Experiment Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. Krushnaraj Pandya

    Energy conservation in an alpha-scattering experiment

    Homework Statement In scattering experiment, find distance of closest approach if a 6 MeV alpha particle is used 2. The attempt at a solution initially KE of alpha particle is 6 x 10^6 x e joules and 0 PE, finally its PE is kq1q2/d, k=9 x 10^9, q1=4e, q2=Ze=79e (assuming gold), d is distance...
  2. Stephen Lanford

    Possible error sources in thermal conductivity experiment?

    Hello, my name is Stephen Lanford and I am currently working on a Physics II lab. I am solving for the thermal conductivity of four materials (glass, plexiglass, pine, and sheetrock) using data from thermal conductivity experiments. The experiments consist of a steam chamber at 100 C, a block...
  3. dillmon

    The math around the windbag or Bernoulli bag experiment

    What is the math behind this experiment? If the mass flow rate of the air coming out of the guy's mouth is M1, then what is the mass flow rate, M2, of of the air going into the bag? I know that this is related to compressible flow. The explanations I have found on the internet are that since...
  4. dRic2

    Help understanding an experiment set up

    Hi, I'm reading a paper about combustion and I can't understand the composition of the inlet mixture. Here's what the paper says: "A known flow rate of the isobutene (Matheson, TriGas, 99.5%) in nitrogen (General Air, 99.998%) was introduced into a 6mm ID quartz reactor that was heated in an...
  5. T

    I Photon detectors in a double slit experiment

    It is said that if one shoots photons in a double slit experiment, and place a detectors around the slits to find which slit the photon went, one will not see the photon interfere. However, to detect a photon, one must absorb it. So how does the photon detectors work by detecting the photons and...
  6. S

    B Thought Experiment from a Non-Physicist

    Hello All. This is driving me crazy and nobody can give me a straight answer, if there is one. I was daydreaming in my yard last week and came up with a weird question. Let's say I discovered a hole in my yard. The hole is plenty wide and well-constructed and has a series of rungs I can...
  7. SlowThinker

    B Simple thought experiment merging GR and QT

    It has occurred to me that there's a pretty simple thought experiment, and was wondering if any proposed theory of quantum gravity can "handle" it. Imagine a completely empty universe with just 2 hydrogen atoms. They are set up to orbit the common center of mass, being attracted to each other by...
  8. Natus Homonymus

    Need equipment and ideas for an experiment

    I require balls (about the size of a small marble) of different masses. I have no idea how to go about this and your help would be greatly appreciated! I also need an hemisphere (about 20cm in radius). I though of 3D printing the same, and it's extremely expensive. Any alternative ideas...
  9. K

    B Carrier wave double slit experiment

    If you created the following double slit experiment would you still see interference? 1) Modify the slits so that the path from photon source through one of the slits to the detector is much shorter than the path through the other slit. 2) put a shutter in front of the photon source so that you...
  10. S

    Experiment on Newtons First Law

    I am wondering if anyone knows of a good resource to see Newtons first law in action. For example, a block being pulled by increasing force until it moves?
  11. H

    What is a good experiment for carnot cycle?

    im thinking of a stirling cycle but if otherwise then please tell as soon as possible
  12. T

    B Cavendish experiment help for a dummy please

    Hey Yas. I have the materials to perform a Cavendish Experiment. I understand the concepts, I understand what is being measured but I am a mathematics idiot. What I request is someone to to just show me the equation and how to operate it in the simplest of terms. ie put the radius of the...
  13. F

    Experiments about impact of mass in different areas

    There's important experiments showing the equivalence of inertial mass and gravitational mass ( the Eotvos experiments), but I couldn't really find many that show the equivalence of mass (or the stress-energy tensor) in other contexts. These are some of the variants of mass I'm interested in...
  14. T

