Errors Definition and 347 Threads

An error (from the Latin error, meaning "wandering") is an action which is inaccurate or incorrect. In some usages, an error is synonymous with a mistake.
In statistics, "error" refers to the difference between the value which has been computed and the correct value. An error could result in failure or in a deviation from the intended performance or behavior.

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  1. A

    Planned To Make a Presentation But Notice Serious Errors

    I have an interview with a top company coming up in about 2 weeks. I intended to make a nice slide show reviewing a project that I carried out my senior year. However... I noticed when I was reviewing my data I did not apply certain correction factors to account for my test set up. After...
  2. Jean Tate

    Combining estimated errors (galaxy properties, observational)

    Not sure if this is the right place to put this (sorry, first post here) Suppose I determine that the position angle (PA) of a galaxy, in one band - observed by SDSS - is -85.4 ± 8.9°, and is 84.7 ± 10.9° in another. Assuming - for now - that the errors have a Gaussian distribution, and that...
  3. 1

    6÷2(2+1), and the shocking errors that people make.

    This "problem" is floating around facebook & youtube: 6÷2(2+1) Now, we all know the answer is 9. The other common answer, 1, was often due to a mistake in thinking that multiplication is of higher precedence than division in order of operations, which was probably the problem's intended...
  4. V

    Solving Gambit Meshing Errors on Helical Tube

    I am quite new to using Gambit and I having problems with mesh generation for my helical tube. I split the entire volume into 4 smaller volumes. Now, when I try to mesh each one of them errors start to crop up. These are the errors associated with the meshing of each volume 1. independent...
  5. F

    Propagation of Errors - Error on Gradient

    Homework Statement So I'm trying to calculate the error on the gradient I've obtained for my lab work. The line of best fit is too precise to use the parallelogram method and I'm still at the stage of my course where calculations of the gradient and such must be done by hand and not using a...
  6. alane1994

    MHB Solving an IVP: Finding Euler Approximations & Errors

    Here is my problem, I have been trying this for a couple of hours. I have sought help with a professor, and yet we still couldn't get it. Here is the question in full. Consider the initial value problem below to answer the following. a)Find the approximations to y(0.2) and y(0.4) using Euler's...
  7. B

    Fixing Roman Numeral Conversion Program Errors

    I am trying to make a program that let's a user input a number(which counts up 20 elements) and that is converted into roman numerals. I need 2 parallel arrays, one which holds only positive numbers and one which holds only strings. I keep getting 2 error messages "+= int differs in levels of...
  8. C

    Systematic vs Random Errors or Quality of Data

    Both the copper wire and the light bulb became hotter and hotter when a current was constantly passing through them, resulting in an increase in their resistances, which in turn lowering the value of the current through the conductor. (I did not allow time for both the wire and the light bulb to...
  9. J

    Simulation aborted because there are errors during netlisting

    I have built the following circuit: However, when I try to simulate it, I get an error that says "Simulation aborted because there are errors during netlisting. Please refer to the sessions log." What am I doing wrong? I'm new...
  10. L

    Errors in this experimental physics lab

    Homework Statement Errors that might arise through this experiment: A puck upon a air table which makes certain dots with a specific length in between each of them for a 50 g mass and a 150 g mass, we need to find the acceleration, which i did and the coefficient of the friction that they...
  11. H

    Probability of type 1/type 2 errors and distribution of p-values

    Hi, I had a statistics exam today and there were three questions about which I felt a little uneasy. The questions which felt too easy involved finding the probability of type 1 and type 2 errors. The scenario was that a lie detector test was given to 1000 people. Of those 1000 people, 500...
  12. Y

    Electrical eng, my vectors for KVL and KCL aren't adding up - no errors in math

    I've been asked to prove KVL and KCL using this circuit, but my vectors don't add up. ei Vr1+ Vr2 + Vc1+Vc2 ≠ Vtotal, same goes for Current, but I at least got the correct angle for the current Tried using vector addition, using addition of the vectors in complex form and even tried using this...
  13. I

