Escape velocity Definition and 220 Threads

  1. N

    Escape velocity and kinetic energy

    is it right to say, "when all the potential energy is converted in kinetic energy the object is moving at the escapevelocity. and "when the change in potential energy and kinetic energy is constant at the same time it is laying still on the ground or in a perfect circulair orbit. and the last...
  2. F

    Escape Velocity = Freefall from Height of One Radius?

    I was doing some calculations using the escape velocities from Earth, Moon and Mars. Then by chance I calculated the velocities attained when an object was "dropped" from a height of the radius on each of these bodies, assuming the acceleration due to gravity remained constant during the fall...
  3. victorhugo

    Why is the "escape velocity formula" the "escape velocity"?

    I'm doing my HSC physics course and I was playing around with the algebra in space unit and came upon something that confused me (note this isn't required to know by the syllabus except knowing that escape velocity is the velocity to escape from a planet's gravitational field) Ok, so from the...
  4. Y

    Will Radial Escape Velocity Launch a Satellite Into Orbit?

    If we provide a satellite with escape velocity perpendicular to the earth(radially), would it start orbiting it?
  5. Z

    Gravitational pull of Earth and escape velocity

    I know once the escape velocity is reached, the object will continuous to move away from the Earth. But the Earth's gravity can still act on the object no matter how far it goes, so what keeps the object from stopping or even returning back to Earth? Thanks in advance!
  6. Neon

    Discovering Earth's Escape Velocity: The Ultimate Measure of Gravity's Power

    The Earth's escape velocity is in km per s. But i can jump off the ground! i know but the estimate for the Earth's escape velocity in for an object of what mass? Defintely more than a ton.
  7. G

    Exploring Earth's Escape Velocity: A Non-Physics Perspective

    Hi, First FYI, I have no education in physics. Anyway - I know Earth's escape velocity is about 41,000 kph. Anything less, and you'll eventually fall down back to earth. Two points that seem to contradict each other - 1. Escape velocity gets decreased the farther away you are from the...
  8. P

    Why is black hole photon sphere outside the event horizon?

    Homework Statement I am preparing a report on black holes and I recently learned about a phenomenon I was previously unaware of: the photon sphere of a black hole. While reading an article on said occurrence (I have now confirmed this on multiple sources) the photon sphere which is the minimum...
  9. Ajit Kumar

    Thrown Object & Earth's Escape Velocity

    If an object is thrown upwards with escape velocity, will it orbit the earth?
  10. a1call

    What's Wrong with Vacuum-Filled Vertical Tube Escape Velocity?

    Ignoring drag, terminal velocity and friction, input 1143 seconds here: It yields a velocity of 11.2 km/s (Earth's Escape Velocity) at freefall from a height of 6.4 km (a fraction of the height/depth of Everest, Antarctic ice cap and deepest oceanic...
  11. Stephanus

    What is the escape velocity of Earth?

    What is escape velocity? According to Wikipedia Earth: Escape velocity: 11.186km/s? What does that mean? Does the projectile should be fired perpendicular with respect to the ground angle? According to this: According to this, can the projectile be fired in...
  12. 1

    How Does Planet X's Gravity Affect Rocket Escape Velocity?

    1. Problem A rocket has landed on Planet X, which has half the radius of Earth. An astronaut onboard the rocket weighs twice as much on Planet X as on Earth. If the escape velocity for the rocket taking off from Earth is v , then its escape velocity on Planet X is a) 2 v b) (√2)v c) v d) v/2 e)...
  13. AakashPandita

    Escape velocity earth confusion

    Namaste If escape velocity on Earth is 11 km/s and velocity of Earth is 30 km/s how is that the atmosphere doesn't escape the pull of earth. Is the escape velocity with reference to Earth ? I don't think so because when finding the formula we add kinetic and potential energy and then equate to...
  14. Chris T.

    Escape Velocity, with varying acceleration as a(y)

    Homework Statement Find: The minimum initial velocity at which a projectile should be shot vertically from the surface of the Earth so that it does not fall back to Earth. Note: This requires that v=0 as y approaches infinity. Homework Equations a = -g[(R^2)/((R+y)^2)] g = 9.81 m/s^2 R =...
  15. N

    Escape velocity for Saturn (Introductory Mechanics)

    Homework Statement The radius of Saturn (from the center to just above the atmosphere) is 60,300 km (60300✕10^3 m), and its mass is 570✕10^24 kg. An object is launched straight up from just above the atmosphere of Saturn. (a) What initial speed is needed so that when the object is far from...
  16. C

    Escape velocity (from the earth) of the Earth-Sun system

    Escape velocity is an estimate of the launch velocity of a spacecraft (without any propulsion) to overcome a planet system's gravitational pull in order to escape to ``infinity''. In this problem we consider both the gravitational attraction of the Earth and Sun (but ignoring the effects of...
  17. lukestar

    Question about Space shuttle escaping Earth

    My understanding is that for space shuttle to escape Earth it needs to travel at a certain high velocity. So, what happens to the space shuttle if it doesn't reach the escape velocity at edge of Earth's atmosphere to space? The question I'm asking and the answer I'm seeking is something like...
  18. M

    Determine its escape velocity in miles/s?

