Dot Definition and 564 Threads

  1. T

    Understanding the Dot Product of Derivatives

    Hi, Im having trouble understanding something in one of my Dynamics lectures. The lecturer said that: dr/dt dotted with d2r/dt2 (where r is a vector) equals: (1/2)(d/dt(dr/dt dotted with dr/dt))... I just can't get this result. I know it has something to do with the product rule...
  2. B

    Dividing vectors in dot products

    Homework Statement can you divide 2 vectors which are in fractions? Homework Equations example a . a / b . a (dot products) The Attempt at a Solution would it become a / b?
  3. Q

    Integral of E dot dA - conceptual

    Homework Statement A = 2i + 3j E = 4i determine the integral of E dot dA Homework Equations Integral calculus, vectorsThe Attempt at a Solution I don't understand why one could do this. The integral is of E and dA, not E and A. How can I use A to determine dA? Do I take its derivative? Then I...
  4. W

    Help with dot product for vectors

    Question Let vectors \vec{A} =(2,1,-4), \vec{B}=(-3,0,1), \vec{C}=(-1,-1,2). What is the angle (in radians) \theta_{AB} between \vec{A} and \vec{B}?Important equations \vec{A} \cdot \vec{B} = \vert \vec{A} \vert \,\vert \vec{B}\vert \cos(\theta), where \theta is the angle between \vec{A} and...
  5. X

    What is the Geometric Interpretation of Dot and Cross Products?

    Describe the surface defined by the equation: (a) \vec{r}\cdot \hat{x}= 2, where \vec{r}=x\hat{x}+y\hat{y}+z\hat{z}; (b) \left \| \vec{r} \times \hat{x}\right \|=2 For the first one, I know that is interpreted as the projection of the r vector onto the x-axis is equal to two...
  6. L

    Dot product of vector function?

    Greetings. I was thinking about finding the angle between two functions, so I thought it may be elegant to turn them into vector valued functions, and find the dot product at a given variable value where the vectors lie on the same plane and are functions of the same variable. I'm going to go...
  7. G

    Dot Product of Momentum and Radial Operators

    Homework Statement I need to find the momentum space function for the ground state of hydrogen (l=m=0, Z=n=1) Homework Equations \phi(\vec{p}) = \frac{1}{(2\pi\hbar)^{3/2}}\int e^{-i(\vec{p}\cdot\vec{r})/\hbar}\psi(\vec{r})d^3\vec{r}...
  8. S

    Calculating Average Speed & Time for a Dot on a Spinning Motor

    Homework Statement I need to determine the average speed of a dot on a spinning motor and also the time it takes for teh dot to make on revolution. Using a strobe light I determined I needed to do 3959.2 flashes/min in order to make the dot stay in place. The dot is 6.9 cm away from the center...
  9. C

    Can all dot product computations be computed?

    Homework Statement Which of the following can be computed? 1. A dot B dot C 2. A dot ( B dot C ) 3. A dot ( B + C ) 4. 3 dot A Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I believe that 2 and 3 are the only two that can be computed. Can anyone confirm this? Thanks.
  10. C

    Dot Product Notation Clarification

    The following notation is from the book "Frames and Bases." Let f and g be vectors in R^{n} with the usual dot product <,>. Then, what does the notation \left|\left\langle f,g\right\rangle\right|^{2} mean? Specifically, does it mean \left|\sum^{n}_{i=1}f_{i} g_{i}\right| or does it...
  11. T

    Cross product, dot product concepts

    Hi, I'm very ashamed about getting a fully understanding of these vector product concepts. But i did a lot of search and get an idea about them. I read Feynman's lecture on physics and almost completely understand the mathematics behind their properties. In that book feynman proves that cross...
  12. Д

    Geometrical interpretation of dot product (trying to prove)

    Hi! I am trying to find out where: cos\theta=\frac{a \cdot b}{|a||b|} came from. Here is mine geometrical interpretation of scalar projection: Now, (pr means projection) pr_{\overrightarrow{A}} \overrightarrow{B} = p\overrightarrow{B_0} and...
  13. F

