Electrical Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. falsepromises

    Why is electrical conductivity denoted by G?

    I did search Wikipedia and other science related websites, couldn't find an answer. Let me know if anyone knows the story behind G.
  2. Ramazan Duzgun

    How can Center-tapped Transformer parameters be found?

    It is a common center-tap transformer which is electrically demonstrated as in figure (ideal one); In my opinion, open circuit and short circuit tests cannot be applied directly. How can I place secondary reactances ? And how can I test its all parameters in laboratory ?
  3. L

    MHB Electrical Engineering Problem

    An electric oven is heated using electricity from a 110 V power line. The power line is connected to a resistance heater in the oven, and the current through the heater is found to be 1.0 A. Assuming the heater is 100% efficient in converting electrical power into thermal power, what is the...
  4. D

    Electrical Enclosed water turbine power generation

    In theory or at least in my head, it seems simple enough to me. A simple water pump, such as a pool pump pushes water through a pipe into a water turbine and recycles the water directly back to the pump. With some of the hydrogenerators I've seen out there, they produce far more power than the...
  5. dRic2

    Heat transfer in a nuclear reactor and the electrical equivalent

    To write the equation I took as the control volume the following block: and the equation I wrote are: $$ 6m_{f} c_{p_{f}} \frac {dT_{f}}{dt} = 6P - \frac 1 {R_1} (T_f - T_g) \text{ for the fuel}$$ $$ m_{g} c_{p_g} \frac {dT_{g}}{dt} = \frac 1 {R_1} (T_f - T_g) - \frac 1 {R_2} (T_g - T_c)...
  6. M

    COMSOL: How to relate terminals in electrical current?

    hello, i have a problem in comsol multiphysics, i want to relate many terminals to each other to buid a current circuit in 2D geometry. I was thinking to simulate the capacity between winding wire of a coil. So, I have to choose boundary conditions in the winding wire which are Terminals and...
  7. D

    How to create device that makes electrical discharge

    How do I build a device that creates An electrical discharge between wires? I can build an oscillator. Do I Connect an oscillator to a transformer and connect the transformer to a pair of wires?
  8. I

    I am Imran, a retired Electrical Engineer with a QM question

    Hi , Could somebody explain how to DERIVE the canonical postulate [Xcap,Pcap]=ihbar ? The idea of Pcap operator's origin as -ihbar d/dx also is found puzzling .
  9. E

    Cathodal vs Anodal Electrical Stimulation

    Hello everyone, I am studying at the moment electrical stimulation of nerve fibers. I encountered this image which compares cathodal and anodal stimulation but illustrating the anodal block ocurring with cathode current. But I don't really get the point of the image, could someone clarify it...
  10. callie123

    Can constant electrical current heat water?

    Hi, I'm trying to make a realistic scene, in which water is kept under constant electrical charge. If the power is around 75 milliamps, and it's in a stream about twenty feet across by ten feet deep, would this affect water temperature? Thanks!
  11. Eucliwood

    Theoretical vs measured electrical resistance: Percent error relation

    Mentor Note -- Thread moved from the technical forums, so no Homework Template is shown. So, we've conducted an experiment on resistors in a circuit. The theoretical calculation was based of on E-24 series color band table and the measured resistance of the resistor was measured by a meter...
  12. J

    Electrical force vs Gravitational force

    Hi, I have always held (and still do I suppose) the view that gravity is much weaker than the coulomb electrical force due to the fact the equations are so similar you can just compare the constants from each equation showing that the graviational force is many orders of magnitude smaller...
  13. A

    Electrical generation from used water in my home

    Hi everyone. I was just out in my back garden and was watching the water from someone's shower pour down the pipe and out into a drain. I was thinking if all of the used water from my house just goes down a drain then why not try make use of it. If the water system continues after use and takes...
  14. Q

    High temperature electrical insolator that repels carbon deposits

    Is there any material/s that will handle CVI furnace temperatures (1250 C) and will either repel carbon deposits or react with it to create a compound that is not electric conductive? Trying to contain power to the heating element without shorting it to the base/ground through heating element...
  15. G

    Courses Electrical Engineering: what study path would be better?

    Hey guys! So basically I'm still finding hard to decide what my specialization field should be next year. I'm really torn between a major in Electronics with a minor in Power Systems with some programming additional courses OR major in Power Systems with minor in Electronics. My favourite...
  16. Wrichik Basu

    What type of electrical contact joint is this?

