Homework Statement
Consider the following parametrization of a Torus:
\sigma(u,v)=((R+r\cos u)\cos v, (R+r\cos u)\sin v, r\sin u)
R>r,\quad (u,v)\in [0,2\pi)^2
1. Compute the Gauss map at a given point.
2. What are the eigenvalues of that map in the base...
Hello everybody!
I'm currently attending lectures on Hamiltonian dynamics from a very mathematical viewpoint and I'm having trouble understanding two facts:
1. An inner product defined in every tangent space and a symplectic form both establish a natural isomorphism between tangent and...
Hello guys,
I keep hearing that Euclidean parallel postulate was broken through differential geometry, can someone please explain how that happens, and in what sense?
I do understand differential geometry notations and tensors, so explanation with them is OK.
Thank you :)
I am going to be entering the university of texas graduate physics department in August. I am currently signed up for the class "Topics in Geometry and Quantum Physics" (http://www.ma.utexas.edu/users/dafr/M392C/index.html) and am pretty worried about the summer reading. I am having a hard time...
Homework Statement
I am having difficulty understanding the proof of the following theorem from Differential Geometry
S\subset \mathbb{R}^3 and assume \forall p\in S \exists p\in V\subset\mathbb{R}^3 V open such that
f:V\rightarrow\mathbb{R}^3 is C^1
V\cap S=f^{-1}(0)...
I'm currently taking graduate courses on differential geometry and algebra. What books are closest to the style of Rudin for these areas (i.e. rigorous, developing the theory in apropriate generality and being elegant at the same time).
For Algebra, I guess Lang is the bible, but what else is...
Homework Statement
One way to define a system of coordinants for a Sphere S^2 given by x^2 + y^2 + (z-1)^2 = 1 is socalled stereographical projection \pi \thilde \{N} \rightarrow R^2 which carries a point p=(x,y,z) of the sphere minus the Northpole (0,0,2) onto the intersection...
Homework Statement
Find an explicit unit-speed non-degenerate space curve \vec{r}:(0,\infinity)\rightarrow\Re^{3} whose curvature and torsion \kappa,\tau:(0,\infinity)\rightarrow\Re are given by the functions \kappa(s)=\tau(s)=\frac{1}{s}.
Homework Equations
the only thing that I can think of...
What is a very good differential geometry introductory text?
My only background is Calculus (spivak). however, I'm very interested in mastering differential geometry (at both the pure math and physics application level). Any recommendations?
Homework Statement
Let \sigma:I\rightarrow R^{3} be a non-degenerate unit speed curve, and R be a real number >0. Fix a value s_{0}\in I. Prove that:
(There exists a center \vec{p}\in R^{3} such that \sigma(I)\subset S_{R}(p))\iff (There exists an angle \phi\in R such that, for all s\in...
if \alpha, \alpha' \in \Omega^1. Rewrite the identity,
d(\alpha \wedge \alpha')=d \alpha \wedge \alpha' - \alpha \wedge d \alpha' in terms of vector calculus.
I have absolutely no idea what is going on here. So if anybody could explain to me a) what this is all about and b) how to go about...
Problem1.3. Describe the one-sheeted hyperboloid as a surface of revolution;
that is, find a positive function f : R \rightarrow R such that
x(u, v)= \left[ \begin {array}{c} f \left( u \right) {\it cos}\nu
\\\noalign{\medskip}f \left( u \right) {\it sin}\nu
Hi all,
I'm taking an introduction to general relativity course along with an elementary differential geometry course this term. I'm really interested in this stuff and I've been waiting 3.5 years to take these courses, so I'm really excited.
Which textbooks have you all come across that...
This is not homework:
I was wondering if there was a website that gave the solutions to A Comprehensive Introduction to Differential Geometry by Michael Spivak.
I was learning this on my own. NOT homework.
Given \{(u,v)\inR^2:u^2+v^2<1\} with metric E = G =\frac{4}{(1-u^2-v^2)^2} and F = 0. How can I show that a Euclidean circle centered at the origin is a hyperbolic circle?
