Hi guys, I am trying to linearize a coupled non-linear ode. I used partial derivative, and then jacobian matrix, i have seen paper using state-space model of jacobian matrix. I can't get a proper reference on this state-space model.
Attached is the non-linear ode, the partial derivative of the...
Homework Statement
This isn't the usual format, so I hope it's still ok. It's just easier than writing it out on here. I can't work out how to form a simultaneous equation from (1) and (2).
When solved it should form the du/dx and dv/dx...
By all techinical standards, I am not required to take Differential Equations. I am currently a Physics major with a 2nd major in Mathematics Education. I want to take DE before I start any of my upper level Physics courses next fall since 2 of my academic advisors (one for Physics, one for...
Homework Statement
i'm supposed to find the general solution of the equation: y'' + 3y' + 2y = e^x + e^-x
Homework Equations
I have no problem with solving this equation however, i am confused with the step they are taking in the solutions (circled)...
Homework Statement
In aerodynamics, one encounters the following initial value problem for Airy’s equations:
y''(x) + xy = 0, y(0) = 1, y'(0) = 0
Using the Runge-Kutta method with h=0.005 and determine values between x=0 and x=10 sufficient to sketch the relationship...
Homework Statement
The function F is defined by F (r, θ) = f (x(r, θ), y(r, θ)), where f is twice continuously
differentiable and
x(r, θ) = r cos θ, y(r, θ) = r sin θ.
Use the chain rule to find
d2F/dθ2Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I know that dF/dθ = (df/dx)(dx/dθ) +...
Which one would you recommend me to take over the summer? Or should I take both? Has anyone ever done that?
Next semester I will be taking multivariable calculus and i just wanted to take a math class over the summer because I really enjoy it.
Each class is 3 hours long and meets MTWTR.
i am told to investagate the nature of the critical points of the system:
i am not sure where to begin because x' is always non-zero.
Need Help with a couple diff eq problems:
2.) show y=cx^2 - x is a solution of xy' - 2y + x =0
I was trying to separate the variables so i could integrate but i cannot get it to work out.
I have tried so many things from adding 2y to both sides and and multiply by the inverse dx/dy. but...
Homework Statement
Consider the implicit (not actually sure wether that's the correct english word, my material is in Finnish and I'm Swedish-speaking :smile:) method
a)Write an appropriate Runge-Kutta scheme
b) What is the methods rank when we use the...
1. Suppose we have two tanks, each with an inflow pipe and an outflow pipe and also connected to each other by pipes. At the start, tank A contains 40 gallons of clean water and Tank B contains 25 gallons of clean water. At t = 0 brine containing 0.5 lbs of salt per gallon begins to flow into...
Homework Statement
solve the system of first-order linear differential equations:
(y1)' = (y1) - 4(y2)
(y2)' = 2(y2)
using the equation:
(λI -A)x = 0
Homework Equations
using eigenvectors and eigenvalues
in the book 'Elementary Linear Algebra' by Larson and Falvo - Section 7.4 #19...
Hey.. I ran across some problems and the notation used is a little different from what I've seen before.
considering U(x,y)=X(x)Y(y)
Sometimes I'll see Uxx for \frac{d^{2}u}{dt^{2}} which equals X''Y
Or Ux for \frac{du}{dt} which equals X'Y
But what about U'x
Is that a redundant way of...
Homework Statement
Given that y1(t) = t is a solution of t2y'' + ty' - y= 0 find all solutions.
The Attempt at a Solution
I already put it into mathbin asking somewhere else for help and it doesn't look like i can copy paste that syntax to here.
I want to preface this by saying that these questions are not to find an exact answer, just to build intuition. If you find them ill-posed or incorrect, it would be most helpful if you could show me a "better way" of looking at it.
So, I'm trying to gather a geometric viewpoint of...
Homework Statement
Let K = \{ (x,y) | -1<x<1 , -1<y<1 \} . Find the unique soloution of dirichlet problem:
\Delta u(x,y) =0 , (x,y) \in K ,
u(x,y) = |x+y| , (x,y) \in \partial K .
