Elastic Definition and 1000 Threads

Elastic fibers (or yellow fibers) are an essential component of the extracellular matrix composed of bundles of proteins (elastin) which are produced by a number of different cell types including fibroblasts, endothelial, smooth muscle, and airway epithelial cells. These fibers are able to stretch many times their length, and snap back to their original length when relaxed without loss of energy. Elastic fibers include elastin, elaunin and oxytalan.
Elastic tissue is classified as "connective tissue proper".Elastic fibers are formed via elastogenesis, a highly complex process involving several key proteins including fibulin-4, fibulin-5, latent transforming growth factor β binding protein 4, and microfibril associated protein 4 In this process tropoelastin, the soluble monomeric precursor to elastic fibers is produced by elastogenic cells and chaperoned to the cell surface. Following excretion from the cell, tropoelastin self associates into ~200 nm particles by coacervation, an entropically driven process involving interactions between tropoelastin's hydrophobic domains, which is mediated by glycosaminoglycans, heparan, and other molecules. These particles then fuse to give rise to 1-2 micron spherules which continue to grow as they move down from the cells surface before being deposited onto fibrillin microfibrillar scaffolds.Following deposition onto microfibrils tropoelastin is insolubilized via extensive crosslinking by members of the lysyl oxidase and lysyl oxidase like family of copper-dependent amine oxidases into amorphous elastin, a highly resilient, insoluble polymer that is metabolically stable over a human lifespan. These two families of enzymes react with the many lysine residues present in tropoelastin to form reactive aldehydes and allysine via oxidative deamination.These reactive aldehydes and allysines can react with other lysine and allysine residues to form desmosine, isodesmosine, and a number of other polyfunctional crosslinks that join surrounding molecules of tropoelastin into an extensively crosslinked elastin matrix. This process creates a diverse array of intramolecular and intermolecular crosslinks These unique crosslinks are responsible for elastin's durability and persistence. Maintenance of crosslinked elastin is carried out by a number of proteins including lysyl oxidase-like 1 protein.Mature elastic fibers consist of an amorphous elastin core surrounded by a glycosaminoglycans, heparan sulphate, and number of other proteins such as microfibrillar-associated glycoproteins, fibrillin, fibullin, and the elastin receptor.

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  1. F

    Velocities after totally elastic collision

    I found this problem on a website. Is it right? (BTW, this is not homework, but I am just curious if I am thinking right about it.) A marble with a mass of 2 grams moves to the left with a velocity of 2 m/s when it collides with a 3 gram marble moving in the opposite direction with a velocity...
  2. A

    Solve the Equilibrium of a Light Elastic String with Mass m

    Homework Statement Hi Can anyone please help with this question? A light elastic string AB has natural length l and modulus of elasticity 2mg. Another light elastic string CD has natural length l and modulus of elasticity 4mg. The strings are joined at their ends B and C and the end A...
  3. G

    Noncentral Elastic Collision: Return to Moving Particles

    hi i am describing a noncentral elastic collision between two particles. therefore i assumed that one of them is at rest. now i want to return back to the system where both particles are moving. do i only need to add the velocity of the particle at rest to both of them and leave all angles...
  4. W

    2d absolutely elastic vector collision

    Homework Statement I have mass of two points ma and mb than their vertical horizontal vector velocity parts before collision vxa0 vya0 vxb0 vyb0 and i need to calculate vector velocities after collision vxa1 vya1 vxb1 vyb1 I found something like the same vector componets of momemtums will...
  5. R

    Theory of elastic stability - Critical axial force value

    https://dl.dropbox.com/u/73421703/b1.jpg hi there , I'm asking for help with this one! I should solve that problam through energy method. Given single force Q(not shown in the picture) on the edge of the cantilever(the right-end of the beam), what I'm looking for - The critical P(axial force)...
  6. T

    Elastic String Displacement u(x,t)

    Homework Statement Consider an elastic string of length L whose ends are held fixed. The string is set in motion with no initial velocity from an initial position u(x, 0) = f (x). Assume that the parameter alpha = 1. Find the displacement u(x,t) for the given initial position f(x) The Attempt...
  7. M

    Calculating Final Speed in Elastic collision (momentum)

    Homework Statement If it is eg. two balls, both going to the right before and after an elastic shock, how do you determine their velocities after the collision? (speeds before and weights are given) Eg. M = 50 kg u1 = 20 m / sm = 100 kg v1 = 10 m / s (M, m = mass) (u1, v1 = velocity before...
  8. Z

    At What Distance Above the Ground Will the Mass First Come to Rest?

