Engineering physics Definition and 189 Threads

  1. A

    Programs Is Engineering Physics a Viable Path for Reaching My Career Goals?

    TL;DR: Your opinion on engineering physics? Hello, I'm new here. If this post does not belong here, I apologize and accept redirections. Before i get started, on the engineering physics stuff, I'd like to tell you a little about myself. >I'm currently in my last year of High School...
  2. A

    Undergraduate Engineering Physics To Graduate Aerospace Engineering

    Is it possible/okay to get your undergraduate degree in engineering physics and then go into graduate school and get your graduate degree in aerospace engineering> please help Thanks
  3. S

    Engineering Engineering Physics vs. Mechanical Engineering

    Hey forum Which one can be considered "better" and why? I'm inclining towards Engineering Physics for my master of science in engineering, but I haven't really looked into mechanical engineering and was wondering what the forum has to say about it.
  4. C

    Engineering Physics advice please

    If I do a B.Sc.Eng in Engineering Physics can I do a MEng in Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering or maybe Aerospace Engineering ? I like research allot, I like building stuff electrical, electronic and mechanical. I like to work on alternative power sources or design key sistems...
  5. D

    What's a good introductory book on Engineering Physics

    Please recommend a good introductory book on Engineering Physics. I'd like to buy a printed book, with a decent number of examples and samples. I've taken Calculus I, and are taking Calculus II this semester.
  6. I

    Programs MSE/EE joint degree or Engineering Physics?

    Right now I am a junior working towards an Engineering Physics degree and an EE minor. In addition to the physics, I've been/plan on taking a few EE and MSE classes that I have thought would be useful and interesting in the kind of work I could see myself doing. I looked over the MSE/EE joint...
  7. E

    Engineering About switching majors to Engineering Physics

    Hi there! I'm a 24 years old Junior in Aerospace Engineering at a respectable public university in the US. I have not taken many upper-level classes yet, mostly pre-reqs and core classes. Lately I have become increasingly disenchanted with my major, the main reason being that I feel that I'm...
  8. V

    Programs Jobs for an Engineering Physics major.

    Hello everyone, I am doing B.Tech. in Engineering Physics and in my final year right now. I come from a reputed institute we are generally offered on campus jobs although at my institute there aren't many core companies related to my major. Anyway, my plans are to obtain a masters degree. My...
  9. M

    What is Engineering Physics? ABET Accredited Degree in New England

    I am the father of an excellent young man. He is a junior in high school and is starting to look at colleges and possible majors. His natural interest is in pure physics, but he is smart enough to realize that engineering provides more career opportunities. Since money is an issue with his...
  10. O

    Engineering I'm just not sure Is Engineering Physics Worth it?

    Alright, here's the thing, and I'm going to try and make it as short as I can. I've always been interested in physics, and I'm thinking about choosing it as my career. I'm thinking about going into grad school for it. However, I want to also be able to have a good job after I graduate. Is...
  11. H

    Engineering physics employment prospects

    Hello, I recently developed an interest in the engineering physics program. The best engineering physics program in Canada is at UBC and U of T: take a look at the courses All the courses sound very interesting to me, and it definitely sounds...
  12. K

    Programs Careers with a degree in Engineering Physics

    Hello all! First off, Hello! I'm new to the forums and community, and hopefully i won't be leaving anytime soon :) And now for my questions. I will be attending my first year of Engineering physics at CarletonU this fall, and I'm extremely excited. The main reason for me choosing...
  13. G

    Engineering Can physicists (applied physics or engineering physics) work in robotics field?

    Can physicists (applied physics or engineering physics) work in robotics field?? Im currently in high school and graduating this december,,,, i love physics and robotics,, so i want to do physics in college (not ME or EE)... but after i graduate in college,,, am i qualified to be a robotics...
  14. L

    Is it a good idea to take Calc 2 and Engineering Physics in the summer?

    I've had to take a handful of prerequisites for Math and it's caused my academic schedule to get jacked up - To keep a full-time load in each semester I will have to take Calc2(4 credits) and Engineering Physics 1(4 credits) during next summer (eight week session). It would be a Mon-Thursday...
  15. T

    Engineering Physics degree or Engineering Physics degree for space?

    Next year is my final year in high school, and, rightly so, I've been thinking more and more about my future. This year I finished with high marks in math and physics, and a decent grade in chemistry. I know it is presumptuous to assume that I would certainly get into either a Physics program or...
  16. X

    Engineering physics undergrad to Aerospace grad

    I am currently deciding between going for an aerospace degree or an engineering physics degree with concentrations in space topics (propulsion, system design, etc). I am interested in propulsion systems and possibly doing research and development in this this field. I think enjoy the science...
  17. A

    Engineering Please please reply soon scope of engineering physics

    I wanted to know the scope of engineering physics in future. i also wanted to know what is the core study that is done in this subject and which type of establishments or companies pick such students?what are the areas in which we can get post can we get it in nano science or...
  18. J

    BS in space studies for MS. In engineering physics?