    An experiment to determine ceramic particle sizes

    Homework Statement (I) An experiment to determine ceramic particle sizes showed that the rate of descent when suspended in a fluid ranged from 1.2 × 10–6 m s–1 to 5 × 10–6 m s–1. 
The density of the material was 3800 kg m–3 and the density and viscosity of the fluid at room temperature were...
  15. D

    Experimental determination of the moment inertia of a sphere

    Hello, I was recently given the task to find experimentally the moment inertia of a sphere. I thought of rolling the sphere down an inclined plane and applying conservation of energy to the sphere. The equations i came up with are: mgh = 1/2mv2 + 1/2Iω2 solving for v^2 we come up with the...
  16. maajdl

    I Any database of results for the Michelson-Morley Experiment

    Hello, I would be interested in a collection of experimental data for the Michelson-Morley Experiment . I would like to see if there would be many data available, and if a statistical analysis could be of some fun. Would you know some compilation of data? Thanks, Michel
  17. jedishrfu

    Psychology: The Stanford Prison Experiment was a Fraud

    In this VOX article, the author discusses several influential psychology experiments that were later found to be manipulated or outright fraudulent with some data purposely discarded and disclosures of prior experiments never mentioned in the conclusions. In the Standford case, some of the...
  18. V

    Speed of Sound Experiment: Hear the Results

    Imagine a car which has a speaker attached to the back. Speaker is blasting very high volume music towards the reverse direction of the car. Now the car starts accelerating and in a few seconds starts moving faster than the speed of sound. Will a listener be able to hear the sound now. Will...
  19. EelAnes

    What law will be used in this experiment?

    The research question of this experiment stated "What is the effect of changing the air pressure (kPa) inside a soccer ball on the distance (m) that the ball will travel (when it first hits the ground) as measured by using the AG500 digital air pressure gauge (to 0.01 kPa) and a field measuring...
  20. Subrahmanyan

    Experiment ideas for science exhibitions

    Can someone suggest a few science experiments we could do at our school for the Science Exhibition ?
  21. Mark Scalabrin

    B Thought Experiment from my daughter regarding black holes

    My daughter is 12 and we like to discuss black holes. Here is our thought experiment: Gravity bends space and time lengthening both from the observers perspective. Does time slow down the farther you get from objects with density? Is there a place way way out, out of the range of the Big...
  22. HastiM

    Stern Gerlach Experiment: How wide are the peaks?

    Consider the Stern Gerlach experiment, where the oven has a temperature such that the most probable velocity of the silver atoms is 750 m/s. The atoms are collimated by two slits of 0.03 mm width. The magnetic field has a strength of 1 T, a gradient of 5 T/cm, and the length of the magnet is...
  23. Manav

    Calculating Charge Of Electron (Millikan Oil Drop Experiment

    Homework Statement I was doing the Milikan Oil Drop Experiment from a simulation this site: http://scienceclub.ucoz.com/index/0-109. I tried calculating the charge of the electron but it was from the real value. Oil Density: 920 (kg/m^3) Viscosity of Air: 1.81×10−5 kg/(m*s) Distance: 0.0025 m...
  24. DeathbyGreen

    Physics Specialization in PhD: Balancing Theory and Experiment for Postdoc Applications?

    So during my PhD I've done one analytic based theory paper with one advisor and will now do an experiment paper with another advisor. I'm curious as to how this will look applying for postdocs. Would this allow me to apply for either theory or experiment? Or would it just make me look not...
  25. J

    Higgs Experiment for new particle (decay widths)

    < Mentor Note -- thread moved to HH from the technical physics forums, so no HH Template is shown > Question: An experiment is proposed to directly measure the width (Γ) and mass (m_H) of the Higgs boson via the reaction: muon+ + muon- > H. Sketch a graph of the expected cross section as a...
  26. P

    Single photon and double slit experiment

    hi are the path lengths to the slits strictly equal? If the difference of the path lengths is progressively increased, how evolve the fringes visibility?
  27. M

