Dual Definition and 373 Threads

  1. madmike159

    Maximizing Dual Core Performance in Visual Studio

    My laptop has a duel core Intel Centrino processor. Whenever I write programs in C/C++ in Visual Studio and run programs which should execute at full speed only one core seems to be doing anything. Some programs seem to be able to make full use of both cores, is this possible in Visual Studio?
  2. M

    Dual Faraday Tensor - Levi Civita Problem

    Ok I'm trying to calculate the Dual Faraday Tensor, but I'm having trouble with the notation I think... *F^{ab} = \frac{1}{2}E^{abcd}F_{cd} where E is the levi-civita symbol. I'm correct in that E^(1234) = 1 for (1234,3412,2341,4123) -1 for (4321,3214,2143,1432) 0 otherwise...
  3. Phrak

    What are the units of vectors and dual vectors?

    What are the units of vectors and dual vectors? And where do the the units in the metric need to be placed so that V^{\mu}V_{\mu} is a scalar? Taking charge density and current density that combine as a 4-vector, J^{\mu} \partial_{\mu}, and it's dual vector J_{\mu} dx^{\mu}, which units go...
  4. Phrak

    Understanding Dual Manifolds in General Relativity

    Background. We define vectors in general relativity as the differential operators \frac{\cdot}{d\lambda}=\frac{dx^\mu}{d\lambda}\frac{\cdot}{\partial x^\mu} which act on infinitessimals--dual vectors, df=\frac{\partial f}{\partial x^\mu} dx^\mu \ , as linear maps to reals. However, both...
  5. P

    What is the concept of Dual Spaces and how do they relate to vector spaces?

    So I asked this question about Rigged Hilbert Space https://www.physicsforums.com/showthread.php?t=435123 And one of the problem I have understand Rigged Hilbert Space is that it involves taking the dual of a particular dense subspace of Hilbert Space and I of course have no clue what the...
  6. M

    Need to drop part of dual major (how employable is EE)?

    Hi guys, I'm looking at potentially dropping my computer engineering degree from my dual degree plan (EE is my other degree). I would still maintain an emphasis in computer engineering for my degree, but do you think by doing this I will be harming my chances to be employable after...
  7. D

    Prove that the dual norm is in fact a norm

    Homework Statement Let ||\cdot || denote any norm on \mathbb{C}^m. The corresponding dual norm ||\cdot ||' is defined by the formula ||x||^=sup_{||y||=1}|y^*x|. Prove that ||\cdot ||' is a norm. Homework Equations I think the Hölder inequality is relevant: |x^*y|\leq ||x||_p ||y||_q...
  8. G

    Dual basis problem. (Linear Algebra)

    Homework Statement Prove that if m < n and if y_1,...,y_m are linear functionals on an n-dimensional vector space V, then there exists a non-zero vector x in V such that [x,y_j] = 0 for j = 1,..., m Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution My thinking is somehow that we...
  9. C

    Prove Dual Space Isometry: X = C[0,1] Sup Norm

    Homework Statement For the Banach space X = C[0,1] with the supremum norm, fix an element g \in X and define a map \varphi_g : X \to \mathbb{C} by \begin{align*} \varphi_g(h) := \int^1_0 g(t) h(t) dt, \qquad h \in X \end{align*} Define W := \{ \varphi_g | g \in X \}. Prove...
  10. N

    Differential Geom.: Dual Space Bases for Beginners

    I'm a beginner at differential geometry. I have a problem about dual space. I understand why we use \left\{\frac{\partial}{\partial x^{\mu}}\right\} as the bases in vector space, but I have no idea why we use \left\{ dx^{\mu} \right\} as the bases of dual space. What is the reason of...
  11. A

    Dual Light Sources in Dual-Slit Experiment?

    I'm curious if the dual-slit experiment has been performed using multiple light sources. For example, if two photon emitters were used at various distances apart from each other, I wonder if that would affect the interference patterns. I'm wondering about this because the distance between...
  12. L

    Dual Majoring in Mechanical Engineering & Physics

    I'm about to finish my BS in Mechanical engineering and I was wondering about doing a dual major in Physics. The departments are very closely related. I actually only have to take 12 hours of upper level physics courses (intro modern physics, quantum, electromagnetic theory, etc.) I've...
  13. F

    Programs Which is Best for Pursuing a Math or Physics Ph.D: Double Major or Dual Degree?

    I am getting a bit confused by the difference. I plan on studying Math and Physics and I want to do both of them, so if I am unsure whether to go through a Math Ph.D program or Physics Ph.D program, which one should I pursue? A double major or dual degree? This is the department of Physics...
  14. I

    Dual field strength equals to itself

    \epsilon^{\mu_1\mu_2\cdots\mu_k\ \mu_{k+1}\cdots\mu_D} \epsilon_{\mu_1\cdots\mu_k\ \nu_{k+1}\cdots\nu_{D}} = (-1)k!\delta^{\mu_{k+1}}_{[\nu_{k+1}}\cdots\delta^{\mu_D}_{\nu_D]}\quad\cdots(*) where we are working in the Minkowski space. And the definition of square bracket on indices is like...
  15. F

    Abstract Linear Algebra: Dual Basis

    Homework Statement Define a non-zero linear functional y on C^2 such that if x1=(1,1,1) and x2=(1,1,-1), then [x1,y]=[x2,y]=0. Homework Equations N/A The Attempt at a Solution Le X = {x1,x2,...,xn} be a basis in C3 whose first m elements are in M (and form a basis in M). Let X' be...
  16. R

    Single or Dual Graphics Cards?

