Eigenvalue Definition and 402 Threads

  1. M

    MHB Convergence of iteration method - Relation between norm and eigenvalue

    Hey! :o Let $G$ be the iteration matrix of an iteration method. So that the iteration method converges is the only condition that the spectral radius id less than $1$, $\rho (G)<1$, no matter what holds for the norms of $G$ ? I mean if it holds that $\|G\|_{\infty}=3$ and $\rho (G)=0.3<1$ or...
  2. M

    A Solving an ODE Eigenvalue Problem via the Ritz method

    Hi PF! I want to solve ##u''(x) = -\lambda u(x) : u(0)=u(1)=0##. I know solutions are ##u(x) = \sin(\sqrt{\lambda} x):\lambda = (n\pi)^2##. I'm trying to solve via the Ritz method. Here's what I have: define ##A(u)\equiv d^2_x u## and ##B(u)\equiv u##. Then in operator form we have ##A(u) =...
  3. Come

    Eigenvalues/eignevectors of Jones matrix

    I did an exercice for an optic course and the question was to find which optical component, using eigenvalues and eigenvectors, the following Jones matrix was (the common phase is not considered) : 1 i i 1 I found that this is a quarter-wave plate oriented at 45 degree from the incident...
  4. M

    MHB Approximation of eigenvalue with power method

    Hey! :o We have \begin{equation*}A:=\begin{pmatrix}-5.7 & -61.1 & -32.9 \\ 0.8 & 11.9 & 7.1 \\ -1.1 & -11.8 & -7.2\end{pmatrix} \ \text{ and } \ z^{(0)}:=\begin{pmatrix}1\\ 1 \\ 1\end{pmatrix}\end{equation*} I want to approximate the biggest (in absolute value) eigenvalue of $A$ with the...
  5. M

    A Eigenvalue Problem and the Calculus of Variations

    Hi PF! Given ##B u = \lambda A u## where ##A,B## are linear operators (matrices) and ##u## a function (vector) to be operated on with eigenvalue ##\lambda##, I read that the solution to this eigenvalue problem is equivalent to finding stationary values of ##(Bu,u)## subject to ##(Au,u)=1##...
  6. Drakkith

    Showing That the Eigenvalue of a Matrix is 0

    Homework Statement Show that if ##A^2## is the zero matrix, then the only eigenvalue of ##A## is 0. Homework Equations ##Ax=λx##. The Attempt at a Solution For ##A^2## to be the zero matrix it looks like: ##A^2 = AA=A[A_1, A_2, A_3, ...] = [a_{11}a_{11}+a_{12}a_{21}+a_{13}a_{31} + ... = 0...
  7. A

    MHB Where Can I Find a Solution to Zeidler's Eigenvalue Problem?

    The question is posted in the following post in MSE, I'll copy it here: https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/1407780/a-question-on-matrixs-eigenvalue-problem-from-eberhard-zeidlers-first-volume-o I have a question from Eberhard Zeidler's book on Non-Linear Functional Analysis, question...
  8. Drakkith

    Showing that S is an Eigenvalue of a Matrix

    Homework Statement Consider an n x n matrix A with the property that the row sums all equal the same number S. Show that S is an eigenvalue of A. [Hint: Find an eigenvector.] Homework Equations ##Ax=λx## The Attempt at a Solution S is just lambda here, so I begin solving this just like you...
  9. Drakkith

    Finding the Eigenvalue of a Matrix

    Homework Statement Find the eigenvalues of the matrix ##\begin{bmatrix} 4 & 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 & 0 \\ 1 & 0 & -3 \end{bmatrix}## Homework Equations ##Ax=λx## The Attempt at a Solution I'm having some trouble finding the eigenvalues of this matrix. The eigenvalue of a matrix is a scalar λ such...
  10. A

    Eigenvalue of Exchange Operator in Hartree-Fock: 2e-

    Homework Statement Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution [/B] ##\hat{S}_1.\hat{S}_2 = (S(S+1) - S_1(S_1 + 1) - S_2(S_2 + 1))/2## therefore singlet: ##\psi_s = \frac{\phi_a (1)\phi_b(2)(\alpha(1)\beta(2) - \alpha(2)\beta(1))}{\sqrt(2)}## So for singlet, ##\mathcal{V} = -\frac{K...
  11. N

    Eigenvalue of an hamiltonian with spin

    Homework Statement Finding eigenvalues of an hamiltonian Homework EquationsH = a S²z + b Sz (hbar = 1) what are the eigenvalues of H in |S,M> = |1,1>,|1,0>,|1,-1> The Attempt at a SolutionH|1,1> = (a + b) |1,1> H|1,0> = 0 H |1,-1> = (a-b) |1,-1> which gives directly the energy : a+b , 0 ...
  12. J

    Operator in three level system -- Eigenvalues/Eigenvectors

    There is an operator in a three-state system given by: 2 0 0 A_hat = 0 0 i 0 -i 0 a) Find the eigenvalues and Eigenvectors of the operator b) Find the Matrix elements of A_hat in the basis of the eigenvectors of B_hat c) Find the Matrix Elements of A_hat...
  13. C

    Sturm-Liouville Eigenvalue Problem (Variational Method?)