    While working on an old electric iron, I found this joint in the wires: Any idea what this joint is? Does it have a special name? The wires are in a horrible condition, so I have to change them. How can I build this joint by myself? Or are such wires readily available in the market?
  17. Boltzman Oscillation

    Electrical Engineering: Is this signal stable?

    Homework Statement y(t) = x(1-5t) Homework Equations noneThe Attempt at a Solution well I've never looked at the stability of a signal which has a time scale and shift. My guess is that it is stable as anything I can provide as input will output a bounded signal. Ex: if x(t) is u(t) then...
  18. thegreengineer

    Electrical How can I waterproof an electrical component?

    Good evening, it's been a while since my last thread here in PF. I will go straight to the point: I want to measure temperature using an NTC3950 thermistor. My circuit diagram is as follows: It's basically a voltage divider. By varying the temperature acting upon the thermistor the output...
  19. Ricky Aguilar

    I need to interview an electrical engineer (School related)

    Good evening everyone, My name is Ricky and am in my first year in becoming an electrical engineer at Olympic College in WA. I am in a technical communications and need to write a discourse community analysis paper. Part this paper is interviewing someone with at least a BS in electrical...
  20. C

    Floating potential of a conductor in an electrical field

    I'm interested in the following general question: Assume x,y,z is an axes system, and that the y-z plane is occupied by a conductive plate at a known potential V with respect to the earth. Now, a conductive material M of neutral global electrical charge is placed at some distance of the plate...
  21. H

    Harmonics in the "electrical" domain

    There is some controversy as to why the spectral content of vinyl records contain frequency "information" above what the analog tape recorder was capable of capturing. A thought experiment: If I have a piano that has a key which plays 15khz (primary freq. of that key's piano string), what...
  22. D

    Shape-changing dirigible electrical generation/transmission

    Has anyone considered using a hydrogen lifted and powered airship to generate and transmit high voltage DC electrical power ?
  23. L

    What is Elastic Hysteresis and How Does it Affect Electric Systems?

    Homework Statement sorry just started my hnc in engineering and electrical the worst part for me is this right a current is applied a magnetic field is generated. current is reversed zeros its repeat. metal maintains degree of magnetizem dipole aligment. the magnetic field lags behind the...
  24. V

    Design courses for Electrical engineering

    Which Design courses are available in Electrical engineering for getting good job opportunities
  25. Boltzman Oscillation

    Electrical Engineering: What is the current through this?

    Homework Statement I have a current source of 2mA in parrallel with a resistor of 9.2kOhm and a short. What is the current through the short? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I always thought shorts had an infinite amount of current but maybe I do not quite understand the...
  26. TechTree

    Electrical interference on data cables

    Hello, I've got two computers that are in separate rooms and I have placed plastic conduit through the small space above the ceiling. Which will have a USB data cable, an Ethernet network cable, and a HDMI cable inside. The conduit length is about 8m long. And I was wondering if this setup could...
  27. Abimbola1987

    Joule's first law - kinetic energy of electrical current

    Dear Sirs, If I take this explanation as being true "The heat is generated on the microscale when the conduction electrons transfer energy to the conductor's atoms by way of collisions." So a "current" must have a quantum of kinetic energy going into the conductor (resistive element) and a...
  28. D

    Electrical Conductor is in relation to heat transfer

    Homework Statement One of the two glass panes in each window is coated with a transparent electrical conductor. Why does this coating improve the window's insulating ability? Select one: a. The transparent conductor is black in the infrared, with a low-temperature emissivity of almost 1. b...
  29. FreeForAll

    Solving a Perplexing Thought Experiment: A DC Electrical Circuit

    This thought experiment has been bugging me for a very long time - I'm hoping someone can help me understand it. Premise: - Simple DC electrical circuit consisting of a battery, wire, light bulb, and another wire to complete the circuit. - Each wire has a length of 1 light-year (yes, very...
  30. SebastianRM

    What happens to the Electrical Potential the closer we are to a point charge?

    So I have been wondering: The potential for a point charge at the origin, is described as: (Using the reference point at infinity): V=1/(4πε) * q/r My question is, what happens to this Potential the closer we are to the point charge, and so the closer we would get, the Potential seems to go...
  31. C

    Symmetry in Electrical Circuit Analysis

    How is symmetry used to solve electrical circuits? I have seen several problems in books in which currents in two resistors are said to be equal due to 'symmetry'. That is a concept that I fail to understand and thus cannot apply. In class, we were shown a few circuit diagrams which were...
  32. polytechnophile

    Where Can I Find Electrical Design Case Studies?

