What is Diy: Definition and 226 Discussions

"Do it yourself" ("DIY") is the method of building, modifying, or repairing things by themself without the direct aid of experts or professionals. Academic research has described DIY as behaviors where "individuals engage raw and semi-raw materials and parts to produce, transform, or reconstruct material possessions, including those drawn from the natural environment (e.g., landscaping)". DIY behavior can be triggered by various motivations previously categorized as marketplace motivations (economic benefits, lack of product availability, lack of product quality, need for customization), and identity enhancement (craftsmanship, empowerment, community seeking, uniqueness).The term "do-it-yourself" has been associated with consumers since at least 1912 primarily in the domain of home improvement and maintenance activities. The phrase "do it yourself" had come into common usage (in standard English) by the 1950s, in reference to the emergence of a trend of people undertaking home improvement and various other small craft and construction projects as both a creative-recreational and cost-saving activity.
Subsequently, the term DIY has taken on a broader meaning that covers a wide range of skill sets. DIY has been described as a "self-made-culture"; one of designing, creating, customizing and repairing items or things without any special training. DIY has grown to become a social concept with people sharing ideas, designs, techniques, methods and finished projects with one another either online or in person.
DIY can be seen as a cultural reaction in modern technological society to increasing academic specialization and economic specialization which brings people into contact with only a tiny focus area within the larger context, positioning DIY as a venue for holistic engagement. DIY ethic is the ethic of self-sufficiency through completing tasks without the aid of a paid expert. The DIY ethic promotes the idea that anyone is capable of performing a variety of tasks rather than relying on paid specialists.

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  1. A

    Misc. Paper folding manual machine - plan folding

    Hello everyone! I am trying to replicate a folding machine, just as a fun project for home use. I understand this simple idea of a folding machine, and I know which measurements I should take. The question behind this project that I simply can´t understand is the spring linear clamp which...
  2. Stephenk53

    Misc. DIY Project Ideas for Beginners - Elementary Education Focus

    I am pretty new to diy engineering and my main focus is to build things that are either useful (ie the multitool I am working on) or useful for a demonstration. I am currently studying Elementary education and thus I am inexperienced in engineering and I was wondering if you guys have any ideas...
  3. K

    Making a custom DIY light switch safe for home use

    Hi I’m making a custom lamp for a Christmas present and want to create a custom on off switch to go with it. The switch part is easy, just make a mechanism that breaks or completes a circuit, but I’m not sure what to do to insure it doesn’t electrocute the user, or burst into flames. If I...
  4. C

    Chemical/Paint DIY Sabatier Reactor: Capturing Carbon Dioxide with Magnesium Oxide

    We all are aware of the looming danger of climate change and so I want to do my part. I plan to capture the carbon dioxide from the air using magnesium oxide, turning it into magnesium carbonate, and then heating it up to reverse the process while capturing the carbon dioxide. The Sabatier...
  5. T

    Electrical Create a Moving Sun Sculpture: DIY Art Project Help and Advice

    Hello! I am an aspiring artist and have a terrible expertise in tech, but I have this idea in mind and strong desire to make it come to life, so I was hoping I could get some help here. The idea is to create a moving sculpture which is going to refer to the sun. What you see in the sketch 2 as...
  6. afternoone

    Electronics DIY a wireless charger into a book

    Check my art DIY a wireless charger into a book how it looks like after finish here is the video: DIY a wireless charger into a book the brand is Soopus-X if you ask
  7. A

    1-10 kV power supply recommendations DIY electrostatic motors

    I am trying some projects that involve building some very simple electrostatic motors. I attached below figures of the kind of electrostatic motors I am trying to make. What I can't figure out is what kind of high-voltage power supply I should use, presumably 1000 to 10,000 volts is what these...
  8. J

    Auto/Motor How Can I Make My DIY Swirl Push Maker Create Perfect Spirals?

    Hi Everyone! I am trying to a DIY project to make a food maker. I am 50% succeeded with that and need help for the remaining 50%. The idea is to produce the output shown in the first image. That food is made with a flour. So I have the setup a pressing machine shown in image2. In this I was...
  9. S

    Construction How Can You Make DIY Flowable Fill?

