Coulombs Definition and 115 Threads

The coulomb (symbol: C) is the International System of Units (SI) unit of electric charge. Under the 2019 redefinition of the SI base units, which took effect on 20 May 2019, the coulomb is exactly 1/(1.602176634×10−19) elementary charges. The same number of electrons has the same magnitude but opposite sign of charge, that is, a charge of −1 C.

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  1. T

    Coulombs Law Problem: Find Point Along Y-Axis for Zero Electric Field

    Homework Statement A charge of -4.1 microC is located at the origin and a charge of -2.98microC is located along the y-axis at 2.11519 m. The value of the Coulomb constant is 8.99x10^0. At what point along the y-axis is the electric field zero? Answer in units of meters. Homework...
  2. T

    How Do You Calculate Charge Using Coulomb's Law?

    I attached my message and the problem in a Word document because I don't know how to enter equations in this text box. Thanks for your help
  3. N

    Can Coulomb's Law be Simplified for Finding Electric Field at Corners?

    Hello, I was wondering if we had a square with side length a and charges q. What would be the electric field at a corner? I can work this out by breaking stuff into components but I wondered if there was an easier way using very basic linear algebra. What about a cube? In other words are...
  4. M

    Coulombs Law and electrostatic force

    Identical isolated conducting spheres 1 and 2 have equal charges and are separated by a distance that is large compared with their diameters. The magnitude of the electrostatic force acting on sphere 2 due to sphere 1 is F = 8.9 N. Suppose now that a third identical sphere 3, having an...
  5. V

    Calculating Coulombs of Charge in Water

    The problem states: Calculate the number of coulombs of positive charge in 250 cm3 of (neutral) water. (Hint: A hydrogen atom contains one proton and an oxygen atom contains eight protons.) Ok, first I converted to moles. Using the density of water. 250mL * \frac{1g}{1mL} * \frac{1 mole...
  6. R

    Coulombs law stuff I dont know what they are asking

    Two charged particles, with charges q_1=q and q_2=4q, are located a distance d apart on the x axis. A third charged particle, with charge q_3=q, is placed on the x-axis such that the magnitude of the force that charge 1 exerts on charge 3 is equal to the force that charge 2 exerts on charge 3...
  7. A

    Coulombs Law find the magnitude and direction ?

    We are dealing with Coulombs law or w/e in Physics right now AND I DONT GET IT lol In my homework. it gives numbers like +6.0 (weird u symbol)C and i jus don't understand how to find the magnitude and direction of everything.. Im a junior in someone of higher...
  8. M

    Coulombs law, and 3 point particles (vector question)

    Coulombs law, and 3 "point particles" (vector question) The drawing shows three point charges fixed in place. The charge at the coordinate origin has a value of q1=+8.00 mC; the other two have identical magnitudes, but opposite signs: q2=–5.00 mC and q3=+5.00 mC. (a) Determine the net force...
  9. F

    Coulombs Law with one unknown charge

    y(m) /\ 2 | q3 | | 1 q1 | | ------q2--> x(m) 2 *graphic* is kind of distorted. So the coordinates of the charges are: q1 = (0,1) q2 = (2,0) q3 = (2,2) given: q1 = 2.5 x 10^-5 C q2 = 2.0 x 10^-5 C q3 = ? Problem: If the force on q1 points in the...
  10. R

    Solving Coulombs Law Problem: q1, q2, q3, d

    Two charges, q1 and q2, are held a fixed distance d apart. a. Find the strength of the electric force that acts on q1. Assume that q1=q2=21.3 micro COulombs and d=1.52 m. b. A third charge q3=21.3 micro COulombs is brought in and placed as shown. Find the stregnth of the electric force on q1...
  11. P

    Coulombs Law and Electric Charges

    Likewise, this similar problem also has me stumped A charge of 7.00 mC is placed at each corner of a square 0.80 m on a side. Determine the magnitude of the force on each charge. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  12. H

    Calculate charge on a body(in Coulombs)

    All right i have a simple problem but i just want to verify my results, so any help would be greatly appreciated. The problem is as follows: 7.1* 10^12 electrons are added to a body that already has a negative charge of 0.2uC(the u is micro 10^-6). Calculate the final charge on this body...
  13. C

    How to Solve Electrostatics Problems Using Coulomb's Law

    Hi, I'm seeking help with a couple of problems involving electrostatics. Q1)Calculate the electric field at the centre of a square 0.1m on a side if one corner is occupied by a charge 0.2micro C, and the other three corners are occupied by the charge of -0.9micro C Q2) A positive test...
  14. L

    How Do You Calculate the Number of Coulombs in a Glass of Water?

    Hi everyone its my first time here, read the forums greatly though and have been a help in understanding but now I am completely lost on this problem: Calculate the number of coulombs of positive charge in 250 cm^3 of (neutral) water (about a glass full). So far I tried converting the volume to...
  15. M

    What is the charge needed to suspend an oil drop in an electric field?

    What charge is required to suspend a 1.7*10^-13kg oil drop in an electric field of 2.5*10^5 N/C?