What is Energy loss: Definition and 160 Discussions

Spin-polarized electron energy loss spectroscopy or SPEELS is a technique that is mainly used to measure the dispersion relation of the collective excitations, over the whole Brillouin zone.
Spin waves are collective perturbations in a magnetic solid. Their properties depend on their wavelength (or wave vector). For long wavelength (short wave vector) spin wave the resulting spin precession has a very low frequency and the spin waves can be treated classically. Ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) and Brillouin light scattering (BLS) experiments provide information about the long wavelength spin waves in ultrathin magnetic films and nanostructures. If the wavelength is comparable to the lattice constant, the spin waves are governed by the microscopic exchange coupling and a quantum mechanical description is needed. Therefore, experimental information on these short wavelength (large wave vector) spin waves in ultrathin films is highly desired and may lead to fundamentally new insights into the spin dynamics in reduced dimensions in the future.
SPEELS is the one of the few techniques that can be used to measure the dispersion of such short wavelength spin waves in ultrathin films and nanostructures.

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