    Homework Statement A space probe is to be launched from a space station 200 miles above Earth. Determine its escape velocity in miles/s. Take Earth's radius to be 3960 miles. Homework Equations None. The Attempt at a Solution m(dv/dt)=-(mgR^2)/(x+R)^2 dv/dt=-(gR^2)/(x+R)^2 Now what? The...
  19. Suraj M

    Escape velocity and kinetic theory

    Homework Statement imagine a planet with half the mass and half the radius of Earth ..with temperature reaching 800K k=1.38×10-23 mass of O₂ = 5.3×10-26 does the planet have O₂ or not? Homework Equations ½mv² = ½kT or ½mv² = kT or ½mv²= 3/2 kT either only vertical or anything other than...
  20. Zack Davis

    Escape Velocity and Gravitational Force

    Hey Guys! I've been doing a few equations in regards to planetary escape velocity and gravitational force. The below links have the escape velocity of listed planet on the left side of the board, the gravitational force between the Sun and given planet on the right side. In the middle of the...
  21. Zack Davis

    What is Saturn's Escape Velocity and How Do I Calculate It?

    Hey guys and girls. I've been trying to calculate Saturn's Escape Velocity but my answer is coming out way to high. Could someone demonstrate how I would go about finding Saturn's Escape Velocity?
  22. S

    Time dilation on the surface of a planet and escape velocity time dilation

    If an object falls through a planet's entire grav. field, before impact it's velocity will be the escape velocity. I assume the time dilation for an observer on the object will be the same as for an observer on the planet. They're not added together. Another point - since time dilation on a...
  23. B

    Confused on escape velocity derivation

    I'm confused on how you get the formula v=root(2GM/R²). I know you can use work=forcexdisplacement (W=Fd) so F=W/d. W=½mv² and R=d. Hence, F=½mv²/R Equate that to F=GmM/R² and rearrange to get v=root(2GM/R²). That makes sense as it involves the kinetic energy needed/work done in reaching orbit...
  24. C

    Escape velocity of an Earth-Moon system

    Homework Statement What velocity is required to escape from the Earth-Moon system from the surface of the Moon? Assume that all of the necessary velocity is imparted at once, as with a cannon or rail gun on the Moon itself. In what direction must the initial velocity vector be pointed to...
  25. C

    Escape velocity of an artificial satellite

    Hey, I'm doing a research on artificial satellites, and I'm really confused about the escape velocity required for an artificial satellite to escape from the gravitational attraction of the Earth. I know that the equation for it is v^2 = 2GM/r , and with that, the rocket should launch at that...
  26. Greg Bernhardt

    What is Escape Velocity and How is it Calculated?

    Definition/Summary The minimum launch speed needed to ensure a projectile on the surface of a body will completely break free from its gravitational pull. Escape velocity (being a speed, rather than a velocity) is a scalar. Escape velocity is the same for any mass of projectile, and for...
  27. W

    Black Holes and escape velocity

    It is my understanding that at the most fundamental level, a black hole is simply an object with a gravitational field so strong that there exists a sphere that lies outside the body of mass of that object from which the escape velocity is equal to the speed of light. In other words, a body of...
  28. dean barry

    Is the Barycentric Escape Velocity Truly Mass-Independent?

    After calculating the gravitational PE using : PE = ( G * m1 * m2 ) / d Then i split the result into KE between the two bodies according to the ratio of the masses, then calculated the individual velocities from those (based on KE = ½ * m * v ²) Any comments ?
  29. xortdsc

    Escape velocity of electron/positron pair

    Hi, is there a way to compute the escape velocity/kinetic energy of a newly created electron/positron pair ? Or in other words: How much excess energy (beyond 2 times electron mass) has to be put into the creation such that they will escape each other into infinity ? Thanks and cheers
  30. C

    Escape velocity and tangential impulse

    Here is the problem. A rocket of mass m is in a circular orbit around the Earth at a distance R from the center. (a) What tangential impulse, mΔv, must be given to the body so that it just escapes to infinity? My attempt: I set the problem in terms of energy...
  31. D

    Escape Velocity Calculations for Multiple Masses

    Hello, I had some questions on escape velocity. The only methods that I have seen on escape velocity involve the assumption that the mass which is "being escaped from" remains at rest (at a fixed point in space). For example the method of determination of escape velocity using Ki+Ui=Kf+Uf seems...
  32. V

    Are Modifications Needed for Escape Velocity in Elliptical Orbits?

