Curious Definition and 185 Threads

Curiosity (from Latin cūriōsitās, from cūriōsus "careful, diligent, curious", akin to cura "care") is a quality related to inquisitive thinking such as exploration, investigation, and learning, evident by observation in humans and other animals. Curiosity is heavily associated with all aspects of human development, in which derives the process of learning and desire to acquire knowledge and skill.The term curiosity can also be used to denote the behavior or emotion of being curious, in regard to the desire to gain knowledge or information. Curiosity as a behavior and emotion is attributed over millennia as the driving force behind not only human development, but developments in science, language, and industry.

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  1. Keystone

    Time and Light: A Curious Link

    Hi, so I was wondering what specifically the link is between light and time, I know that the faster you get the slower time goes for you, and if you go light speed time does not progress for you, but what is it when light bends around something without interaction? Would it cause no time to pass...
  2. H

    Curious definite integral : sine integral times exponential

    Hello PF, I just found a curious integral. I wondered if it comes from a bigger group of integral definitions: \int_0^\infty \mathrm{Si}(ax)e^{-x}\mathrm{d}x=\mathrm{atan}(a) Where Si(x) is the sine integral function \mathrm{Si}(x)=\int_0^x \frac{\mathrm{sin}x}{x}\mathrm{d}x I proved the...
  3. Eric Hentschel

    Exploring Dimensions of Energy & Matter: A Curious Inquiry

    I am just very curious if anybody could help me figure out which dimensions actually entail energy and matter axis. Also since colors are absorbed are there residual colour energies if so is there a known half-life? Any feedback would be greatly appreciated, thank you.
  4. H

    Curious definite integral : sine integral times exponential

    Hello, and thanks for welcoming me in the forum of Physics Forums. I just found a curious integral that I solved by Taylor series. I wondered if it comes from a bigger group of integral definitions: ##\int_0^\infty \mathrm{Si}(ax)e^{-x}\mathrm{d}x=\mathrm{atan}(a)## Where Si(x) is the sine...
  5. S

    The Case of Electronic structure of Liquid Metals

    I have been contemplating for a few days now about how one could think about the electronic structure of Liquid metals. The cases of an isolated atom or that of solid metal crystal are well known and easy to understand. Though, a google search reveals (to me) that nothing much has come out for...
  6. A

    Another curious question -- Why is current proportional to voltage?

    Hi guys I just want to know why is the current directly proportional to the voltage is that because voltage increase the speed of electrons?? or ,just increase the number of electrons? Thanks in advance
  7. Salvador

    Make Solid State Electrostatic Oscillator?

    I saw a video where a guy has set up what appears to be somekind of an electrostatic oscillator or something , I do understand how the device works , but I am curious whether something like this can be made in solid state , no moving parts something like a semiconductor ?
  8. I

    Programs Curious about STEM degrees and their value to a mature student

    When I was a teenager I had a chance at making a life as an athlete, and basically neglected my education because I had bad grades anyways. Eventually I was injured, and had to move on. I tried working a few jobs, but I soon realized I was never going to be happy in those jobs. Anyways, I...
  9. caters

    Curiosity about infinity in geometry(Not homework just curious)

    Okay, let's say you have an infinitely long line segment. Using area and volume formulas for different shapes, would you get an infinitely large shape that the formula was for in the first place? Area: For rectangles, would you get an infinitely large rectangle with A = l * w? What about...
  10. H

    Solving Laplacian Operators and DEs

    Hi, lately I've been messing around a lot with the Laplacian operator and DE's including the Laplacian operator. Most recently, the equation below is the one I have been messing around with and trying to understand better. \nabla^2 U(\vec{r})=C(\vec{r})U(\vec{r}) This is pretty general...
  11. H

    Curious if this function is called anything.

    Hey everyone, I was just playing around with factorial expansion and after grouping some terms I noticed a pattern for which I made a function. I am happy to provide more details as needed, but for now I have attached an image of the function and am curious, as per the title, whether this is...
  12. S

    Curious inquiry about exotic matter

    Forgive me for being a lay person, I am a medical student and the only physics I've ever had was non-calculus based 200-level. Anyway, I was reading the "wormhole" faqs page from Dr. Rodrigo's webpage via UCal-Irvine: I was wondering what your...
  13. B

    Curious about gravitational sluing detail

    Let's say a big rock is headed toward a small moon, impelled only by existing momentum and gravitational pull. The rock is not rotating or tumbling at all, leastwise not in relation to the local time/space norm. The rock is sped up by the moon's gravity and it falls ever faster and faster. But...
  14. P

    Just curious if the site uses tex

    Just curious if the site uses tex code n n n
  15. P

    Engineering RF Test Engineering - Curious about the field

    RF Test Engineering -- Curious about the field Hi guys, I just graduated college and I have an offer for an RF Test Engineering position that sounds pretty amazing to me. The company is a telecommunications company that works mostly with gateway routers. I would be responsible for designing...
  16. Fernando Revilla

    MHB Integration by parts curious question (chem's question at Yahoo Answers)

