Exploration Definition and 105 Threads

Exploration is the act of searching for the purpose of discovery of information or resources. Exploration occurs in all non-sessile animal species, including humans. In human history, its most dramatic rise was during the Age of Discovery when European explorers sailed and charted much of the rest of the world for a variety of reasons. Since then, major explorations after the Age of Discovery have occurred for reasons mostly aimed at information discovery.

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  1. F

    An Exploration of Unified Theories

    I am starting this thread with an observation and three questions. I post this only as a starting point. I would appreciate any comment on the search for a unified theory. I am an amateur physicist at best, yet it often seems as though the scientific world over complicates the search for...
  2. G

    Motion of Source Effects Frequency of Wave: an Exploration

    i know that motion of source can change the frequency of wave. constant speed motion will not change the wave progagation relative to water itself.but from the point of a observer at speed 0, the propagation speed will change. so my question is what will happen to frequency? thanks for help...
  3. I

    Human Technological Exploration Suit

    I am working on a design for a human operated technological exploration suit. I have the energy supply worked out and designed to scale and tested in small scale prototype. I would like to put together a team from here to help develop this unique system for deep sea exploration. I would also...
  4. C

    Finding a Career in Space Exploration

    Hello! I wanted to see if anyone here would be able to help give me some advice about my University education. I've just graduated from High School and I got my marks on my Diploma Exams back (In Alberta, Canada there is a Standardized Provincial Exam at the end of each Grade 12 course that is...
  5. A

    In wich economic model this are more advanced: Space Exploration and Science.

    I really would like to suport the ideology that's helps science and space exploration. Capitalism, Socialism or a Mixed Economy, Socialist Market economy etc.
  6. R

    Is space exploration a waste of money?

    Hi, First of all let me say that my answer to the question in my title is "absolutely not!" I think space exploration is extremely important not only because it is inspiring and amazing but it also provides so many important spin off technologies. But with everything that has been going on...
  7. C

    Finding a Passion for Physics and Space Exploration

    Hello everyone, I'm a junior in high school and I've been having trouble trying to figure out my life career. I currently have a "B" in chemistry and have kind of been gliding my way through the year, not applying myself because of this unsureness of a career. Well I've always been...
  8. R

    What are your views on the future of Space Exploration

    It is no secret that the days of mankind are numbered on Earth. Humans have the whole universe to explore to find resources or another spaceship. Will this be taken seriously by the general public or will it remain a dream of a fanatical few? Is there future in space exploration and would a...
  9. H

    Harnessing Power from Free Flowing Rivers: An Electrical Engineer's Exploration

    I'm investigating the power available in a free flowing river. I'm attempting to capture this power with a cross-axis (wind turbine style) turbine. The equation I have for available power is: P = 0.5*m*A*v^3 with m=mass, A=area swept by blades, v=horizontal (into the turbine) velocity of...
  10. N

    Measuring Forces on an Angle: An Exploration

    Homework Statement how do we measure 2 forces on an angle? let's say we get an object that is moving ( a rocket?) the gravity pull it down while the rocket engineer gives more force. however to reach the highest height, we shot it at 90 degree(horizon). and also at that time, the...
  11. Astronuc

    HMS Victory Wreckage found by Odyssey Marine Exploration

    Wreck of renowned British warship found in Channel http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090201/ap_on_bi_ge/shipwreck_discovery Odyssey has an ongoing legal matter with Spain over another wreck that was salvaged, the Spanish galleon Nuestra Senora de las Mercedes y las Animas, which sank off Portugal...
  12. R

    Odds of Finding Alien Life: An Exploration

    What do you guys reckon to the odds of us finding alien life? The fermi paradox: 'If there are all these billions of planets in the universe that are capable of supporting life, and millions of intelligent species out there, then how come none has visited earth?' I reckon there exists...
  13. D

    Proving Cyclic Group Generators: An Exploration

    Homework Statement Prove any cyclic group with more than two elements has at least two different generators. Homework Equations A group G is cyclic if there exists a g in G s.t. <g> = G. i.e all elements of G can be written in the form g^n for some n in Z. The Attempt at a...
  14. F

    Constant acceleration problem involving NASA exploration vehicle.

    1. In Jan. 2004, NASA landed exploration vehicles on Mars. Part of the descent consisted of the following stages:? Stage A: Friction with the atmosphere reduced the speed from 19300 km/h to 1600 km/h in 4.0 min. Stage B: A parachute then opened to slow it down to 321 km/h in 94 s. Stage C: Retro...
  15. F

    Exploring Space: Is It Manifest Destiny?

