Expansion Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. Drakkith

    Coefficient for a Term in a Taylor Expansion for Cosine

    Homework Statement The coefficient of the term (x−π)2 in the Taylor expansion for f(x)=cos(x) about x=π is: Homework Equations ##cos(x) = 1 - \frac{x^2}{2!} + \frac{x^4}{4!} - \frac{x^6}{6!} + \frac{x^8}{8!}...## The Attempt at a Solution Unless my taylor series for cosine is incorrect, I'm...
  2. binbagsss

    Reversible adiabatic expansion -- calculate change in E

    Homework Statement Calculate the change in internal energy of an ideal gas the expands reverisbly and adiabatically from ##v_i## to ##v_f## Homework Equations ##pV^{\gamma} = constant ##*, where ##\gamma=\frac{c_p}{c_v}## for a reversible adiabatic. ##E=\alpha p V##, ##\alpha## a constant...
  3. vishal.ng

    A Taylor series expansion of functional

    I'm studying QFT in the path integral formalism, and got stuck in deriving the Schwinger Dyson equation for a real free scalar field, L=½(∂φ)^2 - m^2 φ^2 in the equation, S[φ]=∫ d4x L[φ] ∫ Dφ e^{i S[φ]} φ(x1) φ(x2) = ∫ Dφ e^{i S[φ']} φ'(x1) φ'(x2) Particularly, it is in the Taylor series...
  4. Gary Weller

    Is there permanent size loss in metals from contraction?

    I install automatic pool covers for a living. The tracks that our cover rides on are composed of extruded anodized aluminum. These tracks come in 22' lengths. Usually there is more than one section of track, set end to end, on a given side of the pool. We drill and anchor these sections to...
  5. N

    A Perturbative expansion of Beta function - Renormalization

    I am trying to understand the basics of Renormalization. I have read that β encodes the running coupling and can be expanded as a power series as: β(g) = ∂g/(∂ln(μ)) = β0g3 + β1g5 + ... However, I don't understand how this is derived.. I assume that the terms correspond to 1 loop, 2 loops...
  6. BrainMan

    Thermal Expansion Problem Involving a Brass Ring

    Homework Statement Homework Equations ΔL = LαΔT The Attempt at a Solution What I did was to set the diameter of the inside of the brass ring + the change in diameter of the brass ring equal to the diameter of the steel rod + change in the diameter of the steel rod. So, Lbrass + ΔLbrass =...
  7. resurgance2001

    I How did scientists figure out the expansion is accelerating?

    I understand that the acceleration of the universe's expansion was discovered by looking at very far away Type 1a supernovae. My question is how was the data used exactly to calculate the Hubble constant in the past and then compare it with today's value? Did they simple plot the distances...
  8. P

    I Inflation and expansion of the universe

    We know from observations that the universe is expanding and that the speed of recession of celestial objects increases the further we look back in space. However, looking further in space is also looking back in time, so does this mean that we are looking at the end of inflation ?
  9. R

    B Issue with Binomial Expansion Formula

    Working through Leonard Susskind's book The Theoretical Minimum, I noticed an issue with his expansion for the Binomial Expansion (he was missing factorials in the denominators). This led me to some confusion about the final term that is generally written (bn). (a+b)n = an + nan-1b + n(n-1)/2...
  10. M

    MHB Find 4-adic Expansion of $\frac{1}{5}$ - Wondering

    Hey! :o I want to find the $4$-adic expansion of $\frac{1}{5}$. I have done the following: $\displaystyle{\frac{1}{5}\equiv a_0\pmod 4 \Rightarrow a_0\equiv \frac{1}{5}\pmod 4}$ We multiply by $5$ and we get $\displaystyle{5a_0\equiv 1\pmod 4}$. The only residue of division by $4$ that solves...
  11. B

    Thermal expansion of a pipe with wall temperature gradient

    I have a pipe holding liquid at 80°C. The outside atmosphere is -2°C. The pipe gets a temperature gradient over the wall thickness. The outside fibers will thus restrain the inner fibers from expanding. I would like to know the increase in the inner dia of the pipe. I have found temperature...
  12. DrFreeman

