Curl Definition and 371 Threads

  1. L

    Curl of a gradient and the anti Curl

    Homework Statement Is there a vector field D that produces The position vector <x,y,z> if we take the curl of vector field D? Homework Equations Curl of gradient f = 0 Curl of Vector D = <x,y,z>The Attempt at a Solution Curl of vector D Where vector D=<A,B,C> Cy - Bz = x Az - Cx = y Bx -...
  2. D

    Curl of the Magnetic Field of an Infinite Wire

    I'm familiar with the relationship \nabla\cdot\frac{\hat{r}}{r^2}=4\pi\delta(r) in classical electromagnetism, where \hat{r} is the separation unit vector, that is, the field vector minus the source vector. This is result can be motivated by applying the divergence theorem to a single point...
  3. S

    Why must this expression for the curl be wrong?

    Homework Statement Without explicit calculation, argue why the following expression cannot be correct: $$\nabla \times (\mathbf{c} \times \mathbf{r}) = c_{2}\mathbf{e_{1}}+c_{1}\mathbf{e_{2}}+c_{3}\mathbf{e_{3}}$$ where ##\mathbf{c}## is a constant vector and ##\mathbf{r}## is the position...
  4. L

    A Impossible Curl of a Vector Field

    Let's assume the vector field is NOT a gradient field. Are there any restrictions on what the curl of this vector field can be? If so, how can I determine a given curl of a vector field can NEVER be a particular vector function?
  5. J

    Finding the curl of velocity in spherical coordinates

    Homework Statement The angular velocity vector of a rigid object rotating about the z-axis is given by ω = ω z-hat. At any point in the rotating object, the linear velocity vector is given by v = ω X r, where r is the position vector to that point. a.) Assuming that ω is constant, evaluate v...
  6. SD das

    How Does Zero Divergence and Curl Determine Uniqueness in a Manifold?

    Today when I ask a professor about maxwell eqation He tells me " it seems that the unknowns exceed the number of equations. What are the missing ingredients? The answer is the boundary condition .With appropriate boundary conditions, zero divergence and zero curl will nail down a unique solution...
  7. G

    Ambiguity of Curl in Maxwell-Faraday Equation

    This is an old problem, but one that may confuse many beginners. ##\nabla \times \mathbf{E} = -\frac{\partial \mathbf{B}} {\partial t}## Let's say that we're trying to find the electric field produced by a changing magnetic field. We could take the inverse curl of the RHS, but the curl...
  8. Remixex

    About Nabla and index notation

    Homework Statement Can I, for all purposes, say that Nabla, on index notation, is $$\partial_i e_i$$ and treat it like a vector when calculating curl, divergence or gradient? For example, saying that $$\nabla \times \vec{V} = \partial_i \hat{e}_i \times V_j \hat{e}_j = \partial_i V_j (\hat{e}_i...
  9. M

    I What will be the 4th axis of a 3d curl?

    Suppose we have do a curl of two 2-d vectors... we get the 3rd axis about which it is rotating. But when we do the curl of two 3-d vectors.. we get a answer like x-y plane is rotating wrt z axis, y-z plane rotating wrt to x-axis and similarly x-z plane rotating wrt to y axis. My question is...
  10. Dave-o

    Evaluate: ∇(∇r(hat)/r) where r is a position vector

    Homework Statement ∇ . r = 3, ∇ x r = 0 Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution So far I've gotten up to ∇(∇^2 r)
  11. Destroxia

    What is the significance of this curl product rule?

    Homework Statement Verify the identity: ## \nabla \times ( A \times B) = (B\bullet \nabla)A - (A\bullet\nabla)B + A(\nabla \bullet B)-B(\nabla\bullet A)## My issue here is I don't understand the significance of why a term has B or A on the left of the dot product, and another has B or A on...
  12. Y

    I Intuitively understand the curl formula?

