Elastic Definition and 1000 Threads

Elastic fibers (or yellow fibers) are an essential component of the extracellular matrix composed of bundles of proteins (elastin) which are produced by a number of different cell types including fibroblasts, endothelial, smooth muscle, and airway epithelial cells. These fibers are able to stretch many times their length, and snap back to their original length when relaxed without loss of energy. Elastic fibers include elastin, elaunin and oxytalan.
Elastic tissue is classified as "connective tissue proper".Elastic fibers are formed via elastogenesis, a highly complex process involving several key proteins including fibulin-4, fibulin-5, latent transforming growth factor β binding protein 4, and microfibril associated protein 4 In this process tropoelastin, the soluble monomeric precursor to elastic fibers is produced by elastogenic cells and chaperoned to the cell surface. Following excretion from the cell, tropoelastin self associates into ~200 nm particles by coacervation, an entropically driven process involving interactions between tropoelastin's hydrophobic domains, which is mediated by glycosaminoglycans, heparan, and other molecules. These particles then fuse to give rise to 1-2 micron spherules which continue to grow as they move down from the cells surface before being deposited onto fibrillin microfibrillar scaffolds.Following deposition onto microfibrils tropoelastin is insolubilized via extensive crosslinking by members of the lysyl oxidase and lysyl oxidase like family of copper-dependent amine oxidases into amorphous elastin, a highly resilient, insoluble polymer that is metabolically stable over a human lifespan. These two families of enzymes react with the many lysine residues present in tropoelastin to form reactive aldehydes and allysine via oxidative deamination.These reactive aldehydes and allysines can react with other lysine and allysine residues to form desmosine, isodesmosine, and a number of other polyfunctional crosslinks that join surrounding molecules of tropoelastin into an extensively crosslinked elastin matrix. This process creates a diverse array of intramolecular and intermolecular crosslinks These unique crosslinks are responsible for elastin's durability and persistence. Maintenance of crosslinked elastin is carried out by a number of proteins including lysyl oxidase-like 1 protein.Mature elastic fibers consist of an amorphous elastin core surrounded by a glycosaminoglycans, heparan sulphate, and number of other proteins such as microfibrillar-associated glycoproteins, fibrillin, fibullin, and the elastin receptor.

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  1. W

    Calculating Final Speed in Elastic Collision: Uranium Atom and Hydrogen Molecule

    Homework Statement a uranium atom traveling at speed 4 * m/s collides elastically with astationary hydrogen molcule. head on. what is the approximate finalspeed of the hydrogen molecule?Homework Equations The answer is about 8*10^4 m/s But, i tried many times and failed. The Attempt at a...
  2. Chrono G. Xay

    Can't Find 2D Elastic Modulus Equation

    I've tried searching online for one in what I can only guess would be called a reduced algebraic form, and I cannot find it. To make matters worse, for me, at least, I do not have the mathematics knowledge necessary to understand advanced functions, series, and transformations of mathematics...
  3. B

    How do I solve elastic collisions?

    A 2-kg ball is moving at 3 m/s toward the right. It elastically collides with a 4-kg ball that is initially at rest. Calculate the velocities of the balls after the collision. I know that kinetic energy is conserved in elastic conditions, but I don't know how to use that to calculate this. I...
  4. halpmaine

    Expansion then Contraction....an infinite Elastic Collision?

    Wouldn't the explanation that fits fundamental laws (e.g. Conservation of E) while making the least asumptions be an ongoing bang-crunch-bang...scenario? Why couldn't expansion be eventually reigned in by forces, dark matter and the like - ultimately leading to contraction? Why shouldn't...
  5. S

    Turtle crawling on elastic cable

    Homework Statement A turtle is crawling along a cable made of super elastic material. The turtle speed is constant at 1mm per second. The cable's length is 1km and at the same time it is being stretched at a constant speed of 1km per second. Suppose the turtle is immortal and the cable can be...
  6. A

    Elastic collisions of particles

    Homework Statement Three particles, A, B, and C, with masses M, 2M, and 3M respectively, lie at rest in that order in a straight line on a smooth horizontal table. The particle A is then projected directly towards B with velocity U. Assuming the collisions are perfectly elastic, I need to find...
  7. P

    A problem with Gravitational and Elastic Potential Energy

    I am calculating the energy transfer in two different formulas and they are giving different results. What could be the reason of this difference? I would be grateful if someone tell me what i am missing here. http://s18.postimg.org/o4tknn77d/potential.jpg
  8. ft92

    Elastic collision problem, I to find the mistake

    Homework Statement Two objects with equal masses undergo an elastic collision in 2 dimensions. Object 1 has an initial velocity u1 and object 2 is initially at rest. After the collision, object 1 is observed to have a velocity equal to 3/5 of it's initial velocity. What is the velocity of...
  9. I

