Dipole Definition and 854 Threads

In electromagnetism, there are two kinds of dipoles:

An electric dipole deals with the separation of the positive and negative charges found in any electromagnetic system. A simple example of this system is a pair of electric charges of equal magnitude but opposite sign separated by some typically small distance. (A permanent electric dipole is called an electret.)
A magnetic dipole is the closed circulation of an electric current system. A simple example is a single loop of wire with constant current through it. A bar magnet is an example of a magnet with a permanent magnetic dipole moment.Dipoles, whether electric or magnetic, can be characterized by their dipole moment, a vector quantity. For the simple electric dipole, the electric dipole moment points from the negative charge towards the positive charge, and has a magnitude equal to the strength of each charge times the separation between the charges. (To be precise: for the definition of the dipole moment, one should always consider the "dipole limit", where, for example, the distance of the generating charges should converge to 0 while simultaneously, the charge strength should diverge to infinity in such a way that the product remains a positive constant.)
For the magnetic (dipole) current loop, the magnetic dipole moment points through the loop (according to the right hand grip rule), with a magnitude equal to the current in the loop times the area of the loop.
Similar to magnetic current loops, the electron particle and some other fundamental particles have magnetic dipole moments, as an electron generates a magnetic field identical to that generated by a very small current loop. However, an electron's magnetic dipole moment is not due to a current loop, but to an intrinsic property of the electron. The electron may also have an electric dipole moment though such has yet to be observed (see electron electric dipole moment).

A permanent magnet, such as a bar magnet, owes its magnetism to the intrinsic magnetic dipole moment of the electron. The two ends of a bar magnet are referred to as poles—not to be confused with monopoles, see Classification below)—and may be labeled "north" and "south". In terms of the Earth's magnetic field, they are respectively "north-seeking" and "south-seeking" poles: if the magnet were freely suspended in the Earth's magnetic field, the north-seeking pole would point towards the north and the south-seeking pole would point towards the south. The dipole moment of the bar magnet points from its magnetic south to its magnetic north pole. In a magnetic compass, the north pole of a bar magnet points north. However, that means that Earth's geomagnetic north pole is the south pole (south-seeking pole) of its dipole moment and vice versa.
The only known mechanisms for the creation of magnetic dipoles are by current loops or quantum-mechanical spin since the existence of magnetic monopoles has never been experimentally demonstrated.
The term comes from the Greek δίς (dis), "twice" and πόλος (polos), "axis".

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  1. P

    Force on a dipole moving through a magnetic field

    Homework Statement A dipole of moment ##\vec{p}## where p is fixed, moves with velocity ##\vec{v}## though a magnetic field ##\vec{B}##. Show that the force on the dipole is ##\vec{v}\times(\vec{p}\cdot\vec{\nabla})\vec{B}+\dot{\vec{p}}\times\vec{B}##. Homework Equations...
  2. J

    Electric Dipole Energy Outside Sphere

    Homework Statement An electric dipole with charge ±q is separated by distance d. This dipole is enclosed in a spherical space of radius r = a such that the center of the dipole is located at the origin and the entire dipole in encased in the space. In other words the charges are at ±d/2 and a...
  3. F

    Method of images about a sphere with a dipole

    Homework Statement Hello everyone, I am new here and have a question regarding method of images in my electricity and magnetism class. I need help to even get the ball rolling. The question is as follows: a) What is the image of a dipole, oriented toward the center of the conducting sphere, if...
  4. Mr. Rho

    Mathematica Rotation of 3D Plot using Euler angles

    So, I'm trying to plot a 3D "dipole" (an arrow with a small torus around it basically) in mathematica, and want to rotate it according to Euler angles... I use this code for the rotation matrix: rot[a, b, g] := RotationMatrix[g, {1, 0, 0}].RotationMatrix[b, {0, 1, 0}].RotationMatrix[a, {0, 0...
  5. Umrao

    Calculation of force due to electric dipole

    Homework Statement Two identical co-axial rings ,(radius R each) are kept separated by a small distance d, one of them carrying a charge +Q and the other a charge -Q. The charges are uniformly distributed over the respective rings. A point charge q is kept on the common axis of the rings, at a...
  6. Oribe Yasuna

    Potential Difference between Two Points affected by a Dipole

    Homework Statement A dipole is centered at the origin, with its axis along the y axis, so that at locations on the y axis, the electric field due to the dipole is given by E vector = 0, 1/4πε0 * 2qs/y^3, 0 V/m The charges making up the dipole are q1 = +6 nC and q2 = -6 nC and the dipole...
  7. gracy

    B Oscillations of Dipole in Electric Field: Stability & SHM

    In a uniform electric field if a dipole is slightly displaced from it's stable equilibrium position it executes angular SHM. What if a dipole is slightly displaced from it's unstable equilibrium position ,will it execute angular SHM?
  8. gracy

