Fabric Definition and 119 Threads

A textile is a flexible material made by creating an interlocking network of yarns or threads, which are produced by spinning raw fibres (from either natural or synthetic sources) into long and twisted lengths. Textiles are then formed by weaving, knitting, crocheting, knotting, tatting, felting, bonding, or braiding these yarns together.
The related words "fabric" and "cloth" and "material" are often used in textile assembly trades (such as tailoring and dressmaking) as synonyms for textile. However, there are subtle differences in these terms in specialized usage. A textile is any material made of the interlacing fibres, including carpeting and geotextiles, which may not necessarily be used in the production of further goods, such as clothing and upholstery. A fabric is a material made through weaving, knitting, spreading, felting, stitching, crocheting or bonding that may be used in the production of further products, such as clothing and upholstery, thus requiring a further step of the production. Cloth may also be used synonymously with fabric, but often specifically refers to a piece of fabric that has been processed or cut.

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  1. A

    By definition the space time fabric must have mass.

    Hello all, My post involves the unexpected continued expansion of the universe. As if matter is being accelerated by some means of unknown repulsion. Let us assume that current space time theory is correct. And that there is a "fabric" of space. We are all familiar with the grid...
  2. D

    A way to ripple the fabric of space?

    So i was sitting in Algebra the other day, day-dreaming when i thought of something: I know gravity exists because all objects have mass that bend space causing a trampoline effect and pull objects towards them. So, what happens if you have something that has extreme mass (say a large star)...
  3. S

    Stretched fabric cylinder between two hoops - what is the shape?

    Hi Everyone, Imagine a tube of fabric stretched between two hoops, like the one's seen here.. http://www.stretchshapes.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/A1.png That is, a cylinder made of an elastic material, under tension. Is there a name for this shape? Is there a generic equation...
  4. N

    Is there a washable magnetic fabric in existence?

    Hi, I'm not a materials scientist by any means, but I have a business idea that would involve the use of a washable magnetic fabric. Does anyone know of any such material? If not, does anyone know a good place I might look to find such information? I've tried googling, but I haven't found...
  5. H

    What is the 'fabric of the cosmos' and what drives its cosmic loom?

    My cosmology friend and I were watching an episode of NOVA called "The Fabric of the Cosmos" hosted by Brian Greene. I asked if he could further explain the reference to the "fabric of the cosmos". He said, "Space-time has a geometry much like a piece of fabric. Picture our universe being...
  6. V

    How do we know there is a timespace fabric?

    When 2 magentic objects interact with each other, it is because they interact with each others magnetic field, not because their presence alters an existing magnetic field. The way I understood spacetime, the theory goes that a spacetime fabric stretches throughout the known universe and mass...
  7. C

    Question about Mulder and Scully experiment in The Fabric of the Cosmos

    In the fabric of the Cosmos by Brian Greene there is an experiment using the example of Mulder and Scully and boxes. It is an analogy to Bell's experiment determining whether articles have definite spin before you measure them. It shows that if they have definite spin before you measure them two...
  8. B

    Question about the fabric of space

    Forewarned, I'm super layman. Anyways, I've been wondering this all day from the thought of liquids needing less heat to boil under less atmosphere. Don't panic, i haven't JUST learned this, it just has provoked a thought.Is space expanding because of the momentum brought by the big bang, like...
  9. P

    Is There a Thermally Conductive Fabric for Infrared Heating Panels?

    Thermally conductive "fabric" Hello, I'm trying to build a custom infrared heating panel. The top manufacturers of these things claim to cover their heating elements with "Quartz woven fabric" which I am assuming is a thermally conductive, non electrically conductive material. Basically what...
  10. D

    Exploring the Reality of Space-Time Fabric

    I have no idea about it, as my understanding,that Mr.Einstein depicted that what actually happening in space are above on a plane and flat Space-time fabric.Is this telling us that the Earth around is nothing ?What i trying to say is the surrounding of a mass might not exist only a plane of...
  11. P

    General Relativity: Gravitational time dilation of photons and Fabric of Space

    Consider the following, from the prospective of General Relativity: A photon's path between two points, point O (emitted point, from galaxy GO) to point R (received point, in Galaxy GR): O: point of photon's origin, in space GFO: gravitational field force at point O, due to its position in...
  12. O

    Can light be filtered using red fabric?