    Understanding Elastic Collisions in 2D: Exploring Velocity and Rotation

    Hi all! I'm developping a program, I wish if somebody helps me since I'm not good in physics, we know that: v'1=v1-(j / m1)*n v'1=v2+(j / m2)*n 1) when we use negative and positive sign? if we change them, there is error sometimes. 2)In 2d, do I have to calculate vx, and vy separately, what...
  10. montrex

    Impulse applied to an elastic pendulum

    Homework Statement A pointlike body of mass ##m=100## ##g## is attached to the extremity of an ideal spring, whose constant is ##K## and its length at relaxed position is negligible. The other extremity of the spring is attached to the fixed point ##O##. At first the body mass, on which the...
  11. S

    How is the frequency unchanged in elastic wave scattering with a crystal?

    it makes sense that with an inelastic scattering process, a wave approaches a crystal, and then some energy is imparted to the phonons, so that the outgoing wave has a different frequency from the incoming wave. However, with an elastic scattering process, the frequency is unchanged-- how does...
  12. oreo

    Which is more effective in this case, elastic or inelastic collision?

    Homework Statement A 2.9 ton weight falling through a distance of 6.5 ft drives a 0.5 ton pile 1.5 in. into the ground A) Assuming that the weight-pile collision is completely inelastic, find the average force of resistance exerted by ground B) Assuming that the resistive force in (A) remains...
  13. J

    How to calculate elastic modulus

    Homework Statement I am struggling with a part of the question. Please see diagram in the attached. Calculate the relevant Elastic Modulus and select the lightest suitable beam section assuming a maximum allowable bending stress of 120 Mpa ? Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution To...
  14. B

    The sum of elastic and gravitational energy

    Homework Statement 1. What is the gravitational energy (relative to the unstretched surface of the trampoline) of the 20kg ball at its apex 2.0m above the trampoline 2. What is the kinetic energy of the ball just before impacting the trampoline 3. At maximum stretch at the bottom of the motion...
  15. Noxate

    Elastic Head-On Collision, Spring Compression.

    Homework Statement A 0.60kg cart moving at 5.0m/s[W] collides with a 0.80kg cart moving at 2.0m/s[E]. The collision is cushioned by a spring(k=1200N/m). Homework Equations [W] is Positive PTo=PTf ETo=ETf The Attempt at a Solution PTo=PTf m1v1o+m2v2o=(m1+m2)vf...
  16. C

    Momentum and Kinetic Energy, Elastic Collision

    Homework Statement [/B] A 2.0 kg ball moving with a speed of 3.0 m/s hits, elastically, an identical stationary ball as shown. If the first ball moves away with angle 30° to the original path, determine: a. the speed of the first ball after the collision. b. the speed and direction of the...
  17. Y

    Partial width for elastic scattering

    Homework Statement A beam of neutrons hit a target of heavy nuclei with spin ##J_N = 0## with resonance when the energy of the incident beam is 250eV, in the cross section distribution with a maximum of 1300 barns. The width of the maximum is 20 eV. Find the partial width of resonance for the...
  18. Drakkith

    What is the Final Speed of the White Ball After an Elastic Collision?

    Homework Statement [/B] A white billiard ball with mass mw = 1.53 kg is moving directly to the right with a speed of v = 3.25 m/s and collides elastically with a black billiard ball with the same mass mb = 1.53 kg that is initially at rest. The two collide elastically and the white ball ends...
  19. S

    Elastic collision in 2-dimensions

    Homework Statement A 2.0 kg ball moving with a speed of 3.0 m/s hits, elastically, an identical stationary ball. If the first ball moves away with angle 30° to the original path, determine: a. the speed of the first ball after the collision. b. the speed and direction of the second ball after...
  20. C

    How Does Elastic Collision Affect Momentum and Force in Racquetball?

    Homework Statement A racquet ball with mass m = 0.224 kg is moving toward the wall at v = 15.1 m/s and at an angle of θ = 28° with respect to the horizontal. The ball makes a perfectly elastic collision with the solid, frictionless wall and rebounds at the same angle with respect to the...
  21. S

    Calculate force of friction on car as it rolls across

    Homework Statement Calculate the force of friction on a toy car as it rolls across a flat floor. Given: mass = 0.293kg time = 3.66 s displacement = 8.7Homework Equations Fnet = mass x acceleration displacement = [(velocity1 + velocity2)/2] time velocity2 = velocity1 + acceleration(time)The...
  22. E