    I was having a discussion with one of my professors the other week about human exploration of space. He said that the only reason for continued manned exploration and settlements on other planets would be if we were to find signs of life on another planet like Mars. I disagree, I believe that...
  16. Astronuc

    NASA NASA's Exploration Technology Development Program

    For those in Aerospace Engineering, this might be of interest. This report highlights 22 technical areas of R&D under NASA's Exploration Technology Development Program (ETDP). Review of NASA's Exploration Technology Development Program An Interim Report...
  17. L

    A CS Undergrad's Exploration of Physics: Questions & Answers

    The Background: I am currently a CS undergrad and doing very well in my courses, I am finishing up the 200-level courses this semester with A's and will be taking some 300-level courses next semester. After next semester I would have enough CS courses to complete a minor in the concentration...
  18. N

    What Can You Do with a Degree in Earth and Space Exploration?

    My school offers a degree in Earth and Space Exploration. To me it sounds interesting and I'm thinking about double it majoring along with geology. And since there is already a lot of overalp in classes it probably won't add too much classes wise. It seems like a very general degree and I'm...
  19. E

    Solving for sin(xi): A Mathematical Exploration

    If: sin(i)=i \frac{e^2 - 1}{2e} what does sin(xi) equal?
  20. Eraniamayomii

    Advancing the Human Race Through Space Exploration

    Hello. Let me start by asking your forgiveness for my lack of grammatical skill. I know I need work in this subject. None-the-less, I'd like to ask a couple question concerning my dream. Please keep in mind that college is quite a ways off. I'd like to be prepared now though. Along with my...
  21. W

    Exploring a 3-Year BS Plan for Space Exploration

    Hi Physics Forums! I've been lurking for a couple months now and decided to post after laying out a 3-year Applied Physics BS plan. You must be thinking why three years for a BS. Well I've been in school for three years now, and have finally figured out what I want to do for the rest of my...
  22. O

    On GR and Interstellar exploration

    Hello folks, I was wondering about a possible probe sent to alpha centauri which would be able to do a deep scan of the system, maybe for a month, and then send back results. I then wondered, that if the probe was exposed to different gravitational conditions, let's say favourbly, would...
  23. B

    Awe-Inspiring Gravity Waves: An Exploration

    i would love to witness something like this, i still don't quite understand what is happening tho haha http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gravity_wave
  24. F

    Gas Molecules in Motion: An Exploration of Physics

    Do the molecules of a gas move randomly when they aren't colliding, or is it only when they have elastic collisions with other molecules? I know it's a retarded question, I don't know much about physics. Also, does the temperature of a body depend on the internal energy of it, or just kinetic...
  25. N

    Engineering Student Seeking Advice: An Exploration of Options

    (I thought I'd repost this into the appropriate section) Hi, I'm a semi-sophomore in Engineering at a community college in Massachusetts. We don't have engineering classes, but a great Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics department (My Linear Algebra class has 6 students in it). I plan to...
  26. O

    Miniprobes for interstellar exploration

    I know it would take an obscene amount of energy to put any type of manned spaceship within reach of neighboring stars... but why can't tiny probes, maybe the size of a baseball, or if necessary a marble, be sent instead? Say we explode a nuke to fling a few of these 'spaceballs' towards Proxima...
  27. Astronuc

    Developments in Space Exploration

    Some interesting ideas Europe floats future space ideas http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/7053057.stm As compared to $100 bn /yr for Bush's fiasco. Esa, Nasa team up on key missions http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/6767183.stm Major space missions move ahead...
  28. B

    Balancing the Cards: An Exploration

    so embarrased askin so much :redface: On a table there are 14 cards. On each card there is a number between 1 to 1000. Show it is possible to divide the cards into two piles so that the total sums are the same.
  29. P

    I need to ask questions about Space exploration.

    I need to ask 10 opinionated questions about space exploration. I have 9, but I need ideas for the final one. My first 9 are as follows: 1. Do you think space exploration is worth the cost? 2. If you could, would you go into space as an official NASA astronaut? 3. If you could afford...
  30. T

    Proving 1 + 1 = 2: An Exploration

    hi lately i have been reading in maths a lot and started to look more deeply into 'proof'. however, i have come across a few proofs that seem a little 'silly'. for example, taking to an extreme, the extremely long proof (many hundred of pages) for 1 + 1 = 2. now i havn't actually read this...
  31. T

    Astronaut Dreams: One Man's Quest for Space Exploration

    http://www.technewsworld.com/rsstory/56068.html Seems he is serious about it. Without doubts,he deserves to go if he wants to. So far it's just zero- G training,but I remember reading he dreamed about longer living in an Earth orbit some day.
  32. S

    Space Exploration and its effect on the Earth's Oxygen supply: I have a question

    Alright, this may seem a bit of a childish question, but for my sake I need it answered. So please stay with me. Alright, pretty much what this is all about is the effect that space exploration has on the Earth's air supply. We were all sitting around talking about the creation of a space...
  33. Mk

    The Saddest Songs We've Heard: An Exploration

    What are the absolute saddest songs you have ever heard? I was just thinking about some of my favorite songs, and I noticed that they are all either extremely invigorating, or so sentimental and innocent. I guess we like music for the emotional qualities you get out of it. Loud music can...
  34. L

    Should We Return to the Moon with Apollo Technology?