    Hi, Does anybody know if it's better to have a single graphic card or a dual graphic cards? As an example : Single 1.8 GB Nvidia GeForce GTX 295 or Dual 1.8 GB Nvidia GeForce GTX 260 Any input would be appreciated! Thanks
  17. W

    Where Can I Find Dual Shaft Right Angle Gearboxes?

    I'm looking for a right angled dual output shaft gearbox like the one attached I can't find one anywhere, just parallel dual shaft gearboxes. Anyone know a supplier or website for these? Do they even exist?
  18. O

    Difference b/w Dual core and core 2 duo

    I have always confusion b/w these two processor what's the major difference b/w these technology wise Thanks
  19. D

    Need general algorithm for finding dual bases

    hi, this is my first post on this site so please excuse me (and correct me) if i am not posting according to the guidelines. im studying right now linear transformations and I am a bit shaky concerning dual vector spaces. i understand the definition but am not sure how to apply it. what...
  20. C

    Schools Dual Major Math & CS -> Grad school in either?

    Hey all, I'm starting uni in 2010, and am still somewhat unsure of what I want to study. In Canada, I can dual major in Mathematics and Computer Science, my two main interests, which I can't do in Norway. My question then, is.. If I dual major in Math & CS, will I be able to apply to grad...
  21. A

    Dual nature of electron spectrum

    cause of spectra is transition of electron form one state to another state. but which one? emission spectra or absorption spectra. or in what case both spectra can be seen?
  22. K

    How to Derive the Transfer Function of a Dual Mass-Spring System with Damping?

    Lets see if anyone can help me with this. I have to derive a transfer function for the following: A small satellite with a moment of inertia J1 that has a instrument with a moment of inertia J2. The instrument is at the end of a small strut that has a stiffness constant of k and a damping...
  23. V

    Dual slit experiment: closing/opening a slit after the particle passes it. .

    Hello everyone, I recall reading some time ago about an extension to the dual-slit experiment, where researchers either closed or opened a 2nd slit after the particle passed the slit but before it hit the detector. Does anyone know about this research, like the results, and who performed...
  24. 8

    Programs Considering a dual major in astrospace and chemistry

    Senior in high school, considering my choices in college. Is it a smart decision to have a dual major in Asrtospace engineering and chemistry or would it go better with physics? Or is just a smarter idea to focus on just one major and have a minor? But if it is possible(or realistic in the...
  25. N

    Is the Dual Basis in Minkowski Space Affected by the Metric Tensor?

    Normally, if you have an orthonormal basis for a space, you can just apply your metric tensor to get your dual basis, since for an orthonormal basis all the dot products between the base vectors will boil down to a Kronecker delta. However, in Minkowski space, the dot product between a unit...
  26. M

    Schools Applying for grad school, do I need to send transcripts from Dual Cred HS class?

    I'm applying for graduate schools (3 of them) and obviously I need to send my undergrad transcripts. But they do say all post secondary education. I took dual credit classes in High School that I got Longview community college credit and UMKC credit for. Do I need to list this these colleges in...
  27. J

    10 Pin Dual 7 Segment Display cant find documentation

    Hey Guys, So I was scrapping parts from an ancient present I found up in the attic called the "Singing Machine". Point is I managed to retrieve a dual 7 segment display. The only documentation I can find online is for 14 pin versions of these things. Strangely this only has 10 pins and I can...
  28. R

    Is a Photon the Optimal Channel for Communication Between Inertial Observers?

    If an inertial "observer" or state has mass and no rotation, then a massless state with rotation (i.e. having maybe a generalized rotation such as "spin," e.g. a photon) seems to be dual to that state. Would this viewpoint then take the photon as a "matching" channel or "process" for...
  29. J

    Dual Boot Vista & Linux: Experience and Advice

    Does anyone have any experience with this on their computers? I have minimal experience with Linux, but since I'm going to school in a week to begin a degree in electrical engineering, I thought having a Linux OS on my system would be a good move. My HD is 455 gigabytes right now...I was...
  30. M

    Connecting Dual Supply Opamps in a Single Supply Circuit with Transistors

    I have a circuit with single supply lm324 and I need to replace them with precision opamps but I can only get dual supply ones. How would I connect the dual supply opamps in the circuit? (the circuit also has PNP and NPN transistors).
  31. J

    Dual halfwave rectifier polarity inverter

    Dear honored forum members. Thanks in advance for any information and help. The title of this post might not be technically correct, but it incompases the issues that I am working with. My goal is to charge a 48 volt batterypack from a 12 dc volt source. I need a rather high amperage...
  32. C

