Density Definition and 1000 Threads

The density (more precisely, the volumetric mass density; also known as specific mass), of a substance is its mass per unit volume. The symbol most often used for density is ρ (the lower case Greek letter rho), although the Latin letter D can also be used. Mathematically, density is defined as mass divided by volume:



{\displaystyle \rho ={\frac {m}{V}}}
where ρ is the density, m is the mass, and V is the volume. In some cases (for instance, in the United States oil and gas industry), density is loosely defined as its weight per unit volume, although this is scientifically inaccurate – this quantity is more specifically called specific weight.
For a pure substance the density has the same numerical value as its mass concentration.
Different materials usually have different densities, and density may be relevant to buoyancy, purity and packaging. Osmium and iridium are the densest known elements at standard conditions for temperature and pressure.
To simplify comparisons of density across different systems of units, it is sometimes replaced by the dimensionless quantity "relative density" or "specific gravity", i.e. the ratio of the density of the material to that of a standard material, usually water. Thus a relative density less than one relative to water means that the substance floats in water.
The density of a material varies with temperature and pressure. This variation is typically small for solids and liquids but much greater for gases. Increasing the pressure on an object decreases the volume of the object and thus increases its density. Increasing the temperature of a substance (with a few exceptions) decreases its density by increasing its volume. In most materials, heating the bottom of a fluid results in convection of the heat from the bottom to the top, due to the decrease in the density of the heated fluid. This causes it to rise relative to more dense unheated material.
The reciprocal of the density of a substance is occasionally called its specific volume, a term sometimes used in thermodynamics. Density is an intensive property in that increasing the amount of a substance does not increase its density; rather it increases its mass.

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  1. S

    I Deriving expression for resistance in terms of current density

    Is there a way to obtain equation 9.42 (I is current, j is current density, and sigma is conductivity) in the following image (from Modern Electrodynamics by Andrew Zangwill, the part on electromotive force) besides using V=IR and substituting the line integral of j/conductivity for V? The...
  2. Shreya

    2 Capacitors and energy density

    I developed three arguments to answer this question. Argument no 2 seems to be wrong, but I cant figure out why. I know one/more of my arguments are flawed. Please be kind to help me figure this out. Argument 1) Since they have same charge on them, the ##E## between them must be same. The one...
  3. M

    A Mixture density neural network prediction bias

    Hello! I am using a mixture density network (MDN) to make some predictions. My model is very simple with one hidden layer only with 10 nodes (the details of the network shouldn't matter for my question but I can provide more if needed). Also my MDN has only one gaussian component which basically...
  4. cwill53

    Calculation of Electrostatic Potential Given a Volume Charge Density

    Part (a) was simple, after applying $$Q=\int_{\mathbb{R}^3}^{}\rho \, d^3\mathbf{r}$$ I found that the total charge of the configuration was zero. Part (b) is where the difficulties arise for me. I applied $$V(\mathbf{r})=\frac{1}{4\pi \epsilon _0}\int_{\Gamma }^{}\frac{\rho...
  5. chwala

    Solve this problem that involves a probability density function

    I am refreshing on this; ..after a long time... Note that i do not have the solution to this problem. I will start with part (a). ##f(u)= 3u-\dfrac{3u^2}{2k}## with limits ##0≤u≤k## it follows that, ##3k - \dfrac{3k}{2}=1## ##\dfrac{3k}{2}=1## ##k=\dfrac {2}{3}## For part (b)...
  6. W

    A Lagrangian density for the spinor fields

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  7. tbn032

    Problem regarding vapour density of a mixture

    The vapour density of N204 at certain temperature is 30. Calculate the percentage of dissociation of N204 at this temperature. N2O4(g)⇌2NO2(g)? I am unable to understand the concept behind vapour density of the mixture. Currently, I understand that 2 x vapour density=molar mass. Vapour density =...
  8. Barbequeman

    Surface density of stars in a Galaxy

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  9. O

    Flux density help please (seawater flowing in a tube)

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  10. A

    Calculate the probablity density and current density of a wavefunction

    i have use time evolution operator to get the wavefunction at any time "t" as Ψ(x,t) = U(t,t1) * Ψ(x,t1) but i don't know how to calculate next part of the question
  11. JH_1870

    A A question about current density in finite element analysis

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  12. JH_1870

    A Relationship between magnetic potential and current density in Maxwell

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  13. F

    I Distributed Forces and force density....