    Helmholtz synthesizer experiment

    Hello all! Inspired by the Helmholtz synthesizer, I am experimenting with electromagnetic excitation and tuning forks. http://www.sites.hps.cam.ac.uk/whipple/explore/acoustics/hermanvonhelmholtz/helmholtzssynthesizer/ How can I determine the size and charge of an electromagnet in order to...
  28. T

    Eddy Current Speedometer Experiment

    Trying to create an experiment that utilizes a motor driven shaft to measure the angular velocity of another shaft via eddy currents. We made a mock experiment that uses 8mm shafts, pillow bearings, and ceramic magnets from home depot, but don't see a torque on a non-ferrous metal attached to a...
  29. S

    Young's double slit experiment green laser

    Homework Statement If a green laser is (wavelength = 532nm) sent through two slits with a separation of 127 um, how wide (in total) would the 11 green dots formed be if they were projected onto a screen 1.25m away from the slits? Refer to this diagram sorry for bad quality...
  30. M

    I Regarding Joule's gas expansion experiment

    Hi, Joule's original gas expansion experiment is often presented like in the following link: http://demonstrations.wolfram.com/JouleExperimentOnFreeExpansion/ The apparent lack of temperature change in this experiment is often used in textbooks to demonstrate that the energy of an ideal gas is...
  31. Z

    B Feynman experiment with bullets

    Hello, I have a question. In Feynman lectures vol. I, in chapter 37-2, Feynman has an experiment with bullets. *Copyright http://www.feynmanlectures.caltech.edu/III_01.html But the curve for ##P_{12}## looks in the picture is different from his live recorded lectures. *YouTube - Is the...
  32. Felipe Prado

    I Fizeau's Exp: TRANSFORMING VELOCITIES to Explain

    In 1851 Fizeau made a famous experiment which corroborated de Fresnel's drag coefficient of the luminiferous ether. In the experiment two light beams traveled through a tube of moving water (at 7cm per second), one moving against the water flow (let's called it beam A), and one for the water...
  33. K

    I Experiment Ideas using an MRI scanner?

    So I've stumbled upon a really cool opportunity this summer, where I basically have a hospital which has agreed to let me do an experiment using their 3T MRI machine. I'm a physics undergrad and I want to do a physics experiment using the MRI, but I have absolutely no idea what to do. I've tried...
  34. MatthijsRog

    I How Can I Accurately Fit an Airy Distribution Over Noisy Resonance Data?

    Hi all, I performed a resonance experiment over the past two weeks, in which I collected the intensity of a Fabry-Perot cavity whilst adjusting the mirror distance with a piezo-element (the specific setup of the experiment is fairly detached from the question I will ask). My raw data is...
  35. AbhiJeet Patil

    Instantaneous Speed of Gravity Experiment

    I n ordinary weighing scale, in left pan, there is spiral shaped coil (like that mosquito coil) or any long shaped rod. Middle point of this coil is touching the left pan. Let mass of this coil be W1. Second body of mass W2 is attached to other end of this coil. So the left pan is experiencing...
  36. slow

    B Can Antiparticle Collisions Occur Without Charge Intervention?

    One sometimes gets excited about something and loses sight of essential details, which when taken into account derail the attempt. If in this case that happens, I beg you to let me know. Is the next. Think of the mutual collision of a particle and its antiparticle. Before the collision there...
  37. physea

    2^k factorial experiment design

    Hello! In this webpage: https://onlinecourses.science.psu.edu/stat503/node/35 it describes the 2^k factorial experiment design. I understand that k is the number of factors that we are investigating (in this case two, a and b), 2 are the levels of each factor (+/-) and 2^k=4 is the number of...
  38. D