    Coding Theory, Finding Dual Code

    Homework Statement Let S = {0101, 1010, 1100}. From first principles, find a basis B for the dual code C orthogonal (couldn't find symbol) Homework Equations http://www.maths.uq.edu.au/courses/MATH3302/files/codingnotes.pdf i'm using page 19,20 and 21 The Attempt at a Solution...
  33. A

    Norm on Dual Space: X' - Showing ||x*||=|x_1|+...+|x_n|

    Homework Statement X is the space of ordered n-tuples of real numbers and ||x||=max|\xij| where x=(\xi1,...,\xin). What is the corresponding norm on the dual space X'? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I think the answer is that ||x*||=|x_1|+...+|x_n| , but I'm not sure...
  34. H

    Laplace transform as a dual space

    Hello, I'm trying to find some information concerning Laplace transforms. Are they "just" an integral transformation, or do they have some algebraic meaning similar to Fourier transforms (the "plane wave" basis vectors)? Thanks!
  35. C

    Binary Decimals - Dual Expansion

    Hi, I'm trying to prove that there's a bijection between the open interval (0,1) and the set of all sequences whose elements are 0 or 1 in order to show cardinality continuum. So let C={a1, a2, a3,...|ai is either 0 or 1} which is the set of all sequences of 0's and 1's and let...
  36. L

    Dual wave-particle' property of electrons

    Dual "wave-particle' property of electrons I know that electrons get a dual 'wave-particle' property. I wonder if the velocity of the electrons is different, is that the diffraction pattern in the experiment proving that electrons get wave property differ? Also, is that electron gets a definite...
  37. E

    Dual Vector Spaces: Exploring the Fundamentals

    Greetings, Slowly I am beginning to think that I must be some sort of retard for not getting this fundamental concept. For this post, I will adapt the bracket notation as introduced by P. Halmos' "Finite-dimensional Vector Spaces". \left[ \cdot, \cdot \right] : V \times V^* \to K . A...
  38. G

    Design Regulated Dual Supply w/uA78L05 for Research Project

    I am trying to build an opamp array to amplify some voltages simultaneously. The amplification part has been designed. But now I am trying to design a Regulated Dual Supply for all the opamps. I found this circuit diagram in the Texas Instruments datasheet for uA78L05. This diagram shows an...
  39. A

    How Can I Compare the Efficiencies of Ideal Diesel, Otto, and Dual Cycles?

    I want to compare the Ideal Diesel, Otto and Dual cycles with constant specific heats. I am interested in knowing the relationship between r (compression) and nth (efficiency). I am unable to determine the common inputs to all three which can give me the efficiency for all the cycles. r with...
  40. G

    Tensor components of a Hodge dual

    This may not be a differential geometry question (and a posting of this in Linear & Abstract Algebra forum didnt help either) but Hodge dual is used in diff geom in a slightly different form. Hence posting here: If A is a p-vector, then the hodge dual, *A is a (n-p)-vector and is defined by...
  41. J

    Adv. linear algebra, tensor product, dual space

    Homework Statement Prove that V* \otimes W is isomorphic to Hom(V,W) in the case that one of V and W is finite-dimensional. The Attempt at a Solution A pair (l,w) in V*xW defines a map V->W, v->l(v)w. This map is bilinear. Because it's bilinear, it defines a bilinear map V* \otimes W ->...
  42. mbisCool

    Programs Dual degree or research experience?

    With supplemental summer coursework, I can finish a degree in physics and engineering in four years. If i decide to finish with this route, I will surely have little to no research experience as an undergrad. My academic goal is a phd. I know how important research experience is for phd...
  43. M

    What Hardware Components Are Needed for a Dual Slope ADC Project?

    I want to implement a dual slope ADC practically as my project of Digital logic design subject. what are the hardware components I need to implement that ADC? thanks
  44. N

    To find dual basis from the inner product Matrix?

    To find dual basis from the inner product Matrix!? Homework Statement WE know the inner product matrix (capital)Gamma and that's all. How do we "construct" a dual basis? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I know that the orthonormal basis is nothing but a dual...
  45. J

    Dual Slit Experiment: Detecting Photons/Particles?

    hello - I wonder has anyone tried to place a detector for (photons/particles) just as they leave the emitter. If so does the wave like behaviour disappear?
  46. G

    Tensor components of a Hodge dual

    If A is a p-vector and B is a (n-p)-vector, then the hodge dual, *A, is defined by: A\ \wedge\ B = (*A,B)E \ \ \forall B\in \Lambda ^{(n-p)} , where E=e_1 \wedge\ ... \ \wedge e_n I am having trouble in deriving the tensor components of the dual (n-p)-vector - *A. Specifically, I am...
  47. H

    Dual Power Sources: Supplementing Solar w/ Battery

    Hey! I'm trying to create something with some power cells, and I've run into the issue of inconsistent power supply. I'd like to supplement power from a solar cell with a battery, but I'm not exactly sure how to keep the input to something at a set value. Basically, when the solar cell...