Cut Definition and 267 Threads

  1. O

    Toxicity - Superglue (cyanoacrylate) used to cover cut skin.

    Steve Harris, M.D. The above doctor's quote suggests that Cyanoacrylate adhesives (Super Glue, Krazy Glue) may be used to cover cuts. He suggests that it is non-toxic, but I am skeptical. I heard of this before and wanted to recommend this to someone who cut their finger and plays a...
  2. C

    Contour Integral with Branch Cut

    Hi, I've typed up my work. Please see the attached pdf. Basically, I am trying to sovle this problem. \int_0^\infty \frac{x^\alpha}{x^2+b^2} \mathrm{d}x for 0 <\alpha < 1. I follow the procedure given in Boas pg 608 (2nd edition)...and everything seems to work. However, when I...
  3. C

    US and G-8 should cut off all its AID to Africa

    Do you think more people should die becoz this 6 billion + pop can't be sustained with the ever reducing resources. We'd propbably have wars soon. And so I proclaim all state benefits like free medicine, etc should be banned to all(except my family). People should be even more greedier(except...
  4. M

    Solving Word Problem: 10m Wire Cut into Square & Triangle

    Hello I have this word problem that I am having problems solving. Hopefully someone can help Here is it. A piece of wire 10m long is cut into two pieces. On piece, of length x, is bent into the shape of a square. The other is bent into the shape of a equilateral triangle. (a) expess...
  5. Pengwuino

    Why is my dremel having trouble cutting wood?

    Why can't you cut wood... Ok so i have this dremel... 35000rpm and cordless. I got this mini-saw attachment shown here... Now i have this piece of wood and it has holes in it in a neat grid pattern (if anyone knows waht kind of wood has that). Its...
  6. T

    Why is Dedekind's Cut Used to Define Irrational Numbers?

    By Dedekind's cut we can define some irrational number, where L and R are two disjoint sets of all rational numbers. We know that rational and irrational numbers have different properties, that give us the ability to clearly distinguish between a rational number (expressed as a ratio between...
  7. S

    Cut a metal like aluminium in very small parts

    Does anyone know what tools are available to cut a metal like aluminium in very small parts and to join two parts together and still get a neat finish?
  8. marcus

    Hubble fix-up funds cut (MSN 21 Jan) the white house cut entire budget for hubble "NASA told to focus on destroying telescope safely"
  9. V

    Spring with constant k cut in two

    Been thinking for a long time and can't come up with a conclusion! If you have a spring with a constant k value and you cut the spring in two(not exactly in half), does the k value change in the springs or stay the same? I'm thinking that the K value does not change because the length of...
  10. S

    Calculating Center of Gravity After Pizza Cut: A Headache?

    hi, here's my question... A pizza has a center of gravity at C, in the middle of the pizza radius = R A smaller circle of pizza is cut from the pizza of radius R/2 at the left side of the pizza so that one the diameter of the hole where the smaller piece was stretches from the edge of the...
  11. M

    Was the Iraq War Justified by Its Outcomes?

    In a brainstorming exercise in my English 151 class a few weeks ago, my teacher told us to write down all of the things that we feel strongly about on a sheet of paper. I couldn’t write anything. As she requested our papers I hastily wrote down a few things, but none of them I truly felt strong...
  12. S

    Bio-Gel P2, cut off 2.000 daltons?

    hello everybody! what does it mean when a gel you use in gel filtration has a "cut off 2.000 daltons" ? i have looked for the answer, but can't find it. hopes for replies! many thanks!
  13. B

    Cut a ball of mercury with a knife it forms into other balls

    If I cut a ball of mercury with a knife it forms into other balls why is this
  14. D

    Find the Optimal Cut Point on a Hanging Thread

    a weight is attatched midway to a thread which hangs vertically from a ceiling.another weight is attatched to the bottom end of the thread.where along the thread will it be most easy to cut and why?
  15. T

    Tabacco, 100% cut, 90% 25%, etc.

    FOr all you smokers out there who buy your tabacco in bags, do you know what the difference is? FOr those who aren't too familiar, when you buy tabacco in the little bags (for rolling) you have a choice of 100% cut, 90% and so on. It supposedly rolls 100% more cigarettes, 90% more, whatever...
  16. zoobyshoe

    Did Van Gogh's Seizure Disorder Lead to His Infamous Ear Cutting Incident?

    Van Gogh and Gauguin were sharing a small room in Arles, France. The evening before the ear cutting incident they were at a Cafe drinking absinthe, a known epileptogenic drink that is now illegal. For no apparent reason Van Gogh picked up his absinthe and threw it at Gauguin. The next day he...
  17. Greg Bernhardt

    Minimum number of links he would need to cut?

    The son of a rich bullion merchant left home on the death of his father. All he had with him was a gold chain that consisted of 123 links. He rented a place in the city center with a shop at the lower level and an apartment at the upper level. He was required to pay every week one link of the...