Electrolysis Definition and 222 Threads

In chemistry and manufacturing, electrolysis is a technique that uses direct electric current (DC) to drive an otherwise non-spontaneous chemical reaction. Electrolysis is commercially important as a stage in the separation of elements from naturally occurring sources such as ores using an electrolytic cell. The voltage that is needed for electrolysis to occur is called the decomposition potential. The word "lysis" means to separate or break, so in terms, electrolysis would mean either "breakdown of electricity" or "breakdown via electricity".

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  1. L

    Nickel(III) reduction in electrolysis?

    I ordered in chemicals for doing some electrolysis work, one of which was Nickel Oxide. I didnt think to check if it was NiO, or Ni2O3. I was supposed to be using NiO for the Ni2+ ions, but I am curious how this would work out with Ni3+ ions? Will Ni3+ still reduce in the same manner as Ni2+? I...
  2. lasha1

    Electrolysis of Water: Calculating Current

    I want to know how to conduct I ampere current through solution. For example i have 9V battery and 1 liter of water and i conducted electricity through water. How to calculate the current ?
  3. Henry T

    Safety of a Small Scale Electrolysis Experiment

    I'm going to perform a small scale electrolysis experimenter of water. I want to find out how the rates of the gases are produced when the amount of electrolyte added to the water is changed. I'm going to use baking soda (NaHCO3) as the electrolyte but I just wanted to make sure that I won't be...
  4. B

    How is PbBr2 an ionic compound?

    I'm studying electrolysis with ionic compound and the example refers to PbBr2 However, I'm confused as to why this would ever be a substance because a Pb atom has 4 electrons in its outer shell while a Br atom has 7 electrons in its outer shell. If the two Br atoms were to gain an electron each...
  5. Dukon

    Half equations for molten hydroxide electrolysis

    I found a thread on electrolyzing molten sodium hydroxide: http://www.thenakedscientists.com/forum/index.php?topic=51331.0 Question: does it proceed via Reaction 1 or 2? 1) NaOH -> Na + OH 2) NaOH -> Na + O + H Does Na separation from NaOH by electrolysis of the molten NaOH proceed by...
  6. AryaUnderfoot

    Electrolysis Copper(II) Nitrate: Silver & Gold Impurities

    Homework Statement Electrolysis of an aqueous solution of copper(II) nitrate was carried out using copper electrodes. The mass of the anode decreased by 1.28 g while that of the cathode increased by 1.18 g Assuming that the copper anode contains silver and gold impurities, which statement is...
  7. P

    Find the complete equation of the electrolysis

    Homework Statement We have the water electrolysis of ZnSo4 with soluble electrodes. How can we write the complete equation of it? Homework Equations 3. The Attempt at a Solution [/B] I an only write: Anode: Zn->Zn2++2e Cathode: Zn+2+2e->Zn How should I write the total equation?
  8. P

    What Is the Correct Equation for the Electrolysis of NaOH and Water?

    Homework Statement Write the water electrolise of NaOH. Homework Equations NaOH+H2O->H2+O2+NaOH The Attempt at a Solution 2NaOH+2H2o->2H2+O2+2NaOH I thought to write 2H2O->2H2+O2 If I am given the mass of NaOH (which in one problem I am), then how am I supposed to find the mas of H2O for...
  9. M

    I want some help with an electrolysis epilator

    I bought this cheap 240V AC powered galvanic electrolysis epilator. The ideal is that we can user a small amount of current, delivered with a thin needle, to destroy the hair follicle and achieve hair removal. This machine has a potentiometer installed that you can use to control the intensity...
  10. S

    Electric field in water, using voltage, without electrolysis

    Hi! Can we create electric field in water, using electrodes (say 10-15V of voltage difference), without having electrolysis or arc in water? (the water can be salty). I just read that insulated electrodes can be used. but I'm not sure. PS: Sorry if the question sounds silly. My field of study...
  11. P

    Electrolysis of water and actual electrode potential.

