decrease Definition and 239 Threads

A decrease in knitting is a reduction in the number of stitches, usually accomplished by suspending the stitch to be decreased from another existing stitch or by knitting it together with another stitch.

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  1. T

    Lift from airfoils, decrease lift as a result of curved shape at large angles?

    Hi, in my point of view lift is created as a result of two pressures, the static and the dynamic. The dynamic pressure is the dominating creator of lift at large angles of attack. For example a flat plane at 45 degrees will create lift. The static pressure is the dominating creator of...
  2. A

    Why do the PE of atoms decrease when they form bonds

    In fact, why do the PE of atoms decrease when they form bonds, in terms of molecular interpretation, i.e. what actually happened in the atoms making they have lower energies?
  3. H

    Respiration decrease during photosynthesis?

    I guess respiration is lower during photosynthesis, or you would get max vegetation growth with 24/0 light, dark rate. For how long can the "supply" created by photosynthesis supply respiration? What is the best light/dark relationship for eg. Weeds. Photorespiration Photorespiration is...
  4. S

    Why does haemotocrit decrease in acute blood loss?

    In acute blood loss both RBC and fluid is lost, so why doesn't haemotocrit stay normal. I know compensatory mechanism would increase the fluid, eg kidney. But red blood cell prodcution would take few weeks. Is that the reason haemotocrit decreases? Thanks :smile:
  5. Simfish

    Making bacteria express green fluorescent protein - could it decrease fitness?

    Since it obviously takes energy and extra amino acids to express the green fluorescent protein, so it's possible that bacteria expressing GFP might have slightly lower fitness (on average) than bacteria that aren't expressing GFP. I'm sure the effect is negligible in most cases. But maybe...
  6. G

    Too Many Neutrons: Why Does Nuclear Stability Decrease?

    My teacher explained that when a large nucleus has too few neutrons, the binding energy is not enough to hold the nucleus together. But by adding neutrons the binding energy increases without increasing the repulsion between nucleons, and thus the nucleus can stay together. But atoms that have...
  7. P

    Why Did the Aspirin Melting Point Decrease in This Experiment?

    Homework Statement A student performed the reaction in this experiment using a water bath of 90 degrees C instead of 50 degrees C. The final product was tested for the presence of phenols with ferric chloride. This test was negative (no color observed); however, the melting point of the dry...
  8. P

    Why does op-amps gain decrease at high frequency

    Ive read on loads on places that tell me this but don't explain why. They explain the closed loop gain drops off because the open loop gain in their 'real' equations is no longer infinite/very high so the assumpstions that lead to ideal equations fail. but nowhere can I find an explanation...
  9. P

    When transformers decrease voltage, do they increase the current?

    Before a few days ago I always thought that when transformers decrease the voltage, the transformers increase the current. Then on another thread at Physics Forums, people have told me that when transformers decrease voltage, they don't increase the current. The PFers told me that the...
  10. P

    Why do utility companies decrease the voltage sent houses?

    I have read that most power lines on utility poles in residential neighborhoods carry about 4800 volts. My sources say that the transformers on utility poles decrease the voltage from 4800 volts to about 220 volts in most houses. Someone told me that the utility companies decrease the voltage...
  11. N

    [semiconduction] Does reverse bias decrease depletion region?

    Hello, For simplicity's sake, let's take a np junction. Say we connect the left side (n-pole) to a POSITIVE voltage; this is called a reverse bias, because it will result in a small current from n to p. In other words: electrons will travel from p to n across the junction (and holes will...
  12. D

    Decrease in Pressure Above a Lake

    Homework Statement What is the approximate decrease in pressure in going 31 m above the surface of the lake? Air at 20 degrees C has density of 1.2 kg/mcubed. The pressure at the surface of the lake is 104 kPa Homework Equations Pressure = F/Area Force = density*area*height*g...
  13. Z

    Does the pressure increase or decrease?

    Homework Statement A gas is contained in a metallic cylinder fitted with a piston. The piston is suddenly moved into compress the gas and is maintained at this position. As the time passes the pressure of the gas in the cylinder- a)Increases b)Decreases c)remains constant d)increases...
  14. O

    Rate of decrease of the magnetic fields

    Let V_B be the rate of decrease of the magnetic fields \frac{dB}{dt} For the 3rd path: \oint E\cdot ds = -\frac{d\phi _B}{dt} = -\frac{{d\phi _B}_1 + {d\phi _B}_2}{dt} \phi _B_{(t)} = A_{(t)}B_{(t)} The area is constant, it's only the magnetic field that's changing: \phi _B_{(t)} =...
  15. I

    Decrease in entropy and 2nd Law of Thermodynamics

    General entrpy question from a book- (not a homework quesiton): When a room temp object is placed in a refrigerator, heat flows out of object and its entropy decreases. Indeed, the refrigerator may be said to be a device for sucking entopy out of warm objects. How can such a decrease in...
  16. 6

    Need to find the intervals where the function increase, decrease & concavity

    the function is: x/(x^2 - 9) i have found the horizontal asymptote(y=0) and vertical asymptote (x=3, x=-3) the first derivative is giving me problems =(
  17. B

    Using golf ball dimples to decrease vaccuum drag on motor vehicles and aircraft.