    What are some recipes for making a do-it-yourself version of flowable fill? ( as defined by https://www.nrmca.org/aboutconcrete/cips/17p.pdf )
  10. D

    Electrical How to build a DIY laser power meter

    How do I build diy laser power meter. I tried shining 5 milliwatt laser on photodiode. Photodiode is connected to led. Led never turned on.
  11. R

    Wood/Glass/Metal Anyone here DIY a standing desk?

    I need any comment about the best frame to DIY a sit-to-stand desk?
  12. Isolde Wilde

    How Does Heat Affect the Motion of a DIY Stirling Engine's Wheel?

    hello, I had made an DIY alpha type Stirling engine for my physics project and now I have to write an report about the relationship between the heat given to the engine and the motion of the wheel. I had searched a lot about Stirling engines and I learned about work, energy, efficiency...
  13. D

    Photosensor-Brake System for a Small Plastic Car

    Hello, I am attempting to expand my physical understanding of some engineering principles I’ve learned during my first semester of ChemE. I am making a small plastic car that will be propelled with a weak fan. I am attempting something similar to a ChemE project car. Is there a way I can use a...
  14. F

    Suggestions for a hobby DIY project?

    I'm actually an electronic engineer, but never really worked in the field, due to lack of opportunities in my home country. Instead I worked as computer programmer, and I had lots of satisfaction and accomplishment in that field. Meanwhile I remember that 40 years ago, in my teens, I used to...
  15. Sid55

    How to power up a DIY LED panel with a PC PSU?

    Thanks to anyone who likes to chime in and help out this newbie. :smile: I bought some CC CV buck converters to power my DIY LED panel project using a perfectly working PC power supply unit that was collecting dust inside a fairly old and unused PC but unfortunately the buck converter does not...
  16. L

    How can I build a cost-effective DIY vacuum chamber for my experiment?

    I need to perform an experiment in vacuum and would like advice on cost effective parts or how to do it. The chamber needs to be at least the size of a shoebox. Round is fine. The vacuum is required to control heat dissipation of an object as much as possible while I measure its temperature...
  17. S

    Electrical DIY project about electromagnets

    Hi there and thanks to anyone who responds. I am creating a DIY project that is getting a little complicated for my knowledge. Specifically, I need to have three electromagnets hooked up to a sequencer or a timer of some sort that supplies equal power to one electromagnet at a time, then...
  18. Jefffff

    Charging a battery by moving a magnet randomly in 2D plane?

    I'm sorry if this question is a little abstract, but would appreciate any guidance! It's for a DIY project I am considering. Suppose you have a flat panel mounted on a wall, and a very strong magnet that will move in any direction on the plane of the flat panel. Through any possible arrangement...
  19. T

    Misc. Optimizing Thermal Management for Wooden Computer Cases: A Fan-Based Solution?

    I am working on a project; a computer case made out of wood, most likely oak. I was wondering if two fans (one bringing air in, on taking air out) would be enough to keep the system at a stable temperature. I wasnt sure because i know most cases are made of thin metal which conducts and...
  20. YoungPhysicist

    Plumbing Build a Buoyancy Device: Ideas for Suspending in Water

    I want to make a device that can suspend in water via manipulating its density to as close to 1 as possible. I just thought that it will be cool to have a device that can stay in whatever position that I place it in the water. Any idea of how this could actually be done? I was thinking about an...
  21. gleem

    Electronics Learning Resources and Software for DIY Projects

    For those who might need a relatively simple electronic device for a project like relay control, frequency to voltage converters, voltage to current and current to voltage converter, small signal amplifiers, signal averaging and many others using cheap op-amps, I recommend "How to Build and...
  22. S

    Auto/Motor Need help choosing the necessary motor for my first ever DIY project

    Hello, I have decided that no matter how many times I ask, people will always leave my bedroom door open. Therefore, I have decided to try my hand at a DYI project to create an automatic door closer. I'm aware these already exist but I'm also doing this because I've always been interested in...
  23. G

    Misc. Exploring Materials Engineering with DIY Test Machine & Arduino

    Hello there. I'm a veteran science teacher at the middle and high school level. I've taught a few years of physics and am interested in moving towards engineering. I have looked at a number of available curricula like Project Lead the Way which require a significant investment in time and money...
  24. blainiac

