Dispersion Definition and 284 Threads

In optics, dispersion is the phenomenon in which the phase velocity of a wave depends on its frequency.
Media having this common property may be termed dispersive media. Sometimes the term chromatic dispersion is used for specificity.
Although the term is used in the field of optics to describe light and other electromagnetic waves, dispersion in the same sense can apply to any sort of wave motion such as acoustic dispersion in the case of sound and seismic waves, in gravity waves (ocean waves), and for telecommunication signals along transmission lines (such as coaxial cable) or optical fiber. Physically, dispersion translates in a loss of kinetic energy through absorption.
In optics, one important and familiar consequence of dispersion is the change in the angle of refraction of different colors of light, as seen in the spectrum produced by a dispersive prism and in chromatic aberration of lenses. Design of compound achromatic lenses, in which chromatic aberration is largely cancelled, uses a quantification of a glass's dispersion given by its Abbe number V, where lower Abbe numbers correspond to greater dispersion over the visible spectrum. In some applications such as telecommunications, the absolute phase of a wave is often not important but only the propagation of wave packets or "pulses"; in that case one is interested only in variations of group velocity with frequency, so-called group-velocity dispersion.

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  1. DaTario

    Dispersion relation and Photonic Energy and Momentum Equations in QM

    Hi All, In quantum mechanics, related to photon, we have these two equations as valid ones: E = h x f p = h / lambda But we have in vacuum the dispersion relation c = lambda x f. 1) How these relations change when the dispersion relation change ? 2) Is it universally correct to...
  2. L

    Help with problem on dispersion

    Homework Statement In many transparent materials, dispersion causes different colors (wavelengths) of light to travel at different speeds. This can cause problems in fiber-optic communications systems where pulses of light must travel very long distances in glass. Assuming a fiber is made...
  3. Mentallic

    Water Dispersion: Big vs Small Holes in Tank Bottom

    In which case would water fall out of the tank faster? 1) If I were to take a tank filled with water and bore a large hole in the bottom of it with some area 2) Riddle the bottom of the tank with small holes that have an area that adds up to the area of the first big hole. In one scenario...
  4. V

    Sellmeier equations & group delay dispersion

    Hi, I'm trying to take this Sellmeier equation, n^2 (λ)=1+ (B_1 λ^2)/(λ^2-C_1 )+(B_2 λ^2)/(λ^2-C_2 )+(B_3 λ^2)/(λ^2-C_3 ) for which i have several sets of constants for prospective glasses, and convert it into a group delay dispersion graph, with axes of fs^2 vs wavelength. How do i...
  5. N

    Dispersion of light and temperature

    In a question about dispersion using an equilateral prism, three blackened bulb thermometers were used. One was placed above the red light, one on the green light and the last one below the violet light. The question was ... Give 2 reasons why the highest temperature would be recorded...
  6. O

    Medical Pressure dispersion in biological tissues

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  7. S

    Prism Dispersion: Does Light Diffraction Follow Thin Film Rules?

    Does dispersion of light by a prism have anything to do with how thin films disperse light of different colors at different angles? Could a person imagine the sides as if they were thin films?
  8. S

    Energy spectrum from dispersion relation E(k)

    Hi. What I'm trying to do is to obtain the energy spectrum from the following dispersion relation: E^4-A·E^3+B·E^2-C·E+D-F·E^2·cos(k·a_0)^2+G·E·cos(k·a_0)^2-H·cos(k·a_0)^2 = 0 where E is the energy, k is the wave vector and a0 the distance between adjacent neighbors in a 1-Dimensional...
  9. T

    Derivation of velocity dispersion from virial theorem?

    Derivation of velocity dispersion from virial theorem?? Hey, Im probably being a bit dim here but could anyone help me derive the velocity dispersion from the virial theorem. I've got 2K+U=0, K/m~sigma^2 and U/m~GM/R. From rearranging I get a negative velocity^2? Or maybe its the...
  10. T

    Exploring Dispersion in an Infinite Radiator

    Let us assume we possesses a line radiator. It's extent is infinite and it radiates 360*. As far as I understand, an expanding spherical wave of order 0 is not dispersive. I assume an expanding cylindrical wave of order 0 would possesses dispersion, however I am not certain. Could any...
  11. L

    Dispersion by diffraction grating

    Homework Statement White light containing wavelengths from 396 nm to 756 nm falls on a grating with 7300 lines/cm. How wide is the first-order spectrum on a screen 2.15 m away? Homework Equations y=m*L*wavelenth/(d) The Attempt at a Solution using the equation I have found y1 to...
  12. S