    Homework Statement Using Sturm-Liouville theory, estimate the lowest eigenvalue ##\lambda_0## of... \frac{d^2y}{dx^2}+\lambda xy = 0 With the boundary conditions, ##y(0)=y(\pi)=0## And explain why your estimate but be strictly greater than ##\lambda_0##Homework Equations ##\frac{d}{dx} \left...
  14. Cocoleia

    Proving the expectation value of any eigenvalue function

    Homework Statement Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution When I take the second formula, multiply by it's conjugate and then by x and do the integral of the first formula, I get 0, and not L/2, for <x>. Am I missing a formula ? The complex conjugate of the exponential part...
  15. Vishakha

    Value of cos(x) where x is multiple of a matrix

    Homework Statement Given a matrix M={{2,1},{1,2}} then value of cos( (π*M)/6 )Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Eigen values are π/6 and π/2 and eigen vectors are (π/6,{-1,1}) and (π/2,{1,1}). Diagonalize matrix is {{π/6,0},{0,π/2}} I got same value (√3/2)M
  16. ExplosivePete

    Power Series expansion of an eigenvalue

    1. ... Expand the Eigenvalue as a power series in epsilon, up to second order: λ=[3+√(1+4 ε^2)]V0 / 2 Homework Equations I am familiar with power series, but I don't know how to expand this as one.[/B]The Attempt at a Solution :[/B] I have played around with the idea of using known power...
  17. Mr Davis 97

    Eigenvalue Problem: Show 0 is the Only Eigenvalue of A When A^2=0

    Homework Statement Let ##A## be an ##n \times n## matrix. Show that if ##A^2## is the zero matrix, then the only eigenvalue of ##A## is 0. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution All eigenvalues and eigenvectors must satisfy the equation ##A\vec{v} = \lambda \vec{v}##. Multiplying both...
  18. M

    Can a Matrix with Zero Eigenvalue Be Invertible?

    1. 1) Given 2x2 matrix A with A^t = A. How many linearly independent eigenvectors is A? 2) Is a square matrix with zero eigenvalue invertible? 2; When it comes to whether it is invertible; the det(A-λ* I) v = 0 where det (A-λ * I) v = 0 where λ = 0 We get Av = 0, where the eigenvector is...
  19. M

    Finding range of bound/non bound state energies of 1D finite

    Homework Statement I'm currently working on a homework set for my intermediate QM class and for some reason I keep drawing a blank as to what to do on the first problem. I'm given three potentials, V(x), the first is of the form {A+Bexp(-Cx^2)}, the others I'll leave out. I'm asked to draw the...
  20. A

    Find an appropriate matrix according to specific conditions

    I am facing some difficulties solving one of the questions we had in our previous exam. I am sorry for the bad translation , I hope this is clear. In each section, find all approppriate matrices 2x2 (if exists) , which implementing the given conditions: is an eigenvector of A with eigenvalue...
  21. R

    How do I find the eigenvalue given unknown rows & eigen vect

    Homework Statement Consider the following matrix A (whose 2nd and 3rd rows are not given), and vector x. A = 4 4 2 * * * * * * x = 2 -1 10 Given that x is an eigenvector of the matrix A, what is the corresponding eigenvalue? Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution 4−λ 4 2 a...
  22. ATY

    I Complex conjugation in scalar product?

    Hey guys, I got the following derivation for some physical stuff (the derivation itself is just math) http://thesis.library.caltech.edu/5215/12/12appendixD.pdf I understand everything until D.8. After D.7 they get the eigenvalue and eigenvectors from ε. The text says that my δx(t) gets aligned...
  23. S

    I No problem, it's always good to have multiple sources!