    Ok, so I know the curl represents how much something rotates about an axis. Let's assume we have a vector field F = Fx + Fy + Fz, where x y and z are direction vectors. So the rotation about the Z axis is made possible by a change in the Y direction and a change in the X direction. But the...
  13. C

    I Intuition on divergence and curl

    Hi, I'm looking at the following graph, but there are a few things I don't get. For instance: curl should always be zero in circles where the field lines are totally straight (right-most figure) curl should always be non-zero in circles where the field lines are rotating (center figure in 2nd...
  14. Rajeswar Panja

    Curl of electrostatic field vector

    I know that the curl of electrostatic field vector is zero. I want to know what will be the curl of electrostatic field at the edge region of the finite parallel plate capacitor?
  15. G

    I Why does the curl of a vector field converge?

    This is more of an intuitive question than anything else: the curl of a vector field \mathbf{F} , \nabla \times \mathbf{F} is defined by (\nabla \times \mathbf{F})\cdot \mathbf{\hat{n}} = \lim_{a \to 0} \frac{\int_{C} \mathbf{F}\cdot d\mathbf{s}}{a} Where the integral is taken around a...
  16. H

    Vector cross product with curl

    Homework Statement Using index-comma notation only, show: \begin{equation*} \underline{\bf{v}} \times \text{curl } \underline{\bf{v}}= \frac{1}{2} \text{ grad}(\underline{\bf{v}} \cdot \underline{\bf{v}}) - (\text{grad } \underline{\bf{v}}) \underline{\bf{v}} \end{equation*} Homework Equations...
  17. binbagsss

    Curl and Divergence etc algebra manipulating quick question

    ##\nabla p = \rho \nabla \phi ## My textbook says that by taking the curl we get: ## 0=\nabla \rho X \nabla \phi ## ** I don't follow. I understand the LHS is zero, by taking the curl of a divergence. But I'm unsure as to how we get it into this form, from which it is clear that the gradients...
  18. T

    A How can curl of 4-vector or 6-vector be writen?

    How can a curl of 4-vector or 6-vector be writen? Let's say that we have a 4-vector A4=(a1,a2,a3,a4) how can we write in details the ∇×A4 Can we follow the same procedure for 6-vector?
  19. S

    I Proving the Linearity of the Curl Operator in Electromagnetic Theory

    Hi, I stumbled upon thinking that "Is curl operator a linear operator" ? I was reading EM Theory and studied that the electromagnetic field satisfies the curl relations of E and B. But if the operator was not linear then how can a non linear operator give rise to a linear solution. Thus it...
  20. powerof

    I Curl from requiring invariance under inertial coordinate changes

    While investigating about the curl I have found this interesting perspective: I lack the knowledge to do the derivation on my own so I would like to ask for your help. I am an undergraduate. I do not understand what a "first order differential operator"...
  21. G

    I What Test to Show that Inverse Curl Exists?

    What test can we perform on a vector field to determine if there exist vector field(s) that describe its inverse curl?
  22. evinda

    MHB Checking if $\text{ curl } \vec{F}=\vec{0}$ for $\vec{F}$ & $f$

    Hello! (Wave) Is it true that for a vector field $\vec{F}$, a function $f$ such that $\vec{F}=\nabla{f}$ can exist only if $\text{ curl } \vec{F}=\nabla \times \vec{F}=\vec{0}$ ? How can we check it? (Thinking)
  23. Remixex

    Understanding the Equation for Velocity Field in Cylindrical Coordinates

    Homework Statement $$\bar{v}=\nabla \times \psi \hat{k}$$ The problem is much bigger, i know how a rotor or curl is calculated in cylindrical coordinates, but I'm just asking to see what would be the "determinant" rule for this specific curl. Homework Equations $$\psi$$ is in cylindrical...
  24. T

    I How Is the Divergence Theorem Applied to Derive Vector Field Identities?

    In the image attached to this post, there is an equation on the top line and one on the bottom line. In the proof this image was taken from, they say this is a consequence of divergence theorem but I'm not quite understanding how it is. If anyone could explicitly explain the process to go from...
  25. S

    I How to prove the curl curl of a vector?

