What is Disease: Definition and 135 Discussions

A disease is a particular abnormal condition that negatively affects the structure or function of all or part of an organism, and that is not due to any immediate external injury. Diseases are often known to be medical conditions that are associated with specific signs and symptoms. A disease may be caused by external factors such as pathogens or by internal dysfunctions. For example, internal dysfunctions of the immune system can produce a variety of different diseases, including various forms of immunodeficiency, hypersensitivity, allergies and autoimmune disorders.
In humans, disease is often used more broadly to refer to any condition that causes pain, dysfunction, distress, social problems, or death to the person afflicted, or similar problems for those in contact with the person. In this broader sense, it sometimes includes injuries, disabilities, disorders, syndromes, infections, isolated symptoms, deviant behaviors, and atypical variations of structure and function, while in other contexts and for other purposes these may be considered distinguishable categories. Diseases can affect people not only physically, but also mentally, as contracting and living with a disease can alter the affected person's perspective on life.
Death due to disease is called death by natural causes. There are four main types of disease: infectious diseases, deficiency diseases, hereditary diseases (including both genetic diseases and non-genetic hereditary diseases), and physiological diseases. Diseases can also be classified in other ways, such as communicable versus non-communicable diseases. The deadliest diseases in humans are coronary artery disease (blood flow obstruction), followed by cerebrovascular disease and lower respiratory infections. In developed countries, the diseases that cause the most sickness overall are neuropsychiatric conditions, such as depression and anxiety.
The study of disease is called pathology, which includes the study of etiology, or cause.

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  1. AAO

    Infectious Disease Spreads in Cattle Herd: Find # Infected After 6 Days

    Homework Statement [/B] A carrier of an infectious disease joins a herd of 500 initially uninfected cattle. At any instant in time, the rate at which the disease spreads dx/dt is known to be proportional to the product of: (i) the number of infected cattle x(t); and (ii) the number of...
  2. Ygggdrasil

    Insights Can Gene Editing Eliminate Alzheimer's Disease? - Comments

    Ygggdrasil submitted a new PF Insights post Can Gene Editing Eliminate Alzheimer's Disease? Continue reading the Original PF Insights Post.
  3. L

    Does sugar truly cause heart disease? Evidence and explanations behind the link

    Recently I viewed a short video that recommended reducing sugar in our diets because new research suggests that sugar causes heart disease. What is the status of this research? How convincing is the evidence?
  4. Astronuc

    What are the risk factors for heart disease in women?

    Apparently it has been thought that heart disease is mostly a men's disease. But - Since 1984, more women than men have died each year from heart disease. Heart disease is now the No. 1 killer of women, causing more deaths than all cancers combined! And yet only 56 percent of American women...
  5. B0b-A

    Does any other recent disease have comparable history with ADHD ?

    Of diseases discovered in the last 50 years, which of them currently has the highest incidence in the developed world, and what is that percentage ? ADHD is allegedly affecting over 5% of children in the developed world ... http://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/article.aspx?articleid=98517 To me...
  6. S

    Xenopus and Zebrafish as Models of Human Disease

    For zebrafish and Xenopus, are there currently any effective gene knockout strategies? From literature, these two organisms have effective gene knockdown strategies in practice. Thanks for any help.
  7. R

    Mathematical Biology (infectious disease)

    Consider the infectious disease model defined by \begin{equation} \frac{dS_3}{dt}= -\rho I_3S_3+\gamma I_3+\mu-\mu S_3\tag 1 \end{equation} \begin{equation} \frac{dI_3}{dt}=\rho I_3S_3-\gamma I_3-\mu S_3 \tag 2 \end{equation} with initial conditions $S_3(0)=S_{30}$ and $I_3(0)=I_{30}$ at $t=0$...
  8. Enigman

    Find a Fatal Disease for 25 Year Olds with Environmental Causes

    Ideally with: no neuromotor or cognitive losses diagnosable at least two years before death with a (literal) deadline may or may not cause hallucinations may or may not cause intense pain (periodic or chronic) -to get him hooked to methadone (optional) a very high risk last moment...
  9. W

    Medical What Might Cause Morgellan's Disease?

