What is Doppler: Definition and 747 Discussions

The Doppler effect or Doppler shift (or simply Doppler, when in context) is the change in frequency of a wave in relation to an observer who is moving relative to the wave source. It is named after the Austrian physicist Christian Doppler, who described the phenomenon in 1842.
A common example of Doppler shift is the change of pitch heard when a vehicle sounding a horn approaches and recedes from an observer. Compared to the emitted frequency, the received frequency is higher during the approach, identical at the instant of passing by, and lower during the recession.The reason for the Doppler effect is that when the source of the waves is moving towards the observer, each successive wave crest is emitted from a position closer to the observer than the crest of the previous wave. Therefore, each wave takes slightly less time to reach the observer than the previous wave. Hence, the time between the arrivals of successive wave crests at the observer is reduced, causing an increase in the frequency. While they are traveling, the distance between successive wave fronts is reduced, so the waves "bunch together". Conversely, if the source of waves is moving away from the observer, each wave is emitted from a position farther from the observer than the previous wave, so the arrival time between successive waves is increased, reducing the frequency. The distance between successive wave fronts is then increased, so the waves "spread out".
For waves that propagate in a medium, such as sound waves, the velocity of the observer and of the source are relative to the medium in which the waves are transmitted. The total Doppler effect may therefore result from motion of the source, motion of the observer, or motion of the medium. Each of these effects is analyzed separately. For waves which do not require a medium, such as electromagnetic waves or gravitational waves, only the relative difference in velocity between the observer and the source needs to be considered, giving rise to the relativistic Doppler effect.

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  1. S

    Calculating Frequency Difference of a Rotating Siren - How Fast Must It Spin?

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  2. K

    Are the forces of gravity subject to the Doppler effect?

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  3. T

    Doppler Effect: can light waves have different effects, depending on your speed?

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  4. M

    Doppler Effect, Stationary source moving observer

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  5. R

    Doppler Shift at Right Angles Confusion

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  6. S

    Velocity of a star for Doppler Spectroscopy

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  7. A

    Speed of Cars with the Doppler Effect

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  8. S

    The Doppler Effect For EM Waves

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  9. P

    Problem with relativistic doppler?

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  10. X

    Solving for Vv= The doppler Effect

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  11. K

    How Does the Doppler Effect Calculate Submarine Depth and Velocity?

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  12. J

    The Doppler Effect: Deducing an Expression for Frequency

    Homework Statement A sound source moves at a constant velocity. A listener is standing at a distance L away from it. Given that the source moves in a straight line at a right angle to the listener and starts closest to the listener (ie at t=0) deduce an expression for the frequency heard by the...
  13. K

    Doppler Effect: Wavelengths of Sound Waves

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  14. B

    How Fast is the Ambulance Traveling in the Doppler Effect Problem?

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  15. M

    Doppler Effect- small question on formula setup.

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  16. Terocamo

    Why Do Equations for Doppler Effect Differ for Moving Source and Observer?

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  17. A

    Doppler Shift Light from another galaxy

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  18. K

    Michelson interferometer and Doppler effect

    Homework Statement Hello, I'm working on an experiment that involves a Michelson interferometer and doppler effect. Here is the description of the apparatus. Michelson interferometer is set up with one moving arm and microwave is transmitted and received. With the beam splitter splitting...
  19. A

    Doppler Effect Homework: Find Speed of Ambulance

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  20. A

    Temperature from Doppler Effect spectral broadening

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  21. DaTario

    Clear explanation of Doppler effect assimmetry

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  22. P

    Doppler shift question (galaxy movement)

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  23. Z

    Doppler Effect with acceleration Problem

    Homework Statement A source S and a detector D are initially at a distance of x=1km. Both start moving towards one another with same acceleration a = 10m/s2. Frequency of source is f = 2000Hz. Find the frequency observed by the detector at time t=4s. Speed of sound in air is v=300m/s The...
  24. H

    Doppler effect and the twin paradox

    Hi. I am learning special Relativity and I am seeing that the answer to the twin paradox involves the Doppler effect, and I am struggling to understand what is going on. First let me explain what I know about the Doppler effect. If an object produces waves (might it be light waves or sound...
  25. I

    The Theory of the Transverse Doppler Effect

    I'm doing a night course in General Relativity and we're currently finishing off Special Relativity... We're working mainly off of D'Inverno. We've just covered the relativistic doppler effect and some associated things like aberration. When it came to talking about the transverse doppler...
  26. J

    Understanding Doppler Shift: Impact on Sound Waves and Airplane Movement

    Imagine this scenario: An aeroplane emits a sound wave. The sound wave propagates in all directions. a) If the plane is flying forward, it emits a sound towards a reflector in front of it. When the sound is reflected, its frequency is reduced, presuming the plane is traveling towards the...
  27. G

    Exploring the Doppler Effect in Sound, Light & Water Waves

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  28. P

    What Causes the Discrepancy in Doppler Shift for Satellites in Orbit?

