What is Converging: Definition and 190 Discussions

Technological convergence, also known as digital convergence, is the tendency for technologies that were originally unrelated to become more closely integrated and even unified as they develop and advance. For example, watches, telephones, television, computers, and social media platforms began as separate and mostly unrelated technologies, but have converged in many ways into interrelated parts of a telecommunication and media industry, sharing common elements of digital electronics and software.

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  1. C

    What is the difference between converging and diverging functions?

    Can someone please explain the difference between a converging and a diverging function and how to recognize when each occur?? Thank you!
  2. G

    Why Does the Sum Converge to π²/6?

    [SOLVED] Sum converging to pi^2/6, why? I've seen the identity, \frac{\pi^2}{6}=\sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{1}{n^2} but I've never seen a proof of this. Could anyone tell me why this is true?
  3. H

    Converging your DFT calculations

    any CASTEP users or DFT planewave-pseudopotential method users out there? how do I ensure that the basis set is adequate? I'm performing calculations with a rather large unit cell ( orthorhombic, 8 atoms/cell) of a compound AB. Can I justify my choice of energy-cutoff by testing...
  4. J

    Images Formed by converging mirros

    Homework Statement I need help with this general question. Why is it impossible to focus a virtual image on a screen, ( object is placed between F and lens). Homework Equations this experiment we had a candle on one side, a converging lens in the middle, and at the other end a screen...
  5. G

    Converging / Diverging - What is it?

    [SOLVED] Converging / Diverging - What is it? /boggle.
  6. S

    Locating Object and Image with Converging Lens

    Homework Statement A converging lens with a focal length of 6.00 cm forms an image of a 4.00 mm tall real object that is to the left of the lens. The image is 1.24 cm tall and erect. Where is the object located? (Give the object distance using the correct sign.) wrong check mark cm (to the...
  7. M

    Converging Series Homework: Can't Prove It!

    Homework Statement I have done really well previous to these questions but i don't have a clue where to start any of them. Do these converge? i) Sum from n=1 to infinty of sin(2^n)/2^n ii) Sum from n=1 to infinty of ncosn/(n^3 + logn) iii) Sum from n=1 to infinty of...
  8. N

    Does anybody know where to get Converging lens ?

    Does anybody know where to get "Converging lens"? Hi, I work on an independent study course for physics and it requires converging lens in order to begin the experiment. I thought of going to a local optical stores and asking them for purchase but I don't think the Business Depot guys...
  9. A

    What does the bolded part in the proof of the Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem mean?

    According to the Bolzano-Weierstrass theorem, a bounded sequence has a convergent subsequence. My problem is with the proof. Either I've got a bad textbook, or my reading comprehension is lacking. This is how it's formulated: Let x1, x2, ... be a bounded sequence. Let E be the set of all...
  10. B

    How Do You Calculate Image Distance with Magnification in a Converging Lens?

    If I have a converging lens, of focal length f, and magnification of the image m, where q is the distance of the image from the lens show that q = (1+m) f m = - q/p 1/f = 1/p + 1/q I just need to show that they are equal, but I am getting confused with the maths.. q= (1 - (q/p))...
  11. A

    Converging Sequence: Proving the Convergence of a1=1; an+1 = sqrt(an + 12)

    Homework Statement Show that the sequence a1=1; an+1 = sqrt(an + 12) for all n> or =1 converges. The Attempt at a Solution I know that the sequence is growing, and that this means that an+1 > an for all n> or = 1, but I have no clue how to show this. Anyone got any hints?
  12. A

    Why Does Flow Become Supersonic in the Diverging Section of a Nozzle?

    i just started reading about nozzles and turbines in my semester course. i went through converging diverging nozzles. for achieving a supersonic flow, a converging diverging nozzle is used. now a converging section will work as a nozzle only till the flow is subsonic and a diffuser at supersonic...
  13. K

    What are the practical applications of sets converging to repeating values?

