Effects Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. I

    The Effects of Brown Noise on Sleep Quality

    How loud does brown noise have to be for it to be effective?
  2. zoobyshoe

    Posts Now Demonstrating Relativistic Effects

    On my browser, faster posts now have less length on the x-axis, <---->. Is this the same in your inertial frame?
  3. T

    Radiation effects on materials.

    Can anyone point me toward a good resource that relates the effects of radiation on materials? I had asked my material science professor about it, but it seems we do not cover it in this introductory class. This class is the only material science class I have to take, and I want to learn more.
  4. marcus

    Do e Observe Quantum Gravity Effects at Galactic Scales?

    Do We Observe Quantum Gravity Effects at Galactic Scales? http://www.arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0509163 Do we Observe Quantum Gravity Effects at Galactic Scales? M. Reuter, H. Weyer 6 pages, 1 figure. Talk given by M.R. at the 21st IAP meeting "Mass Profiles and Shapes of Cosmological...
  5. B

    Exploring Effects of Introducing Black Plants to Earth's Biomes

    NOT homework, just curious :redface: (*Let's say we have some healthy albeit imaginary black plants :smile:) :eek: Would "black plants" pose a strict threat to the population of our currently flora (which happens to be green) ? By "black plants" => photosynthetically-superior to green...
  6. N

    Medical The Effects of Traumatic Experiences on Mental Health

    Hey I went through some traumatic experiences (High school + Family probelms etc) and I think that they caused some problems like...I have a much higher amount of ADD, OCD, Anxiety, Paranoia, that I ever had before high school..I also think I have some memory problems involving the period of...
  7. vincentm

    What would be the effects of Earth not having a moon?

    What would be the effects of Earth not having a moon? I know that our moon is slowly drifting away. But what would happen then?
  8. M

    Integer quantum hall effect - edge states/bulk effects

    Hi there, I am currently learning about the quantum hall effect and am a bit confused about the edge states picture and how this fits in with the rest of the theory. In most books/review texts the theory is dicussed from the point of view of an infinite 2D system the magneteic field collapses...
  9. H

    How to Stop Unwanted Hair Growth Without Side Effects

    I know hair grows from skin, and about 0.5-1.5 inchs long. do u no any way to stop hair growning. any way that is not harmfull or has side effects now and forever. -------------------- Ok, truthly, I have lot os hair on my body, and it seems like growing more and more. I just want to waer...
  10. A

    Experiment to show how algal growth effects plants

    Experiment to show how algal growth effects plants
  11. G

    Under what conditions will quantum effects become important for gravity?

    I have to write a short essay answering this question (1st year university level). I am finding it very hard to get any decent info on the net at all. If someone could help me out with this I would be very appreciative. Thanks. Regards Graeme
  12. S

    Strain rate effects on steel strength

    I was wondering exactly how yield and tensile strength increases with increasing levels of strain rate for a typical steel grade? I understand dislocations are generated during straining (work hardening), but what happens at higher strain rates which increases the strength?
  13. K

    Questions about Benzene: Substituent Effects & -Cl Group

    I have some questions here about Benzene. So the presence of one substituent in a benzene ring will affect the ease and position of any further substituent group, such like -CH_3,NO_2,Cl. And it's known that the Ortho,para-directing groups or electron donating groups are ring activating...
  14. S

    Exploring the Effects of Propeller Placement on Wing Lift

    If the propeller is placed in front of wings and since the job of the propeller is to accelerate the airflow, wouldn't it result in faster airflow around the wing resulting in increased lift?
  15. R

    Aperture Effects: Explaining Brightness & Dimming

    If a distant object is viewed through a small ciruclar aperture that is placed close to the eye, there is an apparent "shadowing" of the center of the viewed image, while the inner perimeter of the aperture is bright. The small aperture enhances the depth of field for good focus, but the...
  16. B

    The Earth's Magnetic Field: Changes & Effects

    is it true that the Earth's magnetic field is changing so that magnetic north will be directional south and vice versa. and if so how is it doing it
  17. J

    What Are the Effects of EM on Matter?

