Electronic Definition and 441 Threads

Electronic warfare (EW) is any action involving the use of the electromagnetic spectrum (EM spectrum) or directed energy to control the spectrum, attack an enemy, or impede enemy assaults. The purpose of electronic warfare is to deny the opponent the advantage of, and ensure friendly unimpeded access to, the EM spectrum. EW can be applied from air, sea, land, and/or space by manned and unmanned systems, and can target communication, radar, or other assets (military and civilian).

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  1. G

    Engineering Aeronautic vs Electronic engineering?

    Hi there I really need help am terribly confused and i need to decide on a career .. uff .. so here it is, i have two options is either aeronautics or electronic, i love both i really do and I know i can do well on both however my window of getting one is closing, so on one hand i have...
  2. G

    Exploring the Relationship of Elements and Their Electronic Configurations

    Why there are much more metallic elements in the world than the non-metalllic one? We can see on the periodic table most of the elements are metallic but why? is there any relevance to the electronic configuration? I can't find any helpful web-site to solve this problem.Please give me some...
  3. T

    Electronic Geometry of Lead(II) Chromate

    I was wondering if anyone can solve this odd problem. Chromium is known to vary in the number of valence electrons and in this case, I would hope it has 6. Lead has 4 and oxygen 6. If you were to draw its Lewis dot structure with Chromium in the middle you would leave out Pb without any filled...
  4. A

    Futuristic Devices and Technology Innovations in Consumer Electronic Devices

    I am researching on futuristic devices and technology innovations in consumer electronic devices. I think the next wave of innovation is coming from areas like the following: Home automation, home security/ biometric solutions, extension of Bluetooth beyond cell phones and laptops to...
  5. W

    Finding potential energy difference of two electronic system

    Homework Statement Suppose N electron can be placed in either of two configurations. In configuration 1, they are all placed on the circumference of a narrow ring of radius R and uniformly distributed so that the difference between adjacent electron is the same everywhere. In configuration 2...
  6. J

    A resistor is a two-terminal electronic component

    This is definition of resistor from Wikipedia. 1. " A resistor is a two-terminal electronic component that opposes an electric current by producing a voltage drop between its terminals in proportion to the current" And this is another mention about Ohm's Law from a diagram of Wikipedia...
  7. ZapperZ

    What Can ARPES Reveal About Many-Body Effects in High-Tc Cuprates?

    One of the best sources to learn about a particular subject area in a field of study is to read someone's thesis. In this thesis, in one shot, the author has covered rather well the technique of angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy (ARPES), many-body physics, BCS superconductivity, Fermi...
  8. E

    Need book about electronic equipments

    i need to learn basic stuff about parts of an analog trainer, oscilloscopes, resistors, potentiometers,diodes, transistors... i mean all about electrical engineering experiments and devices... - this book shall orient me how to use these stuffs - this book must guide me on what parts to buy in a...
  9. L

    Jury-rigging an electronic eye for a polarimeter.

    Been too busy with school to post here in a while, so of course I come back when I have a question about something! For some background, I'm working on a small study that, in part, is to characterize the optical activity of some biodiesel samples, one made from animal fat, the other from soy...
  10. Ed Aboud

    Making Electronic Music: Software Recommendations

    Hi all. Recently I have started to make electronic music, mainly using Reason. Just wondering does anyone else have any recommendations on software I should check out. Thanks.
  11. H

    Simple electronic instrument modification.

    Okay. I'm no electrician, but that's why I'm posting. I've been working on modding an electronic keyboard for some friends. Its a really simple little thing, basically a stylophone in a keyboard case, runs off of 4x AA batteries. Like a child's toy keyboard, really. Ive cracked it open for...
  12. S

    Why Doesn't Voltage Always Decrease When Charges Move?

    Hello guys :smile: I got a small question with voltage and charge. If voltage provides potential energy for charges why doesn't the voltage decrease all the time when the charges are moving. I mean I only see voltage change when their are resistors and stuff but my question is shouldn't the...
  13. C

    What Energy or Frequency Affects Electronic Appliances?