    Calculating CO2 expansion time and generated suction

    I need help with figuring out how to devise an equation that I'm going to plug into an algorithm for my software. These are the components: CO2 cartridge pressure regulator output should be around 200 psi. Tank #1 has a volume of 800 mL, pressure is around 15 psi. There are no valves between...
  13. V

    Thermal coefficient of expansion in gases

    I know that the variation in a gas' volume is equal to ΔV = γ⋅V[initial]⋅ΔΘ with ΔΘ the variation in temperature and γ=1/237 the thermal coefficient of expansion in gases. Could someone please explain to me why γ=1/237 please ? Thanks a lot, V
  14. J

    Isobaric vs. isothermal expansion

    We have a piston with ideal gas in it and a weight. The weight is placed on the piston. The gas is heated externally and the gas expands. Will the expansion be isobaric or isothermal? One argument would be: the expansion will be isobaric because the weight is providing constant pressure. The...
  15. sitkican

    Multipole Expansion of a Thin Rod: How to Derive the Potential?

    Homework Statement Consider a very thin rod lying on the z axis from z = −L/2 to z = L/2. It carries a uniform charge density λ. Show that away from the rod, at the point r (r >>L), the potential can be written as V (r, θ) = (2Lλ/4πε0)(1/L)[ 1 + 1/3(L/2r)2P2(cos θ) + 1/3(L/2r)4 P4(cos θ) + · ·...
  16. JulienB

    Multipole expansion of a line charge distribution

    Homework Statement Hi everybody! I'm very stuck trying to solve this problem, hopefully some of you can give me a clue about in which direction I should go: Determine the multipole expansion in two dimensions of the potential of a localized charge distribution ##\lambda(\vec{x})## until the...
  17. Ryaners

    Thermo: isothermal, reversible expansion of ideal gas

    Homework Statement Two moles of a monatomic ideal gas are at a temperature of 300K. The gas expands reversibly and isothermally to twice its original volume. Calculate the work done by the gas, the heat supplied and the change in internal energy. So: T = 300K; ΔT = 0 n = 2; R = 8.314 J K-1...
  18. G

    Isothermal Expansion of Supersonic Flow

    Hi, In a standard converging-diverging rocket nozzle, we have (ex.) the relation:(1-M^2)\frac{dV}{V}=-\frac{dA}{A}By substituting in definitions, we can obtain\left(1-\frac{V^2}{\gamma R T}\right)\frac{dV}{V} = -\frac{dA}{A}This shows the dependence on temperature. The relation assumes that...
  19. e2m2a

    A Inertia & Accelerated Expansion: How Does Machian Explanations Fit In?

    I understand that some old Machian interpretations of inertia require a closed universe. Now that it has been confirmed that the universe is expanding forever and is not closed, how does Machian explanations of inertia fit in with this?
  20. F

    I Length contraction vs expansion

    I'm coming across a contradiction that I can't resolve. Two points on the ground are separated by 30km. If you're in a moving frame at velocity +v relative to the ground and you view those two points on the ground, would those two points be greater or less than 30km apart? At first, I thought it...
  21. G

    B Why Contraction in Relativity Theory?

    I have a very hard question: why in the Relativity theory the contraction is present always - along the x-axis or a speed v, instead of an expansion along the other dimensions, transversal to the v? Is there any mathematical proof, the contraction is the one correct, and any other possibility...
  22. Mayan Fung

    Why does the entropy increase in free expansion of an ideal gas?