    Homework Statement A mass of 10kg is attached to one end of an elastic string of unstretched length 1.5 m, the other end of the string being fixed to a beam located 2.5 m above ground level. The spring constant of the string is 600 Nm-1. If the mass is allowed to fall freely from the beam...
  9. B

    Rotating mass connected to elastic spring (help needed)

    Homework Statement A mass m connected using elastic spring to the roof. the mass is rotating horizontaly. mass m= 0.6kg rate or spring constant (k) = 40 N*m-1 frequency= 1/2 sec-1 spring's equilibrium length is 0.8mThe question is: what is the length (L) of the spring while the mass...
  10. K

    Neutron energy after one elastic collision

    ok, this is the question: neutrons scatter elastically at 1.0MeV. after one scattering collision, determine what fraction of neutrons will have energy of less than 0.5 MeV if they scatter from: a. hydrogen b. Deuterium c. Carbon-12 d. Uranium-238 solution process... the basic...
  11. N

    Pogo Stick Elastic Energy: Substituting Correct Variables

    Homework Statement A 35 kg child is jumping on a pogo stick. If the spring has a constant of 4945 N/m and it is compressed 25 cm, how high will the child bounce? Answer: 0.45 m Need help substituting the right variable. Homework Equations ETi= ETf Egi + Eki + Eei = Egf + Ekf + Eef...
  12. M

    Calculating pressure change with load in elastic body

    I am attempting to determine a method for calculating the final pressure in a deformable bladder given a starting pressure and an applied load. Scenario: This is actual data gathered in my lab: A) You have a ball made from a rubbery material with P1=3psi. You weigh 150lbs and step on...
  13. J

    Calculating Air Velocity in an Elastic Collision

    F=force, m=mass, a=acceleration, V=Volume, D=Density, dv/dt=(change in velocity)/(change in time) F=ma D=m/V m=VD a = dv/dt F=VDdv/dt = Volume * Density * (change in velocity) / (change in time) = (Volume of Air Moved) * (Density of the Air) * (the final velocity of the air)...
  14. H

    Elastic deformation of a jar lid (continuüm mechanics)

    For a day and a half now we have been trying to calculate a self-assigned problem. However, this has not turned out to be easy and build-up frustration has lead us to this forum. Our challenge was to calculate what under pressure a food packing company needs in it's jars to make sure the lid...
  15. B

    Determining angle alpha with an elastic rope and a mass hanging from the rope.

    Homework Statement I am confused on how to begin finding the angles (theta) for answering part a?
  16. S

    * * Elastic potential energy with box going up an incline.

    *URGENT* Elastic potential energy with box going up an incline. Homework Statement A spring having a force constant of 240 \frac{N}{m} is placed on a plane inclined at 67° to the horizontal. The spring is compressed 0.40 m and a 2.0 kg mass is placed on it. The coefficient of kinetic friction...
  17. F

    Ramp, block, and elastic potential energy

    Homework Statement The spring in the figure below is initially compressed by 0.4 m in the position shown. If released from this position, block A travels 0.9 m before coming to a stop. The kinetic coefficient of friction is 0.8. What is the spring constant? (The spring is not fastened to...
  18. R

    Conservation of Momentum - Elastic Collision

    Homework Statement A curling stone with a mass of 20kg slides across the ice at 1.5m/s. It collides head on with a stationary 0.16kg hockey puck. After the collision, the puck's speed is 2.5m/s. Assume the motion occurs in the horizontal direction. What is the stone's final velocity? Follow...
  19. I

    Elastic modulus or Young's modulus

    I have a question Elastic modulus in Tensile test E = L*F / A*△L Elastic modulus in bending test E = F*L^3 / 4*w*t^3*D I think Elastic modulus is changed by size of specimen. I don't know why Elastic modulus is inherent propertie of metal??
  20. L

    Solving a 2D Elastic Collision Problem with Two Unknowns

    Homework Statement Let a particle of mass 2M have an initial velocity of v0i (the i merely indicating it is traveling on the x axis) and undergo an elastic glancing collision with a particle of mass M initially at rest. After the collision, the M particle moves off at an angle of 45° above the...
  21. T

    Elastic Potential Energy of a Sprin

    Homework Statement Two trolleys, of mass 1.2 kg and 4.8 kg, are at rest with a compressed spring between them, held that way by a string tied around both. When the string is cut, the trolleys move apart, if the force constant fo the spring is 2400 N/m, by how much must it have been compressed...
  22. H

    Momentum question involving an elastic collision

    1. A 62 kg skater traveling at 2.8 m/s accidentally bumps elastically into a 76 kg skater moving at 1.6m/s in the same direction Find the velocity of each skater after the collision 2. m1v1 + m1v2 = m1v3 + m2v4 3.
  23. M

    How High Will Each Ball Swing After Elastic Collision?