    If I put a red fabric under the Sun, what can this fabric be filtered in term of light frequency spectrum? Thanks in advance of any suggestions
  13. S

    Spacetime Fabric Shear Strength

    Inside a black hole singularily, the center is pulling spacetime to it, but because the spacetime fabric inside and outside the event horizon are connected... it doesn't shear or break. But during a Big Crunch, the entire spacetime of the universe would be sucked back into the singularity and...
  14. L

    What is the fabric of spacetime made of?

    I know that the rubbersheet / fabric analogies that we see on TV and in various diagrams are only a metaphor, but I'm having difficulty getting started researching what we actually know / theorise about the make-up / workings of the "fabric"? Could you give me any pointers to good postings...
  15. B

    Hi Folks,I am currently reading Brian Greene's 'The Fabric of the

    Hi Folks, I am currently reading Brian Greene's 'The Fabric of the Cosmos' which is excellent. I am trying to get my head around the Delayed Choice Quantum Eraser in this book. Is there a website link I could follow up that explains it well? I have already looked at...
  16. N

    Exploring the Effects of Space-Time Fabric Elasticity on Time Flow

    if i consider space time to b a fabric as considered by einstein then expansion of this fabric leads in two direction 1-if the fabric has high elasticity then the curvature of space caused by the a massive object will keep on increasing,thus the flow of time will be faster...
  17. T

    Question about the space-time fabric

    Ok, I sort of understand the space-time fabric but there's one thing that bugs me. In this picture, how does the satellite orbit the earth? I know it's because of gravity but how is affected by the curvature of the space-time? It's not touching the curved part. Or does the curvature go all...
  18. C

    How long does it take strong acid to burn fabric?

    I got some concentrated H2SO4 on my lab coat on monday and when I left the lab there was only a brown stain on the lab coat so I put it in my locker. The next day I noticed an acid burn on my t-shirt, obviously caused by some acid that seeped through the lab coat. I can't walk into the lab next...
  19. grav-universe

    What is the nature of the gravitational field and its relationship to matter?

    In GR, there is said to exist a fabric of space-time, and gravity is the warping of the fabric of space-time. Since GR is simply an extension of SR, the fabric of space-time should exist for both, then, both relating to the same universe and all, right? So could the fabric of space-time be...
  20. grav-universe

    Exploring the Concept of an Ether vs. Fabric of Space-Time in LET and SR

    LET, Lorentz ether theory, is identical to SR but invokes an ether as the cause of length contraction and time dilation with motion through the ether. With it, there are no strange conceptualizations according to each observer's own particular reality for what they observe of other frames, but...
  21. G

    Can black holes allow us to break the speed of light?

    I always feel like I'm breaking some rule posting on here. As i am not a student of any class's. I also always feel re state that I am not as educated as you, any of you. I also feel compelled to state that some reason I find the topics you talk about confusing and yet easy and the math is Greek...
  22. A

    Scientists have tried to make the best fabric by using spiders genes

    I read on the net about how scientists have tried to make the best fabric by using spiders genes. They took a gene from the spider and inserted it into a goat's gene and then the milk which the goat gave, contained some silkiness, from which, after processing, scientists managed to extract...
  23. T

    Understanding the Spacetime Fabric

    So, I don't get it... I know Einstein said that space-time was a "fabric" but I can't visualize that, with us being in three dimensions.i Can visualize in my head (or at least understand) how space and time are really the same thing (or to my knowledge, time is just a component of space, a...
  24. S

    Space-Time Fabric: Exploring 3D Distortion

    hey guys, i jus got a question regarding space time fabric...if we take an example of a 2d fabric...it is distorted in the third dimension...now if it is a 3d fabric ( which is what it is supposed to be ) then in which dimension will it get distorted??
  25. G

    Can you rip the space time fabric?

    Can you rip the space time fabric!? if there is a fabric of space, the four dimension you could call it, space time, is it possible to rip it or open it up, for example do black holes do that, if not what, what would happen?
  26. L

    Question about Brian green book THE FABRIC OF THE COSMOS

    On page 56 last paragraph Brian give example of a train paradox where two person have clock and there is two observer on on the train the other outside. They agree to set there clock at 12:00 when they see the light open witch is placed between them. From there perspective each clock will be...
  27. S

    Space-time fabric distortion measuring

    Hi, I have a question about a fact that I did't understand, and all the world takes this as it is: How can the space-time distortion, generated by gravitational waves, can be measured? All scientist say that the space is stretched and squeezed, but how much means that, because 1 meter stretched...
  28. W

    Logical dilemma in Greene's The Fabric of the Cosmos?