    Dispersion Force - The intermolecular force

    (I would like to put an idea of mine to rest) About one year ago I took a college chemistry course in which I learned about intermolecular forces. The weakest of these intermolecular forces, I learned, was the dispersion force (also called London force). This force was discovered by Fritz W...
  13. D

    The dispersion relation of waves between two layers of varying density

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  14. N

    Calculating velocity dispersion of hydrogen atoms in solar photosphere

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  15. S

    Find dispersion relation using periodicity

    Ok so here's another problem that i just completely don't understand at all. Thanks for your help. A linear chain consists of 2N equally spaced identical particles with mass m and speration a, coupled by springs with alternating constands k1 and k2. Use the periodicity of the system to find...
  16. K

    Interpreting Dispersion Curve for Phonons & Other Atoms

    what can be interpret from dispersion curve of phonon?how to find whether a phonon can loose all its energy to a neutron from dispersion curves?are there dispersion curves for other atom apart from phonon?
  17. 1

    Why does the wave of color that has a greater index of refraction bend more?

    Hi guys, I just have a short question. A prism splits white light into it component color depending on the wavelength of the color. As the wavelength decreases, the index of refraction increases, so the wave bends more. However according to Snell's law, a greater index of refraction results in...
  18. menniandscience

    How do photons behave when entering a prism?

    if i don't want to understand the white light as a pack of waves that when encounter prism the waves start to unpack, but as a photons, but than i can't see how it's working, i mean. what is happening to the photons when they enter a prism? thanks
  19. E

    Experimental dispersion relation of phonons

    Hi guys, I don't understand how one would exactly determine a dispersion relation of phonons experimentally. There are two equations, one for momentum and one for energy conservation: \vec{k} - \vec{k^{'}} = \vec{G} + \vec{K} \omega - \omega ^{'} = \omega(K) where...
  20. P

    Chromatic Dispersion: What is It & How Does it Help?

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  21. S

    Does light exhibit dispersion in a vacuum?

    Does light exhibit any type of dispersion in a vacume?
  22. marcus

    Near term observ. constraints on QG dispersion

    MTd2 spotted this paper on arxiv and flagged it for us: Yes! I am very glad to get this one. This paper follows up on a March 2009 video seminar talk Giovanni A-C gave at Perimeter. I'll get the link. Yeah, it's easy to google: just say "Amelino Perimeter". This often works, google...
  23. N

    Dispersion of light in a prism confusing

    I understand that as the frequency of an electromagnetic wave increases, its refractive index decreases in a material. According to this, red light would have a higher refractive index than blue light (is my mistake here? why?). Since sinI/sinR = n (where I is the angle of incidence, R is the...
  24. M

    Dispersion relations and Plasma

    Homework Statement The dispersion relation for a plasma is given by k^{2}=\frac{\omega^{2}}{c^{2}}(1-\frac{\omega^{2}_{p}}{\omega^{2}})\omega^{2}_{p}\:= \frac{Ne^{2}}{m_{e}\epsilon_{0}} Where N is the electron density During re enrty of a spacecraft there was a radio blackout of all...
  25. M

    What’s Dispersion got to do with Schroedinger?

    Hi, In my ignorance of quantum mechanics, which I am trying to address, I had initially assumed that any resolution of the wave-particle duality of photon and electrons led to some sort of common probability equation. Therefore, I am trying to better understand how different dispersion...
  26. S

    Dispersion Relation of a De Broglie Wave

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  27. maverick280857

    Problem plotting Kronig Penney Model dispersion curves

    To the moderator: I'm not sure if this should go here or in the Computational Physics forum. Please shift it there if you think that's the appropriate place for it. Hi everyone Merry Christmas! I'm writing a computer program in C, to explicitly compute the band structures for a 1D...
  28. S

    Difference between van der Waals forces and dispersion forces

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  29. Y

    3d rossby wave frequency dispersion relation

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  30. S

    Dispersion through an equilateral prism

    Homework Statement white light propagating in air is incident at 45 degrees on an equilateral prism Find the angular dispersion "gamma" of the outgoing beam if the prism has refractive indices n(red) = 1.582 and n(violet) = 1.633. NOTE: "gamma" is just a variable for describing the angular...
  31. Y

    Dispersion Relation: What is it for Photons?