    I am trying to start a discussion on the Effects of EM on matter (biological, electronic and other matter). I am trying to understand the relationship between quantities Electromagnetic (EM) and effects on matter. In particular many types of EM used for medical purposes and can reach certain...
  18. S

    Effects of Rotation on Strain in a Disk

    If a hollow disk of say radius R is heated which causes it to expand a bit and a solid disk of radius slightly greater than R is fixed inside it after which both cool down, the solid disk will be in compression and the hollow disk in tension right? Now if this disk is rotated at a some speed...
  19. B

    Temp Effects on Forward & Reverse Rate Constants

    What would be the effect of an increase in temp on the rate constant of a) the forward reaction b) reverse reaction and my second Q is..why is it important to specify the temp when giving a value for Ke? Thanks
  20. K

    How Is Destructive Interference Achieved in a Thin Glass Layer?

    I have a test tomorrow and I'm stuck on what to do with this question. If someone could help me I would greatly appreciate it. I'm completely lost on this: A thin layer of glass (n = 1.50) floats on a transparent liquid (n = 1.35). The glass is illuminated from above by light with a...
  21. marcus

    Rovelli/Perez: Physical Effects of the Immirzi Parameter

    there's a new 3 page paper by Carlo Rovelli and Alejandro Perez http://arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/0505081 Physical effects of the Immirzi parameter "The Immirzi parameter is a constant appearing in the version of the general relativity action utilized as a starting point for the loop quantization...
  22. S

    Effects of highspeed on ceramics

    can anyone tell me what ll be the effect change of acceleration on ceramic products...
  23. J

    Under what conditions will quantum effects become important for gravity?

    Under what conditions will quantum effects become important for gravity?
  24. H

    Exploring The Effects of White Holes on Spacetime

    If a black hole creates a dent in spactime, would a white hole creat a lump, and if it did would it be in the future?
  25. T

    Exploring Effects of Compressing Air: Pressure and Temperature

    If I compress air in 1/2 of the original volume the ideal gas equation predicts either 1-pressure remains the same temperature doubles 2-temperature remains the same pressure doubles My questions is..what would I really observe during the compression..a increase in temp, increase in pressure...
  26. H

    Effects of spontaneous gravity reduction

    Can anybody direct me to a discussion on the effects of a sudden reduction of the Earth's gravity - say by 50%? Purely speculative, of course. I'm assuming its orbit around the sun would be essentially unchanged, but that the moon would recede or maybe head off on its own merry way. Any other...
  27. turbo

    Vacuum polarization and optical effects.

    These folks are modeling the optical effects "gravitational" lensing in terms of vacuum polarization. I think they are on the right track conceptually, but that the mechanism that causes polarization is far more basic - a differential in the gravitational infall rates of matter vs. matter...
  28. Reshma

    Solar Flares: Causes, Effects &amp; Prevention

    Could someone explain to me how solar flares occur? How do high incidence of solar flares on the sun's surface affect the Earth? I know tele-communications are affected during a solar storm. What are the possible consequences if the frequency of such solar winds are high? Also, any useful...
  29. Pengwuino

    What Causes the Moon to Appear Orange?

    So what causes the moon to be orange? I saw one such display about an hour ago going to get food and i was like "aww... big cheese wheel... I am going to eat the moon". So what cuases that?
  30. Ivan Seeking

    Oceans extend effects of climate change

    http://www.nature.com/news/2005/050314/full/050314-13.html Who are you going go listen to when everything is at stake?
  31. F

    How Is the Force on a Conductor Affected by Current and Distance?

    1] Two long straight parallel conductors each carrying a current of 24 amps flowing in the same direction are fixed at a distance of 40mm from each other. A third parallel conductor is placed equidistant from the other two and carries a current of 30 amps. Show that the force on the third...
  32. B

    Exploring Nonpolar Liquids: Harmful Effects & More

    1) Nonpolar liquids are dangerous? How? What are some harmful nonpolar substances--how is nonpolarity harmful? I mean, why exactly? 2) Is it true that pure distilled water is harmful to drink? I mean pure, without impurities--just pure H2O; it seems safe, but is it really harmful? What will...
  33. PerennialII

    Implementing hydrogen effects in constitutive modeling of metal plasticity

    I've been working on/off with problems of environmentally assisted cracking, primarily in the fracture mechanics side of things and on occation some damage mechanics work. As a continuation for this I started looking for plasticity models which introduce the effects of hydrogen directly into...
  34. L

