Count Definition and 168 Threads

Count (feminine: countess) is a historical title of nobility in certain European countries, varying in relative status, generally of middling rank in the hierarchy of nobility. The etymologically related English term "county" denoted the land owned by a count. Equivalents of the rank of count exist or have existed in the nobility structures of some non-European countries, such as hakushaku during the Japanese Imperial era.

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  1. kakarukeys

    How to count the degree of freedom?

    Please tell me how to count the degree of freedom in ADM gravity. 6 independent components of q_{ab}, and 4 constraints = 2 degrees of freedom shouldn't it be 6 independent components of q_{ab} implies 12 phase space variables 4 constraints =8 phase space variables =4 degrees of freedom?
  2. K

    Challenge Yourself: Count and Add 1-100 Without a Calculator!

    Can you count and add all the numbers 1-100 without using a calculator?
  3. benorin

    Count the number of integer solutions

    Count the number of integer solutions of (rather, # of integer lattice points such that) n+\sum_{k=1}^{n} \left| x_{k}\right| \leq N Not homework, so no rush. I have worked it through before with a prof., but he's so brilliant I didn't understand much of anything he said :redface: . His...
  4. benorin

    Count the number of winnable Freecell games?

    So you've played Freecell, right? I would like to prove or disprove that every possible Freecell game is winnable. If there exists a game that is not capable of being won (within the normal rules) I would then like to count the number of games which are possible to win. Ideas? Here's a...
  5. M

    Finding a min gate input count realization of enabling logic ?

    Hello everyone, I'm confused on what they want me to do here: it says: Find a minimum gate input count realization of the enabling logic using AND and OR gates and inverters. Well This is my truth table i came up with, and the "enabler" is the M, the master switch( 0 secruit system on, 1...
  6. P

    How many F's are in this paragraph?

    Count the number of times the letter F appears in the following paragraph. If you haven't seen this before you will probably get it wrong at least once. So you don't think it's a trick, count it more than once. FINISHED FILES ARE THE RE SULT OF YEARS OF SCIENTI FIC STUDY COMBINED WITH...
  7. T

    Is AP Considered Equivalent to College Credit?

    Did I do this problem right? I didn't use some of the info... Oh well... if it doesn't, it's moveable. :) Hello Ladies and Gents, I'm new on here, and I was wondering if someone could help me with my physics HW; And forgive me if I don't get it right away. :) Here's the problem... A...
  8. D

    Posting Score Freeze: Is It True?

    It seems as if the posting score is no longer functioning. Is that actually the case?
  9. Loren Booda

    Maximum count for mutually bound stars

    Especially in the early universe, what do you think would be the maximum number of stars bound in a system under mutual attraction?
  10. marcus

    Dittrich&Loll count black hole geometries Counting a black hole in Lorentzian product triangulations B. Dittrich (AEI, Golm), R. Loll (U. Utrecht) 42 pages, 11 figures "We take a step toward a nonperturbative gravitational path integral for black-hole geometries by deriving an expression for the...
  11. J

    Active User Count: View and Track Active Users

    y can't i see currecntly active users ? tnx
  12. B

    How high can you count on fingers and toes?

    BobG's signature is: So this gave me an idea. How high CAN you count on fingers and toes? Starting at 0 and covering every number, how many numbers can you represent distinctly and clearly? For example, on just your hands, with each finger/thumb either being up or down, you can count to...
  13. M

    Count Von Roo's Halloween Party: 141 Monsters, 350 Socks

    Count Von Roo invited 141 monsters to his castle for a Halloween costume party, and all of the guests were either Yurbles (2 feeted monsters) or Rukis (4 feeted monsters). Because he had recently polished the floors, he provided socks for each of the guests so that they wouldn't scuff the...
  14. G

    Does only the Tangential momentum count

    Does only the Tangential momentum "count"... When convertering the momentum from linear to angular?
  15. Descartes

    Why does my post count not increment?

    My sincerest of apologies I am a moron for not noticing the stickied thread. My apologies :)
  16. H

    Is zero considered a number in mathematics?

    a simple question what is zero "0" does it count as a number? any answers
  17. S

    Exploring the Universe: How Astronomers Count Stars

    I was looking at some maps of the known universe ( and a question occurred to me - how can astronomers say how many stars are in a certain galaxy? What method is being used to count them? Is it direct observation or is it some kind of formula?
  18. K

    Measuring One Second: Official Count & Clock Corrections

    What is the official count of one second? What I mean by this is: how would one go about measuring one second exactly? Basically, at the creation of a second, how was it measured? Also, if a day is 23 hours and 56 minutes, wouldn't our clocks be off 4 minutes after each day? I understand the...