    Determining Vector Dot Product Using Unit Vectors

    Hi All, I'm currently studying vector projections and the vector dot product. I ran into a problem on the homework I wasn't quite sure how to tackle... Any suggestions?The problem is stated as follows: Determine ||v+w|| if v and w are unit vectors separated by an angle of \frac{\pi}{6}...
  14. R

    Summing Up Vector Dot Products to Reach 0

    Another way of stating it is the sum of the dot products of vectors B and vectors A = 0 Is this because the dot product of two vectors is 0 if they are 90 degrees to each other. So this is just adding up a certain amount of these two vector systems, and since magnetism is always normal to...
  15. R

    Del dot E equals 0 and Del dot B equals 0, both in a vacuum

    So given the common explanation here for Del dot B equals 0 to be "There are no magnetic monopoles.", since the title indicates that the equations in a vacuum have the same form, would the meaning of Del dot E = 0 mean that "There are no ELECTRIC monopoles?"...which we assume to be false...
  16. J

    Dot and Cross Products (of Gradients)

    Statement: I was wondering if the following are identical, \nabla \bullet \nabla \times \vec{A} = \nabla \bullet (\nabla \times \vec{A}) ? (#1) Also, more importantly I was wondering if someone could explain to me why the following is zero for any vector, \nabla \bullet \nabla \times \vec{A} =...
  17. R

    Understand Magnetic Field Divergence: Nabla dot B =0 Explained

    nabla dot B =0 ?? I've read the physical explanation for this eq is that magnetic monopoles do not exist. A poor explanation in my opinion. :) So, I would like it explained along these lines. (Obviously I don't unuderstand this but am giving an example of how I would like it explained)...
  18. K

    Finding Angle in 3D using dot product

    Homework Statement Shown are a mast and a portion of the rigging of a schooner. Members CD and EF lie in the same plane, and CD is of length 7.5 m and forms an angle of 45° with a vertical line drawn through C. Knowing that when \theta = 45° the tension in rope BD is 250N, determine, (a) the...
  19. P

    Dot Product Issues Homework: Vector A and 4 Vectors

    Homework Statement Vector A and four other vectors that have the same magnitude but differ in orientation. a) Which of those other four vectors have the same dot product with A? b) Which have a negative dot product with A? (Those...
  20. A

    Finding a Force using the dot product/projection (Calc 3)

    Homework Statement This is from Larson's Calculus Early Transcendentals 4th Ed (Pg. 786) A 600-pound boat sits on a ramp imclined at 30 degrees, as shown in Figure 11.32. What force is required to keep the boat from rolling down the ramp? Homework Equations The solution gives the...
  21. A

    Faraday's Law, Magnetic Flux, and the dot product

    Homework Statement We are studying Electromagnetic Induction right now. I understand the concepts, Faraday's Law and magnetic flux. But I don't understand what my book is doing. Homework Equations Magnetic Flux \phi=\intB∙dA Faraday's Law Emf = - d\phi/dt Emf=Electromotive force \phi=Magnetic...
  22. T

    Possible webpage title: Expressing Dot Product in Terms of Norms

    Homework Statement (a) Using the dot product, show that for x, y ∈ Rn, the formula 2||x||^2 + 2||y||^2 = ||x + y||^ 2 + ||x − y||^2 holds. (b) The norm on Rn can be defined in terms of the dot product by the formula ||x|| = √(x • x). Show that the reverse is true. That is, find a...
  23. R

    Calculating Orthogonality of Binormal Vector with Dot Product

    How can I show that the binormal vector is orthogonal to the tangent and normal vector. I know i should use the dot product to determine this, however i do i actually go about doing it?
  24. J

    Solved: Evaluating F dot dr Integral for P = pi

    Homework Statement P = pi Evaluate \int F \cdotdr where c is the curve given by r(t) = (t+sin\pit)i + (2tcos\pit)j F = (4x3y2 - 2xy3) i + (2x4y - 3x2y2 + 4y3)j Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution When I dot them I get an extremely long expression. \int...
  25. L

    Maths questions on dot product, vectors?