    Exploring Earth's Negative Charge: Causes and Effects

    How come the Earth is negatively charged?
  35. G

    Comparing effects of antibiotics on Gram +ve and -ve bacteria

    I am doing an investigation on: comparing effects of antibiotics on Gram +ve and -ve bacteria. I have used 8 antibiotics and I have measured the diameter of killing zones. I am a bit unsure of how to carry out the analysis. I will be using Mann Whitney U Test, but what about graphical...
  36. F

    Relativistic effects in non-vacuous media

    Hello, I've been pondering the implications of SR in media other than pure vacuum (yes, yes I know such a thing doesn't exist :). More specifically relating to the following thought experiment. If we have a prism of length L in the path of a light source, with a wall @ the other end (the...
  37. R

    Could a Closed Universe Reverse Time During Collapse?

    what would the universe under go during the collapse, if it was indeed a closed universe?
  38. D

    Too Much Vitamin C? Health Effects of V8 Splash Drinks

    I just bought a pack of 12 427mL V8 Splash drinks. In one bottle, there is 400% of my recommended Vitman C intake. I have a bottle a day. Is this too much Vitamin C? What side effects can it have?
  39. J

    Ly : localized modes in linear chain and localization effects

    urgently need help: localized modes in linear chain and localization effects Hello everyone, it is great place you have here, hope I can learn a lot from you I am doing some readings and there are couple of concepts that I havent been familiar with and if you spend a little time to help me...
  40. Loren Booda

    Chlorophyll psychological effects

    I believe that chlorophyll's pigment can act as an antidepressant, most activated during spring plant growth (re seasonal affective disorder). A lamp may be designed which utilizes the stimulation of chlorophyll's red, lower energy states to higher energy green states in suspension...
  41. A

    Formation of Babies' Brain & Smoking Effects

    i have tow questions from eth question list which I think will be present in this exam..Would you please tell me 1.when teh babies brain will be formed in mothers ? 2.if any, how a smoking mother would afftec her child's brain at that time ? Thank you so very much if you could offered me...
  42. T

    What is zeeman and stark effects?

    Please tell me what's their meaning?
  43. D

    Summarize the cellular effects of cancer.

    Hullo. I was supposed to briefly summarize the cellular effects of cancer. I was wondering if I should add anything to this: "Cancer on the cellular level is really quite simple. What happens, is that the cancer mutation forces cells to rapidly accelerate all steps of their cycle. The...
  44. O

    Graviton Effects in Different Media: Investigating the Variations

    Hello everyone! How does the effects of gravitons work in different media? I know it expands with the speed of light, but since light has different speeds in different media, does gravitons aswell? I'd appreciate any answers.
  45. C

    Beams of light and wave effects .

    Beams of light and wave effects... Let us first think of a ripple tank and how this is used to demonstrate diffraction nad interference- this is one wave front so when passes through small gap curves the wavefront, spreads the wave out and thus causes diffraction. We often use this analogy to...
  46. N

    Gravity: Need Help Understanding Its Effects

    Help! Gravity im not sure if I am in the right place but, i was wondering if gravity increases when you get near the core of the planet. i have done research and have not found anything conclusive. i need help with this topic. any information or thoughts would be apriciated.
  47. X

    Exploring the Limits of Logic: Discussing its Origins and Effects

    I Know That Logic Is Limited And That We Are Enslaved In Its Confined Boundaries. I Would Like To Hear Your Opinions, My Question's Are: 1. What Is Logic And What Is It A Product Of? 2. Does It Define Things Or Is It Being Defined By Other Higher Things?
  48. A

    Contraction effects at relativistic velocities

    Just an issue I want to be absolutely clear about. Scenario, WE propell a rod of iron with a dimensions of 100 meters *1 meters through space with the 100 meter length perpedicular to the direction of velocity. So the rod is traveling width edge forward. ( perpedicular to direction)...
  49. V

    Calculating Concentration Ratio with Boltzmann Distribution for Nerve Cell

    suppose that an ion (or electron) can equilibrate between 2 regions at different values of electrical potential V, i have to find the concentration ratio using the Boltzmann distribution which i have found to be c(E)=c_{0}\exp(\frac{E}{nRT}) where E=mgh (potential energy) and g=-9.8ms^(-2)...
  50. E

    Effects of Hashish on Brain: Long-Term Consequences

    What are the effects on the brain from hashish could anybody tell me? From the stage that one is stoned to the stage that the stoned feeling has decayed. And are there any long term effects from this substance? Does it really kill off brain cells for good? And why do you become so creative...