    Camera projection errors measuring length

    So here's the situation, say i record, presuming the camera is perfectly vertical, an object falling next to a ruler. I then find how many pixels that ruler is and from there i can translate how many pixels the object has moved into how far the object has moved. The question is how reliable is...
  14. S

    Errors in Measurement: Types, Sources & Comparison

    Here's what I understand... Types of errors 1.Systematic errors Zero Error errors due to slow stopwatches errors due to incorrectly graduated scales 2.Random errors error due to unevenness of the measuring item parallax error Ways of comparing errors Absolute...
  15. B

    Errors and Numerical Integration

    Wasn't sure where to ask this but here goes: Suppose one needs to work out the area under an experimental peak using numerical integration and every data point has an error in y. How do you go about providing a sensbile error on the integrated area? My current thinking is that the error in...
  16. L

    Solving Percentage Errors: Different Magnitudes for Positive & Negative

    How can you get positive and negative errors to be different in magnitude? for example - when calculating the error of the area of an annulus from two circular areas (ie subtracting one from the other, why is the positive error greater than the negative error Thanks
  17. S

    Physics help-Sources of errors and limitations

    Physics help---Sources of errors and limitations Two sources of errors and limitations for Eiffel tower lab to prove that it expands in the summer when it is heated and it contracts in the winter when it cools. Here is the procedure for the experiment i designed: 1. Attach a fixed stick to...
  18. trollcast

    How can I improve my technique to avoid silly errors in my A Level exams?

    Just wondering what anyone thinks is a good way to try and stop the silly mistakes I keep making that could become a major hinderance next year for my a levels. (Some A Levels have silly grade boundaries and the top boundary can be ~95%, which for a paper out of a total of 75 marks isn't a lot.)...
  19. J

    Problems that are wrong that I must find errors

    Basically what I am trying to do is solve problems by finding errors in the run down of the problem. An example would be one of those proofs that 1=2, debunking them. I want to find problems like that; a lot harder and more relevant to what I am learning. Would like it for single variable...
  20. I

    Stupid Errors on Tests: How to Avoid Them

    I've always been the type to get the concept perfectly yet make some stupid algebra or general time based error on the tests. All through my schooling career, stupid mistakes have dogged me time and time again. I never took a proper algebra course(long story involving Christian fundamentalism...
  21. G

    How many arithmetic and basic algebra errors do you make

    when i do higher maths i make a tone of basic algebra and arithmetic mistakes. i was going a basic AX = B using LU decomposition in linear algebra and I had to go back and check my basic math about 6 times before i got the right answer. is it just me or do a lot of people do this?
  22. andrewkirk

    LaTeX Latex keeps on getting parsing errors

    I keep on getting errors from Latex. For instance the following code looks OK to me but won't parse: g(\vec{\bar{V}}_S, \vec{U}(1)) =\ _Sg_{ik}(O) _S\bar{V}_S^i _SU(1)^k However if I break it with the insertion of a close and then an open itex delimiter, the first bit parses but the...
  23. P

    Errors in Cv Testing Results for Dynamic Torque Test

    Hi all, Preface: So I have run several series of dynamic torque tests on different size 1/4 turn Butterfly valves. In the test, I am measuring upstream pressure, downstream pressure, valve angle (90° is open, 0 is closed), and torque on a transducer. I know the flow rate, which is in GPM...
  24. 1

    How do I combine relative errors in particle energy measurements?

    Hi, I'm getting confused in combining relative errors. I have a relative error in evaluating the energy of some particle which is due to a wrong location of the spectrogram centre. this errors affects the energy and the relative error due to the energy resolution of the system. Thus I have...
  25. F

    MATLAB Need help with Matlab code for gauss siedel i get errors, need imediat help

    Please I need HELP IMEDIATLY This is the error message that i get ? Error using ==> gauss_sied Too many input arguments. Error in ==> HW_14 at 23 [x_wo, cnt, x_w,cntt] = gauss_sied(xo, A, b, es, lam); clc clearC = [-8 1 -2 -20 2 -6 -1 -38 -3 -1 7 -34]; A = C(:,1:end-1); b = C(:,end);nr =...
  26. R

