Dirac equation Definition and 171 Threads

  1. K

    The dirac equation of the hydrogen atom

    What potential would one use when evaluating the Dirac equation of the hydrogen atom? Would it simply be in the form used when examining the hydrogen atom-Schrodinger equation or does it need modification?
  2. T

    Solving the gauged Dirac equation perturbatively

    Homework Statement Given the gauge invariant Dirac equation (i\hbar \gamma^\mu D_{\mu} - mc)\psi(x, A) = 0 Show that the following holds: \psi(x, A - \frac{\hbar}{e} \partial\alpha) = e^{i\alpha}\psi(x, A) Homework Equations The covariant derivative is D_\mu = \partial_{\mu} +...
  3. P

    Dirac equation, curved space time

    Hi when trying to derive this equation, i am stuck on: [\Gamma_{\mu}(x),\gamma^{\nu}(x)]=\frac{\partial \gamma^{\nu}(x)}{\partial x^{\mu}} + \Gamma^{\nu}_{\mu p}\gamma^{p} . This [\Gamma_{\mu}(x) term is the spin connection, if this is an ordinary commutator: a) is it a fermionic so +...
  4. V

    Dirac Equation: Gamma Matrices as 4-Vector Components?

    While studying the Dirac Equation, we come across the gamma matrices. Can we consider these matrices as the components of a 4-vector ?
  5. S

    Probability Density and Current of Dirac Equation

    Hey, I'm trying to determine the probability density and current of the Dirac equation by comparison to the general continuity equation. The form of the Dirac equation I have is i\frac{\partial \psi}{\partial t}=(-i\underline{\alpha}\cdot\underline{\nabla}+\beta m)\psi According to my...
  6. S

    Imposing Klein-Gordon on Dirac Equation

    Hey, My question is on the Dirac equation, I am having a little confusion with the steps that have been taken to get from this form of the Dirac equation: i\frac{\partial \psi}{\partial t}=(-i\underline{\alpha}\cdot \underline{\nabla}+\beta m)\psi to -\frac{\partial^2 \psi}{\partial...
  7. P

    Understanding the Derivation of the Dirac Equation in Cosmology

    Hi i am trying to derive the Dirac equation of the form: [i\gamma^0 \partial_0 + i\frac{1}{a(t)}\gamma.\nabla +i\frac{3}{2}(\frac{\dot{a}}{a})\gamma^0 - (m+h\phi)]\psi where a is the scale factor for expnasion of the universe. I understand that the matter action is S=\int d^{4}x e...
  8. K

    K^2 = J^2 + 1/4 for the central force problem of the Dirac equation

    Homework Statement To whom it may concern, I am trying to understand the central force problem of the Dirac equation. In particular, I am following Sakurai's Advanced Quantum Mechanics book. There (section 3.8, p.122), it is shown that there is an operator K = \beta(\Sigma . L +...
  9. T

    Are Spinors Truly Invariant Under Coordinate Transformations Beyond Lorentz?

    Is the Dirac Equation generally covariant and if not, what is the accepted version that is? For general coordinate changes beyond just Lorentz, how do spinous transform?
  10. F

    Charge conjugation in Dirac equation

    I need to know the mathematical argument that how the relation is true $(C^{-1})^T\gamma ^ \mu C^T = - \gamma ^{\mu T} $ . Where $C$ is defined by $U=C \gamma^0$ ; $U$= non singular matrix and $T$= transposition. I need to know the significance of these equation in charge conjuration .
  11. C

    Solution to the dirac equation and the square root of a matrix?

    Hi. I'm currently reading about (negative frequency) solutions to the Dirac equations which can be written on the form \Psi = ( \sqrt{p \cdot \sigma} \chi, \sqrt{p \cdot \bar{\sigma}} \chi)^T e^{-i p \cdot x}For any two component spinor Chi. But the dot product with the four vector p and the...
  12. Spinnor

    How to graph Dirac equation, some complex numbers?

    Say we a have a sum of spin up plane wave solutions to the Dirac equation which represent the wave-function of a localized spin-up electron which is 90% likely to be found within a distance R of the origin of a spherical coordinate system. Four complex numbers at each spacetime point are needed...
  13. Xezlec

    Why doesn't the energy come out right in the Dirac Equation?