    If you are not familiar with Morgellan's, it is a disease where lesions appear on the skin, and then weird fibers begin to grow out of the lesions. Some in the medical community seem to think it's a hoax or a self-induced condition due to scratching and such, and that the fibers are just...
  10. E

    Model for spread of contagious disease.

    Hello guys, I am quite unsure in how to start the modeling for population. If I define y as the number of infected persons and y' as the rate of spread is it correct? I see the number of contacts between infected and non infected persons to be equal to the number of infected persons. Otherwise I...
  11. lisab

    Diagnosing Crohn's Disease In Remission

    If Crohn's Disease is in remission at the time of a colonoscopy, can there still be evidence of disease? I know there is no definitive test for it, but colonoscopies do provide clues sometimes. Are those clues there only during a flare-up?
  12. N

    Programs Which University Should I Choose for a Pre-Med Track?

    Here's my situation: Im a senior trying to decide between being a Biotechnology major at Indiana University, or a Health and Disease Bio major at Purdue. I will also be on a Pre-medicine track. For IU, I've already been accepted and I love the campus and environment, even if its not best for...
  13. M

    Coeliac disease, vitamin absorption

    does anyone know anything about coeliac disease and malabsorption syndrome/disease? it can really affect life. I've been seeing specialist doctors including GI specialists for years, one cure for coeliac is a no wheat/gluten diet
  14. R

    Is it possible for physics contribute to cure disease?

    I'm physics major. I want to cure some rare kidney disease which someone i know has. Is it likely that if I pursue to cure this disease, then make some progress? I think because since this is rare disease, so nobody care. so if i care, I could contribute some.
  15. Simon Bridge

    Heart Disease & TMAO: Is a Vegan Diet Necessary?

    Come to my attention vie the NYT article: Culprit in Heart Disease Goes Beyond Meat’s Fat ... The researchers had come to believe that what damaged hearts was not just the thick edge of fat on steaks, or the delectable marbling of their tender interiors. In fact, these scientists suspected...
  16. Astronuc

    Medical Heart disease, heart attack prevention

    Influenza vaccines can reduce risk of heart attack http://health.yahoo.net/experts/dayinhealth/shot-prevents-heart-attacks My sister, a doctor, has mentioned this before. She makes a habit of getting an annual flu shot.
  17. Evo

    Medical 'Brain on Fire' - a rare autoimmune disease

    Amazing and frightening that we still know so little about diseases and disorders that affect the brain. How many people don't get diagnosed correctly. Such a shame since they say it is easily treatable. http://shine.yahoo.com/book-club/-brain-on-fire---a-writer-possessed.html
  18. turbo

    Medical My wife's friend has lupus. What a sneaky disease

    My wife's best friend had been experiencing a lot of joint pain in the last couple of years, and has lately been experiencing rashes and unexplained lesions. The friend's identical twin sister has been diagnosed with lupus, which is a tough one because such auto-immune diseases can manifest in...
  19. Q_Goest

    Have you encountered Perpetual Motion Disease (PMD)?

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  20. N

    Medical Why is Schizophrenia considered a disease?

    I was wondering, if Schizophrenia has to do with more than average neural connection-things (I'm no neuroscience major) wouldn't it be more of a blessing instead of a curse? Everyone looks down on it like the people will try to kill them for no reason. If they're something other than the...
  21. rhody

    Medical Fecal Transplants to Cure Disease?