    Global Errors when solving the Equation of Motion

    Hi All, I’m implementing a code to solve the equation of motion using the 4-step Adams-Bashforth method. Here’s my section of code that does this: a=F/m; upnew= up + delta *( (55/24)*a - (59/24)*am1 +(37/24)*am2 - (3/8)*am3 )...
  27. A

    MATLAB Matlab function errors while using loop

    Hi, Please assist, I write this MATLAB function and receive the error below function f=myfunn(z,x,K,L1,L2,phi) for c=1:3 f=z(c)-(x(2,c).*K(c).*L1)-(x(1,c).*phi(2,c).*L2)./phi(1,c); end function f=myfunn(z,x,K,L1,L2,phi) | Error: Function definitions are not permitted in...
  28. D

    C programming compiling syntax errors

    Got some errors when compiling and not sure what is the problem and how to fix it # include<stdio.h> #define FLEETSIZE 10 typedef struct { int day, month, year; }Date_t; typedef struct { char make[15]; Date_t manufactureDate; Date_t...
  29. A

    MATLAB Using multiple functions in matlab Errors

    Dear All, Please I need your assistance in solving this MATLAB problem. I will be glad to hear from you as early as possible. Thanks for your anticipated help I have three functions First one function f_PR_W=Newtonphasemolefraction1(W_PR, z,C,K_PR ) f_PR=0; for c=1:C...
  30. A

    MATLAB Errors in using multiple functions in matlab

    Hi, Please I need your assistance in solving this MATLAB problem. Thanks for your anticipated help I have three functions First one function f_PR_W=Newtonphasemolefraction1(W_PR, z,C,K_PR ) f_PR=0; for c=1:C f_PR_W=f_PR+z(c).*(1-K_PR(c))./(1+W_PR.*(K_PR(c)-1)); end...
  31. S

    Fortran Fortran, why do i suddenly get new errors?

    Do subroutines return values only? Sorry for the wrong title! I currently have a subroutine which should return y like (the actual formula is a bit more complex): y=cos(t) When i call the subroutine and then make a do-loop to test y for different t, it gives 1 value only. Does the subroutine...
  32. M

    Defining SD from a set of errors

    Hi, I never took stats so maybe this doesn't make sense or is really simple, either way any help is appreciated. I have a series of data, say Xi (i=1,...1000) and a series of true values of that data, say Ti. Each true value is different and independent. Is it possible to get some kind of...
  33. C

    Advanced Calculus - Taylor errors

    This might be a weird quest and in the wrong section but does anyone know of a list with errors and corrections for the book "Advanced Calculus" by Taylor & Mann 3rd ed? Thanks
  34. T

    MATLAB Matlab errors in initialization

    My Matlab was fine, until one day these messages started appearing on the console when I start Matlab: Warning: MATLAB Toolbox Path Cache is out of date and is not being used. Type 'help toolbox_path_cache' for more info Undefined function or method 'mpower' for input arguments of type...
  35. J

    MATLAB Errors while solving an inverted matrix in Matlab

    Hey, i've been trying to find a better fit for a correlation, the numbers I'm dealing with are really small and when i try to solve for the coefficients using the inverse function on the matrices in Matlab i get this error: Warning: Matrix is close to singular or badly scaled. Results may...
  36. D

    Help with errors in my BinaryTree code

    Mod note: I added [ code ] and [ /code ] tags. Homework Statement I am having touble with errors in this code and honestly I have nothing on why it does not work so if anyone can help it will be much appreciated! The errors are in the BinaryTree class I will bold the mistakes in the program...
  37. K

    Mathematica Mathematica: Adams Bashforth-Moulton method and its errors

    Greetings PF. I am new to the subject of numerical methods and I'm interested in using the Adams method in Mathematica, this one with a predictor-corrector algorithm, to numerically solve a system of differential equations (first-order system). As I'm pretty green I was reading this page...
  38. X

