Energy Definition and 999 Threads

In physics, energy is the quantitative property that must be transferred to a body or physical system to perform work on the body, or to heat it. Energy is a conserved quantity; the law of conservation of energy states that energy can be converted in form, but not created or destroyed. The unit of measurement in the International System of Units (SI) of energy is the joule, which is the energy transferred to an object by the work of moving it a distance of one metre against a force of one newton.
Common forms of energy include the kinetic energy of a moving object, the potential energy stored by an object's position in a force field (gravitational, electric or magnetic), the elastic energy stored by stretching solid objects, the chemical energy released when a fuel burns, the radiant energy carried by light, and the thermal energy due to an object's temperature.
Mass and energy are closely related. Due to mass–energy equivalence, any object that has mass when stationary (called rest mass) also has an equivalent amount of energy whose form is called rest energy, and any additional energy (of any form) acquired by the object above that rest energy will increase the object's total mass just as it increases its total energy. For example, after heating an object, its increase in energy could be measured as a small increase in mass, with a sensitive enough scale.
Living organisms require energy to stay alive, such as the energy humans get from food. Human civilization requires energy to function, which it gets from energy resources such as fossil fuels, nuclear fuel, or renewable energy. The processes of Earth's climate and ecosystem are driven by the radiant energy Earth receives from the Sun and the geothermal energy contained within the earth.

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  1. L

    A satellite in orbit in a system with one planet and two moons

    1) Considering the forces on one of the moons, I have: ##\frac{GMm}{(10R)^2}+\frac{Gm^2}{(20R)^2}=m\frac{v^2}{10R}\Leftrightarrow v=\sqrt{\frac{G}{10R}(M+\frac{m}{4})}.## 2) Considering the initial situation in which the satellite is at rest on the surface of the planet...
  2. Dario56

    I Potential Energy of an Electron-Nuclei Interaction in DFT

    In density functional theory (DFT), electron density is a central quantity. Because of this, we want to calculate electron - nuclei potential energy as functional on electron density. If we know how potential energy varies across space, we can calculate this functional with plugging particular...
  3. Dario56

    I Kinetic Energy and Potential Energy of Electrons

    Time indepedendent Schrödinger equation for a system (atom or molecule) consisting of N electrons can be written as (with applying Born - Oppenheimer approximation): $$ [(\sum_{i=1}^N - \frac {h^2} {2m} \nabla _i ^2) + \sum_{i=1}^N V(r_i) + \sum_{i < j}^N U(r_i,r_j)] \Psi = E \Psi $$ Terms in...
  4. A

    Finding kinetic energy and initial velocity of a cart over time

    Here's my list of variables and things to account for: m=100kg Wnc=5000J Wfriction=-500J -Kinetic energy will be doubled (though I don't know how that plays into it exactly) -I don't think there's any PE because it's on level ground My idea of what the equation might be: Wnc +1/2mv^2initial =...
  5. rudransh verma

    B What is the need for the concepts of Work and Energy (KE)?

    What is the need to introduce the concept of work and energy when the motion can be completely understood by the concept of force and acceleration and momentum and velocity and displacement, etc? Why do we need to understand the same thing once again in terms of Work and energy? Also the kinetic...
  6. W

    I A System is the transfer of energy between two mediums?

    Can a system be defined as the transfer of energy between two mediums? An example of this approach is the Rankine cycle for a power plant (water and steam cycle) This cycle would be defined by four systems. System 1 (boiler feed pump) Energy released by boiler feed pump…...Energy added to...
  7. Amaterasu21

    I Energy conservation in Doppler (NOT cosmological) redshifts?

    Hi all, My question is about Doppler redshifts, but I'm going to mention cosmological redshifts first because I'm a lay person as far as cosmology's concerned (I'm an amateur astronomer and did a few introductory astrophysics/cosmology courses at university, but my degree focus was planetary...
  8. TechmoUnity

    B Assistance finding the nuclear energy difference during nuclear fusion

    Hello! I have finished high school quite a few years ago. I did a physics course that went over nuclear fusion and fission, and I quite enjoyed it. However, I unfortunately no longer have those textbooks (I sold them on as many people do). Now I am doing a bit of programming in the field of...
  9. rudransh verma

    B About verification on Kinetic energy and work

    1. From resnik, Halliday “Kinetic energy K is energy associated with the state of motion of an object. The faster the object moves , the greater is the kinetic energy” If I am right this means that greater the kinetic energy, greater is its speed. 2. Force transfers energy to the body due to...
  10. penguin46

    How to tell if Energy is Conserved from the Lagrangian?