    I've got ∇×(∇×R)=∇(∇.R)-∇2R [call it eq.1] However I have the identity ∇×(A×B)=A(∇.B)-B(∇⋅A)+ (B⋅∇)A-(A⋅∇)B [call it eq.2] Substituting in A=∇ and R=B into eq.2 we get ∇×(∇×R)=∇(∇.R)-R(∇⋅∇)+ (R⋅∇)∇-(∇⋅∇)R which i work out to be ∇×(∇×R)=∇(∇.R)-R(∇⋅∇)+ (R⋅∇)∇-∇2R Basically I don't understand...
  26. B

    Question about vector fields, div, curl grad

    Homework Statement I need a pointer to a proof of the following items: if div X =0 then X = curl Y for some field Y. if curl X = 0 then X = grad Y for some field Y. Can anyone provide a pointer to a proof? Thanks. Bob Kolker Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
  27. Jezza

    Div and curl in other coordinate systems

    My question is mostly about notation. I know the general definitions for divergence and curl, which can be derived from the divergence and Stokes' theorems respectively, are: \mathrm{div } \vec{E} \bigg| _P = \lim_{\Delta V \to 0} \frac{1}{\Delta V} \iint_{S} \vec{E} \cdot \mathrm{d} \vec{S}...
  28. tasleem moossun

    Finding the curl in spherical coordinates

    Hello I've been having trouble finding the curl of A⃗ = r^2[e][/Φ]. Could someone help me please?
  29. Jianphys17

    Is there a generalized curl operator for dimensions higher than 3?

    Hi, i now studying vector calculus, and for sheer curiosity i would like know if there exist a direct fashion to generalize the rotor operator, to more than 3 dimensions! On wiki there exist a voice , but I do not know how you...
  30. T

    How Does the Curl of Current Density Derive This Expression?

    I have attached the equation that I do not quite understand how is true. This is the current density and was simply used as a part of a proof. But how is this equation true? How does taking the curl of J give you this expression?
  31. R

    Curl of tensor * non-constant vector

    I know by definition that if T is a 2nd order tensor and v is a vector, curl(Tv)=curl(T)v but what if instead of constant vector v, I have w=grad(u), not constant but obviously an irrotational vector field. Is this still true: curl(Tw)=curl(T)w ? My guess is yes since curl(w)=0 but have no...
  32. A

    Nonconservative Force: Understanding Force of Friction

    I not understand because why if I have a (constant) force of friction and I apply the curl, I finding that this not is equal to zero, since this force is non conservative.
  33. M

    Using complex description of div and curl in 2d?

    In trying to get an intuition for curl and divergence, I've understood that in the case of R2, div f(x,y) = 2Re( d/dz f(z,z_)) and curl f(x,y) = 2Im( d/dz f(z,z)), where f(z,z) is just f(x,y) expressed in z and z conjugate (z). Is there any way of proving the fundamental properties of div and...
  34. Odious Suspect

    Curl as the limit vol->0 of a surface integral

    Joos asserts on page 31 that $$\nabla \times \mathfrak{v} = \lim_{\Delta \tau \to 0} \frac{1}{\Delta \tau }\oint d\mathfrak{S}\times \mathfrak{v}$$ I tried to demonstrate this, and neglected to place the surface...
  35. S

    Is the Curl of Induced E Field Always Zero?

    I have a problem. So the curl of the E field is supposed to be zero always, which tells us that it is a conservative force (path independence and scalar potential and so on). But what about the fact that the induced electric field consequent upon changes in magnetic flux is circular? Doesn't...
  36. DoobleD

    Curl of the curl of E or B field

    A modern standard way of deriving the EM wave equation from Maxwell's equations seems to be by taking the curl of curl of E and B field respectively, and use some vector identity. See for instance on wikipedia. So, I have a basic understanding of the curl of a vector field. Defined as the...
  37. Titan97

    Meaning of Curl from stokes' theorem

    Divergence can be defined as the net outward flux per unit volume and can be explained using Gauss' theorem. (I read this in Feynman lectures Vol. 2) In the next page, He derives Stokes' theorem using small squares. The left side of equation represents the total circulation of a vector...
  38. Titan97

    Interpreting Curl in Vector Fields: ∇×v

    In a river, water flows faster in the middle and slower near the banks of the river and hence, if I placed a twig, it would rotate and hence, the vector field has non-zero Curl. Curl{v}=∇×v But I am finding it difficult to interpret the above expression geometrically. In scalar fields, the...
  39. Titan97