    Urgent! Pendulum problem elastic collision Homework Statement An elastic ball (A) with mass m is released from a horizontal position, connected via a massless string to a rod. When the ball reaches the bottom, it collides with another elastic ball (B) of twice the mass, aslo connected...
  24. T

    Elastic Collision or Inelastic Collision? Two balls colliding.

    Homework Statement A ball of mass 4.5 kg is moving 16 m/s east when it collides with a stationary 6.2kg ball, which moves at a velocity 10 m/s after the collision. Was this an elastic or inelastic collision? Explain your choice. Va = 16 m/s Ma = 4.5 kg Mb = 6.2 kg Vb' = 10 m/s...
  25. T

    Elastic Collision between billiard balls

    Homework Statement Two billiard balls of equal mass undergo a perfectly elastic head on collision. If one ball's initial speed was 2.00 m/s, and the other's was 3.00 m/s in the opposite direction, what will their speeds be after the collision? Va = 2 m/s Vb = 3 m/s Homework...
  26. C

    Spring Question Elastic Potential and Kinetic Energy

    Homework Statement Hi forum. I have a spring type question for anyone willing to help! k = 225N/m m = 1.5kg x = 12.0cm Friction is not a variable A spring (with a force constant of 225N/m) is resting on a horizontal(frictionless) surface and is mounted on a wall. A 1.5kg box is pushed against...
  27. B

    What Are the Final Angle and Force in an Elastic Collision with a Wall?

    Homework Statement A ball of mass m moving with velocity v strikes a vertical wall. The angle between the ball's initial velocity vector and the wall is theta_i as shown on the diagram, which depicts the situation as seen from above. The duration of the collision between the ball and the wall...
  28. S

    Determination of elastic modulii (tension and torsion tests)

    I’ve been struggling with this for quite some time and will be grateful if someone can help me. I have got the data for some tension and torsion tests performed on standard specimen- the tests were done by someone else- not me. I’m trying to do a material modelling based on the tests...
  29. I

    How to Find Final Velocities in an Elastic Collision?

    Mass of cart A: 1kg Mass of Cart B: 3Kg Spring potential energy: 24 Joules Two carts are pushed apart when the spring is released. Thats all the given and I'm suppose to find the final velocity. I have no idea how to get started. For me to use Es=(1/2)K*DeltaX^2, i don't have delta x or...
  30. A

    (Mathematical Physics) Mass on four elastic rods

    Homework Statement In a gravitational detector we put a mass of 10^4 kg onto four rods, which are located at the angles of a square. The rods are 25 cm high with S = 3cm^2, two of them are made of copper, two of steele and they are situated on opposite sides. The top surfaces of rods are...
  31. P

    Elastic Collision with a Softball

    Homework Statement A softball of mass 0.220 kg that is moving with a speed of 8.4 m/s collides head-on and elastically with another ball initially at rest. Afterward the incoming softball bounces backward with a speed of 3.4 m/s. Homework Equations KE final = KE initial The Attempt...
  32. O

    Kinetic Theory and Elastic Collisions

    Homework Statement When deriving the Ideal Gas Formula from the Kinetic Theory of Gases, we assumed that the gas molecules made perfectly elastic collisions with the walls of the container. This assumption is not necessary as long as the walls are at the same temperature as the gas. Why? The...
  33. P

    Gravitational Potential Energy, Elastic Potential Energy, and Kinetic Energy

    Homework Statement A 4.0 kg mass is pressed down on a vertical spring of spring constant 400 N/m, compressing it to 0.250 m. After it is released, the amount of kinetic energy this mass would have when it leaves the spring is ___. Homework Equations mgy(final) + 1/2 kx^2 (final) + 1/2...
  34. P

    Conservation of Elastic and Gravitation Energy - 2

    Homework Statement A 70 kg bungee jumper jumps from a bridge. She is tied to a bungee cord whose unstretched length is 13 m , and falls a total of 37 m . Calculate the spring stiffness constant of the bungee cord, assuming Hooke's law applies. 88 N/M Calculate the maximum...
  35. P

    Conservation of Elastic and Gravitational Energy

    Homework Statement A 70 kg bungee jumper jumps from a bridge. She is tied to a bungee cord whose unstretched length is 13 m , and falls a total of 37 m . Calculate the spring stiffness constant of the bungee cord, assuming Hooke's law applies. Homework Equations 0.5kx^2 (final) +...
  36. N