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
We need to guess a soloution and not use...
Homework Statement
y'' + 2y' +y = 5e^6x
use undetermined coefficients to solve this equation.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
what I would normally do is
m^2 + 2m + 1 = 0
but then I get stuck I can't find the general equation as this won't factor. I tried...
Homework Statement
dx/dy = cos(y) - xtan(y)
I need to find the general solution of the problem
Homework Equations
y' + Py = Q
Where P and Q are functions of x
dy/y = - Pdx
ln(y) = -integral(Pdx)+c
y = e^(-int(Pdx)+c)
The Attempt at a Solution
Now I have no idea...
Homework Statement
[b]2. Homework Equations [/bHomework Statement
I have to find a(t) and b(t), using the following set of equations:
\frac{\hbar\omega_{1}}{2}a(t)\cos{\alpha}+\frac{\hbar\omega_{1}}{2}b(t) exp(-i\omega t) \sin{\alpha}=i\hbar\frac{da}{dt}
Homework Statement
Let x= e^{t}
Find \frac{dy}{dx} and \frac{d^{2}y}{dx^{2}} in terms of \frac{dy}{dt} and \frac{d^{2}y}{dt^{2}}
The Attempt at a Solution
if x= e^{t} then \frac{dx}{dt} = e^{t}= x
\frac{dy}{dx}= \frac{dy}{dt}\frac{dt}{dx}=...
I have been trying to solve a problem MATLAb regarding my project and it involves solving set of differential equations involving four variables. It is turning into quite a headache and i was actually wondering if ode45 or ode23 would be sufficient for such a problem.
Problem Structure...
Homework Statement
solve the system:
dx/dt = [1 -4] x
_______[4 -7]
with x(0) = [3]
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I got both eigenvalues of the matrix are -3 and so both eigenvectors are [1]...
Homework Statement
A ladder, of length 13m, is leaning against a wall. The base of the ladder begins to slide, frictionless, away from the wall; by the time the base is horizontally 12m away from the wall it is moving at a rate of 2ms-1
a)How fast is the top of the ladder sliding down the...
Hello guys, I am new here to the forum and I was wondering if you could help me with some trouble I am having with differential equations. For your information: I am a second year applied physics student from the Netherlands and I loveee everything about physics and mathematics!
The problem...
Ok, I've been working this one out for a while, and I just can't seem to get it.
I'm looking for the condition such that x(t)=k (where in our class, K generally equals e^c)
The initial equation is as such:
I've worked the equation down to two different forms:
1. L-1{(3s+2)/ (s2+2s +10)}
After completing the square I get to 3s+2 /(s+1)2 + 32 which suggests two solutions or one. They decompose the fraction into [(A)s+1 /(s+1)2 + 32 ]+ [(B) 3/(s+1)2 + 32]
I am unsure of how this decomposition works I thought that we would take A(3s) as the numerator...
Last night in a lecture my professor explained that some partial differential equations are used to observe events on minimal surface (e.g. membranes).
A former advisor, someone that studied differential geometry, gave a brief summary of minimal surfaces but in a diffy G perspective.
Homework Statement
Find a particular solution using variation of parameters.
y'' + 3y' + 2y = 4e^x
Homework Equations
yp = -y1 * INT (y2f(x)/W[y1,y2]) dx + y2 * INT (y1f(x)/W[y1,y2]) dx
The Attempt at a Solution
So, first I find the homogeneous solution, correct?
r2 + 3r + 2 = 0, so...
Homework Statement
I'm told to solve the following:
X' = (1 1; -1 3)X
Where (1 1) is the first row and (-1 3) is the second row.
The Attempt at a Solution
Okay so I calculated teh eigenvalues and I got repeated eigenvalue of 2. I calculated the eigenvector and got (1,1). So a solution...
Homework Statement
trying to find the integral curve for ths equation get stuck at trying to integrate 10^-u
dy/dx=10^x+yHomework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
let u=x+y
so dy/dx=10^u
du/10^u=-dxthanks in advance
Homework Statement
What do you do if one of the roots to the characteristic equation of a differential equation is zero when using variation of parameters?