    I Tail in data of Duane-Hunt limit experiment

    https://photos-5.dropbox.com/t/2/AAC1PAsxThHE7dTxxumANssxIDSrZGA0wi9u1T2alieA9g/12/217355121/png/32x32/1/_/1/2/Screen%20Shot%202018-04-24%20at%2014.40.53.png/EJ6fyaMBGOQEIAIoAg/zVJasOZ8quUZpWc6eN6tzuO7YSmC-VjpQ4ikXIkpC8A?preserve_transparency=1&size=2048x1536&size_mode=3 So in looking at the...
  39. Clara Chung

    I Question about Powder X-ray diffraction experiment

    I don’t understand why do we use power in this experiment. If we use powder, the d spacings of each crystalline will be oriented randomly, why won’t the angle of reflection changes? I don’t understand the idea of using powder in the experiment. Thank you so much
  40. Q

    B A view of the double-slit experiment

    Greetings. My name is Antti, I'm from Finland. My scientific background consists mostly if not only from watching youtube videos about science and Googling things that I'm curious about. So i registered on this forum to ask questions from the more educated people. So here's my understanding as...
  41. G

    B FTL train + FTL communication thought experiment

    Please move this if it belongs to other subforums. So i thought about some other stuff and then somehow this idea appeared to me, now according to physics it is impossible to communicate information faster than the speed of light through vacuum which is "c". So for any two bodies moving in...
  42. ohwilleke

    I What false hints of new physics were most notable?

    Sometimes experimental or observational evidence from credible physicists points to new physics and then turns out to be wrong due to statistical flukes, experimental error or a theoretical analysis mistake. What cases of this happening do you find most notable, what showed that the hints were...
  43. Dustin

    B 4 Questions About Lenz's Law Experiment

    Hello, I have four questions. As it stands now, I don't have the necessary materials to test this myself, which is how I'd prefer to learn the answer. I still plan on doing this experiment for fun once I can acquire the necessary components. This deals with Lenz's Law. My goal is to maximize...
  44. M

    Inteference Fringes of Double Slit Experiment in Water

    Homework Statement Suppose a double-slit experiment is immersed in water (with an index of refraction of 1.33). When in the water, what happens to the interference fringes? Homework Equations λ = λ0 / n y = (λmL) / d d = distance between slits L = distance to viewing screen n = index of...
  45. D

    B Different size slits in Young's double slit experiment

    Hi all I was wondering what happens if one slit in youngs double slit is bigger than the other? I recon that the of maxima will rise and in minima, there will be no dark spot, but dim light instead. Is that correct? If not can you please explain what happens? Thanks
  46. mfb

    I A proposed experiment to test quantum gravity

    Gravity is weak - while we can study the other interactions with individual particles, for gravity we need macroscopic objects to get measurable forces. This makes it easy to measure quantum effects for the other interactions, but hard to do so with gravity. Gravitational forces are always...
  47. F

    I What causes the formation of multiple sub-beams in the Stern Gerlach Experiment?

    Hello Everyone, I am reviewing the SG experiment. I think the experiment was set out to demonstrate that the orbital angular momentum ##L## is quantized producing a quantized magnetic momentum. But silver and hydrogen atoms have no net orbital angular momentum. Still two sub-beams, due to two...
  48. B

    Parallel Axis Theorem Experiment

    Homework Statement I am currently working on a physics experiment to confirm the parallel axis theorem. To do this, I have the following setup: In this experiment I change the distance between the centre of the rotating disc and the central axis. I record the time for 5 complete rotations...
  49. M

    Sources of Error in a Speed of Sound Experiment

    Homework Statement Determine sources of error which could have affected the results. Some background information: The lab consisted of playing a tone generated by a tone generator above a standing open-closed tube which had water in it. The first harmonic was measured through a computer system...
  50. CricK0es

    How Should Error Be Calculated When Determining Angles from Voltage Maxima?

    Homework Statement I have taken 5 sets of readings of voltage against angle for an experiment to determine specific rotation. (I'm using the maxima to determine the phase shift) So, having averaged these values and determined the maximum, I can then trace back to the angle at which this...