    Wood/Glass/Metal DIY Paper Yield & Tensile Strengths

    Hey there! I'm about to do some tests with rotating boundary layers and wanted to use rotating sheets of paper (cut into circles) as this would be ideal for my experiments. I was researching various materials but couldn't find yield and tensile strengths for different types of paper (printer...
  25. Greg Bernhardt

    Electrical Installing ceiling fan/light where light fixture is now

    After getting through a heat wave this weekend I've decided it's time to look at getting a ceiling fan for our bedroom. Right now there is just a simple light fixture. When I talked to my dad about it, he had some comments that made me realize it's not a straight swap. My house is year 1922 btw...
  26. Evanish

    Misc. DIY - Replacing my bicycle tire with recycled plastic

    So the rubber on one of my bicycle tires has worn out to the point it needs to be replaced, and I was thinking I'd prefer a solid tire this time. Rather then buying one like a normal person I was thinking if I could make my own out of recycled plastic. Here is the plan as it currently...
  27. anorlunda


    Amateur do-it-yourself projects are enjoyed by many people. Do it yourself (DIY) is the method of building, modifying, or repairing things without the direct aid of experts or professionals. Other people sometimes enjoy helping others with projects. That is what this forum is about...
  28. voltech444

    Auto/Motor ORC Waste Heat Scroll Expander DIY

    I bought a A/C scroll compressor from a 2005 Toyota Prius. I want to convert it into a expander to use in a ORC waste heat recovery system. If I can get it working on the bench, then it's my dream to put it on a hybrid vehicle, most likely another Prius since I own 2. The electricity it...
  29. S

    Optical Can a DIY Fresnel Lens Concentrator be Created Using a Rotating Liquid Mold?

    Just running an idea for a diy fresnel lens past .. [ In the context that parabolic mirrors have been created by rotating a liquid ] The volume left above the parabola is also parabolic, so ...if that volume is used as a mold for casting it should form a reasonable solid lens, at least for...
  30. PhysicoRaj

    Electrical Build a DIY Powerbank with NiMH Batteries: Guidelines & Tips

    Hi everyone, I wanted to make a powerbank for myself, to be able to charge smartphones (and if possible laptops), and last for as long as possible. The reason I'm attached to Ni-MH batteries is because of this eneloop IV gen, claiming such attractive values for charge retention (70% after 5...
  31. PJP

    Electrical Heating Problem with DIY A/C Electromagnet

    Hello every one I’m a newbie to electrical stuff (I do have basic knowledge) so please be patient with me, please help me! :frown: So, coming to the details of my diy project I’m trying to vibrate a metal string with an electromagnet. so, after an ample amount of research I’ve made the...
  32. S

    Electrical DIY Electromagnet: How to Make or Buy One for Lifting Up to 178 Pounds

    I want to make an electromagnet that can carry me or buy one. I weigh 128 pounds (58kg) and I found an electromagnet with a pull force of 178 pounds (80kg). https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01EWHSF3K/?tag=pfamazon01-20 Can I attach any 12v source to power it or does it need a specific amperage. And...
  33. ISamson

    Computer Possibilities with DIY IoT Projects and Products

    Hello. While planning to purchase an Arduino MKR1000 or ESP8266 I decided to analyse the possibilities with IoT projects. How far is it possible to go with DIY IoT projects? I have read a number of things on unboxing an MKR1000, setting it up, but it is hard to estimate the possibilities of...
  34. ISamson

    Electrical Homemade, easy, DIY, wireless, IoT and Bluetooth?

    Hello. From my reasoning, I understand that at the most basic levels all electronics are made out of transistors, wires, capacitors... So I was wondering if it would be possible to make an easy, homemade DIY wireless, IoT or bluetooth connected piece of electronic just by using wires...
  35. ISamson

    Electronics Building a Radio: Basics for the High Schooler in Australia

    Hello. I have been interested in radios lately and wanted to make one by myself. I know that it requires a lot of knowledge in physics and electronics, but what basics do I need to know? Frequency, antennas, voltages... Could there be any legal issues? I live in Australia. I am only a high...
  36. S

    Electronics DIY Electric Lighter: Building with Alligator Clips and Pencil Resistors

    I have been building a electric lighter without soldering since I don't know how to solder, so I am going to ask my brother to show me how on the weekend. Until then I've been using alligator clips, 9 volt batteries (preferably one) and graphite from pencils as a resistor. Unfortunately the...
  37. ISamson

    Computer Where Can I Find More Arduino Project Websites?

