Excel Definition and 347 Threads

  1. S

    Why Are Minor Gridlines in MS Excel Changing Values Automatically?

    Hey all, I have a quick question about the minor gridlines in MS Excel. I have points that differ by .00001 on the graph. However when I type this in, Excel automatically changes it to .000036 every time. I wasn't sure if anybody knew if Open Office could solve this problem or if its just...
  2. J

    How to Calculate Molar Masses in Excel?

    [SOLVED] Calculate molar masses in excel Hi all. Does anyone know of some MS excel macros for easily calculating atomic/molar masses? After googling for hours the only (decent) one I can find is http://www.dartmouth.edu/~pchem/chemacro.html. Unfortunately it is supposedly a mac .sit file...
  3. H

    Graphing the 1st Derivative on excel?

    I have a titration curve (pH vs NaOH added) and i want to determine the endpoint of this graph i want to use excel to make a graph of it's derivative (dy/dx) but i don't know how? does anyone know how? is there an option i can choose when making the graph?
  4. M

    Can Excel Handle Dragging Formulas for 64K Rows?

    Now that excel handles 64K of rows it is becoming a pain dragging a formula to fill in that many rows. Is there a way of selecting a range and having the formula drag apply to that range?
  5. E

    ECG Signal Noise Reduction with Low-Pass Filter Implementation in Excel

    Homework Statement I have data for an ECG and I want to filter it. Homework Equations The problem tells me to run the signal through a low pass filter. I tried a single pass double pole filter (essentially the average of three averages). If we have data points A, B, C, D, E, and F...
  6. robphy

    What was the Excel 2007 Multiplication Bug and how did it affect users?

    As reported in Slashdot, http://it.slashdot.org/it/07/09/24/2339203.shtml "Excel 2007 Multiplication Bug"
  7. T

    Software to make line graph, Like Excel?

    Is there any software that will convert a series of numbers into a simple line graph, the same as Excel, but allowing me to use a lot more numbers? I'm writing a program in c to convert a sinewave, or any wave, into a triangular wave. I've sort of done it, but there is noise in my...
  8. L

    Calculating moments in MS Excel

    Hi, As part of a school project on statistics, I'm trying to calculate some parameters of collected data. I've the marks of 50 randomly sampled students in 6 subjects. I'm trying to calculate their skewness. Since the inbuilt Excel function to calculate skewness uses an estimator I've never...
  9. B

    How Can I Make a Rubber Ball Bounce in an Excel Simulation?

    Homework Statement My goal is to create a graph in excel that moves as I hold the F9 key(and progressing the time). The concept is of a 'rubber ball' bouncing after it is dropped from an initial height. The variables that must be left in separate cells (to easily change) are kinetic energy...
  10. T

    How Can I Access a Subprogram on a Separate Screen in Excel?

    I am using the VB script that is already in Excel, and I am making a program similar to that "Deal or No Deal" show that airs in many countries. The concept of the game is where there is a certain number of briefcases, and there is a money value in each of those. You choose one, and slowly...
  11. C

    Microsoft Excel Help - Sum a Series Function

    this is rather embarrassing, but it's late, i have a headache and can't figure this out. so i have this complicated function i need to sum (not sum as in add up - sum as in sum a series). my formula that needs to be summed: (2/(n*pi))*sin(n*pi*z/L)*e^(-(n^2)*pi*pi*k*t/(L^2)) pi, z, L, k...
  12. B

    Developing and plotting data in Excel.

    Hi , I want to create a simple series which give me the following: 0 1 2 3 4 5 . . . from the cells. Please can some help me with it? what I really doing is: I have a set of numbers which represent voltages (of a nodes) inside a dielectric. say: 0.854 0.756 0.659...
  13. B

    Excel spreedsheet for Range formula- Lab

    I have to program the range formula R= [Vo2sin(2*theta)]/g, into an Excel spredsheet. I need to progran the equation for various values of 'theta' to determine for which value(s) of 'thet' is the range maximum. Table should have left side Injection angle (degrees), right side Range (R). The...
  14. P

    Why won't Excel allow me to add an exponential trendline?