    A golf ball without dimples experiences more drag because the deflection area of the airflow around the ball is larger which means that the pressure drop behind the golf ball is also higher. The increased drop in pressure creates a suction vacuum behind the golf ball which pulls it back and...
  18. P

    Substance decrease by factor of 100? (radioactivity)

    Homework Statement Radioactive iodine (131-I) has a half life of 8 days. How long does it take for iodine to be reduced by factor of 100? Homework Equations N(t)=N(o)e-kt k=ln100/t1/2 The Attempt at a Solution N(t)=N(o)e-kt N(t)/N(o)=e-ln(100/8)t Now I'm stuck. I would...
  19. M

    Does the torque increase or decrease as the angle increase?

    Homework Statement A simple pendulum consists of a small object of mass 2.4 kg hanging at the end of a 2.0 m long light string that is connected to a pivot point. (a) Calculate the magnitude of the torque (due to the force of gravity) about this pivot point when the string makes a 3.0° angle...
  20. K

    Why Does Low Level, High Speed Flight Decrease Aircraft Efficiency?

    hey, I was reading Aircraft Design: A Conceptual Approach by Raymer and i came across the following line. ' The aerodynamic efficiency of an aircraft, expressed as the lift to drag ratio is greatly reduced during low level, high speed flight as well is its engine efficiency. ' Can someone...
  21. R

    Cross Section of Water Flowing Down Vertical Pipe: The Mystery Unveiled

    hi We all know when velocity of fluid increases then cross section decreases for same mass flow rate and this can be well seen at water flowing from a height as in waterfalls. But why this doesn't happen when water flows down through a vertical held pipe of constant cross section. Well you may...
  22. S

    Why does decrease of temperature increase spontanity of a reaction?

    Hello everyone, I always though when reactants are heated up, there are more collisions and more like a reaction is to take place. However this is not the case for spontaneous reaction according to Gibbs equation. Why is that? Thanks :smile:
  23. Y

    Why impurities decrease melting points.

    anyone tell me why melting points of any substance decrease when we add any other material
  24. J

    Electric Motor Starting: Increase or Decrease Current?

    Homework Statement Does the current drawn by an electric motor increase or decrease as the motor starts from rest? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I can't find an answer anywhere. I would think it would decrease because less power would be required to keep the motor...
  25. B

    Intervals of increase and the intervals of decrease?

    y=-(x-3)^5(x+1)^4 For this function currently i have: degree: 9 sign: negative ? quadrants: I, II and 4 Roots: x=3 and -1 y-intercept= 243 domain: x belongs to E range: y belongs to E INTERVALS of INCREASE : ? INTERVALS of DECREASE : ? End Behaviors: As x approaches -infinity, y...
  26. R

    Cavitation and decrease in pressure confusion

    I am confused a bit about fact that there is a decrease in pressure as velocity is increased which is the principle behind cavitation. Now cavitation occurs when velocity of liquid increases so much that pressure decreases (as according to bernoullis equation) and reaches below it's vapour...
  27. B

    Does More Air Pressure Increase or Decrease Trumpet Volume?

    I am a trumpet player at a conservatory and I've been told for years that reducing the amount of air pressure through the trumpet will increase the volume of air that flows through the instrument. The people that have told me this always cite Boyle's law, but my understanding is that Boyle's...
  28. S

    Behavior of a circuit when values increase or decrease

    Homework Statement Consider the behavior of the circuit, when various values increase or decrease. (Select I-increases, D-decreases, If the first is I and the rest D, enter IDDDDD). A) If R3 decreases, the current through R4 ___. B) If R3 decreases, the current from the battery ___. C)...
  29. K

    Exploring Decrease in Binding Energy per Nucleon in Heavy Nuclei Like U-235

    Homework Statement . Why does the binding energy per nucleon decrease with increase in mass number for heavy nuclei like 235 U? Homework Equations The loss in energy of the nucleons when they move from an unbound state to a bound state is the binding...
  30. S

    Medical Why does blood pressure decrease when you stand up from a lying down position?

    I know there is venous pooling due to gravity but how does this exactly affect pressure exerted on the walls of blood vessels. Does systolic or diastolic blood pressure decrease? Thanks!
  31. S

    Solving Population Decline: Differential Equation with Birth and Death Rates

    Hi could someone please explain how this can be done please 1. The population P satisfies the differential equation dP dt = X(P) − Y(P) , where X(P) is the birth rate and Y(P) is the death rate. Find the general solution P(t) to this differential equation for the case that X(P) =...
  32. W

    Decrease in amplitude with distance from source

    Homework Statement A stone is thrown into a quiet pool of water. With no fluid friction, the amplitude of the waves falls off with distance r from the impact point as: A. 1/r3 B. 1/r C. 1/r1/2 D. 1/r3/2 E. 1/r2 Homework Equations I can't think of any wave function accounting for...
  33. A

    Vapor pressure, its decrease and subsequent lowering of boiling point

    I gather the following: - A decrease in atmospheric pressure leads to a decrease in boiling point - Thermodynamics explains this using mathematics - A kinetic theory model can also be used to explain I need to know: - The science behind this occurring. Why does a lower atmospheric...
  34. V

    Entropy to never decrease in an isolated system

    I considered entropy to never decrease in an isolated system, so I am a little confused when i read about how molecules 'self assemble' to lower interfacial energy which leads to an ordering of the system... Is this ordering not a decrease in entropy violating the law that it always...
  35. Z

    Is it possible for maximum entropy to decrease?

