Explain Definition and 1000 Threads

  1. Z

    I Could Quantum Physics explain the singularity in a Black Hole?

    If a singularity exists in the center of a black hole, could quantum physics, instead of relativity , explain it?
  2. N

    I Is it possible to explain Quantum tunneling with the HUP?

    I'm a student in South Korea(It is my first English question ever). I found descriptions of quantum tunneling explained by the uncertainty principle in Korea. There are two kinds of descriptions to explain quantum tunneling; position-momentum and time-energy uncertainty principle. First...
  3. B

    Explain why Mo–95 & La–139 are more stable than U–235

    Hey everyone! So I have attempted this Q which is shown below I had a go at all the parts and I think they are right but I'm not so sure on what answer to give for c)iii, I mentioned about the ratio of protons to neutrons but I'm not sure if that is necessary over here? Any help would be...
  4. Kaushik

    Could you please explain Azeotropes in detail?

    Could you please explain Azeotropes in detail? I find it really difficult to wrap my head around it. The only thing I know is Azeotropes are the mixtures whose composition is the same in both vapor and liquid state. This might be a stupid question but why and how is the composition the same? If...
  5. filip97

    A Huygens Principle - how to explain this with classical language?

    I was read this article(https://engineering.purdue.edu/wcchew/ece604f19/Lecture%20Notes/Lect31.pdf). I was read this paper about Huygens' principle(https://engineering.purdue.edu/wcchew/ece604f19/Lecture%20Notes/Lect31.pdf) Main idea of Huygens' principle is how wave function ##ψ(r)##...
  6. nohappy

    The Venturi Effect cannot explain how an eductor works

    I've google all the keywords like "eductor", "ejector", "Venturi pump". All of them are the mechanism or applications that utilize "Venturi Effect". All of them are trying to explain the "suction effect" by saying that restriction area makes the fluid's velocity higher and hence lower pressure...
  7. S

    What if the Higgs Boson doesn't exist—how else can we explain mass?

    If the higgs does not exist. What other ways are there to explain that matter has mass?--------------------------------
  8. R

    What equations explain the Twin Paradox and time dilation in special relativity?

    Twin paradox is measuring time dilhation, is that correct? i saw a few exmaples on the internet using equations using 2 planets with 1 twin on earth and the other travelling to the planet. I would like to know what equations would be used if i were to find out the time of 1 person travelling to...
  9. A

    Could Hitchhiker Genes Explain Unbeneficial Traits in Evolution?

    I don't know if there has been much discussion about this idea, but I thought of a concept I call "hitchhiker genes". We all know that Natural Selection is the principle that new genes (introduced by random mutation) which are beneficial to survival and reproduction will survive and replace...
  10. G

    Could Mirror Neurons Explain Telepathy and Empathy?

    I was just wondering if any of you have seen the article in New Scientist a few months ago about mirror neurones. The research into them suggested that a certain type of neurones picks up EM emissions from other brains and gives us an idea of the brain activity of others. Possibly a plain old...
  11. P

    How Does Intelligent Design Explain Evolutionary Changes?

    I apologize if this turns out to be little more than a retread of previous topics. Hopefully, my point is to draw out from ID defendershowintelligent design goes about making those changes that cause the evolution of species, rather than just having them point out whatever...
  12. A

    Do Undetectable Particles Explain Paranormal Phenomena?

    Does anyone buy the theory put forward by some New Age types that there could be a range of particles which are entirely undetectable, creating similarly undetectable varities of energy fields and waves which could account for so called paranormal phenomena?Surely if such particles were actualy...
  13. E

    Can E=mc² Alone Explain Infinite Mass at Light Speed?

    For a massive body to accelerate to the speed of light would be impossible, because such an object would acquire infinite mass and thus need an infinite amount of energy to accelerate further. But can this be derived from the famous equation, E=mc� alone? Or does that one just apply to objects...
  14. S

    How Does Asimov Explain the Concept of Wrongness in Science?

    THE RELATIVITY OF WRONG - Isaac AsimovThe Skeptical InquirerI received a letter the other day. It was handwritten in crabbed penmanship so that it was very difficult to read. Nevertheless, I tried to make it out just in case it might prove to be important. In the first sentence, the writer told...
  15. N

    Explain your most difficult math problem

    Take the most difficult math problem that you're grappling with at the moment and imagine you have to explain it to some people who can give you a hefty scholarship for further research.These are creative, intelligent people; they know their business, which is business. Can you explain the math...
  16. M

    Can friction in a void explain Pioneer 10's strange behavior?

    If light consists of thermodynamic particles. Does the fact that light travelsso fast cause the particles to maintain this state through some sort of friction within a void in particular?MajinVegeta
  17. A

    Could a Rotating Universe Explain Gravitational Equilibrium?