    I have a graph of values, and I am trying to add an exponential trendline, but it won't allow me. Can anybody help?
  15. D

    Calculating Population Mean in Excel

    Hello, i am having trouble with working out what the population mean is. Is there a formula in Microsoft Excel to workout the population mean. I have a population of 200
  16. N

    DeMorgan Theorem & Excel Formula

    =IF (C1>1,"yes","No") I think that's right :rolleyes: Does Demorgan Theorem use a simular logic when doing calculations for logic gates, using true and false properities?
  17. D

    Converting Degrees to Radians in Excel

    Hello everyone, I need help with converting or changing degrees to radians in Microsoft Excel. Currently I'm writing SIN and COS functions but the default angles are in degrees, not radians. How do I format it to radians?
  18. P

    Can I change the x-axis spacing in Excel if it's shaded in gray?

    My excel does not allow me to change the spacings of the x-axis as it is shaded in gray. What should I do so I can change it?
  19. L

    Need help protecting confidential documents with passwords?

    hey y'all I need help putting passwords on documents, i.e. these documents CANNOT be opened unless the password is provided. This could also be for a folder. Like I have documents in a folder, and I do not want anyone else to have access to this folder, I would therefore like to password...
  20. 6

    MS Excel: Reference Cells Containing Numbers for Other References

    Is there any way to make a referance to a cell that contains a number for another referance? Like this. cell A1 contains "J". I want cell B6 = J10 by referance of A1. I'm trying to make a spreadsheet that makes a list into flash cards BTW...if anyone knows a 3rd party program (for free) that...
  21. A

    Plotting Resolution Against Lux in Excel

    every subect seem to be different! which kind of graph and a lot what axis do i plot, if i was to do plot resolution against lux! plus anyone kno the proper way to do this in excell. thanks
  22. P

    How do I change the scale of the x axis in excel

    How do I change the scale of the x-axis so that it does not automatically plot the number of data I graph but my customised x points? My situation: I like to graph hundreds of different points or data But only want the x-axis to be from 0 to 3, including decimals in between.
  23. DaveC426913

    Preserve Line Breaks in Excel Cells

    I need to get a Word table of postal addresses into an Excel spreadsheet. I want to preserve the line breaks in the original addresses. Is it possible to have line breaks within a single cell in Excel? From Word table: ...Col 1...Col2 R1: Bob Smith...21 Foo St. ......Toronto ON...
  24. Hootenanny

    Scatter Plot in Excel - Referencing Cells Merged or Not

    I am trying to do a scatter plot in Excel, and I am referencing points from a different sheet. However, excel won't let me reference more than eight cells. Some of the cells are merged, I don't know if that will affect it... Any help would be appreciated.
  25. Doc Al

    Problem saving Excel as text file

    I'm trying to save an Excel spreadsheet as a (tab-delimited) text file for input into another database. For some reason, fields containing a comma are being displayed in the text file within quotes, which I don't want. For example: John Doe appears as: John Doe Doe, John appears as: "Doe...
  26. T

    Can Excel's Solver be used to solve a set of two equations?

    I'm trying to use the solver in Excel to solve a set of two equations, but I can't figure out how it works. Can someone give me a step by step description?
  27. H

    Excel as Analysis Tool and Homework Aid

    If you are in need of an analysis tool and/or homework aid, you may not realize that you probably already have an extremely powerful general purpose tool at your disposal - Microsoft Excel. I don't work for Microsoft nor am I even much of a fan of theirs, but I've found it an extremely...
  28. B

    Can Excel Create Plots Using Equations?

    Hi I'm currently working on an assignment and one of the questions requires me make a plot of the following. I am told that Excel can produce the plot but I don't know how to enter the equation. x_{n + 1} = \frac{{11.5x_n }}{{1 + x_n ^2 }} - \lambda ,x_0 > 0 A few values of lambda...
  29. B

    How to Generate a Function for Polynomial Interpolation in Excel

    Hi , I have to generate a function on excel that does the following the problem is about polynomial interpolation. I have for example a column of values: -100 0 100 200 300 400 First , I need to find the value in the table that is 2 point above the input value. For example , if...
  30. denian

    Using excel to determine equation.

    i already enter the data, and then obtain the curve graph for the data. how can i obtain the equation of the curve from excel?
  31. D

    Is there a way to automatically graph multiple columns in Microsoft Excel?