    Understanding the Effect of Distance on Dipole Behavior: A Scientific Inquiry

    in this video from time 1:20 to 1:24 he says we can treat the system of three charges as a dipole ignoring middle charge .I want to know why ?I mean just because r>>a how we can ignore the middle charge ?How is it relevant?
  9. K

    Magnetic dipole moment derivation

    (2) Hi. I am having a problem with understanding how to approximate 1/R in the forms of equations written above. I took this equations from a blog, and it tells that I can use talyor polynomial. but I don't get there somehow.
  10. puggleboy

    Finding dipole moment / Electric Field Problem

    Homework Statement Problem 3 from the attached photo Homework Equations p = qd The Attempt at a Solution I know the magnitude of the dipole moment is p = qd, where d is the distance between the 2 oppositely charged particles. I know the direction of the dipole moment vector is from - to +. My...
  11. P

    Probability that a magnetic dipole is oriented with theta

    1. the problem goes like this : The energy of interaction of a classical magnetic dipole with the magnetic field B is given by E = −μ·B. The sum over microstates becomes an integral over all directions of μ. The direction of μ in three dimensions is given by the angles θ and φ of a spherical...
  12. D

    Series expansion for 2D dipole displaced from the origin

    I learn that we can expand the electric potential in an infinite series of rho and cos(n*phi) when solving the Laplace equation in polar coordinates. The problem I want to consider is the expansion for the potential due to a 2D line dipole (two infinitely-long line charge separated by a small...
  13. K

    Why is the concept of dipole moment significant in physics?

    Hi, I was wondering why dipoles are singled out as a separate section in my physics textbook. For instance, after discussing electric fields the textbook specifies what a dipole is, dipole moment, and the electric field for a dipole. Finding the e-field for a dipole would be the same as finding...
  14. C

    Electric field of a dipole at an offset point

    Note: Post edited by moderator: 1. Homework Statement Homework Equations I can't use voltage, nor polar coordinates (got to stick with cartesian). Cartesian vector form of Coulomb's Law The Attempt at a Solution
  15. samjohnny

    Where Am I Going Wrong in Finding Radiation from an Oscillating Dipole?

    Homework Statement 2. Homework Equations [/B] Given in the question. The Attempt at a Solution [/B] For part a I obtained an expression for the the dipole moment: ##P(t)= P_0 cos(wt)## And therefore, for part b, I obtained the expressions ##\frac{dP}{dt} = -wP_0 sin(wt)## and...
  16. J

    Interface Dipole and STS comparisons

    Hi again people! So if I have two STS (scanning tunneling spectroscopy) spectra, one taken on a substrate and the other one taken on an adsorbate layer ontop of the substrate. Assuming there is some sort of interfacial dipole that forms between the substrate and the adsorbate layer, can I...
  17. AwesomeTrains

    How Do You Calculate Retarded Potentials for a Magnetic Dipole at the Origin?

    Hello everyone! I'm stuck at an Electrodynamics problem and would be happy for some guidance 1. Homework Statement A magnetic dipole \vec{m}(t)=\vec{m}_0cos(\omega t) at the origin can be described by the current density \vec{j}(\vec{r},t)=-\vec{m}(t)\times\vec{\nabla}\delta(\vec{r})...
  18. A

    Understanding Dipole Moment: The Measure of Electric Strength Explained"

    Dipole moment is the measure of strength of electric dipole and is equal to product of either charge and distance between two charges. P=ql but as we know when charges are close the force b/w them is strong n when they are far away force decrease. But in above equation strength increases with...
  19. I

    Electric field of dipole moment

    Homework Statement A solid sphere, radius ##R##,is centered at the origin. The "northern" hemisphere carries a uniform charge density ##\rho_0## and the "southern" hemisphere a uniform charge density ##-\rho_0##. Find the approximate field ##\mathbf E(r,\theta)## for points far from the sphere...
  20. A

    Sphere with dipole in a dialectric

    Homework Statement Evaluate the electric field of a hollow sphere with a dipolo , in a dialectric. See left figure.. Homework Equations $$\alpha \vec{p}$$ The Attempt at a Solution I don't understad why at the field electric "in" there is a term of form $$\alpha \vec{p}$$ , and term $$\beta$$...
  21. throneoo

    Equation of motion of magnetic dipole chain

    Homework Statement Find the equation of motion of a chain of atoms in 1D with alternating magnetic dipoles At stationary equilibrium the atoms of mass m are separated by d , all displacements are small compared to d Homework Equations U=μBx=2μ2(μ0/4π)(1/x^3) F(x)=-dU/dx The Attempt at a...
  22. R