    Back in the fractal craze, I wrote a simple application to generate the Mandelbrot set, and after way too many wasted hours, I noticed that the generating function frequently converged to sets of repeating values rather than single values. For example, for a 5 value convergent, the terms of the...
  14. L

    Converging Sequence Homework: Determine Limit & Explain

    Homework Statement Determine whether each of the sequences converges or diverges. If it converges, find its limit. Explain with sufficient details each claim. Homework Equations (k) a_n=\sqrt{n^2+1}-n The Squeeze Theorem (If b_n<a_n<c_n, and both \displaystyle\lim_{x\rightarrow\infty}a_n...
  15. B

    Converging Lenses and image position

    Homework Statement Two converging lenses with focal lengths of 40 cm and 20 cm are 10 cm apart. A 2.0-cm-tall object is 60 cm in front of the 40-cm-focal-length converging lens. a. Use ray tracing to find the position and height of the image. do this accurately with a ruler. Determine the...
  16. M

    Combinination of two lenses, converging and diverging

    Homework Statement A converging lens and a diverging lens, separated by a distance of 30 cm, are used in combination. The converging lens has a focal length of 15 cm. The diverging lens is of unknown focal length. An object is placed 19 cm in front of the converging lens; the final image is...
  17. J

    How Do You Calculate the Separation Between Two Converging Lenses?

    A coin is located 20.0 cm to the left of a converging lens (f=16.0 cm). A second identical lens is placed to the right of the first lens, such that the image formed by the combination has the same size and orientation as the original coin. Find the separation between the lenses. So, f=...
  18. F

    Exploring Converging Lens & Fourier Transform of Aperture

    Hello, does anyone know how a converging lens forms the Fourier transform of an aperture when the obs. screen is at distance=f? If each point emits a spherical wave, the lens should make it then parallel and the FT should be the interference resulting from that. However, if we decompose...
  19. A

    Converging Sequence: Find the Limit of t_n

    Homework Statement Let t1=sqrt(2) Let t_(n+1)=sqrt(2+sqrt(t_n)) (it's a recursively defined series) What does it converge to? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I calculated it out for some values andI get 1.8312 (approx), but I don't want to express it in...
  20. R

    Does the Alternating Series Converge Conditionally?

    Homework Statement heres the equation that will converge conditionally: http://img440.imageshack.us/img440/9945/untitled3jg.jpg changes to An = n/(1 + nLNn) Homework Equations alternating series equation. converges conditionally. d/dn An = (1-n)/(1+nLNn)^2 The Attempt at a...
  21. J

    Reason for Different Focus Distances in Converging Lens Lab

    we used a converging lens and a screen with white paper in front of a window to form an image of a distant tree outside. This was about 15cm. When we used an optics bench and a candle to figure out the focus, it was 16.3cm... What would be a reason for the difference in the number?
  22. J

    Why Did a Real Image Appear at 136cm in a Converging Lens Experiment?

    hi i posted the same sort of question a few times before but this time it's a little different we did an experiment with a converging lens and a candle to find an image. When the candle was placed at the focal point, which was 16.3cm, an image appeared at 136cm. I know in theory, no image...
  23. S

    Object Distance From Converging Lens for 1% Focal Length Difference

    How far away from a converging lens must an object be ( in terms of focal length, f ) so that the difference between the image distance and the focal lengh is 1% of the focal length? I tried to translate the words into an equation based on the thin lens equation but i don't know if it is...
  24. N

    Integral of 1/(x*ln(x)) converging or diverging?

    In order to find the integral of 1/(x*ln(x)) dx, I tried using the substitution method where u = 1/x and dv = 1/ln(x) dx . Then du = ln(x) dx. However this is where I got stuck. What would v equal? Or is their another way I should be approaching this integral in order to find if it...
  25. T

    Convergence of Series with Decreasing Terms: Can na_n Tend to Zero?

    "Suppose a_1\geq a_2\geq ... \geq a_n > 0 for all n such that \sum a_n converges. Show that na_n tends to zero." The best I can do is prove that a subsequence na_n converges to a number between the sum of the series and 0.
  26. S

    Choked Flow in a Converging Duct: Volume vs. Mass Flow Rate

    If subsonic flow is accelerated in a converging duct to mach 1 and then the duct is further converged, choked flow will occur. Will flow at the exit of the duct be compressed as the volume flow rate is decreasing but the mass flow rate has to remain the same.
  27. A

    Object at focal point of converging lense

    I have a simple question that I can't seem to answer... why is it that when an object is at the focal point of a converging lense, the image is at infinity? How can you show this through ray diagrams?
  28. L