    Hello, I finally now own an Arduino UNO with the https://store.arduino.cc/usa/arduino-starter-kit and having completed all the projects in the book am looking for ways to extend myself with Arduino. I have had a look at many DIY websites (makesine, hackster.io, diyhacking...) but they have...
  38. J

    What disciplines do I need for building a Quadcopter?

    Hi everybody, new to the forums :) I have a personal dream to build a drone/quadcopter from scratch. I'm aware it's not an easy task, and I've also searched this forum (and Google) for similar threads before posting: Drone Building Building a Quadcopter (links to what seems like a useful PDF)...
  39. H

    Construction Can You Build a DIY Endless Pool for Under $1500?

    Hello, is this stupid? is this project possible, about 1,500 usd. I know the key is evenly distributed flow, so maybe two small motors. Maybe add a grate? this vid gave me this idea: thanks in advanced if anyone reads this thread
  40. ORF

    Misc. DIY muon detector -- Is it really working?

    Hello I found this video on YouTube, It seems that most of the counts are noise of the PMT... Thank you for your time. Regards.
  41. L

    Optical DIY material for photographing Sun

    I procrastinated big time about getting some solar filter or solar film or something to make my camera capable of filming the Sun, and now I can't find anything. I tried buying replacement glass for welding masks, but even with 4 sheets of it stacked together, the Sun blasts right through it...
  42. EEristavi

    Engineering Electronic/Electric circuits and schemes & DIY projects

    Hello, I want something were I can find electric/electronic schemes and circuits to built by myself, starting from basics to complicated ones (with explanation, why and how it works). P.S. I'm also interested in books which involves other fields (eg. chemistry) and DIY projects
  43. acvtre

    HVAC DIY glovebox or closed fume-hood?

    Hi everybody, I'm a PhD student working on solution-processed kesterite PV cells. The material is spin-coated and I personally believe that its wetting properties are influenced by environmental parameters like temperature and humidity. To control these parameters, or at least reduce their...
  44. Brandon91man

    Electrical DIY Solar Power System: Questions & Answers

    Hello, I've been building my own solar panel system and throughout this process I've accumulated a lot of questions. If anyone could help answer them I would greatly appreciate it! First I'll start off explaining what I have. A polycrystalline solar panel 17V 2.2A and a mono crystalline panel...
  45. A

    Construction Design diy ceiling mount for heavy cabinet

    im wanting to hang a cabinet off an I-beam (steel) in my basement looking at something like this http://www.standsandmounts.com/ionicofficeseriestiltswivelhingedextendingceilingmount-luna-ceiling102.aspx function wise, but also want an up/down (range of 2-3ft, from touching ceiling to droping...
  46. Steven Ellet

    I Build Your Own Quantum Entanglement Experiment?

    Came across a pair of websites claiming to be DIY Quantum Entanglement Experiment. Problem is, I don't know how realistic it is. Essentially, is this real, or am I being taken for a fool? Part 1...
  47. A

    Misc. Is DIY Hybrid RTG Feasible?

    Hello: First of all I would like to say that I am new to this forum and I might be doing something wrong (like posting something in the wrong place) and that constructive criticism is welcome. Also, I am spanish, so my english isn't the best. I have accumulated a lot of theoretical knowledge...
  48. Greg Bernhardt

    Chemical/Paint Paint bubbling off wood beam DIY help

    As you can see from the image a vertical portion of my wall (a wood beam) has developed this vertical bubbling where the paint is being rejected. It spans from the ceiling to floor. First thing I thought of was water damage, but as I chip away at the paint and get to the wood it doesn't seem...
  49. S

    Electronics DIY Stun Gun/Electrical Stimulator

    I am doing nerve conduction research for the Intel International Science Fair and I need to make a stimulating electrode or just something that I can make with common items and that can release enough voltage to stimulate/activate the nerve. I made one using a lighter, but I am not sure that it...
  50. AdrianMachin

    Misc. DIY homemade Crooke's radiometer?

    Is there any way to make one at home?