    Hello. If I represent a vector space using matrices, for example if a 3x1 vector, V, is represented by 3x3 matrix, A, and if this vector was the eigenvector of another matrix, M, with eigenvalue v, if I apply M to the matrix representation of this vector, does this holds: MA=vA? Also, if I...
  24. martinbandung

    I Pca and eigenvalue interpretation

    hello, i have a reasearch to analyse the movement of human walking using pca. i did it like this 1. i dibide the body into some part (thigh, foot, hand, etc) 2. i film it so i can track the x position of the parts 3. i get the x to t graph for every part 4. i make a matrix which column is the...
  25. P

    A Erroneous results when solving fiber mode eigen equation

    Hi, I'm new to this forum and I couldn't find any specific sub-forum for fiber optics/waveguide theory, which my problem is regarding. Please do let me know if I should post this question some where else (and if so, where) on this forum. Anyways, here's my problem: I want to find the effective...
  26. N

    I Eigenvalue as a generalization of frequency

    Hello everyone. I understand the concept of eigenvalues and eigenvectors, using usually a geometric intuition, that a eigenvectors of a matrix M are stretched by the corresponding eigenvalue, when transformed through M. My professor said that eigenvalues represent a generalization of the...
  27. D

    I What is the Eigenvalue of Coherent States?

    Hi. I don't understand what is meant by the eigenvalue α of a coherent state where a | α > = α | α >. The eigenket |α > is an infinite superposition of the number states , ie | α > = ∑ cn | n > and for each number state a | n > = √n | n-1 >. So for each number state the eigenvalue of the...
  28. Hamza Abbasi

    I Eigenvalue Problem: What Is It?

    While reading problems in my physics book , I encountered a statement very often "Eigen Value Problem" , I read about it from many sources , but wasn't able to understand it . So what exactly is an Eigen Value Problem?
  29. I

    I Another energy eigenvalue question

    Take the wavefunction $$e^{-i\omega t}$$ which all time dependent functions can be superposed of (right?). You can then get $$ih\frac{\partial}{\partial t}\psi=\hbar \omega \psi$$ and thus if ##\hat{E}=ih\frac{\partial}{\partial t}## then $$\hat{E}\psi=E\psi$$ What did I do wrong?
  30. B

    I The postulate of Quantum Mechanics and Eigenvalue equation

    According to one of the postulates of quantum mechanics, every measured observable q is an eigenvalue of a corresponding linear Hermitian operator Q. Which means, that q must satisfy the equation Qψ = qψ. But according to Griffiths chapter 3, this equation can only be followed from σQ = 0. It...
  31. Smalde

    QM: Time development of the probability of an Eigenvalue

    The problem is actually of an introductory leven in Quantum Mechanics. I am doing a course on atomic and molecular physics and they wanted us to practice again some of the basics. I want to know where I went conceptually wrong because my answer doesn't give a total probability of one, which of...
  32. Dusty912

    Why Are Eigenvectors with Complex Eigenvalues Linearly Independent?

    Homework Statement Suppose the matrix A with real entries has the complex eigenvalue λ=α+iβ, β does not equal 0. Let Y0 be an eigenvector for λ and write Y0=Y1 +iY2 , where Y1 =(x1, y1) and Y2 =(x2, y2) have real entries. Show that Y1 and Y2 are linearly independent. [Hint: Suppose they are...
  33. S

    I Some questions about eigenvector computation

    NOTE: For the answers to all these questions, I'd like an explanation (or a reference to a book or internet page) of how the answer has been derived. This question can be presumed to be for the general eigenproblem in which [ K ] & [ M ] are Hermitian matrices, with [ M ] also being positive...
  34. ErikZorkin

    I Eigenvalue degeneracy in real physical systems

    I understand this question is rather marginal, but still think I might get some help here. I previously asked a question regarding the so-called computable Universe hypothesis which, roughly speaking, states that a universe, such as ours, may be (JUST IN PRINCIPLE) simulated on a large enough...
  35. S

    I What happens to the eigenvalue if an operator acts on a bra?

    I'm going through a derivation and it shows: (dirac notation) <una|VA-AV|unb>=(anb-ana)<una|V|unb> V and A are operators that are hermition and commute with each other and ana and anb are the eigenvalues of the operator A. I imagine it is trivial and possibly doesn't even matter but why does...
  36. S

    I Difference between expectation value and eigenvalue

    There is another topic for this but I didn't quite see it and I don't know how I've gone so far through my course not asking this simple question. So what's the difference? My thought process for hydrogen. I know it can have quantised values of energy, the energy values are the Eigen values of...
  37. M

    B Is the Null Space of an Operator Defined by Its Zero Eigenvalue?