    Show Two Positions of Converging Lens for Sharp Image Formation

    A bright object is placed on one sid eof a converging lens of focal length f, and a white screen for viewing the image is on the opposite side. The distance d_T = d_i + d_0 between the object and the screen is kept fixed, but the lens can be moved. Show that if d_t > 4f , there will be two...
  29. R

    Identifying Converging and Diverging Lenses: Explaining with Principal Rays

    I got a problem where it gives us a diagram with a lens, a source and a image. We have to draw the three principal rays. But after drawing the rays, how can I tell if it is a diverging or converging len? And how can I explain it verbally? Thanks a lot!
  30. E

    Proving limits for converging sequences

    If a general statement like an->a where (an) is a sequence of non negative real numbers, how would we prove the sqare root an->the square root of a. When a=0, this can easily be done. But I don't see how this is possible from the given information for the case where a>0. Thanks for any help...
  31. E

    What is the solution to the infinite lamp game?

    The following series can be shown to converge, but exactly what does it converge to? Euler was supposed to have proven it to sum to pi^2/6, but how? 1 + 1/4 + 1/9 + 1/16 + ... + 1/(r^2) as r -> infinity The following is a small maths puzzle that was asked in another forum, but which I...
  32. S

    Converging Lens Magnification Problem

    What am I missing here? A person looks at a gem using a converging lens with a focal length of 15.0 cm. The lens forms a virtual image 26.0 cm from the lens. Determine the magnification. (1/p)+(1/q) = (1/f) p=? q=26 cm f=15 cm (1/15)-(1/26)= Ans^-1 = 35.5 cm (p) Magnification=...
  33. H

    Converging lens and Concave mirror

    A converging lens (convex) and a concave mirror, both of focal length 5.0 cm, are arranged with their axes in line. The lens and the mirror are 10.0 cm apart and a candle is placed 3 cm infront of the mirror. By using a ray diagram or some other metho, find the location of all the images...
  34. E

    Locating Object & Image with a Converging Lens

    1) Aconverging lens with a focal length of 7 cm forms an image of a 4 mm tall real object that is to the left of the lens. The image 1.10 cm tall and erect. Where is the object located? Where is the image located? 2) A converging lens with a focal length of 12 cm forms a virtual image 5 mm...
  35. M

    Finding Magnification of a Gem Using a Converging Lens

    problem 24. A person looks at a gem using a concverging lense with a focal length of 13.7 cm. The lense forms a virtual image 35.5 cm from the lense. a) Find the magnifaction. This is what I have done so far: f=13.7 , q= -35.5 1/p+1/q=1/f 1/f-1/q=1/p...
  36. E

    How Can You Prove the Limit of (n-1/n) as n Approaches Infinity Equals 1?

    How do you prove that the lim n->infinity (n-1/n)=1? I know that the definition of convergence for a sequence xn is for all E>0, there exists an N is an element of the set of a natural numbers and there exists a n>=N, such that lxn-Ll<E. Is it sufficient to just show that 1 is the least...
  37. C

    Trouble with a converging sequence.

    Trouble with a converging sequence... Having a numpty moment here with a proof, so any help would be great! Thanks! If (xn) is a convergent sequence with a non-zero limit, prove that there exists a positive integer N such that mod(xn)>amod(limxn) where n tends to infinity for the lim part...
  38. R

    Solving the Problem of Converging Lenses' Focal Point

    I am having trouble with my homework. I know the answer but I can't figure out how to get there. The question is "An image of a flower is produced on a screen by a lens 1.60m from the screen. The image of the flower has a linear magnification of -2.5. What is the focal point of the lens?" I...
  39. R

    Converging and diverging lenses

    Hello, I am reading over the topic of converging and diverging lenses, and I had a question relating to phenomena of image formation as seen through these. Based on the ray diagrams that are typically used (freshman physics) how does one conclude whehter or not an image is inverted or...
  40. J

    Two Converging Lense Questions

    For a lens of focal length f, what value of the distance between the object and the lens[D0] would give an image with a magnification of one? Is it possible to obtain a non-inverted image with a converging spherical lens? Explain please? Any response would be greatly appreciated, and I...