Essay Definition and 215 Threads

  1. pdm0118

    Schools A question regarding grad school resume & essay

    Hello, I've recently applied for 2 Medical Physics graduate schools (MS). Shortly thereafter I realized a few minor problems with my application. I've noticed 2 one-letter typos in my essay, both were caused by changing the noun from singular to plural and not removing the -s after the verbs...
  2. P

    Extended essay ideas for physics -- help needed please

    Hi Guys, I need help with my topic for physics, I'm thinking of doing something on aerodynamics, but if its not possible I need help to figure other topics from physics. I would appreciate any advice you would have to give me. Thanks in advance.
  3. Alxb577

    Electromagnetics Essay Topic Ideas

    Hi Everyone, I need to write an essay for my electromagnetism class and i was wondering if anyone has good topic ideas. My criteria is that it needs to be 10 pages and I would like something that is interesting for me to research and write about. I was thinking so far of magnetic levitation...
  4. H

    How have chemical processes influenced the development of display devices?

    I have been asked to right an essay on how chemical engineering and chemical processes have played a role in the evolution of display devices and upto the new 4K TV.I searched for some ideas but could not find any specific materials.Can anyone provide some ideas?
  5. A

    Extended Essay Ideas -- F1 Racecar Aerodynamics?

    Hello guys! I'm currently in the IB Diploma Programme. I'm trying to narrow down my topic in Aerodynamics of an F1 car (huge fan here!). Any ideas? I was thinking more on the lines of wing deflection..
  6. A

    IB Physics Extended Essay - Terminal velocity experiment - ideas neede

    Hi. I decided a month or so ago, that I am going to do my physics extended essay on the topic of terminal velocity. However, at the moment I am not sure what experiment I can do. At the beginning I thought I would do an experiment where I would drop bodies made of cardboard with different...
  7. N

    Need help to get started on thermodynamics essay

    Hello, As part of the examination of my thermodynamics course I have been given about a month to write an essay on a topic of my choice. The second law/entropy has been very interesting to learn about over the last few months and I would like to do more of a mathematical study of the...
  8. G

    Schools What does this essay topic exactly mean? (university application)

    I'm applying for Pusan National University (Busan, South Korea) undergraduate admissions and Physics is my choice of major the question they ask is: Please describe how much have you learned about your intended major? do they want to know my previous experience about learning Physics...
  9. F

    Einstein wrote his essay: The world as I see it in English or German?

    A very famous one which starts with: "What an extraordinary situation is that of us mortals! Each of us is here for a brief sojourn; for what ..." I'm a little curious because I'm not an English native and feel so strange by grammar of the essay. And I guess he did write it originally in...
  10. M

    MHB Verify Algebraic Statement for Philosophy of Time Essay

    I am not sure if this is the right thread, since I am new. Bump it if necessary. I am currently writing an essay on revising the conventional A-series of time to account for relativity and simultaneity, among other problems. In the course of my argument, I have used an algebraic statement. I...
  11. S

    Composition > Illustrative Essay On Radio

    Composition > Illustrative Essay On "Radio" Goal: 2-3 page essay on a topic of your choice. Must provide relevant photo's. My topic of choice is electromagnetism. I chose this topic because we live in a wireless age. I thought it'd be neat to provide some back round info on how it all...
  12. T

    Can Deterministic Chaos Theory Offer Fresh Insights for an IB Physics Essay?

    Hello! I'm in need of some guidance concerning the topic of my essay. I've been tasked with writing an essay on physics as part of my IB Diploma requirements. The IB Diploma is meant to be a 4000 word essay exploring a narrow topic of my choice. I have been extremely interested in...
  13. marcus

    Information *between* two systems:what counts in physics (FQXi essay)

    Rovelli's FQXi essay contest entry argues for a simple proposition Whether it is information or entropy you are defining you essentially always need TWO systems. The interaction Hamiltonian will indicate which variables matter to system B. That's what determines which are the macroscopic...
  14. Gliese123

    An essay regarding bio-chemical adjustment

    Hello dear PF-members. (I'm terribly sorry if this thread is made in the wrong place. Please, if so, change its location.) So, I'm writing a final essay in biology class (high school) and we got to pick whatever we wanted to write about more extensively. I stuck for the chemical adjustments...
  15. A

    Essay on what materials are best at shielding electromagnetic pulses

    So I am in the IB, and I have to do an extended essay. I'm doing it in physics, and I'm looking at the topic "What materials offer the best shielding against an electromagnetic pulse (EMP)?" I was thinking of measuring the electromagnetic pulse using an oscilloscope. The reason I want to...
  16. A

    Physics Extended Essay: Kinetic Friction Research

    Hello! I am doing my Extended Essay in physics. Extended Essay is a formal research on a topic and its about 4000 words. My topic is ' How does depth of water on the road and the temperature of the road affect the coefficient of kinetic friction'. My teacher says I cannot effectively control...
  17. R