    Hello, I'm looking at the Dirac Equation, in the form given on Wikipedia, and (foolishly) trying to understand it. \left( c \boldsymbol{\alpha}\cdot \mathbf{\hat{p}}+\beta mc^2 \right ) \psi = i\hbar\frac{\partial \psi}{\partial t}\,\! So I picture a wavefunction in an eigenstate of the...
  14. N

    The Schrödinger equation as the non-relativistic limit of the Dirac equation

    Hello, I'm reading Griffiths' introduction to elementary particles and he seems to claim that the Schrödinger equation can be seen as a non-relativistic limit of the Dirac equation. I was wondering how one could deduce this, e.g. how do we go from \mathcal L = \bar{\psi} \left( i \gamma^\mu...
  15. N

    Neglected solutions to the (free) Dirac equation?

    So it is said that a basis for the plane wave solutions to the Dirac equation are of the form (p denotes the four-momentum vector) e^{-i p \cdot x} u^{(s)} (for particles) and e^{i p \cdot x} v^{(s)} (for antiparticles), with s = 1 or 2 (and u and v having predetermined structure). I'm...
  16. B

    Why does Dirac Equation describe spin 1/2 particles?

    Hi, Everybody! Currently, I am reading the book "Lectures on Quantum Field Theory" (by Ashok Das) But I am a bit confusing. Why does Dirac Equation describe spin 1/2 particles? I have already known that Dirac Equation bears some angular momentum structure, but why it just describe spin...
  17. X

    What does couples as the 4th component of a vector mean in the Dirac equation?

    What does "couples as the 4th component of a vector" mean in the Dirac equation? I'm doing an exercise regarding the spin-orbit operator and the Dirac equation/particles, and I'm having trouble understanding the link between terminology and mathematics. The particular phrase I'm having trouble...
  18. F

    Exploring the Dirac Equation: Positive & Negative Energy Solutions

    Hi! Homework Statement 1. Substituting an ansatz \Psi(x)= u(p) e^{(-i/h) xp} into the Dirac equation and using \{\gamma^i,\gamma^j\} = 2 g^{ij}, show that the Dirac equation has both positive-energy and negative-energy solutions. Which are the allowed values of energy? 2. Starting...
  19. E

    Dirac equation and gamma factor

    I am reading about Dirac's equation for relativistic electron in Feynman's book "Quantum Electrodynamics". Factor \gamma =(1-v^2)^{-1/2} (units c=1) is almost always presented in non quantum calculations of Special relativity. But in his book I also find it on page 44 in lecture "Relativistic...
  20. B

    How to incorporate the neutral current into the Dirac equation

    Hi Everyone, I'm a math grad student working on numerical procedures for the Dirac equation, and I'd like to be able to incorporate the neutral current interaction neutrino + fermion -> Z bozon -> neutrino + fermion <- poorly impersonated Feynman diagram into the Dirac equation as a...
  21. T

    The Dirac equation and its conjugate

    This isn't really a homework problem, just a form of writing I don't quite understand. The Dirac equation is: ("natural units") (i\gamma^{\mu}\partial_{mu}-m)\Psi = 0 When I try to build the conjugated equation, where \bar{\Psi} := \Psi^{+}\gamma^{0}, I get...
  22. V

    Demonstration of Dirac equation covariance

    Demonstrations of Dirac equation covariance state: The Dirac equation is (i γ^{μ} ∂_{μ} - m)ψ(x) = 0. \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ [1] If coordinates change in a way that x \rightarrow x' = Lx, \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ [2] where L is a Lorentz transformation, [1] should...
  23. M

    What is the interpretation of the Dirac equation and its current operator?

    Hello, I have a question concerning the current in the Dirac equation and its corresponding operator. One can construct a current density that is \textbf{j}^{i} = \psi^{\dagger}\gamma^{i}\psi If I want to have the current, I will have to integrate: I = \oint \textbf{j} \cdot \textbf{n} \, dA...
  24. J

    Dirac equation for electron in EM and Higgs fields?