    Finding the Lagrangian for an elastic collision

    Homework Statement a. Suppose two particles with mass $m$ and coordinates $x_1$, $x_2$ collides elastically, find the lagrangian and prove that the linear momentum is preserved. b. Find new coordiantes (and lagrangian) s.t. the linear momentum is conjugate to the cyclical coordinate. Homework...
  23. Y

    Energy, momentum and elastic collisions

    Homework Statement A particle (of mass m velocity v) makes a perfect elastic collision with a stationary particle. After the collision both particles travel 30 degrees from original path. Use conservation of momentum/energy to obtain 3 equations relating the masses/velocities. Homework...
  24. Puddles

    Elastic Collision Formula: Solving for Final Velocity and Mass Ratios

    Homework Statement An object of mass m1 traveling with velocity v1i has a perfectly elastic collision in which it rear ends and object of mass m2 (m2>>m1) traveling with velocity v2i. How must the velocity v1i relate to v2i if the mass m1 is to stop in its tracks (v1f=0)? What happens if...
  25. C

    Can the Plastic Moment be smaller than Elastic Moment?

    Homework Statement Stress = 320 MPa Max Elastic Moment = Stress*Z Max Plastic Moment = Stress*S Solve the maximum moments and compare the % increase Beam is an I beam with dimensions: (b and d) Top Flange = 25*10 web = 10*180 Bottom Flange = 200*8 Homework Equations see above The Attempt at...
  26. C

    What Are the Velocities of Two Blocks After an Elastic Collision?

    Homework Statement Two blocks collide on a perfectly elastic collision, after sliding on a frictionless surface. va = 1m/s vb = 1m/s ma = 0.05kg mb = 0.03kb I need to find the speed of both blocks after the crash. Homework Equations Conservation of momentum: mava+mbvb = mava' + mbvb'...
  27. S

    Conservation of Momentum (elastic collision of masses)

    Homework Statement [/B] Three masses are positioned on a frictionless surface, as shown. Initially, mass m1 (1.0 kg) moves with a velocity of 2.0 m/s to the right, mass m2 (2.0 kg) is at rest, and mass m3 (3.0 kg) moves to the left with a velocity of 0.50 m/s. First, mass m1 collides...
  28. goonking

    Which Has More Momentum and Kinetic Energy After a Perfectly Elastic Collision?

    Homework Statement A marble with mass M rolls into a bowling ball with mass 100M, assuming the collision is perfectly elastic, which object would have higher momentum? higher Kinetic energy? Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution First of all, what's the difference between an elastic and...
  29. M

    Elastic scattering of WIMPs off nuclei

    Hello, My problem is as follows I've tried differentiating to find the maximum and I've tried plotting E against m_{\chi} for a range of values and this did not suggest a maximum at m_N = m_{\chi}. Could someone explain why it is the case that the energy transfer is maximum when these masses...
  30. A

    How do I mold an elastic part for cheap?

    Hello. I'm an engineering student so don't make fun of me. I'm trying to mold an elastic cylinder. My plan for doing this is to: 1. Print out a plastic mold. 2. Buy elastic material. 3. fill the mold with elastic material. 4. wait 24 hours. I'm trying to make the cylinder as elastic as...
  31. S

    Spring launcher equation to find x

    Homework Statement In my physics 12 class, we were given a spring and had to launch it at an angle into a target (the object launched is the spring itself). The target was on the floor level but the spring was launched from above the floor level. I need to find out how far to pull the spring...
  32. kingsmaug

    1-D elastic collision between proton and nucleus

    Homework Statement A proton of mass m is moving with initial speed v0 directly toward the center of a nucleus of mass 31m, which is initially at rest. Because both carry positive electrical charge, they repel each other. Find the speed v' of the nucleus for the following conditions: a) the...
  33. S

    Conservation of Momentum or Energy in a collision?

    Homework Statement A ball with mass 2kg is traveling 2m/s. It impacts and sticks to a hanging, stationary 4kg pendulum. How high will the pendulum + ball go? Homework Equations KE = 1/2mv2 PEg = mgh mava = m(a+b)v(a+b) The Attempt at a Solution I tried to solve this question assuming...
  34. P

    Calculate Elastic Strain Energy in Solid State Physics

    Homework Statement A think film of ErAs(rock salt structure, a=0.574nm) is grown on top of a thick GaAs (Zn-blend structure, a=0.565nm) substrate. The substrate orientation and the film growth direction are both <001>. For very thin films, the ErAs is tetragonally distorted such that its...
  35. V

    Momentum is not conserved with elastic bouncing ball?