    Elastic collision in 2 dimensions

    [SOLVED] Elastic collision in 2 dimensions Homework Statement A ball with mass m and initial velocity v1i collides elastically with a second ball of the same mass that is initially at rest. After the collision, the first ball moves away at an angle of θ1 with respect to the initial...
  37. S

    Elastic scattering of neutrons with hydrogen

    I am new to nuclear engg., i want to know the phenomenon of elastic scattering of neutrons. Resources available in the net suggest that in materials containing atoms of low atomic mass(hydrogen), neutrons of all energies can lose a significant fraction of their energy in a single elastic...
  38. M

    Elastic 2D Collision with Lots of Unknowns

    Homework Statement Mass m1, moving to the right, collides with mass m2, which is at rest before the collision. The masses are m1 = 0.1 kg and m2 = 0.2 kg. The scattering angle of m1 will be 30 degrees above the horizontal. a) Calculate the recoil angle phi of m_2. b) Calculate the recoil...
  39. M

    Elastic energy, spring equation. Help?

    Homework Statement A 293g block is placed on a spring with a spring constant of 161N/m, compressing it 42cm. What height does the block reach when it is launched?Homework Equations Eel=1/2*k*x2 Eg=mgh The Attempt at a Solution Eg=.293*10*.42=1.2306 1.2306=1/2*161*x2 1.2306=80.5x2 .0153=x2...
  40. J

    An elastic ball bouncing up a slope, where does it bounce first?

    Homework Statement An elastic ball is projected with speed V from a point O of a smooth plane inclined at an angle theta to the horizontal. The initial direction of projection is up the plane, makes an angle theta + phi with horizontal and lies in a vertical plane containing a line of...
  41. P

    Quantum Mechanics Scattering problem, 2 particles elastic collision

    Hi. First of all, this question seems a bit obscure to me (like there are data missing) However, I quote it as it appeared in the source, so probably there aren't. Second, it is a question from a previous exam, so it is not graded or anything, and there is no problem helping me solving...
  42. FeDeX_LaTeX

    Elastic Collisions (Oblique Impact)

    http://desmond.imageshack.us/Himg843/scaled.php?server=843&filename=23518417.jpg&res=medium The crucial thing I'm not understanding here is how they know that after the collision (shown at the bottom of the picture), the horizontal velocities of each particle are reversed. Surely we don't...
  43. M

    Solve Elastic Scattering: T, Zr & E(initial)

    Homework Statement Homework Equations T=2*(m*M/(m+M)^2)*E(initial)*(1-cos(angle)), T is transferred energy from the neutron to the target. displacement energy for Zr=40eV The Attempt at a Solution the question is strange for me it seems to me there is a trick since we don't...
  44. M

    Using the Elastic equation to find the final velocity

    Homework Statement A ball of mass 0.440 kg moving east (+x direction) with a speed of 3.30 m/s collides head on with a .220 kg ball at rest. If the collision is perfectly elastic what will be the speed and direction of each ball after the collision? Homework Equations...
  45. E

    Total elastic potential energy of a compressed spring?

    Homework Statement A spring with a spring constant of 4 Newtons per meter is compressed by a force of 1.2 Newtons. What is the total elastic potential energy stored in this compressed spring? k = 4 N/m F = 1.2 N PE = ? Homework Equations PE = (1/2)(k)(x)^2 The Attempt at a Solution...
  46. D

    Deriving the Elastic Energy Equation: How Do I Go from F=kx to F=1/2kx^2?

    Homework Statement Derive an equation for elastic energy, in terms of k and x. Show all steps. Homework Equations F=1/2kx^2The Attempt at a Solution I believe Force=1/2kx^2 is the answer but how would I show steps to get an elastic energy equation? Basically, going from F=kx, what steps do I...
  47. F

    What is the role of elasticity in space-time according to Sakharov's theory?

    If gravity distorts space-time, does space-time return to equilibrium when the gravity mass is gone (let's say it vanished instantly)? If so, what happens to other satellite masses that are caught in the same gravity well? Does space-time just instantly slip out from under them? Or do the...
  48. V

    Elastic Potential Energy and Energy Exchange

    Homework Statement A 3 kg ball is dropped from a height of 0.8 m above the top of the spring onto a vertical coiled spring sitting on the floor. The spring constant of the spring is 1200 N/m. Determine the maximum compression of the spring as the ball comes momentarily to rest before rising...
  49. N

    Conservation of Linear Momentum+ Elastic and Inelastic collision

    hi everyone. I'm working on a physics engine as part of a game I'm making, a hobby project. Up until this point I've implemented inter object collisions in a rather quick and dirty manner. Whenever something moves into something else, it is simply teleported back out to the edge. This...