    I am fairly certain that the answer here is to differentiate partially with respect to time rather than fully. In Landau and Lifshitz' proof of energy conservation one of the hypotheses is that the partial of L wrt time is zero. Am I on the right track?
  11. Zeal Faust

    B What Function Does Dark Matter or Energy Serve?

    I have read that almost 80 to 90% of our space is made of dark matter or Dark Energy. But what is the function of this Dark matter or energy? Is this something that binds stars, galaxies, etc? If not then what is the actual matter with Dark energy?
  12. Anmoldeep

    Time dependant Potential Energy in ion trap

    Ion traps are very complex, but one of my Physics Olympiad textbooks presents a simplified model of a resonating charged particle in an ion trap A tuned circuit consists of an inductor and a parallel plate capacitor (capacitance C and plate separation d). It has a resonating frequency ##\nu...
  13. S

    Work done on dipole and potential energy in uniform electric field

    I encountered a problem regarding the appropriate sign needed to be taken for the work done on a dipole when it rotates in a uniform electric field and would appreciate some help. The torque on a dipole can be defined as τ=PEsinθ The work done on a dipole to move it from an angle ##\theta_0##...
  14. Istiak

    Calculating Energy From Charged Particles: 0.5869 J

    Generally, energy is ##U=9\times 10^{9} \times \frac{5\times 10^{-6}30\times 10^{-6}}{2+(10+20)\times 10^{-2}}=0.5869 J## <br/> After touching, they have charges ##q_1 and q_2 = 35\mu C-q_1## ##\frac{q_1}{10}=\frac{35\mu C-q_1}{20}## I was wondering where 1/10 and 1/20 coefficients come...
  15. T

    Relating k-values to energy diagrams and rate-determining steps

    I'm trying to understand a little bit more about how k-values relate to rate-determining steps and energy diagrams. I always assumed that the lowest value of k (in the forward direction) was the RDS saw something in a handout that indicated otherwise. It explained that even though k1 > k2...
  16. guyvsdcsniper

    Change in internal energy of a cylinder

    I believe I got the first part of this questions solved. For part b, we are asked to find the change in internal energy. We know ΔE=Q+W. The cylinder,gas and piston head are the system. The cylinder and piston head are well insulated, so there will be no head transfer, therefore Q=0. So now...
  17. K

    B Magnetic pendulum and electric energy....

    While reading about electromagnetism from the OpenStax books with my son (and doing some experiments), he asked this question. Suppose I hang a pendulum and make it oscillate inside a coil connected to a Galvanometer as shown in the schematic diagram: Hopefully the image is clear enough. His...
  18. Istiak

    Find the energy which was released when the 'Death Star' was destroyed

    > In the movie "Star Wars: A new Hope", Luke Skywalker blows up the 'death star'. Assume that the 'death star' is a perfectly spherical spaceship with uniform mass distribution. The mass of 'Death Star' ##M=1021 \mathrm{kg}## and the radius ##R=667\mathrm{km}## Estimate the amount of the energy...
  19. R3ap3r42

    Invariant mass and energy balance

    a) Two particles have energies E1 and E2, and momenta p1 and p2. Write down an expression for the invariant mass of this two-particle system. Leave your answer in terms of E1 and E2, and p1 and p2. b) A typical photon (γ) in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) has an energy of kBTCMB, where...
  20. L

    Work and kinetic energy comprehension question

    Hello, I’ll start by saying I have the answers and the steps to the solutions, but there’s a comprehension disconnect somewhere that I’m trying to figure out. There are two parts to my question but the second one may not apply depending on the answer to the first. I wasn’t sure from the forum...
  21. P

    The velocity of a movable block that is penetrated by an arrow

    This problem is in a chapter on momentum in the book basic engineering mechanics explained. Help me Mario
  22. L