    I was thinking since alone it's a bit general I could fill my electives with physics 1 and 2 , diff equations, chem, etc and a ton of math. Would that be enough to get me into a grad engineering prog? It is the BS in space studies from APUS.
  19. A

    Scope of Engineering Physics from IIT?

    Scope of Engineering Physics from IIT? please tell me about wat we are taught in Engineering Physics. Wat is the scope of this branch ?? shall i take it in IT BHU ?? (i am geting that Branch here easily)
  20. S

    Decide Between Waterloo/Queens/UBC Physics & Engineering Degrees

    I have until June 1st/2nd to decide my university I am still torn between engineering and science, though I am leaning towards science (if I had to choose one). With Waterloo physics, I could use the co-op system as a way to gain some (hopefully paid) research experience and then go on to grad...
  21. A

    Is Aeronautical Engineering a Viable Path for Physics Research Aspirations?

    This is a multifaceted question that pertains to both the academic and career fields, but since it has a little mode to do with academia, I thought posting here would be appropriate. I am soon to begin university, and I have recently developed a strong desire to get into physics research. I...
  22. Z

    Engineering physics or Mathematical physics

    Hi, So I'm with a real dilemma and I only have a few days to make a choice. My situation is the following: I'm 18 years old and next year I'm going to start university in Canada (Montreal). I have already applied in engineering physics and got accepted. However, the problem is that I'm really...
  23. G

    Engineering B.S. Degree in Engineering Physics?

    Hi, I was wondering what kind of jobs are available to someone with such a degree. Could I pass as a mechanical or electrical engineer with such a degree even though I don't have a B.S. in mechanical or electrical engineering? I'm going to college and am currently signed up to go to school...
  24. B

    Programs Engineering physics w/ comp. sci minor or bs physics

    i'm a rising junior at a midwestern university deciding between engineering physics -contemporary physics w/ lab -electronics w/lab -2 computational/math based physics courses -minor in computer science -concentration in materials physics (fluids mechEng, material physics lab, & physics therm...
  25. S

    Programs Physics or Engineering Physics degree? Both requirements met.

    I'm interested in both physics and engineering. After undergrad, I would like to pursue a masters in engineering, then a PhD in physics. Right now, I'm taking both physics and engineering courses. I will meet the requirements for both the physics or engineering physics major. Since my...
  26. T

    Was debating about Elec. engineering and physics How about engineering physics?

    Was debating about Elec. engineering and physics... How about engineering physics?? There's not much info on engineering physics. I've read quite a lot of posts about people that loved physics but chose to go for electrical engineering, and most of them seem happy with their choice. From what...
  27. C

    Is Engineering Physics a better way to get a career in Physics?

    Firstly thanks for reading my post. I was wondering would going to University for a Bachelors in Engineering Physics be the best way to get a career in Physics or would a Bachelors of science with a Chemical Physics/Physical Chemistry or a Physics major be a better option? I'm currently a Grade...
  28. G

    Schools University fpr Engineering Physics in an english speaking country

    Hello I'm a student from Germany and I'm studying Engineering Physics in the end of the 5th semester. I really want to study in an english speaking country like USA, Australia or UK. It is the biggest dream I ever had. Unfortunally I never was the best student in my courses. I would say...
  29. X

    Electrical Engineering vs Engineering Physics

    Hello, I'm at the stage of deciding to switch to Engineering Physics or stay in Electrical Engineering. I'm currently a Sophomore Electrical Engineer major that just transferred to University this semester. I was originally a Physics major at the community college but switched eventually...
  30. Shackleford

    Is ERAU a Good Choice for a Master's in Engineering Physics?

    What sets an "engineering physics" degree apart from a physics or engineering degree? I will graduate next Spring with a B.S. Mathematics and Physics minor. Is ERAU a well-respected university?
  31. X

    Engineering What can an engineering physics graduate do?

    I am kind of worried about the jobs i can get after graduating with an Engineering Physics degree right now. I am not that research kind of guy and i am really interested in jobs in engineering part. However, i did a lot of research and most of them show that jobs out there for engineering...
  32. K

    Engineering Masters of engineering physics and employability

    I'm currently working on my bachelors in engineering physics and mathematics. I plan on getting a doctorate in particle physics but decided to get a masters in something engineering related that won't take me too far off the path physics. That way, I can make sure I get employed after I graduate...
  33. G

    Engineering Physics vs. Physics

    What is the difference between majoring in Engineering Physics or just Physics? Other than the obvious engineering courses you would have to take... I want to do research in physics, maybe even modern physics like string theory and quantum mechanics. Is one major preferable over the other for...
  34. P

    Engineering What Other Job Opportunities Are Available for Engineering Physics Graduates?