    For an electrolytic cell, the voltage source Vs, does not contribute directly to the potential on the electrolytic electrodes. Vs determines the current and can add charges to the electrodes. This can be observed when charging supercapacitors and is discussed in these threads ...
  12. R

    Water electrolyser electrode material

    I've been trying to build a closed system water electrolyser with easily available materials which allows me to collect the gases separately. To do so, I've been meaning to build an acrylic housing with a textile separator in the middle of two compartments which houses the anode and cathode. The...
  13. H

    I'm Slightly Terrified of Electrolysis

    I'm not that intelligent of a person, and I'm still in high school if this helps rest your doubts. I'm doing a project for class that involves hooking a solar panel to a copper tube in order to boil salt water, filthy water (dirt + water), and average water. However, the more I research about...
  14. lasha1

    Electrolysis of sodium chloride solution

    In electrolysis of nacl where is sodium? Ok clorine is producing as gas but sodium?
  15. I

    Correlation Between pH & Electrolysis Rate

    Hi, I have been performing an experiment to determine whether there is any correlation between pH and the rate of electrolysis. I have performed it using monobasic, dibasic and tribasic acids of constant concentration. However, I can't seem to find any correlation. Is there something I should...
  16. H Smith 94

    Determining number of dissociated moles from concentration?

    Is there a formula to theoretically determine the number of moles of each ion present when a particular concentration of salt is dissociated in water? I remember from A-level (high school) chemistry that concepts such as the dissociation constant exist but I'm struggling to apply them to...
  17. HelloCthulhu

    Water electrolysis - solving for final volume of the system

    Homework Statement 2 moles of water at 20°C undergoes electrolysis at 5A/40V inside of a closed 40mL container for 1 min at standard external/internal pressure. What is the final volume of the system? Homework Equations (Q*M)/(F*z)=m Q=c x m x ΔT Vi/Ti = Vf/TfThe Attempt at a Solution Gas...
  18. HelloCthulhu

    Water electrolysis, work done, and volume change

    I'm trying to learn more about water electrolysis and the work done on and by the system, but I'm still very confused about a few elements. Knowing the volume of the closed container, the number of moles of water, the amps/volts from the battery, and the initial temperature of the water, I know...
  19. HelloCthulhu

    Temperature of gas during water electrolysis

    I know I can use the specific heat capacity formula to find the temperature of the water during electrolysis as long as I know the mass, specific heat constant of water and joules added beforehand: But I'm not sure how I could find the temperature of the gas produced. If the pressure was...
  20. twiz_

    Electrolysis Wattage: A New Engine Concept Explored

    After my endeavors on Electro-Tech-Online, I have concluded that they are the least bit constructive. Now, I wasn't sure which section to post this in, so I went with EE. I'm currently developing a new engine concept similar to a Stirling Engine, and I have no idea whether it will actually...
  21. S

    Graphite electrode destroyed in electrolysis

    I built a Hoffman apparatus with graphite electrodes. I hooked it up to a make shift power supply from an xbox powerblock. It was filled with battery acid for the electrolyte. Now, the graphite electrode is 99% graphite rod. For some reason the graphite electrode on the negative(black)...

    Differences between Discharging and Electrolysis in Sodium Chloride Solutions

    Is there any difference between process of discharging and process of electrolysis? (I found the products same in both the case when discharging and electrolysis process are carried out for NaCl aqueous sol.)
  23. HelloCthulhu

    What is the mass of H2 and O2 produced water electrolysis?

    Homework Statement 2 moles of H2O undergoes electrolysis at 15 amps for 1 hour. What is the mass of H2 and O2 gas produced? Homework Equations 4 H+(aq) + 4e−→ 2H2(g) 2 H2O(l) → O2(g) + 4 H+(aq) + 4e− Faraday's Law of Electrolysis Q = n(e-) x F The Attempt at a Solution F = 96500C...
  24. Z

    Finding a Low-Cost Way to Step-Down Voltage for DIY Power Supply

    Hi. I have made a 12Vdc 3A unregulated power supply for my projects. I want to do some electrodeposition, and the 12V are a bit too high (It starts to electrolyze water and the deposited copper breaks very easily). I'm looking for a way to step-down the voltage without using too much money...
  25. HelloCthulhu