    Is this the correct form for a Dirac electron in a Higgs field with scalar potential \phi and an electromagnetic field with vector potential A_\mu i \gamma^\mu \partial_\mu \psi = g \phi \psi + e \gamma_\mu A^\mu \psi where g is the coupling constant to the Higgs field and e is the...
  25. C

    Square of modified Dirac equation

    If I take a modified Dirac Eq. of the form (i\gamma^\mu \partial_\mu -M)\psi=0 where M=m+im_5 \gamma_5, and whish to square it to get a Klein-Gordon like equation would I multiply on the left with (i\gamma^\nu \partial_\nu +m+im_5\gamma_5) or (i\gamma^\nu \partial_\nu +m-im_5\gamma_5)? I was...
  26. B

    Hermitian conjugate of plane wave spinors for Dirac equation

    I need to show that u^{+}_{r}(p)u_{s}(p)=\frac{\omega_{p}}{m}\delta_{rs} where \omega_{p}=\sqrt{\vec{p}^2+m^{2}} [itex]u_{r}(p)=\frac{\gamma^{\mu}p_{\mu}+m}{\sqrt{2m(m+\omega_{p})}}u_{r}(m{,}\vec{0})[\itex] is the plane-wave spinor for the positive-energy solution of the Dirac equation...
  27. P

    Dirac Equation for H atom - what's the small r behaviour?

    The Schrodinger wavefunction for the hydrogen atom scales as r^l for small r, where l is the orbital angular momentum. Is this changed in any dramatic way for the Dirac equation wavefuction? Does the small component of the Dirac spinor have the same small-r asymptotic behaviour as the large...
  28. M

    The Dirac equation with anomalous magnetic moment term

    Hi could someone please explain the story (if there is one) about the Dirac equation with an anomalous magnetic moment term, I have seen this in several old papers but it never seems to be mentioned in textbooks. Was this an old confusion in formulating QFT. In this context I believe the Dirac...
  29. Orion1

    Are these matrix definitions correct for the Dirac equation?

    Hydrogen normalized position wavefunctions in spherical coordinates: \Psi_{n \ell m}\left(r,\theta,\phi\right) = \sqrt{{\left( \frac{2}{n r_1} \right)}^3 \frac{\left(n - \ell - 1\right)!}{2n\left[\left(n + \ell\right)!\right]}} e^{-\frac{r}{n r_1}} \left({2r \over {n r_1}}\right)^{\ell} L_{n -...
  30. E

    Note to the derivation of Dirac equation

    In book Quantum Electrodynamics, Feynman wrote that the Dirac equation is a relativistic form of the Pauli equation, not a correct form of Klein-Gordon equation. But, I think that the electron spin is only assumed in Pauli equation, but Dirac equation derives it? I went through derivation in...
  31. G

    Commutators with the Dirac Equation

    Homework Statement (Introduction to Elementary Particles, David Griffiths. Ch 7 Problem 7.8 (c)) Find the commutator of H with the spin angular momentum, S= \frac{\hbar}{2}\vec{\Sigma}. In other words find [H,S] Homework Equations For the Dirac equation, the Hamiltonian...
  32. K

    Can quantum field theory explain the g-factor in the Dirac equation?

    To quote Weinberg Vol1, Pg 14 : And immediately he said: So to speak, Dirac equation alone cannot determine g-factor uniquely, but quantum field theory can? How?
  33. T

    Massless Dirac equation and graphene

    I am reading about the electron flow in graphene and the article said this "This behavior is not described by the traditional mathematics (Schrodinger equation) but by the mass-less Dirac equation" What does this mean and what is the massless Dirac equation... the whole paragraph is...
  34. L

    Help Understanding Dirac Equation in Notes

    I have a very simple question about the Dirac equation that I just cannot see the answer to. In these notes: http://www.damtp.cam.ac.uk/user/tong/qft/qft.pdf In equation 4.115, I keep getting u( \vec{p} ) = \begin{pmatrix} \sqrt{p \cdot \sigma} \begin{pmatrix} 1 \\ 0 \end{pmatrix} \\ \sqrt{...
  35. B

    Lorentz transform on the Dirac equation

    Homework Statement Show that a Lorentz transformation preserves the sign of the energy of a solution to the Dirac equation. The Attempt at a Solution I'm not sure how to approach this. So I apply the Lorentz transform to the Dirac equation, and work through it to obtain the energy...
  36. G

    Solving the Dirac Equation for the Hydrogen Atom

    Would someone tell me some website where I can find the relativistic treatment of the hydrogen atom using Dirac's Equation? I am not trying the find the method which uses Schrodinger's equation and adds as perturbations fine and hyperfine structures? Thank you. So far i have not find anything...
  37. W