    So if you throw an elastic bouncy ball at the non-closed door, it will bounce off with bigger velocity than it was approaching the door before hitting it, as well as the door will now have some gained momentum and will move. P (momentum) = mv In this case, it appears as if the ball gained...
  36. A

    Air Track Elastic Collision: Solving for Final Velocities

    Homework Statement A 0.159kg glider is moving to the right on a frictionless, horizontal air track with a speed of 0.870m/s . It has a head-on collision with a 0.310kg glider that is moving to the left with a speed of 2.15m/s . Suppose the collision is elastic. a) Find the magnitude of the...
  37. Z

    Elastic Potential Energy to Aid Electromagnetic Induction

    Matter can neither be created nor destroyed...but potential energy can be converted into a different kind of energy. Let's say we have a spring with a mass connected to it. This mass is a magnet, and the apparatus is inside a copper coil. It's a horizontal magnet with friction minimized at the...
  38. D

    What is the Elastic Limit Measurement Unit?

    Hello guys , have a question and I can not find the answer. In what units is measured elastic limit ? Thanks A lot !
  39. **Mariam**

    Hooke's law vs. Elastic potential energy

    Homework Statement I am currently learning about elastic potential energy and this is a question that was given to us by my teacher: When a 13.2-kg mass is placed on top of a vertical spring, the spring compresses 5.93 cm. Find the force constant of the spring. Homework EquationsThe Attempt...
  40. Valerie Prowse

    Conservation of momentum question - elastic collisions

    Homework Statement A 2.0 kg ball moving with a speed of 3.0 m/s hits, elastically, an identical stationary ball as shown. If the first ball moves away with angle 30° to the original path, determine a. the speed of the first ball after the collision. b. the speed and direction of the second...
  41. H

    Final velocities from head elastic head on collisions

    Homework Statement Ball A with velocity +3.00 m/s collides with ball B with equal mass traveling at -2.00 m/s. What is the velocity of each ball after the collision. Homework Equations Not sure. The Attempt at a Solution I know that momentum is conserved because, but solving the conservation...
  42. H

    Motion with gravitational, elastic, and friction forces

    Homework Statement A 2000-kg elevator with broken cables in a test rig is falling at when it contacts a cushioning spring at the bottom of the shaft. The spring is intended to stop the elevator, compressing 2.00 m as it does so. During the motion a safety clamp applies a constant 17,000-N...
  43. P

    Elastic balloon of volume V in vacuum

    Homework Statement Take an elastic balloon of volume V in vacuum. The surface of the balloon has tension T. Find the pressure inside the balloon in terms of V and T, then combine this to the ideal gas law to find an expression for V. Homework Equations See below The Attempt at a Solution I...
  44. M

    Elastic and inelastic collisions

    I was looking up elastic and inelastic collisions and found that and elastic collision is a collision where kinetic energy isn't lost to other forms of energy or heat while an inelastic collision is just the opposite. In physics class we were taught that an elastic collision was a collision of...
  45. N

    Physics Report Help -- Simple Harmonic motion and Elastic force

    Homework Statement So I have to write a report based on an experiment that I have conducted. I know that my report is connected with Simple Harmonic motion and Elastic force, but I do not know how to describe it in a more efficient/scientific way. Essentially, I am dropping a weight (constant)...
  46. julianwitkowski

    Resultant Velocities / Elastic Collision / 1-D?

    [Moderator's note: No template because the thread had attracted a fair number of responses before being moved out of Classical] Hey it's my first post, so I apologize in advance if this is under the wrong forum category... I am just wondering if I did I do this right? If not can you please...
  47. E

    Elastic Collision between ball and pivoted rod

    Homework Statement This is a solved problem-- http://web.mit.edu/8.01t/www/materials/InClass/IC_Sol_W13D1-10.pdf Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution In the solution, they conserve energy and angular momentum. Can I conserve linear momentum? Also, can I use coefficient of restitution...
  48. BrainMan

    Elastic properties of solids problem

    Homework Statement If the shear stress in steel exceeds about 4.0 x 10^8 N/m^2, the steel ruptures. Determine the shear force necessary to punch a 1-cm diameter hole in a steel plate that is 0.5 cm thick. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution The way I tried to solve this problem...
  49. K

    What Are Elastic and Inelastic Problems?

    Homework Statement Im sorry to annoy anyone with this, i know to smart people these two are easy but I am dumb and i honestly don't understand this. If anyone can tell me and explain this concept then ill be very grateful. I have two days to learn and understand this and i don't know where else...
  50. L

    Is magnetic force conservative in an elastic collision?

    Hi, Suppose I perform a basic experiment of an elastic collision between 2 carts. I do not want the carts to touch each other so I adjust a permanent magnet to each cart and give each one a starting velocity. Carts get close to each other, kinetic energy is transformed into "potential magnetic...