    Can anyone tell me which sort of energy or frequency is able to create a change in electronic appliances… such as thermostats and TV’s etc?
  14. R

    The electronic engineer have the question)

    hi all. I am from Russia. I want to ask a question as called my specialty. I am going to work in Canada. My speciality in Russia called designer radio electronic equipment. Now my responsibilities at work are: the choice of future device design, spatial layout comprising elements modeling hull...
  15. P

    : Finding the Right Electronic Noise Retardant for Your Dyno Room

    Hi The company I work for has a Dyno room for tuning its engines before sale. Can someone advise me on an electronic noise retardant please? The room where the Dyno is situated is quite small and doesn't really have the ability to be lined with a material unless it were less that 25mm thick. Penn
  16. A

    Current considerations in Electronic design

    Dear all, Is it possible to supply 5V from a single 7805, to multiple number of ICs, some of which are safety critical? I have one PCB having ICs meant for the safety critical applications. And also have another PCB for the Human interface. Can I directly get the 5V from the first PCB...
  17. wolram

    Peoples' desire for electronic gizmos

    Why do people want all these mainly electronic gizmos, okay the Internet is the best thing since sliced bread , but beyond that, having everything at the touch of a button is surly counter to being human.
  18. M

    Understanding Hund's Rule and Calculating Iron's Electronic Configuration

    queston Determine electronic configuration of Fe and the ground state using hunds rule Equations Hunds rule my attempt got the configuration easy enough 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 3d6 4s2 problem I have is with huunds rule can't get started I am sure one example and il be ok with it.
  19. C

    Good computer for running electronic structure calculations?

    Hi- We're thinking of purchasing Gaussian 03 for electronic structure calculations. I think the basic license only allows for it to be run on a single processor. Can anyone recommend a decent desktop <1500 dollars that will do a decent job at running electronic-structure? I suspect that...
  20. K

    Engineering Superposition and electronic circuits

    Homework Statement Can someone please explain to me how to find the voltage across BD in the attached circuit. I can't do these examples. Please help. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution When I shorted one source I get the source current as 10.08mA and a voltage drop...
  21. S

    Electronic structure of the atoms

    I'm a little confused about something very simple. From a chemistry perspective I am told about how many electrons fit into each type of orbital. For instance, 1s and 2s can only have two each, the 2p orbitals total 6. It is composed of the Px, Py, and Pz and only two can be in each set, while...
  22. E

    Electronic Devices byfloyd Problem

    Dear users In question i have to find the filter capacitor "C" value i have ripple factor given circut is full wave rectifier circut R(L) is given V(out) of the rectifier is 18V I have calculated the V(peak)(rectified voltage) but in the following formula Vr(Peak to Peak)...
  23. I

    Wieght of discharged electronic capacitor or battery

    Am I right in assuming that an electronic capacitor and a battery will weigh less when discharged?
  24. M

    Solving the Mystery of a Simple Electronic Circuit's 2V Drop

    hi That's the question. I have done an experiment. The voltage of a free DC power supply was set to 5V. When it was connected to a circuit, its voltage dropped to 3V. What happened? Isn't the 2V is lost in the internal resistance of the power supply. However,the power supply will...
  25. D

    Tutorials for electronic engineering

    Where can i get credible and good tutorials for electronic engineering online ?
  26. M

    Hey all Can i borrow your time electronic Q

    Hey all...HELPPPP! Homework Statement Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution this one if you have the time.. :D thanks http://img412.imageshack.us/img412/4605/untitled2zz2.png
  27. D

    Starting an electronic design company

    I want to start a company that design products for the automotive tuner industry. The kind of products that I want to focus on are LED/lighting related controller products. How much money do I need to start this company and can I get away with not having an automated smd placing machine?
  28. M

    How to effectively manage EMC and electronic grounding in power plants?

    The electronic control systems in one power plant are digital base and separated "one point" grounding system is considered for it. In that power plant, the separated hole of electronic grounding is located far from control room, therefore the used cables for suitable interconnection between...
  29. B

    Electronic structure - Outer shell

    Can someone tell me how the outer shell structure is determined from the electronic structure. I know i can look this up but I'd like to know how it is derived and are there any rules I should follow so i can determine them myself?
  30. T

    Advice needed on designing an electronic car finder

    ideas for EE design project Me and my partner are currently looking for ideas we can implement in a 10-12 week period. Some ideas we chose from our lecturers list are * car finder - when you can't find your car in the parking lot. * audio delay system - for movies that may have a...
  31. B

    Engineering Career choice for Electronic and Computer Engineer Graduate

    Hey, I will be completing my course in Electronic and Computer Engineering in May of this year. My course has covered a broad range of topics from Analogue Circuit Design to Development of Embedded Systems to Object Orientated Programming in Java and C++. I now have to decide which path to go...
  32. W

    Calculating Velocity of Electrons in Electric Field

    Homework Statement Electrons with the speed v0 move through a constant electronic field E of length L (A two plate conductor) In the electric field the particle have gained a velocity component in y-direction Show that this y-component is: v_y=\frac{e*E*L}{m_e*v_0} Tip...
  33. S

    Help me visualize electronic vibrations

    Let's consider the simple functional group C=O (carbon double bonded to oxygen). There is only one type of vibration for this group and that's the stretching mode, where C<=>O oscillates back and forth. What exactly is happening during the stretching? Are electrons, and therefore electron...
  34. M

    Can MO Theory Explain the Electronic Structure of C60?