    A few weeks ago NASA announced it's next generation of rockets. Based on The APollo design it will take us to orbit, ,the space station,and even The Moon. My questions are, do we want to do this? This would be taking us backwards since it's based on APollo technology. Is it reusable? Will it...
  35. N

    A Story of Friendship and Space Exploration: My Dedication from a Cosmonaut

    Hello :smile: While I was browsing through all the contributions for this weeks PF Photo Contest - "When You Wish Upon A Star" I remembered a book which was given to me as a gift when I was 11 years old. (a few years ago :rolleyes:) It told the story of manned space flight. Well today...
  36. R

    Simplifying sin(3pi/2-x): An Exploration

    What does "simplify" means in this case: Simplify each of the following: 1. sin(3pi/2-x)
  37. Astronuc

    Oil and gas exploration - the cost

    http://www7.nationalgeographic.com/ngm/0507/feature5/index.html Demand for natural gas and the resulting land-use pressures are pitting America's Old West against the New. http://www7.nationalgeographic.com/ngm/0507/sights_n_sounds/index.html...
  38. E

    Zero Point Energy: An Exploration of Its Meaning & Implications

    am i right to assume that zero point energy is the energy that a piece of matter must have to equal its mass via E=mc^2 or is it something else. also with the copperhaggen interpretation is it right to assume that by following it in its most literal scence that it implies that god exists.
  39. Gamma

    Gamma's New Journey: Highschool Physics Curricula and Textbook Exploration

    Hi every one, Happy to be back. I took a long break from PF. Proud to tell you that I have a new baby girl now. Being a stay at home mom, I have decided to volunteer in our school system. I have already set up a meeting with the school officials regarding this. Probably I will work with...
  40. R

    How Does MIT's New Bio-Suit Enhance Mars Exploration?

    Hey everyone, I came across a really cool article in a magazine about a new space-suit that researchers at MIT are developing. Check it out http://mvl.mit.edu/EVA/biosuit/index.html . The magazine article looked more impressive, but you should be able to get an idea of what it's about at...
  41. M

    On-Line Based Team Efforts of Commercial Space Exploration.

    Hi, I started the U.S. Aeronautical and Aerospace Association, and will begin my studies of Aviation Science and Aeronautical Engineering during the summer term of 2005. I was hoping to find people around the same age group or level of intel. Others are also welcomed! Here is information about...
  42. M

    Exploring Space: The Future of USAA and Commercial Space Travel

    This post is intended for individuals who are currently at the college level, or surpassed the college level and hold an interest in space travel. I represent the USAA (U.S. Aeronautical and Aviation Association.) More information available on the group at our website...
  43. C

    What is Space? A Theory Exploration

    First off, sorry if this is the wrong forum, obviously I'm new here, so not sure quite how things go :wink: Anyway, I've been thinking a bit, and wondering exactly What space is, or what the current theory on it is. From what i have thought about myself, it seems that space would have to...
  44. E

    Hall Effect Experiment: Confusion and Exploration

    Hall Effect! Hey guys, I'm having a little confusion. Have spent too much time in trying to work through this. . . In performing the Hall Effect experiment, I took data of the Hall voltage versus Temperature. I performed this three times for different fixed B, magnetic fields. The...
  45. W

    Time, Memory and Change: A Philosophical Exploration

    I've been thinking.. If time is what a clock measures, at what rate does time pass? By definition, the same rate as the clock's hand moves, but that's just circular. Then, there's also "everything is stationary wrt itself", so how does any change occur at all? It just dawned on me that it is...
  46. T

    Is it Possible to Fly an Airplane on Mars?

    Hey there I just saw a show on Discovery about spacetravel, and a little question arose as the show ended: In the documentary, by my observations aged 3 -4 years, they mentioned a plane going to Mars to explore the planet. In the animations it looked a lot like conventional airplanes with...
  47. Ivan Seeking

    Saturn’s Titan Eyed For Increased Exploration

    http://space.com/images/031014_huygens_02.jpg http://space.com/scienceastronomy/titan_probes_040203.html
  48. Evo

    New U.S. Plan for Space Exploration

    Excerpts from a news article from ABCnews.com. The president is set to announce next week that he wants to send astronauts back to the moon around the year 2013, and to make a flyby of Mars by around 2020, sources say. To help pay for the program, the sources say the Space Shuttles would...