    Ok, here's another one of my ideas. I'm not sure if it has been thought of (I'm sure it has) but here it is:The universe must rotate at incredibly high speeds to make a centrifugal force the same as the gravitational force such that it creates an equilibrium and prevents the universe from...
  18. L

    What Is Physics and How Can You Explain It Simply?

    When asked by a layperson or child what physics is, how do you respond?A wake to imagination! {^,^}
  19. M

    Could a New Hypothesis on Gravity Explain the Universe's Expansion?

    I�ve thought of a new hypothesis explaining gravity. It uses the assumptions that the universe is a hyper-sphere and that the universe is expanding at an accelerating rate. (The acceleration rate would have to be fairly constant in order for this hypothesis to work. A hyper-sphere is a...
  20. M

    How Does Lenz's Law Explain Current Flow in Magnetic and Electric Fields?

    About Lenz's Law.When the induced potential is e = lvBHow can this difference be used?How can a current flow when the electrones areunder the infuence of both the magnetic field andthe electrical field; QvB = QE ?mrzero::nrzero.com
  21. S

    Can General Relativity Truly Explain the Curvature of Spacetime?

    Encompasses the curving of spacetime due to mass of a body Warping the fabric of space.What do you think about it?Arguements for? Against?"We could use, ....be constructive"~Radioheadtypeo007@hotmail.com
  22. F

    Can Particles in Physics Truly Explain Human Feelings?

    First ,'If we think of a living organism as an assemblage of the microparticles of physics (electrons, quarks, gluons and the like), it seems a considerable mystery how such an assemblage of particles can experience a feeling such as pleasure or...
  23. M

    Why Did Classical Physics Fail to Explain Atomic Stability?

    The fall of classical physics is usually attributed to it`s failure to account for the stability of the atom ( and blackbody radiation ). When electrons are accelerated, they radiate energy, so as they orbit round the nucleus, they should radiate energy, hence they should fall into the...
  24. M

    Can Science Truly Explain the Universe's Mysteries?

    I submit that science is incapable of solving the universe because it is based on logic and mathmatics which are inherantly flawed.Logical paradox:"There are no absolutes."Mathmatical indescrepancy:If an arrow travels half of the distance to its target and then half its distance again, and...
  25. T

    Can Standing Waves in a Cavity Explain Solar Emission Behavior?

    The Rayleigh-Jeans- and Planck- radiation formulae are based on the assumption of standing waves in a cavity (seehttp://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/mod6.html.) However, in nature one does not normally have any clearly defined cavity that would enable the development of standing waves...
  26. Q

    Can Tired Light and Gravitational Redshifting Explain Astronomical Observations?

    I started this thread to see what everyone's thoughts are on tired light, gravitational redshifting, the Shapiro Effect, et cetera and how they think these theoretical phenomena might effect (or not effect) astronomical observations (e.g. redshifts, spectra, et cetera). Below are some ideas...
  27. S

    Could Exotic Fractionally Charged Particles Explain Neutrino Anomalies?

    I've been thinking about this experiment again....http://www.fnal.gov/pub/ferminews/ferminews01-11-09/p1.htmlWell, could the discrepincy between what should have happened and what did happen be attributed to the exotic fractionally charged particles predicted by string theory?Meaning, when the...
  28. P

    Can Autocatalysis Explain the Origins of Life?

    I have been talking a lot with friends of late. We have been discussing the possible origins of life. Two schools have thought have arisen from the talks:1. The only way to explain the complexity of life is through a God like being.2. Science can explain the complexity of life, or atleast will...
  29. T

    Could Missing Time Explain Your Recent Confusion?

    I don't know where the heck I've been for the last couple of months. Any ideas?
  30. L

    Can Pure Mathematics Explain the Physics Behind the Big Bang?

    When total gravitational collapse (such as the big crunch) occurs, physics is assumed to accede to a mathematical singularity. Information formerly in the mechanics of spacetime is diminished to a point thatby itselfhas no meaning to general relativity or quantum mechanics. Where does the...
  31. I

    Pls, help explain this phenomena.

    My work is currently installing a LASER to cut holes in Si wafers. The laser is a 350nm YD??? make by Coherent. something like 5W into a small point. I have not yet seen it in operation but the tech who has been working on it descriped a brillient blue irridesence which is emmited from the point...
  32. T

    What Hypothesis Can Explain the Speed of a Ball Rolling Down a Ramp?

    We've had to recently do an experiment where we had to roll a ball down a (sloped) ramp. We started at 10 cm, then 20, 30, ..., up to 190 centimeters. We had to time the speed of the ball three times for each distance. Now I'm doing my formal write-up, but I'm having difficulty...I can't think...
  33. R

    How Does Physics Explain a Car Sliding on Icy Roads?

    hi im only a beginner on learning physics. I have a question for u all out thereA car is going along the road and the surface is icy. when the car approaches a bend the car begins to slide. In physics termonology how can this be explained?thanks
  34. D

    How do special relativity and nuclear physics explain proton collisions?