    I The time derivative of kinetic energy

    Lets consider T(\vec{p})=\frac{\vec{p}^2}{2m}=\frac{\vec{p}\cdot \vec{p}}{2m}. Then \frac{dT}{dt}=\vec{v}\cdot \vec{F}. And if we consider T=\frac{p^2}{2m} than \frac{dT}{dt}=\frac{1}{2m}2p\frac{dp}{dt} Could I see from that somehow that this is \vec{v}\cdot \vec{F}?
  23. L

    Doubts on Exercise Wording: Energy Density & Poynting Vector

    I have doubts about the wording of the exercise: (1) energy density is ##u=\varepsilon_0 (cB)^2## but since the question asks for mean energy density should I perhaps average over ##cos^2 (\omega t)## (there due to the ##B^2##) and thus use ##<u>=\frac{1}{2}\varepsilon_0 (cB)^2##? (2) it seems...
  24. RogerWaters

    B How do the candidates for Dark Energy 'work'?

    When it comes to explaining some phenomena, I think in terms of mechanisms whereas physics explains through mathematics. With this in mind, I'm trying to compare and contrast the differences between the candidate explanations for dark energy, as nicely summarised on the NASA website...
  25. RogerWaters

    B Does dark energy or cosmic inflation explain flatness?

    As I understand, the main theoretical virtue of Guth's inflation hypothesis is that it explains a bunch of otherwise hard-to-account-for phenomena under the standard big bang model without inflation: the Horizon Problem, the Flatness problem, the Monopole problem, and also the problem of how...
  26. jeffinbath

    B Can the "Dark Energy" concept be wrong?

    With the latest view that free space has virtual particles constantly popping in and out of existence, is it now rational to argue that light can electromagnetically travel through free space for ever and ever without the slightest energy loss? Edwin Hubble found that the general red shift of...
  27. RogerWaters

    B Why doesn't cosmic inflation violate conservation of energy?

    Hi all, I'm not a physics student (although I have a PhD in a different field) and so don't have the math, but I'm trying to interpret a key passage from Krauss' book 'A Universe from Nothing' where he is (trying?) to explain, in 'layman's terms', what Alan Guth termed 'the ultimate free lunch'...
  28. S

    B Iron, Nuclear Stability and Nuclear Energy

    Iron (Fe-56) is in terms of nuclear energy spent, which seems equivalent to saying its nuclides are the most tightly-bound. Does this also make Fe-56 the most stable nucleus, and is nuclear potential energy to stability a general correlation? Do more-stable nuclei generally have less nuclear...
  29. R

    I Kinetic Energy derivation assumption?

    The classical definition to the Kinetic Energy equation is KE=integral of F*dx where F=d(m*v)/dt. When mass is constant, KE=(1/2)m*v^2. I am working on a vibration problem at work and having to review my Lagrangian Dynamics books from 30 years ago. So my question is about all of the authors...
  30. S

    Problem of spring block system: force vs conservation of energy

    I have used the work energy theorem like all source have shown me an have arrived at the right answer where work one by all the forces is the change in kinetic energy -1/2kx^2 - umgcosΘx +mgsinΘx = 0 is the equation which becomes -1/2kx -umgcosΘ+ mgsinΘ = 0 where k= spring constant u=...
  31. benagastov

    Finding all possible energy states faster without using a calculator

    I tried to find states in direct method using ##\frac{E}{E_0}=\:nx^2+ny^2+nz^2## and ##100\:<nx^2+ny^2+nz^2\:<\:136## But it was too long, found it using phi approximation there are around 300 energy states, and Python find around 271 states using direct method but I need manual or recursive...
  32. V

    Kinetic & Potential Energy of a Pendulum

    When the pendulum is released, the Kinetic Energy should be 0. When the pendulum is at the bottom/hits the rod, it should have 0 potential energy. However, I don't quite understand what happens after it hits the rod.
  33. L

    A Energy problem of light interference

    During equal thickness interference, adjust the inclination of the two plates to expand the spacing of interference fringes to 10mm. Then, if a light with a width of 5mm is used for equal thickness interference, whether an interference pattern will be observed, and the width of the interference...
  34. M

    Engineering Spring Deformation: Potential Energy Balance Incorrect?

