Control Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. L

    System Control - Proportional Gain and a Delay in Series

    Hi, Just wondering if anyone could give me a few pointers in the right direction for this... thanks! Homework Statement Incredibly long problem statement so I'll summarise and ask more about the concept: I have a Plant and Controller set up in the form of a usual control system. The...
  2. B

    Energy Analysis of Control Volumes at Steady State

    Homework Statement Steam enters a well insulated nozzle at... Pressure1 =300lbf/in^2 Temp1 =600 degrees F Velocity1 =100 ft/s The steam exits the nozzle at... Pressure2 =40lbf/in^2 Temp2 =? Velocity2 =1800ft/s For steady-state operation, and neglecting potential energy effects...
  3. J

    How to make a remote control on / off switch

    Hi all, I would like to make a simple remote control on / off switch. It is for a string of LV leds. 12 V and 0.24 amp running from a battery supply. I would simply like remote switch instead of a toggle so no one else can fiddle with it. Can anyone help me, I have been scouring the...
  4. G

    What is purpose and diffrence between FADEC and Electronic ENgine COntrol ?

    Can anyone please explain me what is difference between Full Authority Digital Engine Control and ELectronic engine control in an aircraft gas turbine Engine ? What all parameters are controlled in EEC and FADEC ? What is the main difference ?
  5. W

    Understanding Transistor Function in Control Systems

    in control system, why have so many device like transistor? Wat is them function?
  6. N

    Inverted spring pendulum & control torque

    Hey folks, please see an attached figure. I am just wondering if I can give a torque to the system (B). A spring transmit only axial forces between two points.. so I am very confused on it. If I assumed that the spring is compliant only in axial direction, can I give a control...
  7. J

    Would 'you' be in control of a clone of yourself after you die?

    I've just had this wacky thought which I thought I should share... We humans are unique. We have different DNA, features etc... and we have total control of ourselves. (In other words we're not robots who are not conscious) Now when you die, you lose consciousness. You cease to exist and...
  8. E

    How Is Equilibrium Achieved in a Magnetic Levitation System?

    Here is a doozy In a magnetic levatation experiment a metallic object is help up in the air suspended under an electromagnet. The vertical displacement of the object can be described by the following nonlinear differential equation. m(d^2H/dt^2)=mg-k(I^2/H^2) m=mass of object g=gravity...
  9. A

    Acoustic Parameters for Passive Noise Control

    1. Homework Statement Actually I am doing a research project about Noise Isolation. I took my college cafeteria as an example and I was provided with a Noise Simulation software( Soundplan). There I can work mainly with the SPL and the absortion coefficients. I found another software ( EASE)...
  10. R

    Need Help Understanding Process Control System?

    i have problem to understand the concept of process control system... anyone can help me to find source or link that related?
  11. M

    What is the Volume Flux of Fluid Through a Surface?

    Homework Statement The velocity components of a flow are given by: u=-x v=y Compute the volume of fluid flowing per unit time per unit area through a small surface at (1,2) whose normal makes an angle of 60 deg with the positive x-axis. Homework Equations V= u i + y j (velocity vector)...
  12. S

    Engineering Motor control design for air flow valve

    Homework Statement build a circuit that open and closes the valve using, electronic components Homework Equations none known yet The Attempt at a Solution this is my first try
  13. D

    Astrophysics from a Boobie or a black climate control.

    "The mathematics, is a unique perfect method to fool oneself" Albert Einstein You can object that in this phrase there is nothing new, practically all know that Albert Einstein was not a big fan of mathematics, evil tongues even said that the mathematical apparatus for the special theory...
  14. N

    How Can You Improve Self-Control to Achieve Your Goals?

    I have really bad self control... basically I want to do things - things I know I should do, but I just can't make myself do them! this is causing a problem in my life! What can I do? How do you make yourself do things that you don't want to do but you know you should do? Any advice is welcome!
  15. R

    Control problem. Transfer function of an electrical system 1. Electrical system given. Find a transfer function. Correct answer UR(s)/U(s)=1/(s+2) 2. My attempt Use Kirchhoff's voltage law u(t)-i(t)*R1-UR(t)=0; u(t)=i(t)R1+uR(t); apply Laplace Transform (L.T.) U(s)=I(s)R1+UR(s)...
  16. R

    Motor Control Circuit: Minimizing Power Draw

    Hi I'm new to this forum and currently a first year engineering student. I'm trying to build a motor control circuit so I can minimize the power draw. And I feel I need a bit of direction. I started with a 6v battery source a 6v motor...
  17. B

    Creating a 555 Timer Circuit for Motor Control

    Basically what I'm trying to do is have two LDRs connected to a differential op-amp. The configuration has it high when LDR1 is low and LDR 2 is high with the rest of the combinations outputting low. Theres two op amps connected so that there are two distinct output channels so i have two high...
  18. R

    Control problem. Transfer function given. Sketch Bode plot

    1. For the control system described by the transfer function H(s)=Y(s)/U(s)=10/(s^2+11s+10) Sketch the bode plot: amplitude and phase diagram. What is the bandwidth of the system? 2. General form of a second order system H(s)=wn^2/(s^2+2*zeta*wn*s+wn^2) Magnitude characteristic in...
  19. S

    Question: Process Dynamics Control Law help.