    Homework Statement 1. (a) Define carefully the dot and vector products of two vectors a and b. (b) Show, using the dot product, that if c - d and c + d are perpendicular then |c| = |d|. (c) The vectors a = i+2j and b = i - 2j + k form two sides of a triangle. Use vector methods to find...
  26. R

    The Dot Product and Cross Product: Finding the Angle Between Two Vectors

    Homework Statement If theta is the angle between two non-zero vectors A and B, then which of the following angles theta results in A dot B = |A x B|? Homework Equations A dot B = ABcos(theta) A x B = ABsin(theta) The Attempt at a Solution There were two choices in the multiple choice answers...
  27. K

    Dot product of two pauli matrices

    In some text, I read something like this \vec{S}_i\cdot\vec{S}_j where \vec{S}_i and \vec{S}_j are "vectors" with each components be the pauli matrices S_x, S_y, S_z individularly. My question is: if all components of this kind of vector are a 3x3 matrix, so how do you carry out the dot...
  28. Q

    Getting g such that del dot g = f (given)

    Hi, it's not quite a homework question, altought this question came up to mind when i was trying to solve a homework problem. sorry if this shouldn't be here... The thing is this, what are the conditions i should impose to f: R^n -> R in order to be able to find a g, such that [divergence of g...
  29. Nabeshin

    Understanding the Dot Product of Derivatives in Astrodynamics

    In reading a book on astrodynamics I came across the following statement: \vec{a}\cdot \vec{\dot{a}}=a \dot{a} Where the dotting is the time derivative notation. I put a picture of the original text up, and it's the statement right in the middle...
  30. M

    Dot product calculates what exactly?

    I have a pretty general question about vectors. The scalar product of two vectors is a calculation of what exactly? For example, if the units of two vectors are meters, the resultant dot product would be a meters squared. So if it's a measurement of area, what area exactly? I'm very...
  31. S

    Dot product: normal and tangent

    Homework Statement Tangent plane goes through point P=(a,b,f(a,b)). Any point on the plane is then Q=(x,y,z)=(x,y,f(a,b)+fx(a,b)(x-a)+fy(a,b)(y-b)) (fx and fy are partial derivatives) and the vector \overline{PQ} is on tangent plane. Calculate dot product n.\overline{PQ} and show...
  32. K

    Solve for Orthogonal Vectors b and c: Dot Product and Scalar Values Explained

    By evaluating their dot product, find the values of the scalar s for which the two vectors b=\hat{x}+s\hat{y} and c=\hat{x}-s\hat{y} are orthogonal. I understand that for the two vecotrs to be perpindicular their dot product must be 0. however I am confused how to go about this problem...
  33. D

    Dot product for non-orthogonal co-ordinate systems

    Is the result of a dot product of two vectors valid if the frame of reference unit vectors are not orthgonal? i.e. 2D 3 axis co-ordinate system as commonly used in power systems where the axis are 120 degrees apart in 2D space?
  34. Y

    Can Cosine Affect Whether Three Nonzero Vectors Must Lie in the Same Plane?

    If there are three nonzero vectors.. Do you think cosine effects this example:show the three vectors must lie in the same plane? ------------- * -->dot product X -->cross product -------------- A*(BXC)=0 so we can change as.. |A||B||C|sin\alphacos\beta=0 then... we can meet...
  35. J

    How do I calculate the dot product in this homework problem?

    Homework Statement I have a problem for Work which looks like this: W=[(5.0i+2.0j)]N * [(2.0i+3.0j)]m =5.0i+2.0i+5.0i*3.0j+2.0j*2.0i+2.0j*3.0j Nm =[10+0+0+6]Nm = 16 How does that work? I don't understand? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution
  36. T

    Can You Connect 9 Dots With 4 Continuous Lines?

    This ones a classic and it doesn't seem it's come up before. But draw 9 dots in 3 rows and columns that are equidistant, now join them up with not more than 4 straight lines. If you already know it be sure not to give the game away. Just a simple problem I thought might pass a few moments to...
  37. O

    Dot product between Spherical and Rectangular.

    Hello, I just have a question about dot products of different coordinate systems. I was wondering if anyone can explain why unit vector z(rect.) DOT unit vector r(spherical) is equal to cos(theta). As well, I was hoping if anyone could explain z DOT (Theta) = -sin(theta)?
  38. R

    Dot Product Question: How to Solve (2a-5b)dot(b+3a) with Unit Vectors?