    Here is the question: Here is a link to the question: Integration by parts question? - Yahoo! Answers I have posted a link there to this topic so the OP can find my response.
  17. T

    Beginners books for a curious kid

    I am currently a junior in high school. I have recently read a few books about sub atomic particles and find my self wanting more. I would love some great and simple books about physics. I am mainly interested in particle physics, the standard model and really anything that has to do with string...
  18. A

    A Curious Question about LCD Display

    Hello, I have observed that if by chance a hair strand manages to cling to LCD Screen like TV or laptop screen, a small region near the hairline shows chromatic abberation. Is it due to some diffraction or Interference? Please explain.. Thanks in advance
  19. mathbalarka

    MHB The Curious Case of the Translating Computers

    Mr X, the head of the patent office, talks with a visitor: "What would you like to patent?" "A robot." "Oh, gosh! The same old things," Mr X is enraged. "My dear friend, I am sick and tired of inventors! Hardly a day passes without one coming into order a patent for another robot." "Well, but I...
  20. A

    Curious about Black hole information paradox

    Hi! I am not much of astrophysicist or something but read something about Black hole information paradox in a book. Could anybody please explain me what is the meaning of term and why does it happen? P.S. Please include Hawking's radiation as well Thank you in advance
  21. danihel

    Couple of quantum fluctuation related questions from a curious layman

    Hi, is it true that: 1. when virtual particles/antiparticles come to existence every billionth particle survives? is it the reason why the universe consists of particles rather than antiparticles? 2. when virtual particles annihilate the energy gets absorbed by the vacuum in contrast...
  22. S

    MHB A Curious Look at Word Frequency: So What?

    . . . . . So What? In this sentence, . . . the word in occurs twice . . . the word this occurs twice . . . the word sentence occurs twice . . . the word the occurs sixteen times . . . the word word occurs sixteen times . . . the word occurs occurs sixteen times . . . the word twice occurs nine...
  23. C

    Curious - question about a pressure vessel and tempreature

    I have no intention of designing, building or experimenting with this, so no worries about safety. I'm just curious and did a Google search for Physics Forums and this was the first to come up. I was wondering, when pressure decreases so does temperature, right? So, were we to have a pop...
  24. E

    Im curious about magnets Can they be a source of energy or not?

    Greetings fellow members!(New guy!) Before I would start, I've already read a lot of the threads related to "magnets" and "energy". I do undertand the PF forums rules. So please don't lock this thread and say "THIS IS NOT ALLOWED" in reality it is... But maybe its because of the unfortunate...
  25. F

    What Causes the Earth's Crust-Atmosphere Phase Transition?

    Hello, I ask for your help because I can't find any information about Earth crust-atmosphere phase transition. I noticed indeed that our feet tread upon a solid surface, while our nostrils breath a gazeous compound ! This remark seems so obvious that I can't find any description neither...
  26. G

    Curious: Magnetic bullet question

    No, not the ferrous metal ones that magnets stick to. My question pertains to what would happen if you shot a neodymium magnet out of a shotgun. I've see a video where they do it and they stick together but what about their effects on electronics? If you hit it and they didn't penetrate...
  27. P

    Total osmolarity of blood? Curious about water weight vs. biological

    Total "osmolarity" of blood? Curious about water weight vs. biological I've seen plasma osmolality described on wikipedia: This looks at the concentration of electrolytes in the "plasma solvent". However, plasma is the liquid of the blood...
  28. P

    Can you grind peanuts without releasing oil? Curious about how plants store oil

    I know that some peanut doesn't have oil separation, but this is due to emulsifier chemicals that are added. I'm wondering what causes the oil to be released. I assume the storage structure is ruptured, and the oil molecules are consequently released. What exactly is a peanut? It's not a...
  29. M

    Curious about the age of the Universe

    Ok first off, its nice to meet you all. :smile: Second, my knowledge of physics is limited to 5 seasons of The Universe on Netflix. :rolleyes: This will be my only question though so bare with me. Physicists seem to be SURE (at this time at least) about the age of the universe being around...
  30. A

    I am curious, how many people here are insomniacs? Personally, I

    I am curious, how many people here are insomniacs? Personally, I haven't gotten to bed before 5am in the past 2 months. It is very weird, I have been like this my whole life. I've read that a lot of people in the sciences tend to be night owls. There are a lot of scientists here, maybe if its...
  31. R

    Advice for High School Senior Seeking Career in Science

    Hello, and greetings! I am a senior in High School, but had the revelation this year that I want a career (and education) in science. I've narrowed down my interests as best I can, but my area of interest is still fairly broad. I'm aware that this post includes career advice, but it is tied...
  32. S

    What Career Opportunities Exist for an Environmental Biology and Mechanical Engineering Double Major?

