Disk Definition and 819 Threads

The Confederation of Revolutionary Trade Unions of Turkey (Turkish: Türkiye Devrimci İşçi Sendikaları Konfederasyonu, DİSK) is one of the four major national trade union centres in Turkey. It was founded in 1967 as a breakaway union from the Confederation of Turkish Trade Unions, and has a membership of 327,000.
DİSK is affiliated with the International Trade Union Confederation, World Federation of Trade Unions, Trade Union Advisory Committee to the OECD and the European Trade Union Confederation.

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  1. G

    Calculate Torque to Accelerate .22kg Disk to 1500rpm in 5s

    A .22kg , .22-m-diameter plastic disk is spun on an axle through its center by an electric motor. What torque must the motor supply to take the disk from 0 to 1500 rpm in 5.00 ? I used the equations T(thau)=alpha/I w_f=w_i + alpha*(t_f - t_i) I found I to be equal to .021kgm^2 then...
  2. Z

    How Can Angular Momentum Be Described for a Rotating and Translating Disk?

    Hello. Could anyone give me a hint in this problem? There´s a disk (mass m ad radius a) rotating with angular velocity w0 (only rotation). If this disk is translating in xy plane, parallel with the y-axis with its center aligned at x0, how ca I describe the angular momentum L (t), and it´s...
  3. G

    Solving a Puzzling Problem: A Disk and a Hoop

    I'm having some trouble with a conceptual problem. Your help or input would be greatly appreciated. Here's the problem. A disk and a hoop, both having the same mass, are rolled down a hill. The disk rolls faster than the hoop. Why is this so? Thank you for your time!
  4. Jeebus

    Why and How to Fix AIM Disk Reformatting Issue

    I have a little problem. There is this message I get, after I direct connect to someone on AIM that says, "The disk in drive A: needs to be reformatted." The options are "Ok" or "Cancel". I clicked "Ok" and the harddrive makes a buzzing sound for quite a while. Why and how do I fix this?
  5. C

    Do disk brakes resist being pulled out?

    When two pads squeeze a moving rotor with thousands of pounds of force in a disk brake, the friction resists the rotation of the disk enough to slow a car. How much resistance (if any) does the squeezing of the pads provide if you try to pull the moving rotor out at roughly 90 degrees...
  6. Arctic Fox

    Building a Flying Disk with ElectroGrav Theories: Tips & Ideas"

    I’ve been working on some electroGrav theories and am now wanting to start building models to try and test these theories. I’ve a 8ft satellite dish that I was thinking on using as a mold, but have no good ideas on how to go about this. As like a “UFO”, I need to create a top and bottom...
  7. A

    Simulating a spinning/rolling disk

    i am trying to create an animation simulating a coin spinning/rolling on a table top. how can the phyics involved over time be explained in an equation? any references (especially illustrated ones) would be helpful. thanks in advance!
  8. Saint

    Hard disk price will plummet very soon

    My friend who is working in Seagate told me, the plant is now rolling out high production of 200~400GB HDD. The 40 and 80 GB HDD will phase out soon. Therefore, we will soon see a price drop in HDD. Wait a little bit and you will get higher capacity with cheaper price. :smile:
  9. F

    Accretion disk model: Hydrodynamical or collisional N-Body?

    Right now I'm playing around with DynGen, a routine which uses a hydrodynamical approach to simulate a dusty torus and a planet orbiting within it. It uses laroche limits, etc. to model what happens with the resonant trapping as this planet orbits - the parameters are planet mass and disk...
  10. M

    What Is the Acceleration Ratio of a Disk to a Hoop Rolling Down an Incline?

    hoop and disk rolling(help please) ok I've been looking at this forever and can't get it...dont know what to do..i would appreciate it if someone could help -------------------------------------------------------------------------- A uniform solid disk and a uniform hoop are placed side...
  11. J

    Solving the Disk Motion Problem: Initial Velocity and Angular Velocity

    if a disk which is initially spinning with an angular velocity,w, radians per second is pushed with an initial linear velocity of v, what is the resultant motion? assume a kinetic friction of mu normal to the disk i would love to see how this problem is solved. it seems real...
  12. D

    What is the magnetic field at the center of a rotating charged disk?

    I'm not quite getting the following problem: A thin disk of dielectric material, having a total charge +Q uniformly distributed over its surface, and having radius a, rotates n times per second about an axis through the center of the disk and perpendicular to the disk. Show that the...
  13. Juntao

    Disk and blockutter frustration

    I've included a picture. A uniform disk of mass Mdisk = 5 kg and radius R = 0.2 m has a small block of mass mblock = 2.5 kg on its rim. It rotates about an axis a distance d = 0.17 m from its center intersecting the disk along the radius on which the block is situated...
  14. T

    Young's Mod and Spring Constant of a disk

    [SOLVED] Young's Mod and Spring Constant of a disk Hello, I am trying to find the proper thickness of a disk. In the center of the disk I will attach a steel rod which holds a certain fixed mass. The disk must be a fixed diameter and it can be any reasonable material or thickness. I would...
  15. Z

    How to Install Knoppix on Your Hard Disk - Step-by-Step Guide

    Hello , Is there any way to get run knoppix from the Hard disk and make it one of the Operating systems to choose ? I hope someone helps me :D
  16. Saint

    Hard Drive Capacity: Are Manufacturers Deceiving Us?

    40GB? 60GB? 80GB? Bull****t! I long time ago had found that the hard drive i bought contains less space that what it claims. look at this: Are we cheated by the manufacturers?
  17. Zantra

    1 Petabyte Disk Within 7 Years?

    http://www.mercola.com/2003/feb/22/petabyte.htm that's 1 million gigabytes, or 1,000 terabytes. Good lord what will we do with it? Ya I can picture going for a walk and listening to my MP3 player with- every song ever written in the palm of my hand. the 24 million texts in the library of...
  18. W

    Maximizing Intensity of Transmitted Light in Polarization Disks

    I am studying for our final, and there is this problem that is confusing me. There are three disks, with transmission axis of the 1st being 10 deg. from the vertical, the 2nd at an angle theta from the vertical, and the 3rd at an angle 120 deg from the vertical. Unpolarized light, I(0) is...
  19. D

    Solving a Spinning Disk Physics Exam Problem

    Here's the problem and I'm close to the answer, but I guess close isn't good enough on a Physics exam. A spinning solid disk, rotating with angular velocity Wo, is put down on a level surface. It slides and rolls until it reaches an angular velocity W at which it rolls without sliding. Show...