, sensors, controllers etc. My...
  25. X

    Control Systems Question. Need to convert a plant from G(s) to G(z) (discrete).

    Homework Statement The system is given by: G(s) = 1/((s+0.1)(s+3)) I need to convert it to G(z), it's discrete form. The sample time T is 0.1 seconds. Homework Equations To convert it they give G(z) = (1-z^(-1))*Z-transform[G(s)/s] The Attempt at a Solution Obviously I...
  26. K

    Control Systems, State space to Transfer Function

    Hi guys, Need a little help with an example my tutor and I are trying to work through. We're converting a dynamics system from a state space representation to a transfer function. This is where we are at so far... [s^2 + (C/Mb)S + (K1/Mb), -((C)S + K1)/Mb; -((C)S + K1)/Mw, S^2 +...
  27. B

    Imaginary Geometry in Control Systems

    So I have a control systems mid-semester exam coming up and the lecturer has posted up a formula sheet for us. However it is different to past years exams and has a geometry section with the following equations: e^(±jθ)=cos(θ)±jsin(θ) cos(θ)=(e^jθ+e^-jθ)/2 sin(θ)=(e^jθ-e^-jθ)/2j Now I've...
  28. E

    HELP Control Systems Engineering: Block Diagram Reduction Problem

    Help! I'm a third-year chick in engineering, stuck on a block diagram reduction problem for my control systems engineering course. Please email me and I'll send you a screenshot of the problem! Thanks a mill. K xo
  29. A

    Mastering Control Systems to Books

    Could anyone suggest me good books for mastering control systems?
  30. J

    Control Systems II: Design a Phase-Lag Network

    Homework Statement A unity feedback system of the form: X(s)-------->Gc(s)---------->G(s)------------>Y(s) | | | | ----<------------1---------<---- has a plant: G(s) =...
  31. J

    Control Systems: Uncertainties w/ State feedback & Observer controller

    Homework Statement Consider the continuous time state space model governed by: A = [-1 0;1 0] B = [1; 0] C = [1 -1] D = 0 a) suppose we are using the following state feedback and observer gains K = [k1 k2] L = [l1;l2] find the loop gain symbolically using MATLAB (aka find...
  32. B

    Automatic Control Systems Homework Proof on Linear Algebra

    Homework Statement Show that the geometric multiplicity (denoted by Qi) associated with an eigenvalue(lamda i) of an nxn matrix A can also be expressed as Qi=n-rank(A-(Idendity Matrix)*(lamda i)). P.S.:: Lamda i is simply a scaler quantity since it is an eigenvalue where A and...
  33. J

    Looking for information on nuclear control systems

    I am a MaSc student in electrical engineering. In my undergraduate degree I focused on controls and now want to do a thesis on implementing controls other than PID in reactors. I am looking for a good source of information on controls systems in nuclear plants and the modelling and simulation of...
  34. A

    Control Systems - Canonical Forms

    Given an observable realization (A,b,c). Determine in terms of the matrices A,b, and c the similarity transfrom T, that brings the this system to the observability canonical form. Can this be done if (A,b,c) is not observable too? I don't know where to start. I am thinking pick...
  35. W

    Understanding Transistor Function in Control Systems

    in control system, why have so many device like transistor? Wat is them function?
  36. E

    How Is Equilibrium Achieved in a Magnetic Levitation System?

    Here is a doozy In a magnetic levatation experiment a metallic object is help up in the air suspended under an electromagnet. The vertical displacement of the object can be described by the following nonlinear differential equation. m(d^2H/dt^2)=mg-k(I^2/H^2) m=mass of object g=gravity...
  37. S

    Question on flow balancing Aircraft Environmental Control Systems…

    I am trying to find out what methods and tools are commonly-used for modeling and flow-balancing ECS on passenger aircraft… Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks!
  38. V

    Control Systems: Frequency response Bode plots and analytical expressions

    Homework Statement Find analytical expressions for the magnitude and phase of the frequency response for each G(s) below: (a) G(s)\,=\,\frac{20}{s\,\left(s\,+\,5\right)\left(s\,+\,5\right)}(b) G(s)\,=\,\frac{2\,\left(s\,+\,5\right)}{\left(s\,+\,1\right)\,\left(s\,+\,10\right)}(c)...
  39. A

    Routh-Hurwitz Stability Criterion: Solving Feedback Control Systems Homework

    Homework Statement Homework Equations Routh-Hurwitz Stability Criterion The Attempt at a Solution For first question, you just write the Routh Array, make sure that the first row is all positive and you get Kmax = 1. Simple enough How...
  40. T

    Engineering ELEG - DC Motor Control Systems Problem

    ELEG -- DC Motor Control Systems Problem Homework Statement The voltage equation of a dc motor is written: ea(t)= Ra*ia(t) + La*[dia(t)/dt] + Kb*wm(t) where ea(t) is the applied voltage; ia(t) is the armature current; Ra is the armature resistance; La is the armature inductance; Kb is...
  41. H

    Control Systems HW: Adjust K for A=2, B=1, C=3, a=3, b=1

    Homework Statement I have a transfer function in the laplace domain, and I have been asked to: "Develop Relationships in terms of the constant parameters and adjust K such that the constants are: A = 2, B = 1, C = 3, a = 3, b = 1" After finding this relationship, I am asked to convert it back...
  42. O

    Engineering A career in Aerospace Control Systems with an Engineering Physics degree?

    Hello, first time poster (can't say I am a long time reader) and I've been looking for the answer to a question in regards to Aerospace Engineering. First a bit of background about my degree. I graduated with a bachelor's degree in Engineering Physics with a focus on electrical engineering. I...
  43. O

    Schools Should I Delay Graduation for Control Systems EE Electives?

    Hello, Let me clarify my questions. Short version: When applying to graduate school, does the admission committee often look at which electives you have taken in your major? Do they dislike applicants who take electives that don't seem focus on one specific specialty in that major? Longer...
  44. maverick280857

    Source for t and pi networks in control systems

    Hi I couldn't find any specific reading material for T and PI network based compensation in control systems. I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction. If you happen to know something about this, please do reply to this thread. Thanks in advance.
  45. maverick280857

    Autofocusing system for Control Systems Project determining defocus

    Hi For a control systems project this semester, my friends and I are working on a closed feedback image focusing system. Using a webcam, an image of a black and white checkerboard is acquired by a computer program. Then, the amount of defocus (blur) in the image is measured and quantified in...
  46. maverick280857

    Control Systems Project Closed Feedback Image Focusing

    Hi For our control systems project, we are trying to implement a closed feedback image focusing system. A digital camera captures the image of an object (a checkerboard), sends it to a computer algorithm which determines the amount of defocus in it and sends an actuation signal to a stepper...
  47. M

    Good textbooks for feedback control systems

    Hi guys, i am taking a module on feedback control systems this semester and i was wondering if anyone has any good recommendations of textbooks. Thanks guys. Marcus.
  48. M

    DC Control systems and polarity

    Control and protection electrical circuits are one of the important portions of electrical systems designed and shown by standard symbols. Usually the circuit is supplied by positive and negative polarity of one battery. In almost electrical circuit diagram sheets we can see a positive line of...
  49. C

    What are the impt aspects of Control Systems?

    Hi, I am currently choosing my specialisation modules. May i know what are the most important aspects that an electrical engineer should know with regards to "control systems"? Tks :smile:
  50. J

    How Do Energy Flow Control Systems Work?

    Relevant question An energy flow control system is one where electrical signals are used to control the flow of energy. quite often electrical energy. A modern example of one such system is the manual control of the speed of a sewing machine motor by way of a foot opearated variable...