    Supposed to be A curious combo^ sorry Hello, I was just wondering what kind of prospects one might seek with a Environmental Biology and Mechanical engineering double major. I'm currently studying meche, but I love ecology and just typically being in nature. I've also considered this and...
  33. J

    Schools Curious about a couple of grad schools

    Hi! I've been searching the web trying to find out the average GPA's of undergraduates in physics who were accepted to Princeton, Caltech, Chicago, MIT, Cornell, etc... with no luck. Could someone enlighten me as to the approximate tiers of difficulty and the corresponding ~GPA's? On...
  34. J

    Understanding Ampere's Law: Exploring Complex Magnetic Fields and Amperian Loops

    I had a thought that I hope you could give me feedback on: Imagine a complex configuration that had a steady current, such that it's magnetic field was complex as well (I apologize for using 'complex' quite loosely here). If I were to apply Ampere's Law and form an Amperian loop that did not...
  35. G

    I'm curious Why do we feel cooler when wind hits us?

    I don't know much on these kinds of things but I was just sitting here thinking with my fan on... So particles or atoms or whichever heat up when they move faster/shake faster right? Why is it when the wind hits me I cool off? I assume the wind would speed them up even more right? I feel...
  36. Y

    Made an electromagnet, curious about how this works exactly.

    Hi, I'm a sophmore in high school, and I haven't taken the Physics course yet. So I'm a bit green. Anyway, I was playing around with an electromagnet I made with a nail and some 1mm wire, and I've got a few questions about the magnetism it generates: -First, why does that iron core need to be...
  37. S

    Curious about something very very cool

    Curious about something very very cool! What is the difference between orbital velocity and angular velocity ?? because they both have different formulas but sometimes i had to rely on angular velocity to find the velocity found in v^@/r=GMm/r^2. But, does it really matter how do i find my...
  38. W

    Can Anything Move Beyond the Speed of Light?

    I might be in the wrong section for this; however, I have been reading about relativity and I am left with a question. The speed of light is deemed as constant but it is at the limits of our perceptions or senses. Is it not possible, that something in fact can move beyond the speed of light, if...
  39. M

    Why is tension used for gas and electricity measurements?

    Does anyone know why 19th Century scientists used the word "tension", meaning - etymologically- stretched, for the partial pressure of a gas? Likewise, the use of "tension" for potential [there is that root again] difference in electrical circuits?
  40. F

    Certain and Curious Number Sequence

    Certain and Curious Number Sequence (w/ primes) This is the number sequence a(x) whose output is determined by the greatest integer divisor n of any factorization of a with the additional rule that if an element is repeated in the factorization, the factorization must be thrown out. EX: a(56)...
  41. M

    Can Time Dilation Allow for Survival of the Universe's Death?

    Here's a scenario: A crew travels through the Universe in a spaceship capable of 100% light speed. Relativity states that anyone inside of said craft will experience time dilation, possibly to the point of time coming to a complete stop for the crew/passengers. But time passes much quicker...
  42. Z

    Integrating a curious function

    Homework Statement I'm having some trouble trying to integrate the following function Homework Equations \int([x/(logx)]dx) The Attempt at a Solution I have tried integration by parts but I get stuck with harder integrals. What I'd like to know is that this function could be...
  43. O

    Curious Question about Velocity

    Can someone explain to me what will happen in this scenario? Imagine you are in a train which is traveling at velocity X. In it, you fired a gun which points towards the direction of the moving train launching the bullet out at the same velocity. Will this cause the bullet to travel at 2X...
  44. O

    Curious Question about Atmospheric Pressure.

    I am new here and I have a question about pressure. My idea about atmospheric pressure is that it is a pressure caused by the force directed downward due to the weight of the atmosphere. If that is the case, does it mean that we doesn't feel any pressure horizontally? Please correct me if I am...
  45. A

    How Can I Pursue a Career in Quantum Computing?

    Hello iam very much curious about Quantam Computers i want to know that How sholud i proceed to pursue a career in quantam computing what is the requirement and eligiblity & what role will todays Computer scientists,Engineers, & experts will play in the Quantam era. what Kind of...
  46. M

    Why Does AgCl Precipitate While KNO3 Remains in Solution?

    Homework Statement An example of a precipitation reaction: Aqueous silver nitrate (AgNO3) is added to a solution containing potassium chloride (KCl) and the precipitation of a white solid, silver chloride is observed. (Zumdahl, 2005) The silver chloride (AgCl) has formed a solid, which is...
  47. M

    Bored and curious about kinetic energy

    So I was really bored today, and while pondering to myself I wondered why this isn't a valid formula for kinetic energy (say for a laterally moving truck): E = mdx2 / t2 So I did a little test example, say a moving truck with: m = 2000 kg dx = 150 m t = 10s And plugged it in the...
  48. S

    I am pretty much curious to know what actually an electron is? How it

    I am pretty much curious to know what actually an electron is? How it is? What is CHARGE? Why there are two types of charges? How electron produces electric fields? How the oscillation of such field creates EM wave i.e. photons (which has mass)?
  49. E

    Curious does anyone play the piano

    hey I am just curious does anyone play the pina i really have a few questions ??thank you
  50. P

    Curious Number Theory Roadblock

    So basically I am trying to prove that the sum ∑1/2k from k=1 to n is a fraction of the form odd/even, that is to say that the denominator will contain more 2's than the numerator. Now I'm almost positive this is true, and I suppose it might be more tractable to consider the stronger...