What is Electric force: Definition and 247 Discussions

Electromagnetism is a branch of physics involving the study of the electromagnetic force, a type of physical interaction that occurs between electrically charged particles. The electromagnetic force is carried by electromagnetic fields composed of electric fields and magnetic fields, and it is responsible for electromagnetic radiation such as light. It is one of the four fundamental interactions (commonly called forces) in nature, together with the strong interaction, the weak interaction, and gravitation. At high energy, the weak force and electromagnetic force are unified as a single electroweak force.

Electromagnetic phenomena are defined in terms of the electromagnetic force, sometimes called the Lorentz force, which includes both electricity and magnetism as different manifestations of the same phenomenon. The electromagnetic force plays a major role in determining the internal properties of most objects encountered in daily life. The electromagnetic attraction between atomic nuclei and their orbital electrons holds atoms together. Electromagnetic forces are responsible for the chemical bonds between atoms which create molecules, and intermolecular forces. The electromagnetic force governs all chemical processes, which arise from interactions between the electrons of neighboring atoms. Electromagnetism is very widely used in modern technology, and electromagnetic theory is the basis of electric power engineering and electronics including digital technology.
There are numerous mathematical descriptions of the electromagnetic field. Most prominently, Maxwell's equations describe how electric and magnetic fields are generated and altered by each other and by charges and currents.
The theoretical implications of electromagnetism, particularly the establishment of the speed of light based on properties of the "medium" of propagation (permeability and permittivity), led to the development of special relativity by Albert Einstein in 1905.

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  1. D

    Electric Force Between Water and Chlorine

    Homework Statement The dipole moment of the water molecule is 6.17 x 10^-31 C*m . Consider a water molecule located at the origin whose dipole moment points in the +x-direction. A chlorine ion , of charge -1.60*10^-19, is located at x= 3.00*10^-3 m. Assume that x is much larger than the...
  2. G

    Solve Electric Force II Homework Problem

    [SOLVED] Electric Force II Homework Statement You have a lightweight spring whose unstretched length is 4.0 cm. You're curious to see if you can use this spring to measure charge. First, you attach one end of the spring to the ceiling and hang a 1.0 g mass from it. This stretches the spring to...
  3. G

    Electric Force vector components

    [SOLVED] Electric Force Homework Statement http://session.masteringphysics.com/problemAsset/1001926/10/knight_Figure_25_46.jpg What is the force F on the 1 nC charge at the bottom? Write your answer as two vector components, separated by a comma. Express each component numerically, in...
  4. S

    Time dependent electric force at large distance

    I need some help with time dependent equations. I have two electrically charged particles in space that are at large distances. How would I write a time dependent equation to simulate there positions at give times. I know there initial positions and there initial velocities. And for...
  5. C

    What Is the Effective Spring Constant of a Charged DNA Molecule?

    A molecule of DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid) is 2.09 µm long. The ends of the molecule become singly ionized -- negative on one end, positive on the other. The helical molecule acts like a spring and compresses 1.13% upon becoming charged. Determine the effective spring constant of the molecule...
  6. N

    Electric force on between 2 rods

    Homework Statement Identical thin rods of length (2a) carry equal charges +Q uniformly distributed along their lengths. The rods lie on (along) the x-axis with their *centers* separated by a distance b > 2a. (Left rod from x=-a to x=a, right rod from x=b-a to x=b+a) Show that the magnitude...
  7. R

    Simple Potential Energy of an electric force prob

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  8. U

    Help Calculate Net Electric Force on Particle 3

    SORRY POSTED UNDER WRONG TOPIC = Delete thanks Homework Statement Hi, I would appreciate it if someone could help me with this question, I am a n00b here Please and thank you Okay here's the question. The particles have charges Q1 = -Q2 = 100nC and Q3 = -Q4 =200nC and distance a =...
  9. W

    Ratio of Electric Force to Gravitational force

    Homework Statement It is known that the electric force of repulsion between two protons is much stronger than their gravitational attraction. For two protons a distance R apart, calculate the ratio of the magnitude of the repulsion to that of the attraction. Homework Equations...
  10. T

    Magnitude and direction of electric force (file attached)