    Maybe not the best place to ask the question, but being an engineer, I figured that I might be able to pick someone elses brain about this matter. I have one column with a Time value in hh:mm:ss. There are multiple other columns that I would like to graph as well...up to 15. Rather...
  32. G

    Solve 4th Order Polynomial in Excel - F(x) to F(y)

    helo, just wondering if anyone could tell me how to solve a fourth order polynomial in excel. i have a fourth order polynomial of form y=F(x), but i want it to be x=F(y)
  33. A

    Simulating Brownian Motion w/ Drift & Diffusion - Step-by-Step Guide for Excel

    Describe the process of simulating a brownian motion with drift of 4 units and diffusion of 2 units. write a program in any application to imulate such a brownian motion. Anyone knows where should i start first if i use excel to do it. I don't know what equation to use.
  34. Clausius2

    LaTeX Inserting an Excel Table in a LaTeX Document

    I want to include an excel table in a Latex document. How could I do that? I have tried to print the table to a file .eps, but that does not give me a good result. Is there another way?
  35. J

    How to Calculate Uncertainty in Polynomial Fit Parameters Using Excel?

    I performed a fit, using EXCEL, to data and the fit gave me a polynomial. How do I get the uncertainty in the resulting parameters. For example the least squares fit gives y = Ax+B and there are equations to give the uncertainties in A and B. IS there a program that does this for non linear...
  36. H

    Using Excel with engineering equations

    I need to plug some equations into Excel. I am using the Insert-->Name-->Define feature to assign a given cell to a defined named variable. Example... cell a1 = X, cell b1 =y this way I can say cell c1 = X*Y rather than having to say c1=a1*b1 Here's the problem... I need to...
  37. M

    Creating a Histogram in Excel for Analyzing Data

    For my lab i have to use my data that i recorded in excel and for that into a chart. The thing is, i have no clue where to even start. The chart is supposed to have the avg at the top of the curve and the standard deviations to the left and right of the avg. On the Y-axis is supposed to be the...
  38. M

    Noob needs help for math/MS Excel formula

    Hopefully somebody here can clue me into figuring out a math problem. I'd like to create an Excel spreadsheet that will allow me to enter my numbers and have it calculate the results, but I'm not sure how to do the calculation (or for that matter, perhaps how to enter it into Excel...) So...
  39. F

    Best use of Microsoft Excel for Numerical Analysis of Classical Mechanics?

    I'm need to use Microsoft Excel as a numerical analysis tool for classical mechanics physics problems. Yes, I know there are dozens or hundreds of other tools that would be more powerful, but I (and my students) are required to see what they can do with Excel. The Class: Analytical...
  40. H

    Solving Equations for Track Graph on Microsoft Excel

    I am having some problems with equations for a problem. The problem isn't really a question, it's more of finding equations to make something work. Basically, It is a graph on Microsoft Excel, that resembles a 2D track. The track has variable points that you can change, to increase height...
  41. A

    Need help on radial distribution on excel

    Need help on radial distribution on excel! I'm trying to create an excel spreadsheet that plots radial distribution functions for the 3s orbital of hydrogen for values of p=0...15 I have no idea where to begin
  42. F

    Can You Plot Functions in Excel?

    Is it possible to input a function into Excel e.g. 1/(x^2+4) and get a graph? How do you draw graphs of functions on Excel?
  43. D

    What is the force on the handle in a statics problem using Excel?

    I have a problem in statics that I must use excel to do and my instructor modified the given question in a few ways to allows to use the capabilities of excel to find what the question asks for. http://herograw.com/5-51.JPG These are my instructors additions: If the whole excel...
  44. J

    How can I use Excel to find the line of best fit for a set of data points?

    :confused: I have plotted a few points (8 infact ) in Excel and would like to acquire the equation for the line of best fit. How do I do this using the computer or do I have to do it by hand?
  45. S

    How Do You Calculate Displacement and Speed in Excel for a Motorboat Journey?

    I have to do this problem using Microsoft Excel. A motorboat leaves the dock and travels in a direction 15 degrees East of North for 20 minutes at a constant speed of 20 miles/hour. At that point the boat abruptly changes its direction to 20 degrees South of West and its speed to 25...
  46. A

    Excel help with error bar formula

    I'm trying to create error bars on excel for a regression problem, but something is not working right. I tried following my instructor's directions, but I think something is wrong with them. Here is the formula I added to the formula bar: $b$30+$b$31*$a2+sqrt($d$26) b30 and b31 are my...
  47. P

    Microsoft Excel Factorials Question

    I wasn't really sure what forum this belonged in, but I'm doing an equation with Microsoft Excel, using Factorials. Basically, I'm wondering how you go about using them in an equation. Here's my current equation: =A5!/(A5-B5)!B5! Now obviously that comes back as an error. Does anyone have...