    Method of images: electric dipole and infinite plane

    Hello, a dubt arose while doing some exercise. If I have a charge q at a distance d from the above-mentioned plane, i can find the solution to the laplace equations (thanks to the uniqueness theorems) finding a collection of image charges that satisfies the boundary conditions. These conditions...
  23. G

    Misleading on Griffith electrodynamix(electric dipole)

    In the books of electrodynamics by Griffith, He explain the physical view of the polarization inside of the dielectric matter. He try to make a picture polarized charge being offset near one. However, I wonder how the chage can be offset with other molecular but not with own proton. Definitely...
  24. phys-student

    Approximating magnetic field as the field of magnetic dipole

    Homework Statement A square wire loop of size 2a by 2a lies in the x- y plane with its center at the origin and sides parallel to the x and y axes. A counterclockwise current I runs around the loop. (a) Find the magnetic field on the z axis. [Answer: Bz = 2μ0Ia2/[(a2 + z2)(2a2 + z2)0.5]] (b)...
  25. A

    What is an oscillating molecular dipole defined as?

    Is an oscillating dipole of a molecule the periodic motion of the atoms in the molecule (the oscillating back and forth of a more negatively charged atom and more positively charged atom), or, is an oscillating molecular dipole just oscillations in electron density? I just can't get a clear...
  26. J

    Exploring Current Dipoles: ECG, EEG, MCG and MEG

    Hi all, new user here. I did a search on Google for "current dipole" during an idle moment, and discovered this forum and joined. There was an old, closed thread concerning "current dipole", started by basheersubei and including tiny-tim, sophiecentaur, and madness, which closed 3.5 years ago...
  27. B

    Why does not dipole moment depend on coordinates system?

    Homework Statement This is problem 6.5 in Griffiths EM. I can't understand why dipole moment does not depend on coordinate systems. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution
  28. C

    Charge and Electric Field Problem

    Homework Statement You have been hired by Brockovich Research and Consulting (BRC) to research a new water purification device that uses seeds from the Moringa Oleifera trees.1 A protein in the seed binds to impurities causing them to aggregate so that the clusters can be separated from the...
  29. Calpalned

    Dipole magnitude and direction (21.67)

    Homework Statement Homework Equations Total electric field = Electric field caused by Q_1 + electric field caused by Q_2 ##\vec{e} = \vec{e_1}+\vec{e_2}## Dipole moment = ##P = Ql## The Attempt at a Solution **For Part A** ##\vec{E} = \vec{E_1}+\vec{E_2}## The charges are opposite so it...
  30. M

    What Is the Electrostatic Force Between an Ideal Dipole and a Conducting Plate?

    Homework Statement Find the electrostatic attraction force F between a point dipole and an infinite metallic conducting plate. The dipole moment p is perpendicular to the plate and the distance from the dipole to the plate is h. Find the work that has to be done in order to move dipole from...
  31. Calpalned

    Calculating Work Required to Rotate a Dipole in an Electric Field

    Homework Statement A dipole consists of charges +e and −e separated by 0.57 nm . It is in an electric field 2.6×104 N/C . What is the work required to rotate the dipole from being oriented parallel to the field to being antiparallel to the field? Homework Equations PE = (dipole...
  32. M

    Transition dipole moment: cause or result of interaction?

    According to the wikipedia article about the transition dipole moment: When an atom or molecule interacts with an electromagnetic wave of frequency , it can undergo a transition from an initial to a final state of energy difference through the coupling of the electromagnetic field to the...
  33. R

    Understanding the Coordinate-Free Electric Field of a Dipole

    I am "continuing this thread" in hopes of asking questions that deal with the meaning of the question. https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/griffiths-e-m-3-33-write-e-field-of-dipole-moment-in-coordinate-free-form.359973/ 1. Homework Statement Show that the electric field of a "pure" dipole...
  34. Joshua Guyette

    Bow Tie Antenna Construction Question

    I'm trying to build a high gain TV antenna. I'm looking to achieve a 75 mile minimum range under most weather conditions. I do have a signal amp board I striped from an OK antenna, that I plan to use as well. I'm trying to specialize the antenna for my viewing market, UHF channels 17-38 (489.25...
  35. F

    Relativity & Dipole Radiation: Reconciling Perspectives

    Consider a dipole antenna that is radiating at it's resonant frequency F. Consider an observer approaching this dipole antenna, in a direction perpendicular to the axis of the dipole, at velocity 0.6c. According to the relativistic doppler shift, the frequency perceived by the moving observer...
  36. gracy

    What Is the Electric Dipole Moment of the Given System?

