Ellipse Definition and 406 Threads

In mathematics, an ellipse is a plane curve surrounding two focal points, such that for all points on the curve, the sum of the two distances to the focal points is a constant. As such, it generalizes a circle, which is the special type of ellipse in which the two focal points are the same. The elongation of an ellipse is measured by its eccentricity


{\displaystyle e}
, a number ranging from


{\displaystyle e=0}
(the limiting case of a circle) to


{\displaystyle e=1}
(the limiting case of infinite elongation, no longer an ellipse but a parabola).
An ellipse has a simple algebraic solution for its area, but only approximations for its perimeter (also known as circumference), for which integration is required to obtain an exact solution.
Analytically, the equation of a standard ellipse centered at the origin with width


{\displaystyle 2a}
and height


{\displaystyle 2b}











{\displaystyle {\frac {x^{2}}{a^{2}}}+{\frac {y^{2}}{b^{2}}}=1.}



{\displaystyle a\geq b}
, the foci are


{\displaystyle (\pm c,0)}






{\displaystyle c={\sqrt {a^{2}-b^{2}}}}
. The standard parametric equation is:








{\displaystyle (x,y)=(a\cos(t),b\sin(t))\quad {\text{for}}\quad 0\leq t\leq 2\pi .}
Ellipses are the closed type of conic section: a plane curve tracing the intersection of a cone with a plane (see figure). Ellipses have many similarities with the other two forms of conic sections, parabolas and hyperbolas, both of which are open and unbounded. An angled cross section of a cylinder is also an ellipse.
An ellipse may also be defined in terms of one focal point and a line outside the ellipse called the directrix: for all points on the ellipse, the ratio between the distance to the focus and the distance to the directrix is a constant. This constant ratio is the above-mentioned eccentricity:









{\displaystyle e={\frac {c}{a}}={\sqrt {1-{\frac {b^{2}}{a^{2}}}}}}
.Ellipses are common in physics, astronomy and engineering. For example, the orbit of each planet in the solar system is approximately an ellipse with the Sun at one focus point (more precisely, the focus is the barycenter of the Sun–planet pair). The same is true for moons orbiting planets and all other systems of two astronomical bodies. The shapes of planets and stars are often well described by ellipsoids. A circle viewed from a side angle looks like an ellipse: that is, the ellipse is the image of a circle under parallel or perspective projection. The ellipse is also the simplest Lissajous figure formed when the horizontal and vertical motions are sinusoids with the same frequency: a similar effect leads to elliptical polarization of light in optics.
The name, ἔλλειψις (élleipsis, "omission"), was given by Apollonius of Perga in his Conics.

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  1. 4

    Calculate the points on an ellipse that have tangents that pass through a point

    Homework Statement Find the points on the ellipse x^2/100 + y^2/49 = 1 that have tangents that pass through the point P(2, 7.7) Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I calculated the gradient of the ellipse which came to dy/dx = -49x/100y I then calculated the gradient of...
  2. Z

    The Attempt at a SolutionReduce Ellipse: Centre & Eccentricity

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  3. S

    Is Constant Acceleration Possible in Elliptical Motion?

    G'day all, I was doing some maths homework and found the acceleration of a particle moving in an ellipse to be constant. Is this correct? I would have thought that a constant acceleration would give a circle.
  4. D

    Parametric equations for Tangent line of an ellipse

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  5. N

    What Does the Constant Quantity x(dy/dt) - y(dx/dt) Represent in 2D SHM?

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  6. V

    Vector-Valued Function Ellipse

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  7. F

    Does an Ellipse Intersecting a Circle Result in Imaginary Numbers?

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  8. A

    What does the ellipse tell me?

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  9. R

    How Does Rotating an Ellipse's Major Axis Affect Its Equation?

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  10. P

    How Do You Calculate Velocity on an Elliptical Path at a Specific Point?

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  11. O

    Help with a walk on an ellipse

    The problem is formally attached in the PDF. I did not see it fit to post my problem on the forum itself (sorry). Any assistance is appreciated. Thanks.
  12. M

    Equation of the circumference of an ellipse parametric equations

    Homework Statement Consider the ellipse given by the parametric equation x=3cos(t) y=sin(t) 0\leqt\leq2\Pi. Set up an integral that gives the circumference of the ellipse. Also find the area enclosed by the ellipse. Homework Equations \int\sqrt{1+(dy/dx)^2}dt The Attempt at a...
  13. Y

    Finding area of ellipse using line integral.

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  14. Q

    Lagrange Multipliers with ellipse

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  15. F

    How to Determine Ellipse Axes from Cone Geometry?

    Hi, If the cone is cut with a plane such that an ellipse has been formed. Let's say the major axis is 'a' and the minor axis is 'b'. Is there a way to find a and b from the geometry instead of getting them from the quadratic equation.
  16. T

    Question about semi-major axis of an ellipse

    I hope this the right place to post my question... should it be, "we can define a as half the sum of distances..."? please correct and explain if I'm mistaken thanks
  17. J

    How Do You Calculate Arc Points for Collision Detection in 3D Space?

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  18. A

    Does the E Vector of a Polarized EM Wave Trace an Ellipse in Space?

