What is Electric potential energy: Definition and 182 Discussions

Electric potential energy, is a potential energy (measured in joules) that results from conservative Coulomb forces and is associated with the configuration of a particular set of point charges within a defined system. An object may have electric potential energy by virtue of two key elements: its own electric charge and its relative position to other electrically charged objects.
The term "electric potential energy" is used to describe the potential energy in systems with time-variant electric fields, while the term "electrostatic potential energy" is used to describe the potential energy in systems with time-invariant electric fields.

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  1. N

    Electric Potential Energy of electron orbits

    An electron and a proton are initially very far apart (effectively an infinite distance apart). They are then brought together to form a hydrogen atom, in which the electron orbits the proton at an average distance of 5.43 * 10-11 m. What is EPEfinal - EPEinitial, which is the change in the...
  2. T

    Electric Potential Energy question

    This isn't really a homework problem. I just want to understand electric potention \DeltaV=Uf-Ui=-W Uf= final Ui=initial Can someone explain to me how electric potential acts between two positive electrons, or two negative electrons or a + and a negative electron. In which cases would...
  3. C

    Solving for Electric Potential Energy , given 4 point charges of equal value

    Homework Statement Four point charges are individually brought from infinity and placed at the corners of a square whose sides are 0.30 m each. Each charge has the identical value + 4.0 mC. What is the electric potential energy of these four charges? Homework Equations V=kq/r (or...
  4. E

    Electric Potential Energy of a Charged Particle in an Electric Field

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  5. S

    Electric Potential Energy of protons

    Homework Statement Two protons that are very far apart are hurled straight at each other, each with an initial kinetic energy of 0.16 MeV, where 1 mega electron volt is equal to 1x10^6 multiply (1.6x10^-19) joules. What is the separation of the protons from each other when they momentarily...
  6. J

    How Is Work Calculated When Changing Orbital Radius in an Electric Field?

    A particle of positive charge Q is fixed at point P. A second particle of mass m and negative charge -q moves at constant speed in a circle of radius r1, centered at P. Derive an expression for the work W that must be done by an external agent on the second particle to increase the radius of the...
  7. P

    Electric Potential Energy and Electric Potential Difference

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  8. H

    Electric Potential Energy Among Multiple Charges

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  9. I

    Electric potential energy in an infinite 2d crystal

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  10. B

    What is the electric potential energy in joules of two electrons

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  11. T

    What is the electric potential energy of a hydrogen atom in a circular orbit?

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  12. S

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  13. D

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  14. G

    Electric Potential Energy Question - Distance Between Charges and Ratio?

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  15. A

    Electric potential energy and point charges problem

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  16. X

    Did I Calculate Electric Potential Energy Correctly?

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  17. X

    Calculating the Change in Electric Potential Energy

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  18. P

    Electric potential energy and displacement

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  19. I

    How to Calculate Electric Potential Energy in an Infinite Grid of Charges?

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  20. L

    Electric Potential Energy Question

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  21. W

    Some Electric Potential energy questions

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  22. L

    Question on Electric Potential Energy

    I can't get this question, can someone give me a hand? I will reprint the question below as it appears in the text: A Solid sphere of radius R has a uniform charge density p(roh) and a total charge Q. Derive an expression for the total electric potential energy.(Suggestion: imagine that the...
  23. M

    What is negative electric potential energy?

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  24. F

    Electric potential and electric potential energy question

    the question, from the Nelson Physics 12 texbook, is : Three charges are placed at the corners of an equilateral triangle with sides of length 2.0 m. the charges, in clockwise starting at the top of the triangle are (c being coulombs) +4.0^-6 c, +2.0^-6 c, and -4.0^-6 c. a) calculate the...
  25. K

    Question about electric potential energy - need confirmation

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  26. F

    Electric Potential Energy problem

    "Two particles each have a mass of 6.1*10-3 kg. One has a charge of +5.0*10-6 C, and the other has a charge of -5.0*10-6 C. They are initially held at rest at a distance of 0.80 m apart. Both are then released and accelerate toward each other. How fast is each particle moving when the separation...
  27. V

    Electric potential energy - how is it conserved?

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  28. K

    Electric potential Energy/ electric potential

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  29. F

    Electric potential energy and particle charge

    I've tried all three of these problems I don't know how mant times, and my work is just not correct. Any clue? The third prob, i really used some awkward equations. A particle has a charge of +1.53 mC and moves from point A to point B, a distance of 0.197 m. The particle experiences a...
  30. T

    Help on some electric potential energy questions

    Hey - just asking for some help on some electric potential energy questions. First I used the equation 1/2mv^2 = q(Va-Vb) so v = sqrt (((2)(25000)(q)) / m ) and Va-Vb = W / q, so q = W/(Va-Vb) but then I'm stuck and don't know where to go from there since the mass and the charge (q)...
  31. C

    Electric Potential vrs Electric Potential Energy

    I'm trying to grasp the concept between Electric Potential and Electric Potential Energy. A charge object has an electric potential, and electric potential = electric potential energy/charge I still can't explain the difference between the two(Electric Potential vrs Electric...