Cv Definition and 102 Threads

The Convair CV-240 is an American airliner that Convair manufactured from 1947 to 1954, initially as a possible replacement for the ubiquitous Douglas DC-3. Featuring a more modern design with cabin pressurization, the 240 series made some inroads as a commercial airliner, and had a long development cycle that produced various civil and military variants. Though reduced in numbers by attrition, various forms of the "Convairliners" continue to fly in the 21st century.

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  1. M

    Demonstrate that Cv depends only on temperature

    Hello, I stumbled upon this question and I don't know how to answer it... I know that Cv is defined as Cv = δQv/dT = (∂U/∂T)v but I thought it's value was determined by the nature of the gas only (3/2 for monoatomic and 5/2 for diatomic). Can someone help me figure this out ?
  2. D

    Putting undergraduate research in CV?

    I've been looking at tips and articles about how to create a successful CV for applying to graduate school in the US, but I'm getting confusing results about certain things. I plan on applying to Bioengineering/Materials Science and Engineering programs. My undergraduate degree is in Physics at...
  3. H

    Solving Adiabatic Process for Diatomic Gas: Volume & Temp Change

    1. The problem statement, During the compression stroke of a certain gasoline engine, the pressure increases from 1 atm to 20 atm. If the process is adiabatic and the air–fuel mixture behaves as a diatomic ideal gas, (a) by what factor does the volume change and (b) by what factor does the...
  4. F

    Thermal physics - how are Cp and Cv used?

    Afternoon all. I've have the following equations: Cp - Cv = nR = Nkb Cv = nRf / 2 Cp = nR(2+f) / 2 CvlnT = -nRlnV + const where f is degrees of freedom Do the Cp and Cv just stand for pressure and volume (where both are constant), so for example can the first equation only...
  5. Z

    CV templates for graduate jobs - recommendations

    I was just wondering if anyone might have any recommendations for CV templates, and links to them, if applying for grad jobs? Thanks!
  6. S

    Finding the Right CV Spring for a Petrol Generator

    Hi I have a small petrol generator. How Large/Long/Heavy would a CV spring need to be, to run it for four hours. Ideally the spring being narrow enough to be hidden in a house cavity wall (7or8") More generally, how effective are CV springs as energy stores
  7. T

    CV for physics PhD - what to include?

    Hi, currently I have the following sections: Personal info, education, research experience, computer skills, extra-curricular activities. Is there anything I am missing? Also, in the education section should I include breakdown on marks in different subjects, or my class each year (UK...
  8. I

    Adding an expected salary into CV

    Is it a good idea to add an expected range of salary at the beginning of one's CV (in case one would like to apply for a job in a company that offers a negotiable price) ? Yesterday I added mine into one CV to post for a developer position. (I don't think they agree to pay me that high, so I...
  9. F

    Why is it not possible to derive Cv from equation of state?

    Assume you have no knowledge about the microscopic information, all you know about the system of pure material is it's equation of state and number of particles. Why can't we get Cv=(∂U/∂T)V from here(if this is wrong how do we solve it?)? Why can we obtained some other quantities just from...
  10. M

    Calculating Cp and Cv of Real Gases for Solving Differential Equations

    Homework Statement Hello there, I was given a tasks to find Cp and Cv of nitrogen and carbon dioxide in real gas situation. Homework Equations From what i could find, the suitable equation would be: Cv = Cv° - (2(∂B/∂T) + T(∂²B/∂T²)P The Attempt at a Solution The...
  11. qspeechc

    Boost Your CV with Self-Taught Skills: Microsoft Excel and Programming Languages

    Hi everyone, I recently taught myself Microsoft Excel, and I have no problem putting that on my cv because Excel is simple, and anyone can teach themselves Excel up to an intermediate level at least. But, I also want to learn some programming languages, like Java, C, etc. I suppose I can get...
  12. B

    Flow coefficient Cv value testing

    Hey, I am currently doing a project where I have to calculate/(predict) the cv values of a number of valves. at the moment I am calculating Reduced Bore ball valves where water will be going through them. I am now at the stage where I need to test the valves using some sort of flow loop system...
  13. D

    Should I add a CV for this job or is my CV irrevelant and pretentious?

    I am applying for a very simple job as a computer/library lab assistant. The job basically includes helping people with printing problems in the lbirary, opening up labs when possible . An excerpt of the qualification requirements is Candidates will have a strong commitment to service...
  14. P

    Errors in Cv Testing Results for Dynamic Torque Test

    Hi all, Preface: So I have run several series of dynamic torque tests on different size 1/4 turn Butterfly valves. In the test, I am measuring upstream pressure, downstream pressure, valve angle (90° is open, 0 is closed), and torque on a transducer. I know the flow rate, which is in GPM...
  15. R

    Final temperature of diamond using Cv

    Homework Statement At low temperatures, Cv of solids is given by: Cv = D(\frac{T}{\Theta})3 where: D = 1.94*10^3 \Theta = Debye Temperature, for diamond 1860K If 100J of heat is transferred to 1mole of diamond, initially at 10K. Calculate the final temperature. Homework...
  16. M

    Thermo heat capacity proof: cp - cv

    Homework Statement Show that for a general (but simple) substance, c_{p}-c_{v}=-T(\frac{∂v*}{∂T})_{p}(\frac{∂p}{∂v*})_{T} where v* is the specific volume p is the pressure c_{p} is the heat capacity when p is const c_{v} is the heat capacity when v is const Q is heat T is temperature in...
  17. Pengwuino

    Invited Talks on a CV: Is it Necessary to Include Submitted Talks?