Co-ordinate independent calculus.
Smooth functions
Derivatives as linear operators.
The chain rule.
Diffeomorphisms and the inverse function theorem.
Differentiable manifolds
Co-ordinate charts...
Hi everyone. This is kind of a geometry/quantum mechanics question (hope this is the right place to post this).
So, in quantum mechanics we consider operators that reside in an infinite dimensional Hilbert space (to speak rather informally). We even have the cool commutator relation, which is...
Hi, I've decided to learn GR myself recently since it's like the "sexy" side of physics. But I'm getting stuck with the tensors notations already. Maybe my math background is just not sufficient enough to do GR.
In general, how do I know that an object is tensorial; for example, objects like...
I wonder if there are some relationships between the torsion in algebra and the torsion in differential geometry. Could someone tell me something about them?
Hello all,
I am taking a class on differential geometry and I have run into a problem with the following question:
Show that if α is a regular curve, i.e., ||α'(t)|| > 0 for all t ∈ I, then s(t) is an invertible function, i.e., it is one-to-one (Hint: compute s'(t) ).
I am not really...
So I've taken two differential topology/geometry classes both from a mathematics department. I see all over this forum a whole lot of talk about indices being up or down and raising/lowering etc.
My professors barely ever mentioned these things though I did notice that when they worked in...
I go to a small liberal arts university that only offers certain math classes at certain times. Due to the way my schedule has worked out, I only have the option of taking ONE of the following: geometry, DEs, or DG. What should I do? By the time I HAVE to chose, I will have taken the calculus...
Homework Statement
Can some one please explain to me how to show that
J^{\alpha}{ }_{;\alpha}={1\over{\sqrt{-g}}}\partial_\alpha(\sqrt{-g}J^\alpha)Homework Equations
\Gamma^\gamma{}_{\alpha\beta}={1\over 2}g^{\gamma\delta}(g_{\delta\alpha,\beta}+g_{\delta\beta,\alpha}-g_{\alpha\beta,\delta})...
I would just like to know which of these math courses is best suited for physics. I have taken advanced calculus and linear algebra, so I've seen most of the proofs one typically sees in an intro analysis course (ie. epsilon delta etc.). I intend to do work with a lot of Quantum Field Theory...
Homework Statement
Assume that \tau(s) \neq 0 and k'(x) \neq 0 for all s \in I. Show that a necessary and sufficient condition for \alpha(I) to lie on a sphere is that R^2 + (R')^2T^2 = const where R = 1/k, T = 1/\tau, and R' = \frac{dr}{ds}Homework Equations
\alpha(s) is a curve in R3...
I am a 2nd year Pure Mathematics undergraduate student. I have always coveted Differential Geometry as it seems extremely interesting but I do not know much about it. The prerequisites for this class are MAT 208 (Linear Algebra) and MAT 314 (Intermediate Analysis I). I am in Linear Algebra...
Hi, I have been reading some stuff about differential geometry (with the ultimate goal of trying to understand loop quantum gravity...) and something I have been having trouble with for awhile is the idea of a connection. Basically, I have yet to find a definition that actually enables me to...
differential geometry hypersurface problem - need help starting!
[b]1. Homework Statement [/b
Let f\in C^{\infty}(R\R^{2}) and let S be the set of points in R\R^{3} given the graph of f. Thus, s={{(x,y,z=f(x,y))|(x,y)\inR\R^{2}}.
a) Show that this set of points can be viewed as a regular...
Hi all,
I'm torn between taking complex analysis or differential geometry at the advanced third year level.
Which of these would you consider the easiest to self-learn or the least applicable to the study of theoretical physics?
I know that differential geometry shows up in general relativity...
Homework Statement
On R^3 with the usual coordinates (x,y,z), consider the pairs of vector fields X,Y given below. For each pair, determine if there is a function f:R^3-->R with non-vanishing derivative df satisfying Xf=Yf=0, and either find such a function or prove that there is none.