    PV Work for Electrolysis Using Van Der Waals Equation

    Homework Statement Solve for the work done during water electrolysis using the Van Der Waals equation.[/B] Solving for work using Ideal Gas Law: This is the system work for the electrolysis of water using the Ideal Gas Law: W = PΔV = (101.3 x 103 Pa)(1.5 moles)(22.4 x 10-3...
  26. HelloCthulhu

    Electrolysis System Work and Real Gas Law

    Greetings Everyone! I read a very good thread regarding how Ideal Gas Law is used to calculate system work for the electrolysis of water: W = PΔV = (101.3 x 103 Pa)(1.5 moles)(-22.4 x 10-3 m3/mol)(298K/273K) = -3715 J https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/work-of-electrolysis-of-water.756240/...
  27. X

    Inefficiencies of Water Electrolysis

    Hello all, I have been doing some research on electrolysis of water. One thing I have found is that it seems to not be an efficient way to make hydrogen. I have also found that this efficiency can be dramatically increased by.. -Using the right electrolyte -Placing the electrodes at just the...
  28. M

    Electrolysis of Water to Create NaOH

    So, when water is electrolysed NaOH is created,but since NaOH is an electrolyte itself how de we know that the NaOH doesn't start electrolysing too?
  29. J

    19th century matches: Chlorates without electrolysis?

    First, I completely understand that electrolysis to produce chlorates is simple, practical, and inexpensive. I understand that electrolysis to produce chlorates was being used in the late 19th century. I'm wondering, given the (somewhat) limited distribution of electrical power at the time and...
  30. WaterBart

    Deep Water Electrolysis = Hydrogen + Buoyancy

    Hi there. The energy used for hydrogen production can be recovered using the buoyancy force of the gas created at sufficient depth of water. Suppose we use electricity to split ocean water to produce hydrogen. Then the produced gas is captured into containers which are attached to a conveyer...
  31. RJLiberator

    Why Is Nickel Losing Electrons in Electrolysis?

    Okay, so that is the master.chem problem that I am struggling with. I feel I understand what's going on... Nickle is the anode that should be losing two electrons. What am I doing wrong according to mastering chemistry? I feel this is an issue with how I am writing things? Or am I missing the...
  32. J

    Why Does Copper Change Color During Electrolysis with Kids?

    Hello all! My son is getting ready to go into the 2nd grade here on Wednesday and although he takes breaks during the summer, I really try to keep his education rolling throughout the entire year. As such, I try to get him excited by doing experiments and other things to captivate him and get...
  33. M

    Brine electrolysis with alluminum

    I did an electrolysis with alluminum eletrodes, the electrolyte was NaCl, After completing it the left over was a gresyish precipitate (I assume aluminum hydroxide), I put most of it for evaporating in a cup, the rest evaporated leaving a jell, then later crystals. are the crystals NaCl which is...
  34. HelloCthulhu

    Magnetic Field and Water Electrolysis Work

    Greetings everyone! I recently read a research paper on the effects of a magnetic field on redox potential of water (Magnetic Field Effects on Redox Potential of Reduction and Oxidation Agents), but the paper didn't include any of the equations related to the internal energy of the system...
  35. Medicol

    Electrolysis and reduced mass of a metal bar

    1. Insert a bar of copper of m(gram) into (HCl + H2O). After a while, its weight become m_1 (gram) which is smaller than m. Explain why and give a general formula to find m_1 2. None 3. I keep thinking how that becomes possible, because I learn that Cu can't react with HCl+H2O
  36. M

    Vinegar Electrolysis: Dark Brown Material + Blue Solution

    I tried vinegar electrolysis using 2 copper electrodes and 9v adaptor it gave dark brown material on the (-) electrode blue solution what is the blue solution? since i used white vinegar (which contains water) could it be copper hydroxide?or copper acetate? what is the brown material on...
  37. K

    Saltwater electrolysis, chlorine reacts with water?

