Curves Definition and 778 Threads

In mathematics, a curve (also called a curved line in older texts) is an object similar to a line, but that does not have to be straight.
Intuitively, a curve may be thought of as the trace left by a moving point. This is the definition that appeared more than 2000 years ago in Euclid's Elements: "The [curved] line is […] the first species of quantity, which has only one dimension, namely length, without any width nor depth, and is nothing else than the flow or run of the point which […] will leave from its imaginary moving some vestige in length, exempt of any width."This definition of a curve has been formalized in modern mathematics as: A curve is the image of an interval to a topological space by a continuous function. In some contexts, the function that defines the curve is called a parametrization, and the curve is a parametric curve. In this article, these curves are sometimes called topological curves to distinguish them from more constrained curves such as differentiable curves. This definition encompasses most curves that are studied in mathematics; notable exceptions are level curves (which are unions of curves and isolated points), and algebraic curves (see below). Level curves and algebraic curves are sometimes called implicit curves, since they are generally defined by implicit equations.
Nevertheless, the class of topological curves is very broad, and contains some curves that do not look as one may expect for a curve, or even cannot be drawn. This is the case of space-filling curves and fractal curves. For ensuring more regularity, the function that defines a curve is often supposed to be differentiable, and the curve is then said to be a differentiable curve.
A plane algebraic curve is the zero set of a polynomial in two indeterminates. More generally, an algebraic curve is the zero set of a finite set of polynomials, which satisfies the further condition of being an algebraic variety of dimension one. If the coefficients of the polynomials belong to a field k, the curve is said to be defined over k. In the common case of a real algebraic curve, where k is the field of real numbers, an algebraic curve is a finite union of topological curves. When complex zeros are considered, one has a complex algebraic curve, which, from the topological point of view, is not a curve, but a surface, and is often called a Riemann surface. Although not being curves in the common sense, algebraic curves defined over other fields have been widely studied. In particular, algebraic curves over a finite field are widely used in modern cryptography.

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  1. michael879

    Gravity is really curves in space time

    so according to relativity, gravity is rly curves in space time. I imagine this in a 2d context, with a 2d world wrapped around a "balloon". Gravity would be like pushing in part of the balloon. If you think about the way this curvature distorts "quantized" space-time, it makes sense that...
  2. E

    Exploring Peano Curves: Links and Books for Study

    Can anyone point me towards an online link or some books where I can study these bad boys? I am supposed to write like a 5-10 page paper on Peano curves in which I prove a few interesting things regarding them.
  3. A

    How do I find the area between two curves with one function not always on top?

    Find the area of the region bounded by the curves y=x , y=1/(x^2) , and x=2 I know after you sketch it you have to take the intergral of the top function minus the bottom function from the points that they intersect. I am stuck however because one function does not appear to be on top...
  4. A

    Parametric Curves: CAD & Free Software Info

    Hi, I'm doing a project which involves parametric curves that I have to present to a class. Basically, I'm completely exercises and I know that most computer-aided design works with parametric curves, specifically Bezier curves. For the project, I'd like to draw something in CAD or whatever and...
  5. B

    Curves intersecting at the origin

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  6. S

    Newtonian Mechanics - Banked curves

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  7. B

    What methods can be used for finding a quadratic curve?

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  8. G

    Proving Orthogonal Curves at Intersection Point

    How do I prove that two curves are orthogonal when they interest each other at a specific point? Do I just take the derivative of both and compare the slopes? The slopes should be negative reciprocals of each other, correct?
  9. Z

    Solving for Parallel Tangent Lines: A Confusing Example

    I'm kinda stuck on this question... my text gives me a simple example, but it's far from enlightening. Just wondered if I could get some help! "At what point on the curve y = 1 + 2e^x - 3x is the tangent line parallel to the line 3x -y =5?" Would I just need to simply compare the slopes...
  10. P

    How to Find the Area Bounded by Two Complex Curves?

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  11. F

    Few stupid questions about polar curves and stuff

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  12. A

    Banked Curves in involving frictions

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  13. K

    Graphing Orthogonal Trajectories for Scientists

    Hi, I was wondering how would I graph a sketch of these curves without knowing any values of them? They are orthogonal trajectories btw i) x^2 + y^2 = ax x^2 + y^2 = by ii) y = ax^3 x^2 + 3y^2 = b Thanks in advnace.
  14. D

    Space Curves -> Unit Tangent Vector and Curvature

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  15. M

    Solving Orthogonal Trajectories of a Family of Curves

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  16. quasar987

    What causes space curves? Energy or rest mass?

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  17. D

    Understanding Curves: f(x) = sin(x), g(x) = cos(x)

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  18. M

    So what is the relationship between curves and circles?

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  19. M

    How do I reparameterize a curve with respect to arc length?

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  20. T

    Question about how to use Homotopic Curves.

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  21. R

    How do General Relativity and the concept of the graviton relate to each other?

    Hello all, I seem to be misunderstanding a concept; perhaps someone could point me in the right direction. My knowledge of physics is very basic so please have some sympathy. Thanks General relativity shows that gravity is caused by the presence of matter that curves space-time. But now I...
  22. M

    The Expansion Tendency of the Universe According to GR

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  23. S

    Calculating Length of Parametric Curves

    Find the length of the parametrized curve given by x(t)=0t3+9t2+36t y(t)=-1t3-6t2+15t for t between 0 and 1. ok...thats the question. I have tried using the formula L = integral of (dx/dt)2 + (dy/dt)2 all square rooted but I am not gettin the rite answer...i have a bunch of these...
  24. F

    Talk about lines, curves, functions and limits?

    Can anyone show me websites or links that talk about lines, curves, functions and limits? It will be better if these sites or links are interactive. If not interactive, it's ok.
  25. tandoorichicken

    Which function should be used when dealing with two curves in an integral?

    When you are trying to find an integral and you are dealing with two curves, and the formula calls for f(x) , I know that you do f(x) - g(x) [/tex] and put in that value for the f(x) in the original formula. When the formula calls for f^2 (x) , do you do (f^2 (x) - g^2 (x)) or [itex]...
  26. N

    Webpage title: How to Find the Area Bounded by Curves on a Given Interval

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  27. tandoorichicken

    Find Area between Y-Axis & Curve x=y^2-y^3

    Find the area bounded by the y-axis and the curve x = y^2 - y^3 What exactly does the graph of x = y^2 - y^3 look like? And how do you set up the integration?
  28. tandoorichicken

    Find Area Between y=x and y=x^2 | -1/6 Answer

    I need to find the area between y=x and y=x^2 So this is what I did: A = \int (x^2-x) \,dx Then I found the limits of integration x=0 and x=1 because that's where the two graphs intersect A = \int^1_0 (x^2-x) \,dx I ended up with an answer of -1/6 What did I do wrong?