    Tips for Reducing Test Errors: A College Freshman's Struggle with Dumb Mistakes

    I am a 2nd semester freshman in college, and I am absolutely sick of making dumb mistakes on tests! For my first 2 tests this semester, I've received unsatisfactory grades because I messed up an integral here or added something wrong there. I feel like when I get to a test, I cannot think...
  39. T

    MATLAB Matlab matrix bar graph with errors

    As in the title I have a MATLAB graph. Its a bar chart with two sets of data done in matrix form. When I try and put in error bars the way I'm used to they both go on but in the middle of the two sets of data. Any way I can make them appear over the actual bars? Any help greatly appreciated...
  40. N

    Identify any errors in the name of each hydrocarbon?

    Homework Statement Identify any errors in the name of each hydrocarbon? 2,4-diethyloctane The Attempt at a Solution I drew a complete diagram of the molecule but I still do not understand what is wrong with it. Thank you.
  41. A

    Errors in Left and Right Approximation in Calculus?

    Moderator's note: This thread is a perfect example of what not to do in the homework help forums. It is unacceptable for the opening poster not to work through the problem and to demand answers. It is inappropriate for the helper to give out those answers, or tell the poster exactly what to do...
  42. S

    What to plot as the errors for a moving average plot of temperature?

    I have been monitoring the temperature of a mirror surface placed outside at night. The temperature is measured at 10s intervals and so, as you can imagine, a plot of the data for one period is quite noisy. I have therefore decided to "smooth" the data by plotting a moving average over a...
  43. M

    Errors in fitting to data, relationship to residue

    Hi, I'd like to fit a straight line to some data which is noisey with gaussian noise with some st dev. Using least squares, I can estimate the slope and intercept. I'd like to know the uncertainty in these numbers. I can find the residue, I believe this is a measure of the variance of the...
  44. A

    Help with Intro Programming: Debugging Errors

    hey I am doing a intro programming class and I am running into some problems. would really appreciate some help to see where I went wrong. Been trying to figure it out for hours now. Someone please help me out These are my errors c: In function ‘main’: c:33:9: error: expected identifier or...
  45. C

    Fortran Why Does My Fortran Subroutine Return the Same Value?

    Hii, Having trouble with some code I am writing, where a subroutine returns the same value regardless of different variable inputs. ... C Calculate Yth and Chi values. Compute sum of Chi-squared. Subroutine Chisquared(CPREV,CHISQ) Real...
  46. B

    Bunch of questions that may have typographical errors in the answer key

    I have a problem that involves these questions, what i need you to do is to verify if the textbook answers are typographical errors. Ill show my solutions and have to tell me which part i get wrong. Homework Statement 1. A corner lot is 35m on one street and 25m on the other street. The...
  47. P

    Calculating Mean Value Error: Tips for Undergrad Lab Work | Matt's Question

    Homework Statement I'm an undergrad doing labs, and I was wondering how to get the error in a mean value, given that I know the errors of each individual value? This is probably a simple question, but any help is appreciated. Thanks, Matt.
  48. K

    Physics lab work - calculating % errors

    I have a table of these 10 readings, 149.6 150.9 149.7 147.9 147.7 152.4 149.8 152.2 153.2 148.9 They were taken on an optical bench where the smallest unit of measurement was 1mm. I'm trying to calculate the +- error but I'm not sure how to. I've came across 3 methods so far...
  49. J

    (TexnicCenter) How to locate errors in code

    Hi I recently uploaded what I think is the most recent update to TexnicCenter. In the past, when I built a file, I could double-click on an error message in the output window and a green arrow would appear at the line number in the source code where the error occurred. That doesn't work...
  50. O

    What are some experimental errors associated with spectrophotommetry?

    This isn't an actual calculation homework problem I'm having but rather a lab discussion. I'm trying to find experimental errors of the experiment where you determine an equilibrium constant using spectrophotometry. The reaction is: Fe 3+ + SCN - = FeSCN 2+ we used Fe(NO3)3 - iron (3)...