    Can anyone recommend a place to find case studies in electronics design? I am looking for concrete examples of the engineering process from requirements definition through PCB layout. As a physicist who designs instrumentation I would like to improve my improve my design process and employ more...
  33. N

    Electrical Potential and an Integration path

    I have been looking everywhere for a clear explanation for the following: How do I know which way to integrate the electrical field, when I'm looking for the potential between to points? Example: I have to find the potential between the top conducting plate and the bottom conducting plate...
  34. Q

    Engineering How beneficial is a minor in Electrical Engineering?

    Hi, I’m a freshman Physics major in the US and I am concerned about the job opportunities directly out of undergrad. Because of this, short of switching my major to an engineering field, I was wondering if a minor in EE would substantially assist me. I know it would not be an ABET accredited...
  35. R

    Could you create a battery powered plane?

    After watching a video on YouTube, I recently became interested in the dynamics and physic's of why we aren't using electrical powered planes instead of burning thousands of fossil fuels every day. After doing a bit of my own research, I found the problem. When we increase the weight, we have to...
  36. cnh1995

    Electrical Network Problem: Power Transfer

    Homework Statement Homework Equations P=V2/R For maximum power transfer, Rload=RThevenin The Attempt at a Solution I know the efficiency is 50% during maximum power transfer. So when all the sources are acting simultaneously and ( at the same time) R=Rth, maximum power will be dissipated in...
  37. R

    How to calculate Electrical Unit

    Hello How to calculate electrical unit of Hydro power dam in rating 33.75*10^6 W What will be the energy Whr please help
  38. bachir1994

    Electrical energy transmission is on the inside or outside of a conductor

    Hi, Is it true that the transmission of energy is not inside an electrical conductor, but outside the metal. this even for frequencies around 50 hertz. Thank's
  39. AchillesWrathfulLove

    Engineering Do electrical engineers actually use Circuit Analysis skills?

    Do electrical engineers actually use stuff that is taught in Circuit Analysis classes like Node Voltage Method, Mesh Current Method, Kirchhoff Voltage/Current Law, Source Transformation. All these usually only involve resistors. Are they somewhat altered in a way to analyze circuits with other...
  40. J

    Engineering AC Source driving an RLC circuit....

    Homework Statement 10 v, 100 hz goes into a circuit of a 1o resistor, a 1o inductive reactance and a 1o capacitive reactance that are in series. What is the current. What is the V across the cap. Homework Equations and the attempt at a solution[/B] So I know I = V/Z and Z = sqrt( R^2 +...
  41. C

    Re: The electrical excitation of quantum dots

    We most often witness the presentation of quantum dots in viles or containers which are excited via UV light. I am more interested in their electrical excitation. Could I simply take a sample of QDs from one of those viles and passing an electrical current through that sample excite the...
  42. J

    Engineering Can't decide between Electrical Engineering and Physics

    I comprehend that the above statement is not phrased as a question even though it contains the appropriate symbol, and that is because even if it was, and an appropriate answer was given, i believe i still would not be able to make a decision. It is more a reflection of my current mental state...
  43. curiousman

    Electrical current through the Human Body

    Hi lads, I couldn't find this info on Google... Are the Heart and Brain the only organs which physiological functions are based on electrical impulses? What happens if we apply electrical current through other organs? Thanks
  44. A

    Converting impedence response to electrical conductivity

    Hi, I have a curve, impedance magnitude vs frequency. i would like to convert this curve to electrical conductivity vs time. how can i do that?
  45. BillTre

    Spiders Flying by Electrical Charge

    Some spiders are known to fly on the breezes by extruding silk strands (like web material) from their abdomen. This is commonly thought to be caught in the wind and carry them away. This would explain the occasional spider you might see drifting by when you are outside. Many (including that...
  46. S

    Engineering How hands-on is Electrical Engineering?

    Hi, I'm sorry if this question's been asked before but I was wondering how hands-on electrical engineering can be. Are there jobs where an EE can find themselves doing designing and getting to work with their hands? I find the theoretical stuff interesting as well as the more hands-on work.
  47. I

    Electrical version of Faraday effect?

    The Faraday effect is a magneto-optical phenomenon caused by the interaction between light and a magnetic field. Is there a corresponding electrical-optical phenomenon, caused by the interaction between light and an electric field?
  48. icesalmon

    Electrical Potential of a uniformly charged spherical shell

    Homework Statement From Griffiths Third Edition: "Introduction to Electrodynamics" p.p. 81 ex. 2.6 "Find the potential inside and outside a spherical shell of radius R, which carries a uniform surface charge. Set the reference point at infinity. Homework Equations V(r) = -∫E⋅dl The...