    Hi. I'm confused about how chlorine reacts with water. Yesterday I electrolised saltwater. There was some intense bubbling at 0V electrode. I guess that was hydrogen. However there was no bubbling at positive electrode. The water had been greenish at first but then some brown mud appeared. It's...
  38. P

    Electrolysis of Aqueous Sodium Iodide

    According to my chemistry textbook, the I- ion is discharged at the anode. Yet, according to standard electrode potential values, the OH- ion should be discharged at the anode. Thoughts on this please?
  39. N

    How can the work for water electrolysis be solved using the real gas law?

    Hey Everyone, I am a little confused about some of the values used in the following formula. The process must provide the energy for the dissociation plus the energy to expand the produced gases. At temperature 298K and one atmosphere pressure, the system work is: W = PΔV = (101.3 x...
  40. L

    Maximizing Brown Gas Production Using Electrolysis

    Breaking the hydrogen-oxygen bond in water with electrolysis creates a brown gas with a great deal of potential as a fuel for cars and homes. Some of this is being done, however, increasing the amount of H and O gas released would be a big plus. There are several variables using a 12 V dc...
  41. A

    Why not Solar -> Electrolysis -> Burn to make steam energy?

    Why not Solar --> Electrolysis --> Burn to make steam energy? Solar heat and light are both available in abundance, especially in the tropics. That being so, why is that no attempts have been made to use Solar-Electricity to split water in large amounts, into H2 and O2 to boil water to produce...
  42. H

    Electrolysis of Water Using Field Effect

    Electrolysis of water using the field effect? Hello everyone, I have been studying the electrolysis of water lately and the thought crossed my mind. When a strong electric field is placed near or applied to a semiconductor electrons which do not normally take place in conduction are...
  43. K

    Does sodium ion effect electrolysis of water?

    Does sodium ion effect electrolysis of water? Especially in sodium polyacrylate, which release sodium ion when absorbs water. In other words, if I try to do electrolysis of water in hydrated sodium polyacrylate will it be successful.(Produce hydrogen and ignoring bubble trap inside the gel)...
  44. T

    Electrolysis of dilute aqueous solutions

    Homework Statement If dilute, aqueous magnesium bromide is electrolyzed, one product is formed at each electrode. Identify the product, state the electrode it occurs at (anode or cathode) and state a reason for your choice of product. Homework Equations Mg2+(aq) + 2e- --> Mg(s) E°red = -2.37 V...
  45. K

    Does mixing glycerol into water effect electrolysis of water?

    Does mixing glycerol into water effect electrolysis of water? I tried measuring ohm and the resistance of water is lower after mixing glycerol. Then I experiment electrolysis of water, first I measure the resistance of DI water and it turns out that the resistant is about 0.63 mega ohm...
  46. Artlav

    Electrolysis of baking soda solution?

    What is being produced in electrolysis of water with baking soda (NaHCO3) dissolved in it, and carbon electrodes? Seems to be an extremely simple question, but every place i google up have a different answer. In practice, there is hydrogen on the cathode - it burns - but on the anode i get...
  47. K

    Electrolyte that doesn't react with ZnO for electrolysis of water

    Does anybody know electrolyte that doesn't react with ZnO for electrolysis of water? NaOH and KOH is good electrolyte for electrolysis of water, but it react with ZnO. Thanks.:smile:
  48. S

    Can electrolysis provide buoyancy to submerged machines?

    I am looking at building a machine that roams underwater, most always completely submerged. I would like at one point for the device to return to the surface and was wondering if it is possible to use electrolysis to turn the water into gas enough to provide buoyancy that would lift the machine...
  49. D

    Understanding Electrolysis: How Do Ions and Current Flow?

    Right, I've started physics a level and electrolysis has always confused me since gcse, so please be very detailed! This is what I know, (or assume) so far: there is a cell; that cell is connected to two electrodes; one is positive, the other is negative. The electrodes are placed in an ionic...
  50. N

    Electrolysis of water to make transporting easier

    Hello All, Let us say I want to set up a nice new town in middle of Australia (it is all desert), 500km from the coast, and 1000km from the closest fresh water. 1, I need to desalinate the sea water. 2, I need to transport that water to the site. 3, I need to run power to the site. Is...