    Ok, i am investigating the electronic structure of fullerenes through Near edge x-ray absorption spectroscopy and I really need to know the connection between hybridization theory and LCAO. Everywhere I look it says the carbon atoms in C60 are sp2 hybridized ( sp3 due to angle strain), but as I...
  35. M

    Electronic Research Notebook & Tablet PCs

    I am finishing up my MS in Biochemistry. I have used a tablet PC for all my classes, but then moved to the smaller OQO for my thesis research work in the lab. Here's a website that discusses the idea of using a tablet PC as a research notebook. [PLAIN]www.e-lab-book.com[/URL]
  36. D

    Program needed - for drawing electronic circuit diagrams

    I am in an electronic circuits laboratory class, and I am looking for a free, easy to use program that will allow me to construct circuit diagrams for my reports. Any ideas? Thx!
  37. J

    I want to build an electronic device that transmits ultrasound

    I want to build an electronic device that transmits ultrasounds (I guess that is in the LF frequency range [?]). Does anyone know where I can find a kit that creates ultrasounds?
  38. C

    Dumb question about electronic structure

    I want to ask which type of the following would have a greater repulsion electrons with parallel spin, electrons with opposite spin. or it's just the same?
  39. C

    Why is Copper(II) More Common Than Copper(I)?

    Homework Statement Explain why copper(II) is the more common oxidation state than copper (I) by giving the electronic configurations of the ions involved. The Attempt at a Solution i've considered about the configurations of Cu+ and Cu2+ but the result seems to contradict the fact...
  40. S

    High Current Capacity Devices for Industrial Switching & Control: Overview

    Give an overview of the various high current capacity devices applicable in industrial switching and control applications. (symbols,figures and characteristics would be appreciated)
  41. B

    Isoelectronic Question: Oxygen Ion and Isoelectronic Species Comparison

    Homework Statement which of the following is isoelectronic with the oxygen ion sulfur ion chlorine ion sodium ion argon Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution i think the answer is the sulfur ion because it has the same number of valence electrons. is this the...
  42. Q

    Hydrogen atom in plane wave electronic field

    We just consider one dimensional case and the classical method. Then the motion equation of the electron in Coulomb field and the plane wave electronic field is d^2 x/ dt^2=-1/x^2+cos t. (x is the coordinate and t is the time. ) How to solve the equation exactly? We don't consider such cases...
  43. P

    Manufacturing Electronic Products

    I got this assignment and I am stuck on one question, I just need a few pointers or websites with information. Discuss the effects of altering the gate dimenstions in the MOS devices and the geometry of the bipolar transistors used. I don't need mad calculations or complex answers, just a...
  44. T

    Chemistry Chemistry: Molecular Orbital Electronic Configs.

    Hi, I'm having a lot of trouble with the following question. Answer: (σ1s)2 (σ*1s)2 (σ2s)2 (σ*2s)2 (π2py)2 (π2pz)1 If anyone can tell me how to obtain this answer, I would be very happy. Thanks.
  45. M

    Titanium 2+ Ion electronic structure?

    Titanium 2+ Ion. Is it [Ar]3d^04s^2 or [Ar]3d^24s^0 I'd assume it's the former (looks more energy efficient).
  46. L

    Are These Electronic Configurations for Ions Correct?

    are these correct? i always get confused with the rules for the end of the order: N^3- >> [Ne] Tl^3+ >> [Xe]4f14 3d10 Fe^3+ >> [Ar]3d5
  47. G

    Problem with Electronic Feedback?

    Hi, i was reading through the topic on analogue electronics. And every single example on my text seems to just be just on the negative feedback on both the inverting and non-inverting input of an op-amp. What i would like to know is what's the difference between positive and negative feedback on...
  48. J

    Exploring Electronic Structure: What Are Bands?

    hi, I am beginning study electronic structure and I do not understand formely what is a band, what mean the lines that appear when a band structure calculation is made?, where are the bands?. thanks
  49. M

    The Mystery of Electronic Fuel Injectors - How Do They Work?

    hello everybody my ques about the fuel injector,which is working electronically-- i saw it for real in a car was fixing by a mechanic,and i looked at the electronic fuel injectors mounted on the fuel rail----and while the engine was running,the injector as u know-is supplied by the pressurized...