Discontinuity Definition and 101 Threads

Continuous functions are of utmost importance in mathematics, functions and applications. However, not all functions are continuous. If a function is not continuous at a point in its domain, one says that it has a discontinuity there. The set of all points of discontinuity of a function may be a discrete set, a dense set, or even the entire domain of the function. This article describes the classification of discontinuities in the simplest case of functions of a single real variable taking real values.
The oscillation of a function at a point quantifies these discontinuities as follows:

in a removable discontinuity, the distance that the value of the function is off by is the oscillation;
in a jump discontinuity, the size of the jump is the oscillation (assuming that the value at the point lies between these limits of the two sides);
in an essential discontinuity, oscillation measures the failure of a limit to exist. The limit is constant.A special case is if the function diverges to infinity or minus infinity, in which case the oscillation is not defined (in the extended real numbers, this is a removable discontinuity).

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  1. U

    What are the three tests for continuity?

    what is the definition for discontinuity? I got a question on a math test wrong because it asked to "justify your answer" but I couldn't because I didn't know the definition for discontinuity.