    In the initial position the spring is previously compressed, then the block adds a force, and the spring is again deformed. I think the energy balance is incorrect; the potential energy of the spring is repeated.
  35. T

    A Covariant Derivative of Stress Energy Tensor of Scalar Field on Shell

    Hi all, I am currently trying to prove formula 21 from the attached paper. My work is as follows: If anyone can point out where I went wrong I would greatly appreciate it! Thanks.
  36. DrunkElk1601

    I Energy Transfer Between Inertia Wheels

    Been 20 years since college physics. I have a problem where there are basically two inertia wheels on separate shafts coupled by a clutch. One wheel is spinning and the other is at rest. The clutch engages and connects the shafts. What's the final rpm of both wheels? I'm struggling to find a...
  37. AppleiPad556

    Maximum angle made by rotating hinge with energy and gravity

    Hello! I had a random question while playing around with a garbage can that I hoped y'all could help me walk through: Let's say that I have a hinge on a table, rotating with gravity acting perpendicular to it. Energy is provided into the hinge, let's say by a spring, like so: I want to know the...
  38. A

    Gravitational potential energy traveling from earth to mars

    My attempt: Let ##M_e## be the mass of the Earth and ##M_m## be the mass of the person. Let ##D_{EM}## be the distance from Earth to Mars and let ##R_e## be the radius of the earth. Defining these constants (leaving off units for brevity): Masses in Kilograms (G is not a mass but I'll leave...
  39. bluesteels

    Does work = neg or pos change in potential energy?

    u = (9*10^9)(1.61*10^-19)^2 * (1/[3*10^-15 ]- 1/[2*10^-10]) u = 7.68*10^-14 J but here the question. I have been taught that W= -U so shouldn't the answer be negative?? When i look up at the solution all other sources say that the W = U and therefore the answer is in postive.
  40. E

    B Waste-to-energy question (not homework)

    Burning waste in a waste-to-energy plat, can more energy be produced by burning the trash then the amount of energy needed to heat the trash to the point it vaporises? (to turn it to ash) eg we have 100 J of energy inside some rubbish, and this energy would all be released when we incinerate the...
  41. M

    I Single particle energy detection

    Hello! If I have a single ion traveling at a given energy (on the order of 10 keV), is there a way to read out its energy in real time with a single pass? Basically I was wondering if there is a device able to measure the current or magnetic field induced by the ion passing through it (while...
  42. K

    Individual project on Energy harvesting using piezoelectric material

    I have two questions: 1) Is it possible to cut the material with a laser cutter or scissors or do I need to have a specific tool? 2) What is the best way to attach the PZT-5H material to the beam but it can be easily detached for using it on another beam ( so no epoxy glue)?Thank you
  43. sophiecentaur

    At last: a practical Energy Harvesting proposal?

    I was enjoying my (very short) hot shower this morning and realized that the lovely warm water was flowing over my body (sorry - too much information) only once and then disappearing down the drain. This water - and what comes out of the washing machine, dishwasher etc. could be at a seriously...
  44. L

    B Exploring the Concept of Energy Shape: Is Energy Limited by Matter?

    Physical objects have well defined shapes, but does energy ever create well defined shapes or can it only take shape within matter?
  45. C

    B Is matter a particular form of energy?

    Energy and mass are interdependent and electrons can manifest as particles and fields as do all other particles, but is it generally true that physical(classical) matter is a peculiar type of energy that can(for some reason? What?) manifest as physical objects?

    Confused about calculating the average energy from a distribution graph

    Hello, in one of tasks of my liquid scintillation lab is to determine the average energy. You can see from the graph that data I obtained is similar to this one that I have a excel sheet data. X-axis is for beta particle energy from 0-156keV while y-axis counts of the particles. So according to...
  47. erensatik

    The Physics of Wheel Movement: Exploring the Dynamics of Torque and Energy

    Why the wheel moves? I intuitively think that it should move to right but I don't really understand why. When AB gets longer by x each end gets longer by x/2 so W goes to right and down. This will create torque and body will move. This explanation seems valid but I can't calculate anything and...