    Say in the far future when the universe achieves maximum entropy and all energy is rendered useless. Is it possible under ANY circumstances given all the time it needs to reverse entropy? I don't care about probability, does it break any laws in order of total reversibility of entropy turning...
  36. U

    Find Shadow Length Decrease Rate for Spotlight 12m Away

    Homework Statement A spotlight on the ground shines on a wall 12 m away. If a man 2m tall walks from the spotlight toward the building at a speed of 1.6m/s, how fast is the length of his shadow on the building decreasing when he is 4m from the building? Homework Equations x2 + y2 = z2 The...
  37. G

    What is causing the tension to decrease?

    This is not a homework question, but simply a custom problem from class. I've attempted to answer it but realized I was incorrect, and can't think of an alternative answer. Homework Statement A cart is sitting on a frictionless track. A string is attached to this cart, which runs over a...
  38. P

    Can Organized Systems Defy the Trend Towards Maximum Entropy?

    This was a question on a homework assignment I had a few weeks ago: ""Intelligent Design" believers sometimes argue against evolution by saying that it is impossible for a system (i.e. a human being) to become so organized since everything tends towards maximum entropy. Do you agree with...
  39. S

    HCl + Mg = decrease in pH? Why?

    I did an experiment today, I put some magnesium in HCl solution (pH of around 1 or so) , but for some reason the pH decreased (turned more acidic), and my teacher said that's expected but didn't tell me why it happens. Enlighten me, please.
  40. E

    D.E. Word Problem (Extruded Volume, constant decrease in volume)

    This was the problem before the one I am asking about (backstory maybe?) - Maybe relevant to my current problem \frac{dh}{dt}=-\frac{A_{h}}{A_{w}}\sqrt{2gh} Problem statement: It seems that, by placing marks on the tank corresponding to the water level at intervals of, say, one hour one...
  41. L

    Percentage Decrease in Specific Volume using Bulk Modulus from Table

    Homework Statement "Water in a hydraulic press is subjected to a pressure of 4500 psia at 68 F. If the initial pressure is 15 psia, approximately what will be the percentage decrease in specific volume. Use Table 2.1 (below)." Homework Equations...
  42. K

    How do wheels decrease the amount of energy needed to move an object?

    I was thinking about it, and the only thing I could come up with is that it reduces friction with the surface the object is sitting on and perhaps it distributes weight evenly?
  43. J

    Temperature Decrease: 4min to 32°F

    Homework Statement A container of hot liquid is 180 degrees F. After 4 minutes, the liquid's temperature is 64 degrees F. How much longer will take its temperature to decrease to 32 degrees F? round to three decimal places Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I have no...
  44. D

    How does high voltage decrease energy loss in a wire

    If you raise the voltage you must raise either the current or the resistance since V = IR. So how does a wire with higher voltage and lower current have less resistance? It should have more resistance to make up for the lower current.
  45. J

    Resistor removed from circuit, which of the following will decrease?

    N resistors (N>2) are connected in parallel with a battery of voltage V0. If one of the resistors is removed from the circuit, which of the following quanities will decrease? 1. the voltage across any of the remaining resistors, 2. the current output by the battery, 3. the total power...
  46. A

    The entropy of the universe can never decrease

    Homework Statement WHICH OF THESE IS TRUE: The entropy of the universe can never decrease All heat engines operating between the same temperatures have the same efficiency Any process that includes adding heat to an ideal gas will increase the entropy of the gas All Carnot engines...
  47. E

    Why does melting point decrease for impure solid?

    Okay, i am doing a lab involving crude acetaminophen and pure acetaminophen. The crude acetaminophen is supposed to have a lower melting point than the pure acetaminophen... how does that work and why? does it have to do with thermodynamics or what??
  48. X

    The decrease of the information v.s. chaos ?

    the decrease of the information v.s. chaos ?? One book about Chaos says that we can use the decrease of the information of the system to define whether the system is chaotic or not. I don't know why and how to do it? If you know about it, can you show it to me, or you can tell me the...
  49. 2

    Wind turbine cut in speed decrease.

    my aim is to lower the cut in speed of the horizontal turbines. I know wind speed has a brutal effect on turbine output, so I want to use horns to speed up air. I plan to put a horizontal axis turbine in the midle of the hexagon You see on the pic. Each side of the hexagon is like a...