    At page http://www.qsl.net/vk3jed/doppler.html" is discussed Doppler shift at various ham radio frequencies. I calculated for this Doppler shift relative velocity of their satellite as 6720 m/s. Their satellite in height of 800 km above ground and at circular orbit should have velocity of 7453...
  29. kreil

    How Does the Relativistic Doppler Effect Apply on a Rotating Disk?

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  30. TrickyDicky

    Gravitational redshift from doppler shift

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  31. B

    Doppler effect of light spectrum

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  32. M

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  33. F

    Doppler effect for light - how can it be explained ?

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  34. A

    Planck relation, relativistic doppler effect, and relativistic mass

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  35. W

    Are the doppler effects of sound wave and light wave of different roots?

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  36. fluidistic

    Calculating Relativistic Doppler Shift for Moving Radar

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  37. K

    Are forces subject to the doppler effect?

    I know that photons hitting a solar sail can add energy to that sail. I know that photons are gauge bosons. I know that gauge bosons are thought to be the carriers of fundamental forces. If a solar sail were gaining speed to a point where it reached relativistically with respect to the power...
  38. S

    Understanding Doppler Shift in Radio-Equipped Plumbing Vans

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  39. F

    What is the Doppler Effect and When Does it Occur?

    Homework Statement Firstly, whilst reading all this more complicated (and far more interesting) physics in other threads I feel like a dunce posting something which is probably of 'lower' level here as it were, but here goes: If we have a vehicle like a police car (with siren going) moving at...
  40. K

    Exploring Doppler Redshifts & Their Impact on Galaxy Expansion

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  41. I

    Do Electrons Emit Lower Frequency Waves When Moving Very Fast?

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  42. L

    High School Physics: Doppler Effect

    Homework Statement An automobile is approaching you at a speed of 60.0 km/h and sounding its horn. The fundamental frequency of the horn sounds to you like 388 Hz. If the real fundamental frequency of the horn is 369 Hz, what is the speed of sound? Homework Equations Doppler...
  43. N

    Do gravity waves experience doppler effect?

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  44. R

    Doppler Effect 2 Homework: Calculating Distance of Police Car from Ambulance

    Homework Statement An ambulance is traveling at 84.0 km/h. The ambulance has a siren which produces sound at a frequency of 1.7 kHz. Assume the speed of sound in air is 345.0 m/s. A police car is traveling at a constant speed of 80.0 km/h directly towards the ambulance. The police car...
  45. R

    Why Is Jim Hearing a Different Frequency from the Ambulance Siren?

    Homework Statement An ambulance is traveling at 72.0 km/h towards an intersection. Jim stops his car to give way to the ambulance as shown in the diagram below. In the diagram, the angle θ = 41.0 °. The ambulance has a siren which produces sound at a frequency of 2.1 kHz. Assume the speed...
  46. matt_crouch

    Doppler effect wavelength from car

    Homework Statement A car is traveling at 30m/s in still air. the frequency of the siren on the car is 600hz. The velocity of sound in still air is 330 m/s. what is the wavelength of the sound waves a)directly in front of the car b)directly behind the car What is the frequency of the...
  47. X

    Doppler effect of submarines question. Please help

    Homework Statement A French and a U.S. submarine are moving directly towards each other during manoeuvres in still water. The French submarine is moving at 50.0 km.hr-1. It sends out a sonar signal at 1100.0 Hz. The frequency detected by the French submarine (reflected back from the U.S...
  48. P

    Submarine Distance - Hard Doppler effect

    Homework Statement A French and a U.S. submarine are moving directly towards each other during manoeuvres in still water. The French submarine is moving at 50.0 km.hr-1. It sends out a sonar signal at 1100.0 Hz. The frequency detected by the French submarine (reflected back from the U.S...
  49. J

    How Far Did the Stuntwoman Fall Based on Doppler Shift Analysis?

    Homework Statement A stuntwoman is preparing to take a punch, crash through a "candy glass" window, and fall a long distance. The script calls for her to emit a piercing scream just before she hits the "ground." In reality, she will land on a waiting airbag. Lights! Camera! Action! The...
  50. Z

    Gravitational time dilation, redshift and doppler

    If as a result of the equivalence principle we can derive the gravitational red shift entirely from the perspective of an accelerating body with no reference to gravity and no reference to gravitational time dilation then one is essentially just working out the Doppler shift of a signal...