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  11. R

    Net Electric Force on Charged Spheres

    Homework Statement Three spheres, each with a negative charge of 4.0 X 10^6 C, are fixed at the vertices of an equilateral triangle whose sides are 0.20 m long. Calculate the magnitude and direction of the net force on each sphere. Homework Equations Fe = kq1q2 / r^2 The Attempt at...
  12. A

    Magnitude of an electric force problem with vectors

    Homework Statement Two equal positive charges, both q = 2.0 x 10^ -6 C, interact with a third charge Q = 4.0 x 10^ -6 C, as shown above. What is the magnitude of the electric force on Q?[/B][/B] Homework Equations Electric force = Kc (q1/r^2) The Attempt at a Solution Basically...
  13. S

    Calculating Electric Force: 0.15 N in +y Direction

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  14. mbrmbrg

    Magnetic Force to balance out Electric Force

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  15. S

    The electric force by the surface of the earth, help please

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  16. T

    Electric Force Acting on Alpha Particle and Gold Nucleus

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  17. S

    Gravitational Force and Electric Force

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  18. S

    Electric Force and Charged Spheres

    Homework Statement Consider the following configuration of fixed, uniformly charged spheres on an xy coordinate system: ·a blue sphere fixed at the origin with positive charge q. ·a red sphere fixed at the point (d1,0) with unknown charge q_red, ·a yellow sphere fixed at the point...
  19. M

    Find the magnitude and direction of the electric force

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  20. C

    Calculating Electric Force: Neutral Sphere A & Charged Sphere B

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  21. D

    Electric Force Question and Spheres

    Three identically charged spheres A, B, and C, each with a charge of +3.0 * 10-7 C, are located at the corners of a triangle whose sides are 30 cm long and all the angles are 60 deg. What is the net force acting on sphere A? I figured the X coordinates cancel each other out. For the Y...
  22. S

    Understanding Electric Force: Calculating Change in Potential Energy

    Here is the question that I have no idea what is happening "What is the change in potential energy of a particle of charge +q that is brougt from a distance of 3r to a distance of 2r by a particle of charge -q? " Here's what I tried -W = deltaU W = qEd W = (kq1q2/r^2) d d= 3r - 2r = r...
  23. D

    Electric Force, linear charge density

    First I want to say thanks in advance - I found this site through Google and am thrilled! All I have left to graduate is Physics II (Electromagnetism & Waves), so I'll finally be walking on August 5. IF I can pass this class, that is. I'm a non-traditional student, and it's been about 10...
  24. S

    Electric Force, Equilibrium Config of Charges

    Find the charge Q that should be placed at the centre of the square of side 7.70E+0 cm, at the corners of which four identical charges +q = 11 C are placed so that the whole system is in equilibrium. (picture attached) I know that the sum of all the forces must equal zero. I also figured...
  25. P

    Electric force distance problem

    Two point charges lie on the y-axis. A third charge q is placed somewhere in space such that the resultant force on it is zero. What distance from the origin must this third charge be placed such that the resultant force on it is zero? Answer in units of m. The first charge is 8 \mu C and is...
  26. A

    How do I go about finding the ratio of the electric force?

    Some help with this question would be much appreciated. A helium atom has a positively charged nucleus (qnucleus = +2e) with two negatively charged electrons (q = -e) orbiting it. What is the ratio of the electric force acting on one of the electrons due to the nucleus to the force acting on the...
  27. A

    Coulomb's Law and electric force

    I can't seem to figure out how to do this problem. I've tried the equation for coulomb's law, but I can't get the right answer. If somebody can just help me with setting the problem up. Two objects ar rubbed against each other. Object B gains a charge of -5 nano-coulombs. What is the...
  28. P

    Electric Force: Solving the Mystery of Coulomb's Law

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  29. D

    How Do You Calculate Charges and Forces Between Two Corks?

    This is a four part question Q1> A small cork with an excess charge of +5.o C is placed 0.10m from another cork, which carries a charge of -3.1C. The Coulomb constant is given. What is the magnitude of electric force between the corks. A1> I will be using F = kq1q2/R-squared. The only...
  30. Reshma

    Electric force between two charges on z-axis

    Question: Two charges -2q and +q are located on the z-axis at distance 'd' and '3d' respectively. The x-y plane is a grounded conductor. Find the force on the charge +q. My work: Let the force be F. Distance between the charges is '2d'. F = \frac{1}{4\pi...
  31. M

    Exploring Electric Force & Charge of Pith Ball

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  32. T

    What Is the Total Force on a Charge at the Center of a Semicircle of Charge?