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  22. F

    Biology Biology: Genetics: Inherited disease

    QUESTION 1: Homework Statement 9. Your first cousin died of Tay-Sachs disease (autosomal recessive, incidence 0.09% (about 1 in 1100)). You are not affected, nor is anyone else in your extended family. What is the approximate chance that you are a carrier? A. 5.8% B. 12.5% C. 25% D. 50% E...
  23. G

    Medical Exploring the Fascinating World of Skin Pathologies

    especially nasty skin related conditions. Does that make me weird? I go to dermatlas all the time to look up skin pathologies and find them intriguing. My favorite pics so far come from seborrheic dermatitis. http://dermatlas.med.jhmi.edu/derm/IndexDisplay.cfm?ImageID=224668234 Click...
  24. rhody

    NPR: Addiction Is Not A Disease Of The Brain

    I thought I would throw http://www.npr.org/blogs/13.7/2011/09/09/140307282/addiction-is-not-a-disease-of-the-brain" into the Lion's den, and watch, I mean read the reactions to it (and possibly contribute if it gets interesting, you never know with this crowd). Mentors, if you feel this belongs...
  25. C

    Modelling the spread of disease (in MatLab, Runge-Kutta)

    Homework Statement Hi! I'm to build a model which solves the basic dynamic eqns in the so called SIR model in epidemology. I'm using MatLab and RK4. There are tree populations in this model: Succeptible S, infected I and recovered R. Homework Equations The eqations are dS/dt =...
  26. W

    Chronic Lyme Disease: Docs Debate Existence in CT

    I just watched this documentary over the debate on this in Connecticut, is there any good literature on its existence? Most organizations say it doesn't exist although there were a few doctors siding with patients.
  27. wasteofo2

    Were Native Americans doomed to be wiped out by disease?

    I'm currently reading 1491, a book which tries to piece together what the Americas were like pre-columbus. One of the main points of the book is that estimates that the Americas had several million people at the point of European arrival are ridiculously small, due to the fact that European...
  28. M

    How is PCR Used in Disease Diagnosis?

    Could anybody show any example for PCR in Disease Diagnosis?
  29. C

    Medical I heard there is a disease where you don't sleep

    Does anyone know what I'm talking about? I heard some people have a disorder where they can never go to sleep even if they try. I think I heard it can happen after some trauma. My question is, how do I catch this disease?
  30. S

    In obstructive lung disease what is happening to the respiratory drive?

    Hello everyone, In COPD tell me what I'm thinking is right or wrong. 1. O2 decreases and CO2 increases 2.Central chemoreceptors cause hyperventilation 3. Overtime this is not good enough and CO2 increase, and central chemoreceptors become less sensitive. 4. Peripheral chemoreceptors...
  31. S

    Medical Can anyone help for this incurable disease?

    hi to everyone, I'm posting this here for one of my best friends in Pakistan. He has this disease and he thinks that it's incurable because doctors told him that there is no study available for his disease. I'm posting it here so that if anyone of you know any doctor who can view his reports...
  32. J

    Medical What is name for this disease? brain works poorly when in public place

    A person in his early 20s becomes mentally very passive, his brains doesn't really work, when he is in a public place such as a university lecture hall. The topic which is an easy task when he is alone becomes a mammoth task when surrounded by others. Could you please help me to identify this...
  33. S

    Medical How is Type 1 diabetes caused by an autoimmune disease?

    Hello everyone, What I just read is for type 1 diabetes mellitus, it requires an environmental factor (eg virus) and genetic determinant that allows the B cells to be detected as non self. Now I'm not very familiar with autoimmune diseases. My question is why does a virus have to come and...
  34. P

    Medical Questions about fats, cholesterol, oxidation, and heart disease

    Just have a few questions about the cause of heart disease and oxidation of fats. I am looking for some studies that relate to the questions if possible. 1. Does saturated fat cause atherosclerosis or is it the oxidized cholesterol that usually accompanies it (as in most cooked animal...
  35. S

    Medical Why does Von Gierke's disease give hypertriglyceridemia?

    Hello guys, This is what wiki says, Now why do they say it is amplified by chronically low insulin levels. Hormone sensitive lipase which breaks down Triglycerides is inhibited by insulin. Lipoprotein lipase which breaks down Triglycerides is activated by insulin. Since insulin level is...
  36. Borg

    Medical What Is the Current State of Understanding of Crohn's Disease?

    First, I understand that I can't ask for medical advice about diagnosis here. I had a colonoscopy yesterday and my doctor wants to run additional tests for this disease. I am scheduling an appointment after the biopsy results come back to discuss it with her further before agreeing to any...
  37. T

    How Do You Solve the SIS Disease Model Equation?