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  14. KingoftheChaosEmpire

    "Rigid airship" using low density hydrogen (LDH) inflation

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  15. M

    I Effect of time on density distribution+shape of uniformly dense sphere

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  16. S

    I Reconciling Lorentz Four-Force Density w/ Spacelike Four-Current (##c = 1##)

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  17. M

    The density of a proton (hydrogen nucleus)

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  18. chwala

    Solve the problem involving probability density function

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  19. BlackPhysics

    A cylinder with cross-section area A floats with its long axis vertical

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  20. J

    Using Gauss's Law to Calculate Charge Density Function

    I've attached what I have so far. Used Gauss's law, everything seemed to make sense except the units don't work out in the end. The charge density function if given by: r(z)=az, where z is the perpendicular distance inside the plane.
  21. Dario56

    I Density Operators of Pure States

    Quantum states are most often described by the wavefunction ,##\Psi##. Variable ,##\Psi(x_1x_2\dots x_n) \Psi^*(x_1x_2\dots x_n)## defines probability density function of the system. Quantum states can also be described by the density matrices (operators). For a pure state, density matrix is...
  22. Frankenstein19

    Chemistry Converting scfm to lb/hr, which density should I use?

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  23. J

    Engineering Calculating maximum flux density

    Hi everyone, I have a EE problem that I need to sort out for alternating voltage. I have to find out the maximum flux density. B_max= integral from 150 degrees to 30 degrees (u/(2NA) dt is my problem. I have a hard time to integrate this since I am to integrate with time and not degrees or...
  24. StenEdeback

    Deduction of formula for Lagrangian density for a classical relativistic field

    Hi, I am reading Robert D Klauber's book "Student Friendly Quantum Field Theory" volume 1 "Basic...". On page 48, bottom line, there is a formula for the classical Lagrangian density for a free (no forces), real, scalar, relativistic field, see the attached file. I like to understand formulas...
  25. S

    I Gas Density of Lunar Crater Rims: Comet vs. Asteroid Impacts

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  26. Ahmed1029

    I Helmholtz's theorem and charge density

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  27. LCSphysicist

    Poynting theorem and electromagnetic density

    I am a little confused with the Poynting theorem . When we use this equation, the energy density that enters in $$\partial u / \partial t$$ is the one due only to the fields generated by charges/source itself? That is, if we have a magnetic...
  28. pandatime

    Centre of mass (composite rod) - length and densities provided

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  29. O

    What is the density of the Carina Nebula?

    In a James Webb photo thread, someone posted that the Carina Nebula has a density of a few atoms per cubic meter. This seems off to me, as this is close to the average density of the intergalactic medium of one atom per cubic meter, which is much less than the interstellar medium average density...
  30. LCSphysicist

    Density of a solid and Clapeyron equation

    So i think i am missing something pretty dumb, but anyway: $$|\Delta P_{ressure}| = \rho_{s} g \Delta H$$ Claperyon equation: $$\frac{\Delta P}{\Delta T} = \frac{\Delta L_{m}}{\Delta V_{m} T}$$ Equally both: $$|\rho_{s}| = \frac{|\Delta T \Delta L_{m}|}{|\Delta H \Delta V_{m} g T|}$$ My...
  31. JandeWandelaar

    A Has a calculation of the vacuum energy density been done with strings?

    The calculation of the vacuum energy density gives us a discrepancy with reality. There should be a mass equivalent of about $10^{96}$ kilograms. I'm wondering if the assumed point-like "structure" of particles could be the cause of this wrong value. Since string theory doesn't assume a...
  32. T

    I What is a typical mass density for inter-galactic gas in a cluster?

    I assume we can work it out from X-ray emission detections, such as shown with the famous bullet cluster images.
  33. R

    B How does the density of air affect the note you hear?

    I'm making an instrument for a high school physics project and I was wondering how the density of air changes the perceived note and the explanation behind it. I've managed a few possible theories but none that I was fully confident in. I'll reference a video which inspired my idea, adding more...
  34. Safinaz

    I Converting density unit ##MeV^4## to SI units

    How to transform density unit in natural units $MeV^4$ to SI units $kg/m^3$, Here's my trial: ##MeV^4 = (10^6)^4 ~ eV^4 = 10^{24} ~ eV^4 ##, ## eV = 1.6 * 10^{-19}~ kg~ m^2 / sec^2, ## ##MeV^4 = 10^{24} ~ 1.6^4 * 10^{-40} ~ kg^4 m^8 / sec^8 ## This is not simply ##kg/m^3##! Any help how to...
  35. M

    Charge density on the surface of a conductor

    I have tried to solve the problem by setting as a condition that the electric field inside the conductor has to be 0, but in this way I have two unknowns (σ1 and σ2):
  36. W

    I Energy Density in E Field: Does it Contribute to Inertial Mass?