    Here are some problems I need help to solve.1) Two protons each with 7 TeV collide head on. The center of mass energy therfor is 14 TeV. If the same energy is to be produced, what would the energy of proton be if it instead collides whit a proton at rest?2) Here is a question from my teatcher...
  35. S

    How Does HowStuffWorks Explain Everything?

  36. D

    Do Geodesics Explain the Warping of Space Around Jupiter and Its Moons?

    Ok, I'm not familiar with geodesics but i've read sort of an overviewbasically what I got from it, with relations to the orbit of planets was that planets actualy travel in a straight line, but because the curvature or space is warped they travel in an elliptical path...... fine...but imagine...
  37. R

    What equations explain the Twin Paradox and time dilation in special relativity?

    Twin paradox is measuring time dilhation, is that correct? i saw a few exmaples on the internet using equations using 2 planets with 1 twin on earth and the other travelling to the planet. I would like to know what equations would be used if i were to find out the time of 1 person travelling to...
  38. G

    Can H.G. Wells' The Time Machine Explain the Physics of Time Travel?

    In H.G. Wells' novel, The Time Machine, our protagonist jumped into a special chair with blinking lights, spun a few dials, and found himself catapulted several hundred thousand years into the future...http://physicspost.com/articles.php?articleId=33admin@physicsforums.comAll New!
  39. O

    How does the Higgs field explain the mechanics of gravity?

    An object in a uniform isotropic energy field is subject to an equal and opposite force in all directions. The situation can be thought of in terms of collisions occurring on all sides between the particle equivalent of the field and the object. Let us assume, for sake of argument, that this...
  40. P

    How Can Physics Explain the Angle of Reflection in Baseball Swings?

    to anyone interested,question, please.but first - an admition by myself of no formal physics education beyond high school.i realize the complexity of the physics involved in the "baseball swing", but i hope there is someone out there that can make it easy for me.OBLIQUE IMPACT:what i would like...
  41. A

    Can Quantum Physics Explain the Two Slits Experiment Beyond Probabilities?

    In a recent article on PhysicsPost, CJames goes through a brief explanation of quantum physics and the two slits experiment.When light is shone through two slits, it produces an interference pattern on the surface on the other side of the slits. This happens even with only 1 photon. Apparently...
  42. S

    Could Life's Origins Among the Stars Explain Our Reality?

    Life's origins among the stars.< >**************************************************" Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away."- Philip K. Dick
  43. S

    Can the mechanics of expanding space explain the energy of receding galaxies?

    Let the following be simultaneously true and non-instantaneous:c = r/t ; H = v/r ; Ht = Hr/c = v/cLet the Hubble constant be defined as:H = dr/(rdt)so thatHdt = dr/r ==> Hdt = dr/r ==> Ht = ln (r/ro)r=roeHtu = dr/dt = d(roeHt)/dt = HroeHt{r=ro, Ht=v/c=Hr/c}p = mu = mHroeHt; p(v) = mu(v)= mvev/c...
  44. W

    Could Bose-Einstein Condensation Explain the Big Bang?

    After the prediction and subsequent creation of Bose-Einstein condensation one begins to imagine the implications this discovery will have on future postulations in all fields of atomic theory. Bose-Einstein condensate is only possible at near absolute zero temperatures (~ .000,000,001 of a...
  45. J

    Can 0 and 1 Explain Complex Mathematical Concepts in Time?

    Can I use these two numbers to describe anything mathematically with respect to time and some other very hard questions.
  46. A

    Is Relativity Too Complex to Explain Gravity Simply?

    Isaac Newton, a champion of parsimony, found a nice correlation betweenmass/distance and the force/phenomenon we call gravity. But, mass/distance is not the only thing which can be correlated to gravity. Space itself can becorrelated to gravity, and Relativity theory supposes this. But, there is...
  47. W

    Could a Hidden Temporal Dimension Explain Quantum Randomness and Entropy?

    It seems possible to me that the apparent randomness in Quantum Mechanics could be the result of another time like dimension opposing ours and canceling out the laws of entropy. Furthermore, this could also explain Relativistic effects and preserve the arrow of time. It could possibly be a...
  48. G

    Does Space-Time Curvature Explain Earth's Orbit Around the Sun?

    I have heard that the Earth orbits round the Sun not because of gravity, but massive objects like the Sun warps space-time around it so the Earth will always follow the straight geodesic, so as space-time is curved the Earth will follow that. Is this true?If the information above is correct...
  49. A

    How does Keppler Explain the motion of the Moon?

    If i remember correctly, Keppler explained the circular motion of the planets in terms of 'spiritual force' emenating from the sun, like spokes, pushing the planets around the sun.How then does he explain the motion of the Moon around the Earth?Hmmmm...immortal youth....
  50. R

    Are equations that explain nature merely approximations?

    Are all the equations that try and explain how nature works just approximations? Like, did the people who came up with them just use something that matches real life as close as possible, or are they considerd exact?