    Geometrical meaning of Curl(Gradient(T))=0

    What is the geometrical meaning of ##\nabla\times\nabla T=0##? The gradient of T(x,y,z) gives the direction of maximum increase of T. The Curl gives information about how much T curls around a given point. So the equation says "gradient of T at a point P does not Curl around P. To know about...
  40. Hercuflea

    Curl and Convective Derivative

    Suppose u is a vector-valued function. Is it true that (∇×u)⋅( (u⋅∇)u ) = (u⋅∇)(∇×u)⋅u ? Please note the lack of a dot product on the first two terms of the RHS and the parenthesis around the second term of the LHS. I'm trying to understand whether these differential operators are associative.
  41. SquidgyGuff

    Stoke's and Gauss's Theorum in proving div(curlA)=0

    Homework Statement The problem puts forth and identity for me to prove: or . It says that I can use "straight-forward" calculation to solve this using the definition of nabla or I can use Gauss's and Stoke's Theorum on an example in which I have a solid 3D shape nearly cut in two by a curve...
  42. M

    Is There a Connection Between Maxwell's Curl Equations and the Lorentz Force?

    I first learned Maxwell's equations in their integral form before I was introduced to the differential form, i.e. w/curl & divergence. As I understand, in order to derive the curl form from the integral form, apply Stokes Theorem to the integral form of ∫(closed)E⋅dl=-d/dt[∫(closed)B⋅dA], and...
  43. D

    Why is the curl of Biot-Savart Law equal to zero?

    My understanding of the curl of a vector field is the amount of circulation per unit area with a direction normal to the area. For the vector field described as \textbf{B} =\boldsymbol{\hat\phi} \frac{\mu_{0}I}{2 \pi r} I figured the curl would be something more like this, because it points in...
  44. P

    Curl of the vector potential produced by a solenoid

    Homework Statement / Homework Equations[/B] I was looking at Example 5.12 in Griffiths ( and I can't manage to work out how to verify that the curl of the vector potential, A, is equal to the magnetic field, B. I believe my problem lies in confusion about how...
  45. N

    Curl of Gradient of a Scalar Field

    Hello, new to this website, but one question that's been killing me is how can curl of a gradient of a scalar field be null vector when mixed partial derivatives are not always equal?? consider Φ(x,y,z) a scalar function consider the determinant [(i,j,k),(∂/∂x,∂/∂y,∂/∂z),(∂Φ/∂x, ∂Φ/∂y, ∂Φ/∂z)]...
  46. I

    Vector Calculus: Understanding Divergence & Curl

    Hi! I have recently been independently studying vector calculus. I understand that divergence measures change in magnitude and curl is the change in direction, however, I don't understand what certain divergences and curls represent. For example, how would you describe a field with a divergence...
  47. fricke

    When is the Curl of Electric Displacement Zero?

    In what condition(s) curl of electric displacement is zero? Is it okay to say curl of electric displacement is zero in: 1) in electrostatics (curl of E is zero) then followed by the following conditions: 2) when there is no polarization (curl of P is zero) 3) in uniform polarization (which...
  48. Harry Mason

    Understanding Curl in 2D/3D Space

    Hello everybody, i have some troubles with the interpretation of curl in 2D/3D space. I was looking for a better understanding of Curl, watching this video generally curl represents the 'amount' of local rotation in a vector field, point by point. If we think at the 2D vector field described...
  49. B

    Curl in terms of "fractional" notation

    See these equations: \left | \frac{d \vec{f}}{d \vec{r}} \right | = \left | \frac{d(f_1,f_2)}{d(x,y)} \right | = \frac{\partial f_1 \wedge \partial f_2}{\partial x \wedge \partial y} = \left | \begin{bmatrix} \frac{\partial f_1}{\partial x} & \frac{\partial f_1}{\partial y} \\ \frac{\partial...
  50. L

    Can I pull a time derivative outside of a curl?

    Homework Statement For the equation ∇ x E = -∂B/∂t I took the curl of both sides to get ∇ x (∇ x E) = ∇ x -∂B/∂t I feel like it'd be very wrong to pull out the time derivative. Am I correct?