    Hi. I'm not sure where to put this question, it concerns particles, mass-energy equivalence and various things. Classical electromagnetism seems to be as sensible a place as any. There is energy stored in an E field. Energy density (at position r, time t) = \frac{1}{2}...
  37. C

    I Reynolds Number and Turbulence: Why Does Increasing Density Affect Flow?

    hi. I have a question regarding rheology. the Reynolds number increases when density of a fluid increases. so the flow becomes more turbulent. but I wonder why it is that the flow becomes more turbulent when density increases. why is that?
  38. M

    Density versus Pressure -- Balancing the bouyancy of a floating capsule

    [Mentors’ note: no template as this thread had initially been misplaced in the technical forums and was moved here] Summary:: Enclosed Cubic foot capsule passing between two bodies of different densities but questioned pressure. You have a tub of fresh water 32 feet high sharing a wall with...
  39. A

    I Mass & Density: Unpacking Feynman's Idea

    What do you think of the idea that mass is a number? This apparently derives from something Feynman said about energy. Apart from saying "nobody knows what energy is", he does go on to explain in the same lecture, what he knows about work energy. Is it more important to know how something is...
  40. M

    A Peebles Equation for fractional electron density

    I am trying to compute the Peebles equation as found here: I am doing so in Python and the following is my attempt: However, I'm unable to solve it. Either my solver is not enough, or I have wrongly done the function for calculating the Equation. # imports from scipy.optimize import fsolve...
  41. BnayaMeir

    Surface Current and Electric Field

    Hi everyone! I'm pretty new in this forum, I found the topics here very relevant to my physics course. And here is my question: Given the following drawing, two infinite sheets (in y and z axis) of ideal conductive material. their thickness is infinitesimal (dx->0). The electric field is...
  42. ursonor99

    Impact of AC effects on current density analysis of pcb for 50-60Hz

    Hello , I was looking into current density analysis of a PCB that handles distribution of AC power . from ansys and cadence sites , i realized by current density they refer to DC IR drop that is a pure ohmic analysis that doesn't take into consideration the AC effects . And in order to take this...
  43. mncyapntsi

    E-field of solid sphere with non-uniform charge density

    Hi! I've been trying to attempt this problem over here but the solutions state that the solution is this below? However, from integrating the density and then plugging it into Gauss's law, I get the exact same thing, except a 15 instead of a 5. Could any please help point out if there is an...
  44. RayDonaldPratt

    I How to convert density ratio of grams/ mm^3 into metric tonnes/ m^3

    For the dimensions of a right cylinder, I am given three significant digits for the diameter (17.4 mm) and the height (50.3 mm). The formula for the volume of a right cylinder is V = Pi x r^2 x h, which would lead here to Pi x (17.4 mm / 2)^2 x 50.3 mm = 11,960.69354 mm^3 before rounding to 3...
  45. M

    I Understand Poynting Density of Flow of Energy w/Weak Physics Background

    My physics background is weak. My search found lots of ## E \times B ## and ## E^2 + B^2##, often associated with ## \mu_0 ## and ## \epsilon_0 ##, but never divided by ## 4 \pi ## and ## 8 \pi ##, respectively. Could someone provide a reference? Or a derivation? Thanks.
  46. chwala

    Problem involving Probability density function

    I just want to be certain, i think the inequality indicated is not correct...ought to be less than. Kindly confirm...This is a textbook literature.
  47. W

    Connection between Pressure, Surface Density and Height?

    [Mentors' note: moved from technical forums so no template] Hi All, Working on a lab write-up, and I need background equations to support the reasoning for my experiment. To outline briefly, two-part experiment, first part was finding the ideal pressure for a basketball, where I inflated it...
  48. G

    Surface charge density of a plane

    $$\phi_E=\dfrac{Q_{\textrm{enclosed}}}{\varepsilon_0}\Rightarrow Q_{\textrm{enclosed}}=9,6\cdot 10^{-7}\, \textrm{C}$$ $$Q_{\textrm{enclosed}}=\sigma S=\sigma \pi R^2\Rightarrow \sigma =\dfrac{Q_{\textrm{enclosed}}}{\pi (0,1^2)}=3,04\cdot 10^{-5}\, \textrm{C}/\textrm{m}^2$$ I have a lot of...