    I learned that $$ dS = \frac Q T$$ In free expansion of Ideal gas, it is obvious that Q = 0. However, the entropy increases. I guess the reason is that it is because the process is not quasistatic. If I am right, why is this process not quasistatic. If I am not, what's wrong with the formula...
  23. D

    A Proof of expansion of a certain value

    How do I begin proving: sum(k>=1)8/(k^4+4)=pi*coth(pi)-1? I got this from Mathematica. Thanks in advance for any help.
  24. D

    Testing multipole expansion Application ID: 31901

    like in the manual i have done the following steps 1.built 100nm radius sphere 2.pressed build all 3. added air material 4.added silicon materal withrefractive index 1.5 5. selected all the domains and pressed Build All but when i press both "test application" or "compute" i get an empty...
  25. G

    I Accelerated expansion and Hubble plot

    Hello! I have a question regarding the effect of the accelerated expansion of the universe on the Hubble plot (redshift over luminosity (or distance). I understand that for relatively nearby galaxies, this appears to be a linear relationship but that because of the accelerated expansion of the...
  26. SpinzTronics

    Thermodynamics - expansion, compression, work

    Hi everyone! I am confusing myself with this topic and I would appreciate some insight into this. You see, one takes the area of a PV graph to obtain the work done on the system (for compression) or by the system (for expansion). However, I am learning that in the irreversible path, compression...
  27. M

    MHB Difference in expansion of brackets

    Let's say that there is an expression $x^2+y^2=14$ Cannot this expression be written as $(x+y)^2 = 14$ taking out the square which is common to both the terms $x$ and $y$ but after writing like that doesn't this become $x^2+2xy+y^2$=14 So writing the expression like that would it remain...
  28. C

    Crower steam expansion stroke for two stroke/rotary engines

    I was interested in whether it might be possible to incorporate a steam expansion power stroke into a two stroke or a rotary engine. The difference would be that unlike the convention Crower six stroke cycle there would be compressed air in the combustion chamber, without some sort of valve...
  29. K

    I Dark energy and expansion of space

    universe is expanding since the bigbang so therefore space is expanding, but apparently dark energy remains constant, it apparently isn't getting diluted as the universe expands is energy being created, specifically the energy in vacuum?
  30. G

    I Is time rate getting faster with cosmic expansion?

    Hi, layman here, but hopefully reasonably educated. I did not know whether this question might fit better under relativity or under cosmology so I'm posting it here. General Relativity tells us that time slows down in gravity wells. The cosmic expansion tells us that the energy density in space...
  31. Oannes

    Finding Increse in Volume Given Temp, Vol Expansion....

    Homework Statement I am supposed to find the increase in volume, or more specifically how much mercury will rise inside of a thermometer, given the following values. The volume expansion is 1.8 * 10-4/C(degree Celcius). The temperature increase from 30 to 70 degrees F (already converted the...
  32. newjerseyrunner

    B Combine a horizon line with expansion

    In this thread let's forget math, we don't have math to describe these energies anyway. Observation tells us that at extremely high energy densities there is some expansive force that vastly overwhelms everything else. Expansion has become the only viable explanation to what we observe. So I...
  33. T

    I How Does the -1 Arise in This Series to Function Conversion?

    I ran across an infinite sum when looking over a proof, and the sum gets replaced by a function, however I'm not quite sure how. $$\sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{MK^{n-1}|t-t_0|^n}{n!} = \frac{M}{K}(e^{K(t-t_0)}-1)$$ I get most of the function, I just can't see where the ##-1## comes from. Could...
  34. Pao44445

    Volume Expansion: Find Petrol Overflow After Temp Change

    Homework Statement a steel tank is 70 litres,full of petrol. If a temperature is change from 20o C to 35o, find the increased volume of petrol that overflows (βsteel = 950 x 10-6 ) βpetrol = 36 x 10-6 ) Homework Equations Δv=βv0ΔT The Attempt at a Solution I know that both the steel...
  35. D

    I Eigenvalues, eigenvectors and the expansion theorem

    If i have an arbitrary ket then i know it can always be expressed as a linear combination of the basis kets.I now have an operator A which has 2 eigenvalues +1 and -1. The corresponding eigenvectors are | v >+ = k | b > + m | a > and | v >- = n | c > where | a > , | b > and | c > are...
  36. K

    Performing a Taylor Series Expansion for Lorentz Factor

    Homework Statement Perform a Taylor Series expansion for γ in powers of β^2, keeping only the third terms (ie. powers up to β^4). We are assuming at β < 1. Homework Equations γ = (1-β^2)^(-1/2) The Attempt at a Solution I have no background in math so I do not know how to do Taylor expansion...
  37. R