    Homework Statement A crude oil preheater furnace has a simplified mathematical model for the process obtained by applying a steady-state energy balance that requires that: Heat input through fuel = heat required to heat feed from T(i) to T, ie: \lambdaf.Qf = F.Cp.(T-Ti) Here, Cp is the...
  20. C

    What Background Is Needed For Control Theory?

    I'm an engineering major, and my school has a lab that works on control theory. I think I would like to work on this in grad school, but I don't know if I have the background to look into it yet? I found a free textbook on the subject from Rutgers...
  21. L

    Building a RC Aircraft with Recovered Control System

    I recently extracted the control system out of a severely damaged RC aircraft (a very simple kit deal). It's got two servos, and a pretty good motor, which works out perfectly for me! I want to build a new aircraft from scratch using the recovered control system. For the fuselage I'm...
  22. M

    Torque equation to control strategy

    Dear all, I have a torque equation in polynomial form, that consists of RPM, LOAD and AFR from experiment data. I neeed to design a control strategy for my torque management control scheme. The example equation is as follows; torque = Load^3+ RPM^3+ AFR^3+ A*RPM*LOAD*AFR+ B*RPM*AFR +...
  23. S

    PID temp control for distillation (was Before i ask )

    PID temp control for distillation (was "Before i ask") I am 68 years old and never studied physics-- i am not a college student and only completed 1 year of college. I have a hobby of distilling and need questions amswered-- is it ok if i aske questions here about distilling? :smile: Scotty
  24. S

    Question on flow balancing Aircraft Environmental Control Systems…

    I am trying to find out what methods and tools are commonly-used for modeling and flow-balancing ECS on passenger aircraft… Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks!
  25. H

    HelloAm making a project on motor control of PMSM, while am

    Hello.. Am making a project on motor control of PMSM, while am reading some articles they mention that it decrease question concern the EMI itself, are they so harm?, and what is are the effects of them on human being?
  26. F

    How Can Active Spatial Noise Control Reduce HVAC Noise in Meeting Rooms?

    Hello everyone, I'm new to this forum, and though this question may be addressed already in another thread somewhere, I'm hoping to get some focused discussion about solutions going here. Problem: HVAC noise is propagating down the HVAC duct, entering a meeting room / boardroom. The...
  27. O

    Designing a Rocket Controller for Altitude Control

    hye.. i'm working on my FYP project on designing and building a rocket controller which will react on altitude change thus shifting the angle of its fin to make sure the rocket fly to the right altitude. can anyone help me with the topic?
  28. H

    Looking to control all functions of a CD player, any suggestions?

    I am working on a project and would like to be able to control the many functions of a standard computer CD player. For example I would like to be able to control the speed of rotation, the position of the sensor/laser , when the laser fires and when the computer reads the photo diode, if I...
  29. E

    Do Gearheads and Encoders Affect DC Motor Inertia and Time Constant?

    Hello, I'm doing my thesis on dc motor position control, using the Simulink's Real Time windows target.The dc motor is Faulhaber 2342024CR(DC micromotor). First of all, I need to simulate the motor so as to have a full simulation of the whole system(motor,servoamplifier). The problem is that...
  30. N

    Mathematical relationship to control camera heading

    Hi everyone, I want to find a mathematical relationship between my head direction and the direction of a camera placed at a distance. The objective is to make the camera heading to same point where my head is looking at. Both my head and the camera are in the horizontal plane and the motion...
  31. C

    C/C++ Using ActiveX Control Functions Without GUI (VC++)

    I need to use an ActiveX control (and call on it's functions) from within a Windows Visual C++ console application. I can do what I need to with a dialogue-based MFC Windows application with a gui, but can't find any information on loading a control/calling it's functions from a console...
  32. Math Is Hard

    Do Nematodes Effectively Control Fleas in Yards?

    Has anyone tried using nematodes in their yard to control fleas? I was reading about it here. The fleas seem to get worse every summer here and I am investigating every possible weapon I have against them.
  33. F

    Electronic Speed Control Question

    Hello, I'm not sure if this is where I need to be, but here goes. I have a Currie 24 volt ESC for an electric scooter, I also have a generic one that is 36 volts, both work perfect, my question is the 24 volt is built much, much better than the 36 volt, what I would like to do is swap the parts...
  34. D

    Total control of natural forces Quantum Mechanics new defined (?)