    The following problem is an SIS disease problem: Calling: I(t) = number of infectives at time t N = the total population (assumed constant) b = infection rate (here, a positive constant) v = recovery rate (also, a positive constant) a model for this disease is given bu the following...
  38. G

    Biology Calculating Probability of Sickle Cell Disease for Karen & Steve's Child

    1. Karen and Steve each have a sibling w/ sickle-cell disease. Neither Karen nor Steve nor any of their parents have the disease, and none of them have been tested to reveal sickle-cell trait. Based on this incomplete information, calculate the probability that if this couple has a child, the...
  39. S

    Why would Restrictive Lung Disease make exhaling difficult?

    Restricitive air way disease is the loss of lung compliance. So this would make it harder for the lung to expand causing inspiration difficult. My questioon is why can't this make exhaling difficult. Losing the elasticity of the lung would make both recoil and expansion difficult right. This...
  40. J

    Is there anyother type of biological agent that can cause disease?

    As we all know, pathogens ( bacteria, viruses, fungi and prions ) cause diseases and illness to their hosts. I am just wondering if there is anyother type of biological agents or phenomena that can cause diseases besides pathogens?
  41. D

    Medical Cerebral small vessel disease does it lead to dementia?

    Cerebral small vessel disease...does it lead to dementia? My mum (51) has recently had a TIA and has been diagnosed with CSVD. She has some dysphasia and memory trouble. She has had bloods...all normal, lipids at 5.5 (put on meds to bring it down to 3.5), carotid dopplers - normal, all vitals...
  42. N

    Medical Bull's Eye Rash of Lyme Disease

    Recently I had Lyme disease and had perhaps the most stereotypical bull's eye rash ever. All medical people I met wanted to see it, and called their friends/coworkers over, took pictures, etc. But the rash still has me confused about the biology of it. The shape itself doesn't seem to make...
  43. G

    New AIDS-like disease emerging in China?

    http://english.ntdtv.com/ntdtv_en/ns_china/2009-06-03/408526048776.html Sounds scary if it's true.
  44. G

    Should people who are carriers for genetic disease be allowed to procreate?

    Especially people who carry autosomal dominant horrific diseases like Huntington's disease. Should these people be allowed to procreate when there is an extremely high chance that their children will suffer from terrible disease in the future?
  45. H

    Women's heart disease awareness what about men?

    I learned today of http://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health/hearttruth/index.htm , meant to show support for women's heart disease awareness. I cannot find a comparable "men's heart disease awareness" movement -- is there just cause for such gender discrimination?
  46. M

    What if BOTH parents have Huntington's Disease?

    I know that if one parent has HD then there is a 50% chance that their child will inherit the disease. Because let's say H represents the dominant allele (bad) for HD.. and h represents the recessive (normal).. If one parent (Hh) carries the disease, and the other (hh) doesn't have the disease...
  47. W

    Medical Finding a Cure: Examining Disease Challenges

    When it comes to a cure, where are we with these diseases? What are the challenges with coming up with a cure?
  48. K

    Plagiarism in Parkinson's Disease Research: Should I Take Action?

    I'm studying Parkinson's disease for a project assigned in class. During my research, I came across two articles published three days apart, the former from a research group detailing one of their studies and the latter from the BBC. They discuss completely separate aspects of the disease and...
  49. Evo

    Could It Be Lyme Disease? Symptoms and Diagnosis

    Something bit the back of my leg near the knee the other day. Tonight I felt a lump and looked in the mirror and saw a pink spot where the lump is surrounded by a ring, I killed a couple of deer ticks within the last week. The picture is blurry because I'm trying to take a picture behind my...
  50. Ivan Seeking

    Medical Could deforestation lead to potential pandemics?

    There has long been a claim that old trees [hundreds of years old] commonly found in rainforests can harbor diseases that are released into the local environment when the trees are cut and burned. Humans are then exposed to these agents thus creating the potential for pandemics. Is there any...