    Solve Isothermal Expansion: Find v2 Given P1, P2 & v1

    Homework Statement Let P2 = 10^6 N/m^2, P1 = 4X10^5 N/m^2 and v = 2.5m^3/kmole Find the specific volume v2. Homework Equations Isothermal process, ideal gas. There is also a picture but it's just a generic P = constant/V plot. The Attempt at a Solution The volume given is the specific...
  38. D

    I Thermal expansion in harmonic potential

    It is generally said that thermal expansion is a process determinated by the anharmonic terms in the potential of a crystalline solid. However, in the Course of Theoretical Physics by Landau Lifshitz, Statistical Physics part 1, paragraph 67, a form for the coefficient of thermal expansion is...
  39. Elvis 123456789

    Adiabatic expansion of an ideal gas

    Homework Statement An ideal monatomic gas has initial pressure Po and occupies initial volume Vo. The gas undergoes an adiabatic expansion in which the volume is doubled. Calculate in terms of Po and Vo a) the final pressure of the gas b) the change in its enthalpy during the...
  40. M

    MHB Binomial Expansion - Fractional Powers

    Hello! We know from 'Binomial Expansion' that (1+x)^n=1+nx+\frac{n(n-1)}{2!}x^2+... for \left| x \right|<1 . Why doesn't it work for other values of x? I can't understand this condition. I would be really grateful for clear explanation!
  41. P

    Isothermal compression and adiabatic expansion

    I want to know if a specific amount of gas has been compressed isothermaly an then released to expand freely, how much of the energy that has been spent on compressing the gas can be recovered. As for example, 1 gm-mole of Nitrogen has been compressed to 1/4th of its initial volume from at 1...
  42. Alettix

    B Binomial Expansion with Negative/Rational Powers

    Hello! When studying binominal expansion: ## (a+b)^n = \sum_{k=0}^{n}{{n \choose k}a^{n-k}b^k} ## in high school, we proved this formula with combinatorics considering that "you can choose either a or b each time you multiply with a binom". Probably, this is not a real mathematical proof at...
  43. M

    MHB Considering the expansion , Find the value

    Considering the expansion of $(x-y)^3$ , Find the value of $2\left(24^3-3*24^2*4+3*24*4^2-4^3\right)$ Any Ideas on how to begin ? (Mmm)
  44. Mr Davis 97

    First order term in the taylor expansion of ln(x) abut 1

    Homework Statement What's the first order term in the expansion ln(x) about x = 1? Homework Equations Taylor series formula The Attempt at a Solution The question is multiple choice, and the choices are x, 2x, or (1/2)x. However, when I calculate the first order term in the expansion of ln(x)...
  45. C

    Sum of sinosoids that can be a Fourier Series expansion

    Homework Statement I was given a problem with a list of sums of sinusoidal signals, such as Example that I made up: x(t)=cos(t)+5sin(5*t). The problem asks if a given expression could be a Fourier expansion. Homework Equations [/B]The Attempt at a Solution My guess is that it has something to...
  46. Amara

    Taylor expansion of the relativistic Doppler effect?

    [Note from mentor: this thread was originally posted in a non-homework forum, therefore it does not use the homework template.] I have been given an equation for the relativistic doppler effect but I'm struggling to see this as a function and then give a first order Taylor expansion. Any help...
  47. T

    I Infinity vs Expansion: Is an Infinite Universe Compatible with Expansion?

    I had a question after watching a Discovery Channel show on the universe. They talked about how some speculate the infinitude of the universe as opposed to a finite sized universe and I have also heard the same on this forum...and it got me to thinking... Isn't an infinite universe...
  48. S

    Expansion and elasticity of brines

    Hello, I am currently looking at a way to calculate brine density using temperature, pressure and salinity. I found the following page which describes the change in fluid density with pressure and temperature : http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/fluid-density-temperature-pressure-d_309.html...
  49. D

    A A question about the mode expansion of a free scalar field

    In the canonical quantisation of a free scalar field ##\phi## one typical constructs a mode expansion of the corresponding field operator ##\hat{\phi}## as a solution to the Klein-Gordon equation...