Homework Statement
For any open set U \subset \mathbb{R}^n and any continuous and injective mapping f : U \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^n, the image f(U) is open, and f(U) is a homeomorphism.
Homework Equations
The Attempt at a Solution
I am trying to learn how to write proofs, so...
I'm trying to teach myself differential geometry from the internet, and I've hit a snag in proving homeomorphisms.
First, show that \Re^n is homeomorphic to any open ball in \Re^n. (I'm not sure how to write the conventional "R" using Latex.)
I'm trying to prove this statement, but I am...
My understanding of GR is very coordinate oriented which kind of drags me down when I try to answer more general questions.
Can somebody recommend a book in Differential Geometry with application to GR?
Here are my preferences. I don't like hand waving typical for some books 'written for...
a. Show that if a curve C is a line of curvature and a geodesic then C is a plane curve.
Let a(s) be a parameterization of C by arc length (which I'm assuming always exists). then C is a geodesic if the covariant derivative of a(s) with respect to s is 0. We also know that if C is...
Ok, in general, I know that if the coefficients of the First Fundamental Form agree for two surfaces parameterized by X and Y, the the map X(Y^-1) is an isometry, or the two surfaces are isometric.
I also know that if two parameterizations don't have the same coefficients, this does not imply...
I have to prove the map g:torus --> (S^2 3 dimensional sphere of radius 1) is a C infinity map in my assignment.
The torus is parameterized as
x(u,v)=(3+cos u)(cos v)
y(u,v)=(3+cos u)(sin v)
z(u,v)=sin u
The map g is given by
g=[6yz/(x^2+y^2+z^2+8), 3-sqrt(x^2+y^2), -xz/sqrt(x^2+y^2)]
I want a book on introductory Diff. Geometry for self study, but I don't know which book will be suitable for me, and not on a too high level. I know Linear Algebra, single & multi variablecalculus, basic vector calculus and very little about ODE's and PDE's.
At the Diff. Geometry course...
what is a good book in differential geometry. I currently know calculus, a bit about differential equations, a bit of linear algebra and a bit about tensors. I also know some variational calculus.
Of course what I know won't really help. I've skimmed through some physics sources and...
(1) The gradient of a differential function f: S --> R is a differentiable map grad f: S --> R^3 which assigns to each point p in S a vector grad f(p) in the tangent space of p s.t.
<grad f(p), v> at p = dfp(v) for every v in the tangent space Tp(S)
(a) If E, F, G are the coefficients of...
I just want to know if I'm on the right track with these questions...
1. To prove that a point and a line in R^3 are not surfaces, I showed that the function from an open interval U in R^2 to the intersection of the point/line and a subset W in R^3 cannot be a homeomorphism. This is...
Homework Statement
Suppose that a(s) is a unit speed curve.
A) If B(s) is an involute of a (not necessarily unit speed), prove that B(s)=
a(s)+ (c-s)*T(s), where c is a constant and T= a'
B) Under what conditions is a(s) + (c-s)T(s) a regular curve and hence an involute of "a."...
Homework Statement
Show that a(x) =( -cos(2x)), -2*cos(x), sin (2x)) is a sphere curve by showing that (-1,0,0) belongs to each normal plane.
Homework Equations
Not quite sure (part of my question)
T= a'(x)
N= T'/norm(T')
B= T x N (T cross N)
The Attempt at a Solution
Ok I found...
I'm looking for a good book on riemannian geometry, with a minimum of prerequistes and that takes a more intutive rather than formal approach.
I know a bit of calculus of variations, multivariable calculus, vector calculus, and a bit of linear algebra.
Homework Statement
Let alpha(t) be a regular curve. Suppose there is a point a in R^3 space s.t. alpha(t)-a is orthogonal to T(t) for all t. Prove that alpha(t) lies on a sphere.Homework Equations
A regular curve in R^3 is a function alpha: (a,b)-->R^3 which is of class C^k for...