    What is the dispersion relation in photons? "(Frequency momentum or etc)
  32. O

    Optical Fiber Transfer Function (attenuation and dispersion)

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  33. M

    Difference between dissipation,diffusion and dispersion

    Anyone help me What is the difference between dissipation, diffusion and dispersion as CFD point of view?
  34. F

    Why are London dispersion forces attractive?

    I've looked around in my basic chemistry books and haven't seen this directly answered, and I'm having trouble with it on the internet too. Wouldn't said force be repulsive just as often as attractive and therefore have no net force?
  35. I

    SPP at plane interfaces, dispersion curve. confused by textbook?

    the link below should take you to a google book called "principles of nano-optics" by novotny and hecht. my question is on the dispersion curve plot they have on page 388/389 figure 12.5 and 12.6. it is describing the surface plasmon polaritons. the part i don't get is this excerpt which can...
  36. L

    Dispersion Relation and wavelength

    I've been working on problems trying to find the dispersion relation of monatomic and diatomic chains. I'm able to find the dispersion relation, but I don't really understand what it is. I'm pretty sure that it's the relation of the frequency to the wave vector. I'm working through Kittel's...
  37. P

    Calculate Force of Bullet Impact on Body Armor

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  38. X

    One dimensional lattice dispersion relation

    I'm doing an experiment, in which I have a one dimensional lattice held up by strings. That is I have a series of n masses each of mass M each connected to each other by springs with spring constant C and unstretched length a. Each mass is suspended from the ceiling by a string of length L. I'm...
  39. U

    Hyugens principle and laser wave dispersion

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  40. A

    Thermodynamics - Entropy&Heat dispersion

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  41. R

    Angular dispersion through a prism? Rather

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  42. S

    Multipath dispersion of a pulse of light in an optical fiber.

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  43. D

    What are the Sources of Dispersion in Fibre Optics?

    I'm confused as to sources of dispersion in a fibre. Any clarification would be appreciated. Modal (Intermodal) dispersion: pulse spreading due to different group velocities of different modes in the fibre. Each mode has a slightly different n-effective hence the different Vg for each mode...
  44. F

    Derivation of the wave dispersion equation

    My homework question is: If the ocean surface is disturbed by a wave, η=η_0 cos(ωt-kx), show that the dispersion equation is given by ω^2=gHk^2+f^2. I have looked every where and while there is a lot of sites with this on they tend to just jump from one to the other saying 'substitue and...
  45. E

    Calculating Group Velocity of Schrodinger Waves: Dispersion Relation

    The group velocity of traveling wave is defined as v_g =\partial \omega/\partial k. I am confused about how to actually calculate this. For instance, in the Schrodinger equation, we find that plane waves solve the equation provided that \omega = k^2 \hbar/2m Does this mean that the group...
  46. J

    Material dispersion calculation (optical fiber)

    Material dispersion in optical fiber is defined as D = (-λ/c)×(d²n/dλ²) λ is wavelength, c is speed of light and n is refractive index. I was given a graph of λ²×(d²n/dλ²) against λ, refractive index of core of fiber, index difference and diameter of the core and cladding. What I would like to...
  47. T

    London Dispersion Force in Molecular vs. Ionic Compounds

    Homework Statement Does London Dispersion Force exist only in molecular compounds, or do they also exist in ionic compounds? Homework Equations None. The Attempt at a Solution I think it exists only in molecular compounds.
  48. marcus

    Hints of dispersion (both gravity and EM waves)

    This paper which just appeared on arxiv http://arxiv.org/abs/0709.2365 Loop quantum gravity corrections to gravitational wave dispersion Martin Bojowald, Golam Mortuza Hossain 27 pages (Submitted on 14 Sep 2007) "Cosmological tensor perturbations equations are derived for Hamiltonian cosmology...
  49. marcus

    Stuff about GRB observations (dispersion?)

    stuff about gammaray flare observations (dispersion?) http://arxiv.org/abs/0708.2889 Probing Quantum Gravity using Photons from a Mkn 501 Flare Observed by MAGIC J. Albert, et al., for the MAGIC Collaboration, John Ellis, N.E. Mavromatos, D.V. Nanopoulos, A.S. Sakharov, E.K.G. Sarkisyan 5...
  50. H

    Dispersion Relation KdV equation

    Hi all. I have some questions about the dispersion relation in the study of waves. First of all, why do we always assume a plane wave solution when we want to obtain a dispersion relation? Second, is "assuming a plane wave solution" a general way to obtian all dispersion relations? for both...