    Well, i stumbled across this paper HERE: He claims to have found a way to CALCULATE the plank constant, calculated the Energy levels in the hydrogen atoms through totally classical approach and some kind of velocity of a transition state between quantum...
  35. O

    Open loop anti sway crane control

    Good Day, I have the task of rerofitting an AC inverter that controls the long travel on a crane at a shipping terminal which has built in software to prevent swaying of the load automatically. It is operator driven and this control is to compensate for operator short falls. The only feedback...
  36. K

    Transient response of a control system.

    Hi guys. I am a Mechanical Engineering Student but we've a course called Control systems. My question is why does any system(physical like fan,motor or electronic like amplifier) have a TRANSIENT RESPONSE and specially why do electronic components like amplifiers,diode or for that matter any...
  37. Loren Booda

    How much of the world economy can one person control?

    Is there a constraint as to the amount of wealth a single speculator can amass?
  38. S

    Exploring Granular Flow and Flight Control: Advice Wanted!

    Hi everyone! I'm a newly admitted student for graduate studies. I'd been interested in Aerodynamics, especially in flight control, since I met with a professor who studies granular flow. Now I think granular flow is pretty cool and it's in its infancy nowadays. There are lots to discover and...
  39. S

    Tracking Antenna Elevation Control: Equation to Block Diagram

    I'm having a little trouble using the Latex thing so I've only used it for some of the equations. Homework Statement Elevation control of a tracking antenna. Equation of motion for the system J\theta^{..}+B\theta^{.} = Tc+w ... Equation 1 (those dots are meant to be above the thetas, but I...
  40. N

    Can a Controller Efficiently Work in a Damping-Free System?

    In most systems there is some sort of damping, but is it possible to develop a controller that works efficiently in a system with no damping? For example, imagine tracking the position of a linear cart moving on a track with no friction. Would it be possible to design a controller to supply a...
  41. L

    How to control energy by adjusting how much needed

    Hello everyone, I have no background in any engineering, however I do believe I should have picked it up in school (wasn't much of a school guy). Anyways, I have been thinking really hard last year and this year on something I would like to create, however I do not have the electrical...
  42. S

    Why Does Integral Control Affect Transient Response But Not Root Locus Plot?

    I have a zero at the origin of my root locus plot. I understand that I need integral control to have zero steady-state error. I have 2 questions about this. 1. When I add integral control like this, Kp (1/(Ti*s)) where Ti is from Z-N first method and Kp=1, I get a pole at the origin. I...
  43. S

    Control Theoryplease advise if cont theory should be in system design threads

    not sure why my earlier post never showed, but I'll try again. I'm doing some work to control a pump that's the input to a pneumatic system. I developed a transfer function that defines the plant as the output pressure divided by the input pressure. I also developed a controller: PID&I...
  44. V

    Control Systems: Frequency response Bode plots and analytical expressions

    Homework Statement Find analytical expressions for the magnitude and phase of the frequency response for each G(s) below: (a) G(s)\,=\,\frac{20}{s\,\left(s\,+\,5\right)\left(s\,+\,5\right)}(b) G(s)\,=\,\frac{2\,\left(s\,+\,5\right)}{\left(s\,+\,1\right)\,\left(s\,+\,10\right)}(c)...
  45. U

    Control of air jet and servo motor

    Hi, I am trying to control the height of a ball in a jet stream of air. The height is being calculated by a camera and the air jet coming out controlled by a servo motor (connected with a butterfly valve). I found the open loop response by giving a step input, i.e I opened the value and...
  46. L

    What is the role of positive and negative controls in an experiment?

    Homework Statement Could anyone explain to me what exactly is positive and negative control in an experiment? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  47. R

    How Can I Control AC Power with a Sensor?

    Hi Experts, I would like to make an electronic circuit to control AC power to switch on and off a light bulb based on sensor. Being new to this , i hope know what aspects i need to pay attention to when using DC to control AC? sincerely Ramone
  48. U

    Control theory related question

    Homework Statement Assume an under damped transient response graph, the graph will have the form of an envelope. My problem is that I need to find the open loop transfer function of my home build system (for a project) by using the open loop step response (which is an under damped response)...
  49. T

    Is 4-Wheel Steering Really Worth the Hype in Racing Cars?

    Won't a racing car handle better if the back wheels could also steer like the front ones (especially during controlled skids around corners)? It would need to be controlled by computer with settings for tarred or dirt roads.