    A line of positive charge is formed into a semicircle radius R=0.6m The charge per unit length is given by \lambda=\lambda_{0}cos\theta The total charge on the semicircle is 12\mu C Calculate the total force on a charge of 3\mu C placed at the centre of the curvature. The semicircle is...
  33. ranger

    Calculating Net Force on Charged Particles in an Equilateral Triangle

    I don't know how to approacg this problem. Lets say that we have 3 positively charged particles, each having an equal charge of 11.0 uC (11*10^-6 C). These three particles are located at the (three) corners of an equilateral triangle with sides 0.15m. How can I calculate the magnitude and...
  34. N

    Gravity & Electric Force: Common Ground?

    isn't it possible for the gravitational force and the elcetrical origin forces have something very very common fundamentally to both of them
  35. S

    Gravity - Electric Force questions

    I apologize if this question has been asked before. Also, please bear in mind that I'm a sophmore Mechanical Engineering major. So, I was thinking that the equations for Electric Force and Gravity are so similar, there must be something to that. Is it possible that there is no such thing as...
  36. T

    Electric Force of two hemispheres

    Hello. I'm having trouble with this problem. Suppose there is a sphere of uniform charge (Q). What is the electric force of the top hemisphere due to the bottom hemisphere?
  37. L

    Calculating Electric Force on -3.29µC Charge at y=0.493m

    Hi, I am having some trouble with the following problem: Calculate the electric force on a -3.29microC charge placed on the y-axis at y=0.493m. First I calculated the electric field at y=0.493m using the equation E= (1/4piEo)*(q/r^2) and found the electric field at that point to be...
  38. P

    What is the mass difference between two charged objects with opposite charges?

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  39. 7

    EM Waves, SONAR, Diffraction, Charge Transfer, and Electric Force

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  40. H

    Finding Electric Force: A Difficult Integration

    Peace! I am supposed to find the electric force acting on the right rod due to the rod on the left. each is of length 2a and b > 2a. Each rod carries a charge +Q. I have difficulty in finding the integration, especially its limits. hhegab
  41. C

    Rutherford and electric force

    Rutherford and electric force... Rutherford thought that most of the alpha particles would pass throught the cloud of positive charge if the thomson model was correct - but why did he think this would be the case? I've read that apparently the charge would be spread over a greater area so it...
  42. P

    Calculating Electric Force: 6.20 * 10^-2 N

    Two point charged objects produce an electric force on each other of 6.20 * 10^-2 N. What is the electric force if the distance between increases three times? I understand that this formula can be used, Fe=(kq1q2)/R^2, but how can you determine K and R from this formula. Any help would be...
  43. E

    Electric Field Strength Calculation for a Point Charge

    Hi I was just doing my homework and i am stuck on this question. Can you please help me with this? a) Caluculate the electric field strength E, at a point located 3.0 cm due east from a point charge q=+1.0 microcoulomb. I know i have to use the formulas: E = F/q And Coulomb's law...
  44. Q

    Calculating Net Force on a Charge Near an Infinite Grounded Conductor

    Dear reader, here is a question that I stumbled upon, and I would like some insight on it :bugeye: two positive charges q and 2q coulombs are located on the x-axis at x = .5a and 1.5a, respectively. There is an infinite, grounded conduction plane at x =0. What is the magnitude of the...
  45. U

    Electric force between two spheres?

    Two identical small spheres possessing charges q1 and q2 are separated by distance r. Which charge would produce the greatest inecreas in the electric force between the tow spheres? 1. double charge q1 2. double r 3. double r and q1 4. double r, q1, and q2 I'm pretty sure it's #1
  46. K

    Gravitational force and electric force

    If a particle has a wavelength greater than twice the scwarzschild radius will it be unlikely to get into the black hole, just as a long wavelength photon isn't likely to get through a narrow slit? If this is true there is a possible explanation for the weakness of the gravitational force...
  47. E

    What work was done by the electric force on particle?

    Here's the problem: A particle with a charge of 4.4nC is in a uniform electric field E directed to the left. It is released from rest and moves to the left. After it has moved 6.00 cm, its kinetic energy is found to be 3E-6 Joules. a) What work was done by the electric force? .000003 J b)...