Event horizon Definition and 308 Threads

  1. R

    Infinitie tidal forces at event horizon?

    Many websites claim that someone falling into a black hole would be ripped apart by tidal forces as he crosses the event horizon. Others say that the falling observer feels nothing special as he crosses the event horizon - he doesn't get torn apart by tidal forces until he gets close to the...
  2. R

    Event Horizon vs Singularity: Are They the Same Thing in Black Hole Physics?

    Is the event horizon of a black hole (as seen by an observer at rest relative to the singularity) equivalent to the singularity (as seen by a free-falling observer)? In other words, if the stationary observer watches a rocketship free-fall to near the event horizon then turn on its rockets and...
  3. M

    Virtual particle and event horizon

    Was wondering: In Hawkins's " Univers in a nutshell" book, he talks about the behavior ov virtual particle pairs around the event horizon of a black hole. My understanding is that one of the antiparticle of the pair can be absorbed by the black hole. This makes for the release of the particle (...
  4. M

    Virtual particule and event horizon

    Was wondering: In Hawkins's " Univers in a nutshell" book, he talks about the behavior ov virtual particule pairs around the event horizon of a black hole. My understanding is that one of the antiparticule of the pair can be absorbed by the black hole. This makes for the release of the...
  5. P

    Virtual antiparticle pairs at event horizon

    One of my friend had asked me one question which I did not really have a good answer for. His question was: Why does the antiparticle counterpart of the virtual antiparticle pairs (those that appear due to uncertainty between time and energy) at the event horizon fall into the black hole...
  6. E

    Two black holes and the event horizon

    [SOLVED] Two black holes and the event horizon.. What happens if a black hole enters another black hole's event horizon?? I really wonder can matter escape by the gravitational chaos?? I asked this question to the scientist in NASA haven't received the answer yet..But this is a...
  7. H

    The Unexistence of Singularity Inside the Event Horizon

    All right, physicists claim that mass can be at infinite density. This condition is called the singularity, an one-dimensional point that is having mass (or energy, whatever)inside it. I say mass cannot possibly form singularities. Why? Because of the following: When there is mass inside...
  8. Loren Booda

    Black hole event horizon as surface of spacetime symmetry

    The spacetime geometry outside a black hole may be transformable through the event horizon as the black hole internal geometry, and conversely. Consider Hawking radiation with respect to black hole entropy. While one quantum escapes to universal infinity, the other approaches the...