    Homework Statement I'm really at a loss here, if anyone could help me out I'd really appreciate it. Given 'a' and 'b' unit vectors, if |a+b| = root3, determine (2a-5b)dot(b+3a)
  39. S

    What is the dot product of tensors?

    Hello, I was trying to follow a proof that uses the dot product of two rank 2 tensors, as in A dot B. How is this dot product calculated? A is 3x3, Aij, and B is 3x3, Bij, each a rank 2 tensor. Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks! sugarmolecule
  40. X

    The cross product and dot product of vectors i've been working with the AxB in the first one, and found that |A||B|sin(theta) = A x B, and i thought i had found my theta to be 1 degree, but i don't believe that's right. also, when i attempted to do the dot product with the C vector...
  41. M

    Find Angles of Vector A with Coordinate Axes

    Homework Statement Find the angles which the vector A = 3i -6j +2k makes with the coordinate axes The Attempt at a Solution Let a, b, c be the angles which A makes with the positive x,y,z axes. A• i = (A)(i)cos(a) = 7*cos(a) The Solution says: A• i = (3i - 6j + 2k)• i = 3i• i...
  42. T

    STUPID Vector qusetion - dont understand dot product rule

    Homework Statement The points A and B have position vectors a = (2,2,1) and b (1,1,-4) respectively relative to an origin O. (im using column notation for shorthand) Prove that OA is perpendicular to AB Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution To be perpendicular the...
  43. Saladsamurai

    Computing Dot Product: (\nabla\times \mathbf{v})\cdot d\mathbf{a}

    I cannot seem to figure out how to compute this dot product?! If (\nabla\times \mathbf{v})=(4z^2-2x)\hat{i}+2z\hat{k} and d\mathbf{a}=dydz\hat{i} Then shouldn't the DOT PODUCT be: (\nabla\times \mathbf{v})\cdot d\mathbf{a}=(4z^2-2x)\hat{i}*dydz\hat{i}=(4z^2-2x)dydz ? But the book...
  44. A

    Understanding the Properties of Dot Product: Is it Truly Associative?

    If you look up dot product in" , under 'properties' it states the following: "The dot product is not associative, however with the help of the matrix-multiplication one can derive: \left(\vec{a} \cdot \vec{b}\right) \vec{c} =...
  45. S

    Calculating Q (dot): William Needs Help

    Hi Wondering if someone could help me satisfy my curiosity. Hopefully a very simple for someone who knows. I have been given values for Voltage and Current. To calculate Q (dot), I know Q(dot)=V * A. The units for this are Watts / J/s / Nm/s.. How can Voltage multiplied by a current...
  46. P

    Dot, Scalar, Inner Product Question

    I have been searching for a way to relate known concepts (known to me) to the computation of the dot product in an effort to understand why it takes the form it does. I ran into a little snippet in a classical dynamics book that seems like it just may be the ticket. Here is what it says...
  47. S

    What is the meaning of the dot product in calculus?

    I was woundering what exactly is the dot product and by that I mean what does it represent because I know the equations but it just seems to spit out a random number. I do not get what this number is supposed to mean. I know how it is usefull to solve many different problems and I know how to...
  48. P

    Gradient of a Vector Dot Product

    Hello, I was messing around with subscript summation notation problems, and I ended up trying to determine a vector identity for the following expresion: \overline{\nabla}(\overline{A}\cdot\overline{B}) Here are my steps for as far as I got: \hat{e}_{i}\frac{\partial}{\partial...
  49. C

    Differentiation of dot product using cartesian components

    Homework Statement Show using cartesian components that d/dt(a.b)=(da/dt).b+a.(da/dt) The Attempt at a Solution a= axi+ayj+azk b=bxi+byj+bzk a.b=axbx+ayby+azbz d/dt(a.b)= d/dt(axbx+ayby+azbz)
  50. I

    Solving a Dot Product Vector Problem (-1,0)

    Hello, I have this problem that asks the following Homework Statement Find two vectors v1 and v2 whose sum is (-1,0) where v1 is parallel to (5,-5) while v2 is perpendicular to (5,-5). Could someone "walk" me thought the steps to find v1 and v2... I'm confident I can make the...