    "Invited talks" in a CV I've seen a few CVs in my lifetime and from what I recall, people sometimes have a section on "invited talks". Now, at conferences, I've always thought there was a distinction between "invited talks" and "submitted talks", the former being the conference organizers going...
  18. G

    Calc Cv from T & V: How to Calculate Cv Homework

    Homework Statement When one mole of an ideal gas is compressed adiabatically to one-half of its original volume, the temperature of the gas increases from 273 to 433K. Assuming that Cv is independent of temperature, calculate the value of Cv for this gas.Homework Equations Cv = dU/dT dU = dq...
  19. F

    Compressed Air System Dynamics: Calculating Pressure Drop & Cv

    I want to work out the dynamics of a compressed air system consisting of a filter/regulator unit some spool valves and a rotary actuator with all the associated fittings. Essentially I have a 2" nominal bore compressed air line at roughly 7.5 bar, I have a system which feeds off this air main...
  20. I

    Working out the cp cv difference for van der waals equation

    Homework Statement I've put all the information on the picture as i already created on there in an attempt to help brain storm some ideas that didn't work ... Homework Equations All on picture :) The...
  21. T

    How to indicate programming experience on a CV

    (I'm putting this here as opposed to the Career forum because it's for REU applications) I have some experience in C++, MATLAB and R, but I'm not sure how to indicate on the CV how much experience. I'm not an expert in any of them, but I don't know that "beginner" is right either. Years...
  22. K

    Undergraduate CV: Tips on What to Include & What Not To

    I am currently composing a CV for research positions and I have only a minimal amount research experience and I am trying to beef up my CV, and I was looking for suggestions as to what to include and what not to include. Thanks
  23. N

    Schools 2 Q's: overseas worth it & how to CV for grad school

    2 Q's: overseas worth it & "how to" CV for grad school Hello, I'm doing my last undergraduate year this year in my country of birth (Central-Europe) and I've made up my mind about doing my graduate (in theoretical physics) abroad: desire for a more vibrant, stimulating scientific environment...
  24. E

    We all know that Cv for a monoatomic ideal gas is 3/2 R and when we

    we all know that Cv for a monoatomic ideal gas is 3/2 R and when we have constant volume Q=deltainternal energy =n Cv delta T. Ive read that in any case delta internal energy = nCvdelta T why?
  25. Y

    First year CV advice (target: general relativity)

    Hello, I am an extremely curious first year student, who is hoping to get a summer research position. Earlier on in the year, I had a successful interview with a professor of General Relativity, whose grad lectures I had been attending. By "successful," I mean he said I could join his reading...
  26. H

    Cv as a function of temperature for ionic solid and metal

    Homework Statement The specific heat capacity per unit volume is denoted CV.Sketch Cv/T as a function of temperature T,in the limit T goes to zero, for both an ionic solid ,and a metal.Why do curves differ ? Homework Equations The question is very specific ,and in these cases as you know...
  27. Simfish

    Is it ever appropriate to mention citation count for papers in your CV?

    Say, what if you were coauthor on a publication with > 100 citations? And if so, how would I mention it on the CV?
  28. B

    Programs Get PhD at fallback or take a year off to beef up CV

    So I pretty much only got into my "fallback" schools. Also, I just heard from my friend who's getting his PhD in physics from SUNY Albany that he applied to 20 postdoc positions, and only heard rejections back from 4 of them. He speculated that he got passed up because all the schools were...
  29. T

    LaTeX Latex CV Template - Successful Application for Quant Role

    Hey, I've spent a little while trawling the internet for a latex template suitable for an application for a quant role. I thought it would be simple and there are a few examples but what I really want is something that will show in a quite simple way that I have actually used latex to format...
  30. J

    Research internship cv - any pointers?

    I've pretty much finished writing a CV which I intend to email to some prospective summer research placements at universities in London and possibly internationally. Some bits are nagging me though, for example: In the education section I've listed my previous year grades, and my expected...
  31. C

    What is the Cv for water at different temperatures?

    I thought about an interesting steam cycle but to calculate efficiency etc. I need to find out the Q absorbed when 1kg water is heated at constant volume from 1atm and 100C to 500C. For this I need Cv(T), energy capacity as a function of temperature (with V constant). Maybe there is no...
  32. A

    Using acknowledgements in your CV

    Hi all, I need some advice. I worked for some time doing research with a professor during my undergrad. Recently this work was published in a number of articles. I was not listed as an author but was acknowledged in all of them. Now, considering I spent a lot of time working there and my...
  33. B

    PhD Student Seeking Advice on CV Education Section

    HI, I'm a phd student in physics and i recently took and passed the quals. I also have all the credits I need and have satisfied all the other requirements for the en route masters. I've been required to send some people, external to the department, my resume recently, and I'm was not exactly...
  34. N

    Unprofessional to write a CV in the first person?