    Physics Extended Essay Suggestions

    I am a high school student who is extremely passionate about physics. As part of the IB program, I need to pick a question and write an extended essay by next September using about 40 hours to write approximately 4,000 words. I chose physics for my subject area, and would appreciate some...
  18. I

    Writing a Personal Essay for REU Physics Program

    I was wondering if you guys could provide some input on my personal statement. The prompt is, in 400 words, to explain your interest in the program, how it fits in with your goals, the science questions that intrigue you, the areas in which you would like to conduct research, relevant academic...
  19. H

    University Admissions Essay reference, I need your opinion

    First, a brief description of myself: I'v gotten my associates degree in Automotive Technology/Repair, with perfect scores. ASE certified. But I have always been an aspiring Mechanical Engineer, with assisted passion for technical/hands-on intuition. That is why I studied a vocational field...
  20. E

    Schools Need an engineer's perspective on a college essay

    Hello! I am new to the forums! (Love the F=MA and P=MV questions that they ask you when registering!) I need some feedback on an essay that I am writing for the UVa supplement. Would someone be willing to help? The prompt is- If you were given funding for a small engineering project, what...
  21. 1

    Quantum mechanics and indeterminism essay help

    i have to write an essay on whether quantum mechanics supports indeterminism. should i mention free will and talk about stuff e.g. whether indeterminism is compatible with free will
  22. N

    Where can I read Essay on the Figure of the Earth ?

    Where can I read "Essay on the Figure of the Earth"? Apparently Lord Kelvin wrote a supposedly very original essay at the age of 15 (and won a gold medal for it from some university) titled "Essay on the Figure of the Earth". However, I can't seem to find it anywhere. How do I go about finding...
  23. N

    Interesting New FQXi Contest Essay re: Signal Causality

    "Quantum measurement predictions are consistent with relativity for macroscopic observations, but there is no consensus on how to explain this consistency in fundamental terms. The prevailing assumption is that the relativistic structure of spacetime should provide the framework for any...
  24. J

    Extended Essay on Virtual Particles?

    I'm planning on doing my 4000-word extended essay for International Baccalaureate on virtual particles (theoretical and particle physics really interest me). I'm starting to get quite stressed, though, as summer is half over, and we were advised to have, at the least, our research done by...
  25. A

    What are some potential research questions for an IB Physics extended essay?

    Hi. I'm supposed to write an extended essay in physics (I'm currently studying in the last year of IB diploma program). I haven't chosen any research question or a topic for my essay. I would appreciate if you could give me some ideas. The areas of physics in which I like to do my EE are waves...
  26. A

    Write physics extended essay (IB)

    Hi. I'm supposed to write an extended essay in physics (I'm currently studying in the last year of IB). I haven't chosen any research question or a topic for my essay. I would appreciate if you could give me some ideas. I searched about it but all the ideas I found are so common and everybody...
  27. marcus

    2012 Gravity essay contest results Ted Jacobson got honorable mention with this one Gravitation and vacuum entanglement entropy Ted Jacobson (Submitted on 28 Apr 2012) The vacuum of quantum fields contains correlated...
  28. S

    Computability theory essay - advice before I begin

    Hi, I have to write an ~10 pages essay on Computabilty theory as part of my PhD logic course. Given that that is a very broad topic and that I found very little information on the internet, I would like to ask if anybody has had any experience with that? My primary issue would be which...
  29. S

    IB Chemistry Extended Essay help

    Homework Statement For my IB extended essay I want to determine the quantity of salt in comercial popcorns, and analyze if this amount of salt consumption is bad for one's health. I've made my investigation, and read that the levels of salt in these popcorns are quite high, and in the long...
  30. M

    What Are Unique Acoustics Topics for an IB Extended Essay?

    Does anyone here know of some interesting problems in acoustics? I'm writing an extended essay for the IB Diploma (I'm sure you've been annoyed by a few others asking similar questions) and am at a bit of a loss right now. The topics I've looked at so far have either been overresearched to the...
  31. T

    How Can Bernoulli's Principle Explain a Hovering Ping Pong Ball?

    Hey everyone, this is my first post here, I hope this is a good place to put it. I take HL physics for my IB program and thinking of doing the EE on physics. I looked into Bernoulli's principle and thought this would be interesting. A good experiment is having a ping pong ball hover over a...
  32. S

    Relying on one book too much in an essay

    I'm currently writing an essay and I'm finding myself using and quoting one particular book a lot. Obviously I'm referencing everything, but would it be a good idea to add something like 'In particular, I will make use of Bart Simpson's excellent book 'The Excellent Book' in my exploration...
  33. B

    New Research Grants and Student Essay Competition

    New Frontiers in Astronomy and Cosmology International Grant and Essay Competition Celebrating the Centenary of the Birth of Sir John Templeton Grants to support bold, innovative research by scientists and essay prizes to inspire a new generation of thinkers exploring these four deep and...
  34. Z