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
The problem I encountered this in is
y" - y' = 4t
Characteristic equation
r2 - r = 0
Homework Statement
Solve the following: xdx = y^{2}dy
Homework Equations
Fundamental theorem of calculus - thanks gabbagabbaheyThe Attempt at a Solution
\int\frac{dy}{dx} = \int\frac{x}{y^{2}}
So with the question, I've integrated both...
Critical Points and Differential Equations! Helppp
Hello everyone..Find it embarrassing enough on asking a question on my very first post but I've been an avid reader of the forums for the past couple of months and been finding what i need for all my assignments here.So a big Thank You to all...
I am a Matlab rookie. I need to solve numerically the following second order differential equations
d^2x/dt^2 + w0_(el) * x = e/m_e * E - K3/m_e * x *y;
d^2y/dt^2 + w0_(v) * y = - K_3/2M * x^2;
I have started to deal with only the harmonic part of the problem. So I tried to solve...
Alright guys, I am extremely new with MATLAB, and this ODE problem is giving me a hard time.
For my function file, I got
function dy = hode(t,y)
dy = [y(4);
Homework Statement
i had solve the C1 question,
But in c2,
i am not sure what is the relationship between r(t)=x^2(t)+y^2(t) and the r'=r-r^3.
not get the meaning of that question,
how to use the r(t)=x^2(t)+y^2(t) to get the r'=r-r^3?
can anyone explain to me? thanks!
An integrating factor e^(integral p(x) ) can be used to solve Linear D.E. in form y' + P(x)y=Q(x), but what do i do when there is no x in P(x) or Q(x)?
for instance in these problems: #1)y' - y=4(e^x) #2)y'+2xy=4
Is it wrong to use P(x)= -1 for problem 1, and Q(x)=4 for problem 2?
Homework Statement
Consider the following model for the populations of rabbits and wolves (where R is the population of rabbits and W is the population of wolves).
dR/dt = .05R(1-.00025R)-.00109375RW
dW/dt = -.04W+8e-05RW
Find all the equilibrium solutions:
In the absence of...
riccati differential equations
how to find general solution of this question
please say me
i work hard but i do nat know this form of riccati equation. i know when special solution is...
When given
y'' + ay' + by + c = 0
The characteristic equation is:
λ^2 + aλ + b = 0
Now I'm making a substitution of e^(λx) to get
[(λ^2 + aλ + b)][e^(λx)] = 0
double root : [(λ - alpha)^2] [e^(λx)] = 0
My question now is that if I were to do the same thing with the...
Homework Statement
y''+7y'=392sin(7t)+686cos(7t) with y(0)=4 and y'(0)=9
Homework Equations
No real relevant equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I assumed since the g(t) has function of both sine and cosine the solution would be both the real and non real parts of the solution to...
Homework Statement
Let Ly = y'' + py' + qy. Suppose y1 and y2 are functions such that Ly1 = f(x) and Ly2 = g(x). Show that the sum y = y1 + y2 satisfies the nonhomogeneous equation Ly = f(x) + g(x).
Homework Equations
Superposition Principle: L[c1y1 + c2y2] = c1L[y1] + c2L[y2]
Homework Statement
I have a Driven Harmonic Oscillator Without a Damping Force
Homework Equations
m\ddot{}x+kx=F0 cos(\omegat)The Attempt at a Solution
Not looking for a solution just looking for an example problem, as none are provided in my text.
If anyone can provide one for me I'd be very...
I could not get LaTex to format properly, so I typed out the question and my work using Microsoft Word's equation editor. Please see the attached document, apologies for any inconvenience! These problems involve the techniques for the method of undetermined coefficients and variation of parameters.
Homework Statement
Solve the differential equation with the initial condition y(0) = 1
Homework Equations
3e5xdy/dx = -25x/y2
The Attempt at a Solution
First I tried putting everything with an x or dx on one side and a y or dy on the other side, and solved for C. I got 0 as the...