    Dirac equation in one dimension

    i am now studying dirac equation and klein paradox if we confine to one dimension, we only need one alpha matrix, not three so in lower dimensions, maybe the dirac spinor is not of four components but fewer? i am curious about this question because it seems that as for the Klein...
  38. T

    Probability current of dirac equation with vector potential

    Homework Statement Given the probability/energyprobability current of the dirac equation j^\mu=\Psi^{+}\gamma^{0}\gamma^{\mu}\Psi with continuity equation \partial_\mu j^\mu = 0 I need to find the current when there is an additional vector potential, introduced via minimal substitution...
  39. P

    Dirac equation for proton/neutron

    Is it possible to incorporate into Dirac equation for proton the possibility of its transformation into neutron (isospin freedom)?
  40. P

    Dirac equation in curvilinear coordinates

    I wonder how Dirac equation transform under change of coordinates (in flat spacetime). Should I simply express partial derivaties of one coordinates in another or it is necessary to transform Dirac matrices as well?
  41. E

    Dirac equation & Dirac matrices

    Hi! I was taught that the dirac matrices are AT LEAST 4x4 matrices, so that means that I can find also matrices of higher dimensions. The question is: what do these higher-dimension-matrices represent? Are they just mathematical stuff or have they got a physical meaning? I ask that because in...
  42. R

    Dirac equation for many particles system

    Can Dirac equation be used for many particles (fermions) system (i.e. a nucleus with many electrons)? And in this case how do you incorporate the anti-symmetry nature of the wavefunctions? Obviously Slater determined will complicate the equation to a point where it’s almost impossible to solve...
  43. R

    Solution for Dirac equation with zero mass.

    The dirac equation for massless particles can be decoupled into separate equations for left and right handed parts. i \tilde{\sigma}^\mu\partial_\mu \psi_R= 0 and i \sigma^\mu\partial_\mu \psi_L= 0. Now we can have four solutions for each of the above equations. For the equation i...
  44. K

    Derivation of Dirac equation using Lorentz transform

    Hi..I was studying Ryder, Chapter 2[Quantum Field Theory]...he derives the Dirac eq using Lorentz transformations..I found the approach fascinating..but there is one part I do not really understand... Just a few lines before he writes down the Dirac equation, he identifies \varphi_{R}(0) with...
  45. P

    Dirac equation for the conjugated field

    This is probably a stupid question, but when I apply the Euler-Lagrange equation to the Lagrangian density of the Dirac field I get for the conjugate field \bar{\psi} (-i \partial_\mu \gamma^{\mu} -m) = 0 (derivative acts to the left). But when I take a hermitian conjugate of the Dirac...
  46. B

    Hermicity of alpha (dirac equation)

    Homework Statement Show that \mathbf\alpha\equiv\left[\begin{array}{cc} 0&\mathbf\sigma\\ \mathbf\sigma&0\end{array}\right] is hermitian. The Attempt at a Solution My first instinct was to say that \mathbf\sigma must be equal to its complex conjugate (as it would if it was a scalar...
  47. G

    Hermitian conjugation and conserved current in the Dirac equation

    Consider the Dirac equation in the ordinary form in terms of a and \beta matrices i\frac{{\partial \psi }} {{\partial t}} = - i\vec a \cdot \vec \nabla \psi + m\beta \psi The matrices are hermitian, \vec a^\dag = \vec a,\beta ^\dag = \beta . Daggers denote hermitian...
  48. G

    Moving from Dirac equation to Lagrangian density

    Hi all, As a blind follower of QFT from the sidelines (the joys of the woefully inadequate teaching of theory to exp. particle physics students...), I have just realized that I've never actually gone further than deriving the Dirac equation, and then just used the Dirac Lagrangian density as...
  49. N

    Dirac Equation Derivation with Inhomogeneous Lorentz Group in QFT Book

    I've seen the derivation of Dirac Equation using Inhomogeneous Lorentz Group in L H Ryder's QFT book.Can anybody give some comprehensible descriptions of this method?
  50. G

    Is there a paradox involving the Dirac equation and commutation with time?

    I was hoping someone could help me with a seeming paradox involving the Dirac equation. I have taken a non-relativistic QM course, but am new to relativistic theory. The Dirac equation is (following Shankar) i\frac{\partial}{\partial t}\psi = H\psi where H = \vec{\alpha}\cdot...