    Exploring the Physics of Boiling Water: A Comparative Study with Oil

    Im just about to start writing my extended essay, which is basically 4000 words on a topuc of your choice, I am thinking of Physics. My idea is to investigate what causes water to make the noise it makes right before it boils, to focus on whether it is the purity of it or not, I am thinking of...
  35. L

    IB Diploma: Physics Extended Essay Topic Ideas & Experiments

    On IB Diploma Programme I have to write the essay in physics including 4000 words spending on it 40h and now I want to know the topic and what to investigate. Can You give me any ideas? I am a high school student and I can make an experiment in home conditions so do not exaggerate. If you can...
  36. X

    American Journal of Physics Final essay help please

    My physics teacher assigned a final paper and he wants us to write it using the guidelines that are used in the American Journal of Physics. Basically he wants the format of it. My topic is line integrals. But I have one problem. I can't find the format for submission online. I'm sick so I';m...
  37. C

    How is my short essay so far? Accurate?

    I'm writing an essay for a contest and I'm about half way done. I want to know how accurate my information is. It should be self explanatory as we are supposed to write it for the general non-physics person who might have no clue about the subject. The asterisks are places where I'll have to...
  38. J

    Schools Anyone care to read my college transfer essay?

    -Sophomore at community college -1.85 GPA 1st semester, 3.5 2nd semester, possibly a 4.0 this semester. -3.1 GPA currently, possibly a 3.4 after this semester Please reply if you want me to PM it to you, Thanks!
  39. E

    Schools Physics graduate school essay help

    Helloo, So I've spent some time drafting an admissions essay and I've had a professor read it over and he's said that he likes it. However, I'm still not convinced. I sent it to a couple of my graduate school friends who are studying English and they say it's so drab and boring, but I'm...
  40. E

    Admissions Admissions Essay Advice: Choosing an Interesting Experience

    I'm not sure if this belongs here, but I think it's close to where it need to be. I'm trying to choose a topic for my most interesting experience for an essay for transferring, and I don't know what topics are appropriate. Can anyone help me sort through my options...? I'm considering the...
  41. N

    Uhm, writing an essay for internship help

    I have four essays to write for my internship each of a maximum of 350-400 words. I just wrote my first essay and I feel relatively content with it. Though I can't help but doubt my work.. I wrote it rather unconventionally you can say. Instead of being very formal, I used more of a...
  42. B

    Physics Essay: Long-Range Elect. Trans. Possibilities

    Homework Statement write a physics essay about "to what extent is long ranged electricity transmission possible?" Homework Equations N/A The Attempt at a Solution Well... I can say lightning is one example maybe add some tesla's theory i need 1 more point...
  43. S

    Where Can I Find Research Resources on the Impact of Science in the Media?

    Hello I am writing an essay entitled "popularization of science in the media - friend or foe to science?" as an assignment. I would be grateful for recommendations of online resources that would help me on this, ie. are there groups that have done surveys and studies on topics such as...
  44. L

    IB extended essay topic suitability?

    I have my IB extended essay and i want to do it in physics, now i know how hard it is to get an A on it but I am ready to risk it, my major problem is that its pretty hard to think of a suitable research question. I was thinking of doing it on the effect of temperature on the coefficient of...
  45. C

    Chemistry Extended Essay Phosphorous

    Okay, so I need urgent help on my chemistry extended essay. I am doing my extended essay on determining amounts of phosphorous in samples of water. Basically, I am not using any lakes,river etc to test ways of determining it but I am just using different PPM's of phosphorous to test if its an...
  46. A

    Testing Great UC application essay examples

    are there any places (hopefully online since it'll be easier for me), where I can read examples of good UC application essays? (not just any essay, but essays that are picked as well written and posted public as an example). There're probably lot of essays out there, but it does not mention(in...
  47. M

    Introduction essay to Parabolic Motion

    Hi, sorry in advance if this isn't the right section but I'm not too sure where else to post this Homework Statement The essay requires me to type up an introduction that has a word count of roughly 700-1000 words. I have chosen to do an experiment on parabolic trajectory and thus have to...
  48. A

    How Can I Combine Physics and Sports for My IB Extended Essay?

    I will be starting my IB Extended Essay soon and desperately need help choosing a topic. I have taken Physics as my subject because I really enjoy it. I am trying to combine physics with a sport because it will be more interesting for me. I had brainstormed a little, and found that golf and...
  49. zoobyshoe

    This movie's been on TV about 20 times the past week. So, essay

    This movie's been on TV about 20 times the past week. So, essay quetion: Stipulating that you commit all seven of the deadly sins, you are forced to resolve to stop committing one of them. You can choose which one. Which do you choose, and why?
  50. E

    Extended Essay - Rate of flow of ferrofluid

    I have just started working on my extended essay and my research question is "How does the rate of flow of ferrofluid through a thin tube depend upon the strength of the magnetic field" I have done one experiment where i changed the magnetic fields strength and measured the flow rate. The...