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  19. W

    What is the equation for level curves in an elliptical shape?

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  20. C

    Probability and average area of intersection of rectangles and ellipse

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  21. r-soy

    When we use standerd Equation of an ellipse

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  22. R

    Find Equation for Hyperbola or Ellipse

    Homework Statement 6x2 + 8y2 + 32y - 16 = 0 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I think I made a mistake. This is how far I got 4(x-4)^+3(y+9)^=120 I made a mistake. Can someone delete this thread? What did I do wrong?
  23. S

    Rectangle inscribed in ellipse

    Homework Statement Find the dimensions of the largest rectangle with sides parallel to the axes that can be inscribed in the ellipse x^2 + 4y^2 = 4 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I simplified the equation of the ellipse into the ellipse formula: x^2/4 + y^2 = 1...
  24. C

    Exploring the Relationship Between Ellipse & Sphere's Radius in Cone of Light

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  25. fluidistic

    What is the result of rotating an ellipse with eccentricity n2/n1 in optics?

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  26. Z

    Calculus Question - Tangents to an ellipse - its got me stumped

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  27. I

    Can someone help me simplify this ellipse equation?

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  28. S

    Directrix when talking about an ellipse?

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  29. H

    What is the maximum perimeter for a rectangle inside an ellipse?

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  30. R

    Solving for arc length of an ellipse

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  31. S

    Solving Fun Ellipse Problem: Finding Parametric Representation

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  32. Z

    Volume by cross-section: ellipse and equilateral triangle cross sections?

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  33. S

    Line integral around an ellipse

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  34. I

    Orbital energy of ellipse and hyperbolic trajectory

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  35. A

    How to Produce a Covariance Ellipse

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  36. E

    Is phi the Actual Angle on an Ellipse?

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  37. D

    Find the major axis of an ellipse

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  38. F

    Line passing through an Ellipse and a Point

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  39. kandelabr

    Deriving Formula for Ellipse Sector Area: Questions & Transformations

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  40. A

    How to fit min. area ellipse around data point

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  41. T

    Calculating the Integral of an Elliptical Area: How to Solve for a?

    Homework Statement The area of the ellipse \frac{x^{2}}{a^{2}}+\frac{y^{2}}{b^{2}}=1 is given by \frac{4b}{a}\int_{0}^{a}\sqrt{a^{2}-x^{2}}dx . Compute the integral. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I know I have to let x=asin\theta and then dx=acos\theta . Then I plug in x. Do I...
  42. G

    What Are the Tangent Lines to an Ellipse Passing Through a Given Point?

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  43. P

    Unit Vectors for Ellipse: How Do You Find the Tangential and Normal Vectors?

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  44. M

    Determining the equation of an ellipse from its intersection with a parabola

    Homework Statement The vertex of the parabola y^2=2px is the center of an ellipse. The focus of the parabola is an end of one of the principle axes of the ellipse, and the parabola and ellipse intersect at right angles. Find the equation of the ellipse. Homework Equations...
  45. R

    What is the exact formula for finding the perimeter of an ellipse?

    perimeter of an ellipse -- exact formula I found an exact formula for the perimeter of an ellipse in terms of its major and minor axis a = 1/2(major axis) b=1/2(minor axis) my equation for the perimeter of an ellipse...
  46. D

    When will the line intercept the ellipse a second time?

    Homework Statement Find the equation of the line perpendicular to the ellipse x^2 − xy + y^2 = 3 at the point (-1,1). Where does the perpendicular line intercept the ellipse a second time?Homework Equations ?The Attempt at a Solution I have already found the equation of the perpendicular line...
  47. W

    Understanding the Parametric Form of an Ellipse: Step-by-Step Solution

    I have the solution to a problem and I need help understanding how the solution was obtained. I have to take an equation of an ellipse and transfer it to parametric form. The ellipse has the equation: (x+1)^2 + 4y^2 = 4. The solution has the ellipse parameterized as follows: x+1 =...
  48. E

    How Do You Prove the Area of an Ellipse Formula?

    Homework Statement Prove that the area of an ellipse with equation \frac{x^2}{a^2} + \frac{y^2}{b^2} = 1 is A=\pi ab. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I solved for y, set up the integral for area with lower limit -a and upper limit a, did u substitution...
  49. Q

    Finding a and b in the equation of an ellipse

    Homework Statement Let \frac{x^{2}}{a^{2}}+\frac{y^{2}}{b^{2}}=1 be the equation of an ellipse with vertices (\pma,0) and (0,\pmb), and a slope m= -0.5 in the point (1,1). Find a and b.The Attempt at a Solution So far I've solved for a and b in relation to each other, but I'm not sure how to...
  50. W

    Calculating Ellipse Length: 9x^2 + 10y^2 = 90 (to 6 decimal places)

    Homework Statement Find the length of the ellipse 9x^2 + 10y^2 = 90 correct to six decimal places.Homework Equations 4Larc in the first quadrant = Lellipse The Attempt at a Solution Just checking to see if I did this right: 9x^2 + 10y^2 = 90 x^2/10 + y^2/9 = 1 Therefore a = \sqrt{10} and...