    Suppose ##T## is an operator in a finite dimensional complex vector space and it has a zero eigenvalue. If ##v## is the corresponding eigenvector, then $$ Tv=0v=0 $$ Does it mean then that ##\textrm{null }T## consists of all eigenvectors with the zero eigenvalue? What if ##T## does not have zero...
  38. M

    ST and TS have the same eigenvalue

    Homework Statement Prove that, if ##T,S\in \mathcal{L}(V)## then ##TS## and ##ST## have the same eigenvalues. Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Suppose ##T## is written in a basis in which its matrix is upper triangular, and so is ##S## (these bases may be of different list of...
  39. A

    Difference between Lyapunov and linear stability criteria

    Dear all, Consider the connection of two electrical circuits. Both circuits, Z1 and Z2, are stable and only one of them is non-passive. I.e., the eigenvalues are located in the LHP but Re{Z2(jw)}<0 in a frequency range. For studying the closed-loop stability, you represent the linear system by...
  40. Samuel Williams

    Eigenvalue and eigenvectors, bra-ket

    Question Consider the matrix $$ \left[ \matrix { 0&0&-1+i \\ 0&3&0 \\ -1-i&0&0 } \right] $$ (a) Find the eigenvalues and normalized eigenvectors of A. Denote the eigenvectors of A by |a1>, |a2>, |a3>. Any degenerate eigenvalues? (b) Show that the eigenvectors |a1>, |a2>, |a3> form an...
  41. M

    Confusion about eigenvalues of an operator

    Suppose ##V## is a complex vector space of dimension ##n## and ##T## an operator in it. Furthermore, suppose ##v\in V##. Then I form a list of vectors in ##V##, ##(v,Tv,T^2v,\ldots,T^mv)## where ##m>n##. Due to the last inequality, the vectors in that list must be linearly dependent. This...
  42. A

    Energy eigenvalue and mass inverse relation?

    So, after time-independent 1D Schrodinger equation is solved, this is obtained E = n2π2ħ2/(2mL2) This means that the mass of the 'particle' is inversely related to the energy eigenvalue. Does this mean that the actual energy of the particle is inversely related to its mass? Isn't this counter...
  43. M

    Finding eigenvalue energy between two spheres

    Homework Statement there are two spheres with radius a and b that b > a.they don't have the same center and the distance between their centers is d . how can I find eigenvalue and eigenfunction of energy spacing between two spheres... I don't have any idea. please help me . Homework...
  44. upender singh

    Ground state energy eigenvalue of particle in 1D potential

    Homework Statement a particle of mass m moves in 1D potential V(x),which vanishes at infinity. Ground state eigenfunction is ψ(x) = A sech(λx), A and λ are constants. find the ground state energy eigenvalue of this system. ans: -ħ^2*λ^2/2m Homework Equations <H> =E, H = Hamiltonian. p=...
  45. I

    Correction to the Eigenvalue -- doubly degenerate case

    Determine the corerctions to the eigenvalue in the first approximation and the correct functions in the zeroth approximation, for a doubly degenerate level. The solution: Equation \left| V_{nn'}-E^{(1)}\delta_{nn'}\right|=0 has here the form...
  46. Tzabcan

    Eigenvalue and vector quick question

    So, I have the matrix: A = -1 -3 3 9 Eigenvalues i calculated to be λ = 8 and 0 Now when i calculate the Eigenvector for λ = 8, i get the answer -1 3 Then when solve for...
  47. N

    Can Eigenvalue Centrality Detect Blobs in Images?

    Hey all, I just read up on the principle of centrality, where "Think of a "network" as an NxN matrix, which has information about how N people (or N pages or N countries..) are connected to each other. Adjacency Matrix is an NxN matrix, let's say it looks something like this. People who...
  48. I

    Eigenvalue of lowering operator

    How to prove that eigenvalue of lowering operator is zero?
  49. C

    Are Both Eigenvectors Correct?

    say for example when I calculate an eigenvector for a particular eigenvalue and get something like \begin{bmatrix} 1\\ \frac{1}{3} \end{bmatrix} but the answers on the book are \begin{bmatrix} 3\\ 1 \end{bmatrix} Would my answers still be considered correct?
  50. S

    Solving an eigenvalue equation with boundary conditions

    Suppose that we want to solve the eigenvalue equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions ## \bigg(-\frac{d^2}{dx^2}+V(x)\bigg) \phi_n = \lambda_n \phi_n,\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \phi_n(0)=0,\ \phi_n(1)=0, ## where ##0 < \lambda_1 < \lambda_2 < ...## are discrete, non-degenerate eigenvalues...