    I am looking for a teaching job (after 10 years of teaching at one place) so I am updating my CV. I am wondering if it is considered improper to use a personal tense ("During that period I wrote a physics book on..." or "I taught each of theses classes at least six times over the years.." etc...
  35. C

    Programs What to write in a CV for PhD application?

    Hello all, I'm finally preparing to apply for PhD, so it is time to write a good CV. My situation: I'm about to finish my MSc degree (research based) and intend to apply to several universities in Europe, mostly in the UK and Germany. Do you think I should list the research projects I...
  36. S

    To calculate variance and CV from multiple (weighted) variables

    Hello everybody, My name is Sumet. I am studying in network traffic field. My background in statistic is not so strong; however, I have to calculate weighted sum of variables in order to determine variance and coefficient of variation (CV) of measured values. Please see the following...
  37. B

    Solving Circuit with Large Resistor and Inductor: Q = CV?

    Homework Statement Hello: I've this circuit: -----Resistor (100000 ohms)---/ (switch) ------- | | |A Battery Capacitor Inductor | |...
  38. B

    Determining the behaviour of a wafer from the CV curves

    After conducting CV measurements on Thin Film semiconductor wafers, how do we determine the behavior of the wafer based on the measurements? I have a sample of the reading obtained. I would be glad if anyone can help me.
  39. T

    N particles, Partition Function and finding U and Cv

    Homework Statement Consider a system of N identical particles. Each particle has two energy levels: a ground state with energy 0, and an upper level with energy epsilon . The upper level is four-fold degenerate (i.e., there are four excited states with the same energy epsilon ). (a)...
  40. N

    Tips for Creating an Academic CV

    Hey all, I am applying for PhD positions and many people are asking for a CV. Could anyone give me tips on the content of the CV? Thanks
  41. D

    How Do You Convert cm3 to dm3 in Chemistry Calculations?

    c = 1mol/dm3 v = 25cm3 would i have to keep the units constant, as in multiply the 25cm3 by 1000?? Thanks!
  42. A

    Covering Letter for REU Program: What to Include?

    In an application for an REU program, they want a CV (which I have) and a covering letter (which I don't have). What exactly is said covering letter?
  43. T

    What is CV rating and its significance in capacitor specifications?

    Can anyone tell me what this means in a capacitor spec, other than that I know its associated with leakage current? Is CV for capacitance*voltage, or coulombs*voltage? If its cap*voltage, I will get units in coulombs (coulombs/volt * volt), so what do they imply then to get your leakage...
  44. Z

    Does CV online- computer vision online  down?

    Does "CV online- computer vision online" down? hi, once , I think the cvonline ( computer vision online) is the best site about computer vision. But, I can't access it these days. Does anyone know whether the site is down? Thank you!
  45. T

    Why Is 1 Bar Important in Cv or Kv Calculations?

    Two questions; 1) I'm struggeling to understand the concept of the Cv or Kv value, also known as the flow factor. In SI units this is defined as the flow through a valve (m3/h) at a pressure drop of 1 bar, or 100 kPa. Fair, and the formula for calculating it is easy enough. I enter my flow...
  46. G

    How I can calculate the cv of a ball valve

    Hi! I am working with ball valves and I need to calculate the cv for several sizes. I only knows the pressure drop expressed in terms of the "equivalent feet". Unfortunally, I do not have a lab to measure. thanks a lot!
  47. G

    Switching Majors in the First Year: How Does it Affect Your CV?

    I'm starting to prepare applications for grad school and I have one question. Before I started studying physics I was studying EE for one year, but I didn't like the school so I quit and went for physics (from the first year again) and now I want to study theoretical and mathematical physics...
  48. Norman

    Will Switching Schools During My Ph.D. Hurt My CV?

    Hello all, I thought I might pick some of your brains with a potential problem I might have. I switched schools after 2 years of my Ph.D. program, since my research advisor took a job at a different school. I followed him to his new school since my previous institution did not have a...
  49. W

    How to Convert Cp to Cv for Metals?

    Can someone please remind me how to convert values of Heat capacaty at constant pressure to heat capacity at constant volume? I believe it has something to do with the volume expansivity (1/V)*(dV/dT) at constant pressure, but I can't find my therm textbook and I can't remember how to proceed.
  50. S

    What Does Expected Return Mean in Coefficient of Variation?

    Please give me some hints on resolving this problem. Thanks! For example there are 3 persons who run 2, 2 and 2 metres. n=3 and the mean of the metres is 2. Standard deviation is 2 (let us pretend so). The formula for Coefficient of Variation is ; Standard deviation/ Expected return. I...