    The escape velocity of a satellite circularly orbiting a large body comes from conservation of energy. Are there any modifications that must be made for the escape velocity of an elliptical orbit? Thanks in advance!
  33. K

    Conservation energy to find escape velocity

    Guy, i have a problem. When we use conservation energy to find the escape velocity, ie the root of potentiality is unlimited, why we don't compute the velocity of earth? We knew the Earth rotated its axis, then everything in surface was had linear velocity. So when we launch a thing, it's...
  34. T

    Equations for Apollo Spacecraft Orbital Velocity & Moon Escape Velocity

    Look for help on these equations. Any help will be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much! :) The Apollo spacecraft must be traveling at what velocity in order to remain in a 110 kilometer orbit around the moon? The magnitude of the Apollo’s orbital velocity can be computed from the laws of...
  35. S

    Trouble understanding the idea of escape velocity

    I'm having trouble understanding the idea of escape velocity. How can an object escape the gravity of a massive object like the Earth? No matter what the velocity the object is, doesn't Newton's law of gravity imply that eventually, the force of gravity will cause the object to decelerate, and...
  36. elDuderino81

    Finding Planetary Radius using density and escape velocity

    [b]1. "Calculate the radius of a planet with mean density of 3.0x10^3 m2kg-3, from which a golf ball can be thrown to infinity as a velocity of 40 ms-1" Homework Equations I've been looking at the equation of: Vesc=sqroot of 2*G*M/r and rearranging to r=2*G*M/Vesc. However, the...
  37. G

    Derivation of Schwarzschild radius from escape velocity

    Hi, Is it pure coincidence that if you put ##c=v_e=\sqrt{2GM/R}## in the escape velocity, you end up with the Schwarzschild radius ##R=2GM/c^2##? The derivation of the escape velocity is purely classical mechanics. It involves ##E_{kin}=mv^2/2## which is incorrect in special relativity...
  38. A

    Escape Velocity from Earth-Moon System

    Homework Statement A projectile is fired straight away from the moon from a base on the far side of the moon, away from the earth. What is the projectile's escape speed from the earth-moon system? m_earth= 5.97x10^24kg m_moon= 7.348x10^22kg radius_earth= 6.371x10^6mHomework Equations...
  39. K

    Why Does the Escape Velocity Decrease as Mass Increases in an Electric Field?

    Upon applying the method of finding escape velocity to the E-field, I end up with: \sqrt{\frac{2kQq}{rm}} What I don't understand, conceptually, is why escape velocity decreases as mass increases, in the electric field. What property is actually taking place here?
  40. M

    Need help with escape velocity practice problem

    Homework Statement The radius of Saturn (from the center to just above the atmosphere) is 60300 km (60300✕103 m), and its mass is 570✕1024 kg. An object is launched straight up from just above the atmosphere of Saturn. What initial speed is needed so that when the object is far from...
  41. G

    What is the time taken to reach a given height with escape velocity?

    If an object is launched at escape velocity from the surface of the Earth, how long will it take to reach a given height h? Ignoring air resistance and other gravity, etc.
  42. S

    More on gravitational time dilation and escape velocity.

    First, thanks for all the replies to the first post. I was able to predict this result (an engineer did the proof) using an analogy for gravitation I worked out to replace the standard marble rolling on a rubber sheet analogy used to show the effect of curved space time, which is useless on a...
  43. S

    Gravitational time dilation and escape velocity

    The time dilation caused by gravity on the surface of a planet is equal to the time dilation for an object moving at the planet's escape velocity in space. This can be proved using the Schwarzschild metric. GR doesn't explain why this is true. It seems to be an odd coincidence.
  44. Q

    Calculating Escape Velocity of Mars from the Sun's gravitational field

    1) The problem: Mars orbits the Sun at a distance of 2.3 * 10^10 m with a speed of 24000 m/s. If it's speed were increased to 30000 m/s, at a time when no other planet was nearby, would Mars leave the Solar System. 2) Fc=Fg Orbit formulas and such 3) I'm assuming you have to find the escape...
  45. T

    Escape velocity for object on Earth

    Homework Statement Suppose the gravitational force of the Earth on a body was F = \frac{KMm}{r^3}. What escape velocity would a body need to escape the gravitational field of the Earth? Homework Equations v_e = \sqrt{\frac{2GM}{R}} F_g = G*\frac{m_1*m_2}{r^2} The Attempt at a...
  46. B

    Does the angle at which an object is fired affect its escape velocity?

    The escape velocity of an object on the surface of the Earth is the minimum speed required for it to "break free" from the Earth's gravitational field without requiring further propulsion. Its value is mathematically determined to be v = \sqrt{\frac{2GM}{R}} with M being the mass of the Earth...
  47. J

    What's the point of Escape Velocity?

    Hi everyone and thanks for this great forum! I don't understand how is calculating escape velocity important to space travel. I think I am right to say that you can never really escape the gravity of a body. However far your rocket goes, be it 400km or 14 billion light years and making the...
  48. E

    Escape Velocity for Moon: Is the Equation Wrong?

    v,escape = (2*mu/r)^(1/2), where mu = G*M. What I'm asking is if this page is wrong about calculating the escape velocity for the moon. They seem to have the equation wrong (missing 2 in front of mu = G*M,moon).