    Hello physics forum! I am currently working on my first semester towards an engineering physics degree, after receiving a bachelors of accountancy. I decided I didnt want to be an accountant for the rest of my life, and have always had an interest in physics, so I figured I would give it a shot...
  35. P

    What graduate applied physics or engineering physics programs?

    I will be graduating in December with a B.S. in physics, GPA about 3.6 in major. What schools in the U.S. (preferably Northeast) would you guys recommend for applied physics or engineering physics programs? Also possible are EE programs which are friendly to physics undergrads, which seem to be...
  36. K

    Engineering Engineering Physics degree and employment

    I'm a 2nd year Engineering Physics and Mathematics major, and I have loved all the classes I have taken thus far. I took some college classes in high school and received some credit through AP tests, so I'm already a semester and 1/2 ahead of most of my peers. I plan on going to grad school for...
  37. N

    MechE or Engineering physics for a future in the nuclear field

    Hi, first of all i would like to apologize for the probably rather bad English. I am this semester starting my first year at the university. It starts of with three years (undergrad) and then ends with a two year masters exam. The field is Mechanical engineering. So the masters that i can...
  38. V

    Engineering Physics vs. Honors Physics

    Hi,I am trying to decide between the engineering physics program and the honors physics program at my university. The engineering physics program at my university is fairly similar to this one: . The honors physics program is fairly standard. My...
  39. S

    Engineering Physics Degree: Options and Benefits

    "Engineering Physics"? So currently I been planning on specifying my major as Electrical Engineering, but mechanical has my interest too along with physics. I thought about a degree in physics but it has a lot of liberal arts baggage attached to it and is not offered at the engineering...
  40. V

    Engineering Physics: Preparing for Graduate School Aerodynamics

    I am enrolled by Engineering Physics undergrad program in UIUC. My intention to choose this major is to have a ground knowledge in physics and math as well as have some idea of engineering. Since I will definitely go to graduate school so my present puzzle is how well can this major prepare for...
  41. K

    Programs What can I do with this Engineering Physics degree?

    I'll be attending University of Illinois in the Fall and am planning on majoring in Engineering Physics. I was trying to figure out what exactly I could do with this degree after graduating. Could I get into an MSEE program? or another field of engineering? Would I have any decent job...
  42. G

    Engineering Electrical engineering and engineering physics

    I should have posted this here before. Oops. *gets a n00b hat* I really want to go into engineering. Badly. And I always come back to electrical engineering. But I don't have enough room in my schedule next year to take electronics in high school. So, how am I supposed to figure out if I want...
  43. G

    So, Oregon State, engineering physics, and software engineering?

    So, I'm a junior, but I'm planning on going to Oregon State. My two friends are going with me, and we plan on splitting bills and stuff like that. My whole family has kind of gone there, and I was hoping to break tradition, but I really love Oregon. I belong there. I was going to go for my...
  44. K

    Engineering Senior in Engineering Physics: Job search advice

    Hello all, I'm a senior in Engineering Physics, about to graduate in May with a bachelors, and I'm looking for a job. I'm not sure where to look. What kinds of companies hire people like me (especially companies in Illinois)? The classes I've taken include the basic physics core (mechanics...
  45. G

    Engineering Queen's engineering physics graduates' job prospects

    Hi, I am a Chinese student who has just been admitted to Queen's university(engineering physics). I plan to be an engineer in the future but I don't know if I could get a job easily after graduating from engineering physics. What is more, someone told me that the engineering physics in...
  46. M

    Engineering Physics or Physics for Undergrad Studies?

    Hi everyone! My second thread here. I'm a graduating high school student. I'm mainly looking at going into undergrad studies in physics at University of Toronto or McMaster University. However, I'm stuck with a choice here - Engineering Physics or Physics. At University of Toronto, Engineering...
  47. D

    Engineering Physics: Pursuing a Master's/PhD Without ABET Accreditation?

    I will be a freshman in college next year and want to major in engineering physics. The problem is that the program is not ABET accredited. I know that to get a PE liscense one needs to get a degree at an ABET accredited program. However, I plan on going on to grad school. Will the lack of a PE...
  48. J

    How general physics differ from engineering physics

    I want to know how general physics differ from engineering physics my younger sister want to take engineering physics as her career, i said both are same, but she said different i have challenged her that i will tell the difference by tommorrow can anyone tell me the exact difference of general...
  49. G

    Engineering Is Engineering Physics a well known degree?

    If one were to get a B.Sc. in Engineering Physics, would one be seen as an engineer or a scientist? I have some trepidation about continuing in EngPhys if I won't be considered for engineering positions after college. I remember reading somewhere that most employers see an EngPhys degree as...
  50. J

    Programs Engineering Physics and Graduate Degrees

    Hello, I am an Engineering Physics major. Are there graduate engineering degrees offered for engineering physics? For example M.eng and D.eng? At which universities? Also, *What is the issue regarding offering graduate degrees with EP? Thanks, Jounce