    Homework Statement find the electric dipole moment of the system shown in figure Homework Equations In the simple case of two point charges, one with charge +q and the other one with charge −q, the electric dipole moment p is: where d is the displacement vector pointing from the negative...
  37. DoobleD

    Dipole EM wave field lines VS decreasing amplitude

    The E and B field lines of a dipole radiating EM waves looks like that (sorry for the poor quality) : What I wonder is how can we see that the amplitude of the fields decrease as 1 / r? When you look as such a picture it actually feels likes the amplitude should rises. The E field gets...
  38. DavideGenoa

    Field in the plane where a dipole lies

    Hello, friends! I read that, if a dipole is centred on the origin, with the ##+q>0## charge in ##a>0## and the negative ##-q<0## charge in ##-a##, the field in a point ##(x,y)## of the plane is $$\mathbf{E}=k\frac{3pxy}{(x^2+y^2)^{5/2}}\mathbf{i} +k\frac{p(2y^2-x^2)}{(x^2+y^2)^{5/2}}\mathbf{j}$$...
  39. DavideGenoa

    Understanding the Potential Energy of a Dipole in an Electric Field

    Hi, friends! I read that the torque exerced by a uniform electric field ##\mathbf{E}## on a dipole with moment ##\mathbf{p}## is ##\boldsymbol{\tau}=\mathbf{p}\times\mathbf{E}##. Then the book, Gettys' Physics 2, explain that the work made to rotate the dipole around a fixed point is...
  40. D

    Atomic dipole moment for a superposition state

    Hi all, I'm trying to understand how to calculate the time dependent expectation value of the atomic dipole moment for a superposition state, and I have a good guess to check with you. Say we have \psi = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \left[ \psi _{100} + \psi _{310} \right] at t = 0. Then, for t > 0: \Psi...
  41. Jimbob999

    Find magnetic dipole moment of coiled wire

    Homework Statement A 45-m long wire is coiled so that it makes a coil containing 100 circular loops, one on top of the other. If the wire carries a current of 13 A, what is the magnetic dipole moment of the coil? 21 A·m2 6.7 A·m2 3.3 A·m2 2.6 A·m2 1.2 A·m2 Homework Equations B(z) = u0/2pi...
  42. fluidistic

    Question regarding current loops - electric dipole radiation

    Homework Statement ; attempt and equations[/B] Many times I face problems with a wire loop with some current (which may or may not depend on time, which may or not move) "flowing" in it. And I'm asked to calculate the radiation due to it. So using the multipole expansion I know that the dominant...
  43. fricke

    Do Mono-nuclear Molecules Exhibit Dipole Moment and Why?

    Do mono-nuclear molecules have dipole moment? If yes then, what type of dipole moment? why do they have (or do not have) dipole moment?
  44. fricke

    Magnetic field due to magnetic dipole

    It is NOT a homework question. I am doing my revision and get stuck at this question. I am confused with the angle θ shown in this link: http://www.physicspages.com/2013/10/06/mutual-inductance/ Professor who wrote this solution stated that θ is the angle between unit vector z and unit vector...
  45. Luke Cohen

    Are field lines from a magnetic dipole equal in magnitude?

    http://www.physics.sjsu.edu/becker/physics51/images/28_03_Earth_magnetic_field.jpg If this is your magnetic dipole and you start at the north end and follow a field line to the south end, is the magnetic field equal in magnitude the entire way through?
  46. A

    Feynman lectures electric dipole question

    For some reason, I'm having trouble with what I feel should be a relatively simple derivative to take. Feynman is differentiating the potential to find the z-component of the electric field. He has: -\frac{\partial \phi}{\partial z} = - \frac{p}{4 \pi \epsilon_0} \frac{\partial }{\partial z}...
  47. D

    Temporary dipole moments and energy conservation

    Do temporary dipole moments require energy to form? I'm talking about Van der walls and London forces. If temporary dipole moments don't require energy to form then consider the free electrons in a metal plate, temporary dipole forces in the metal act on the free electrons causing them to gain...
  48. Roxy SCarlet

    Why is the dipole moment directed from negative to positive?

    Why is the dipole moment directed from negative to positive ?
  49. Dale

    General dipole radiation far field equation

    I am looking for a reference describing the far-field electric and magnetic field of a dipole. However, I want a general formula for an arbitrary scalar function, and not specifically the usual formula which assumes a continuous sinusoid: $$ \mathbf{B} = -\frac{\omega^2 \mu_0 p_0 }{4\pi c}...
  50. sams

    Dipole Polarizabilities of Diatomic Molecules

    Hello Everyone, I have been recently calculating the static electric dipole polarizability αD of a polar diatomic molecule, but I was wondering how to calculate the components of the dipole polarizabilities αParallel and αPerpendicular of diatomic molecules? Any help is really appreciated...