    First, I'm afraid my description is going to be unavoidably lengthy, but I think need to explain my problem fully in order to hope for an answer that explains my dilemma properly. So if someone can follow it through to the end I'd appreciate the input. I'm pretty sure I have understood most...
  29. G

    Space-Time Fabric: Understanding 3D & Time Together

    I don't understand how the space-time fabric works. I've seen videos where the sun is in the space-time fabric and it makes a ripple in it and the Earth revolves around this. This works fine if our universe was 2D, but what if there was something above the sun in that diagram? Basically, I'm...
  30. X

    Can the Fabric of Space-Time Break Under Extreme Mass?

    Space Time "Fabric" limit? Has a study ever been conducted on the limit of mass that can exist at ant one point in space time? i.e.; Could the fabric of space time reach a breaking point with enough mass concentrated on a very small area?
  31. R

    Is it possible to create a negative charge in fabric?

    Hi, I was wondering whether it was possible to create a predominant negative charge in fabric. Anyone have any ideas?
  32. maverick_starstrider

    Enough with Fabric of the Cosmos et. al. already

    Anyone else getting tired of hearing about books like Road to Reality and Fabric of the Cosmos and everyone and their sister in high school wanting to do string theory? I really wish someone would write one of these books on like emergent phenomena in physics (like many-body stuff). That way...
  33. M

    Connection between fabric of space, max. speed (of light) and time dilation

    Hi all, 1. the max. speed of waves in the air is the speed of sound. it's caused by the physical limitation - changes in the air fabric (particles) can't propagate faster in it. 2. so I was wondering, whether the max. speed in our space isn't limited by the max. (indivisible/atomic) change...
  34. Topher925

    Can I Dye an Already Dyed Organic Cotton Sleeve Black?

    Dumb question, but I know nothing about fabrics. I want to dye my computer sleeve (organic cotton canvas) a different color but I don't want to do so if its going to look terrible. Its currently dyed a brownish color and I want to dye it dark black. Can I do this since its already been dyed a...
  35. H

    Perspective and Time Question RE: Green's Fabric of Cosmos

    Hi there...just got through chapter 6 and I'm having some issues fully grasping the concepts... I hope I can fully convey my question coherently. Please bear with me, I'm not a physicist! This might sound pretty dumb to you who are more experienced... ;) Greene is saying that the "now"...
  36. B

    Gravitational force vs space time fabric

    Hi guys, I got a question that has been in my head for a while. Is the Newtonian gravitational force equivalent to the "tension" in the space time fabric caused by the depression of 2 masses? If it is equivalent, does it means that gravitational force does not act in a straight line but it...
  37. F

    Plot of the Fabric of Spacetime - Schwarzschild

    Hi there. I am trying to plot the fabric of spacetime caused by an object using the schwarzchild solution. The idea is to replace one of the basis of space with time. I have computed R_{\mu\nu}, R and T_{\mu\nu} but I'm stuck here. How do I get to the equation of the surface from here? Any help...
  38. P

    What is the fabric of space made of

    What is space itself made of? i.e. if you take both your hands and put them in front of you--parallel to your shoulders, what is the empty space between your hands made of. Is this space just a void? Did this area of space between your hands exist before the big bang. And if it didn't...
  39. S

    What is the Fabric of Spacetime Made Of?

    General Relativity has always fascinated me and I understand how the fudamentals of the so called fabric of Spacetime work, but never do I hear from anybody what the fabric of Spacetime is made out of. Is it some other type of natural force and if so is it related to the 4 fundamental forces.
  40. K

    Is Time an Illusion? Opinions on Brian Greene's 'Fabric of the Cosmos

    I would just like a couple of opinions on a subject I read in Brian Greene's Fabric of the Cosmos. He states that all of time exists. Every event that has happened or will ever happen exists in its own time line. For instance while I write this at the age of forty two the event when I take my...
  41. R

    Is Space More Like Fabric or Fluid?

    Is space fabric or fluid? Please cite and explain the most persuasive observation or experiment that demonstrates space is fabric and not fluid. I will agree that http://antwrp.gsfc.nasa.gov/apod/image/0805/NaturalSpirals.jpg" Yet without reason and observation other, I cannot agree that...
  42. M

    Effect of acceleration on space-time fabric

    i studied somewhere that acceleration and gravity are equavalent .does acceleration produce ripples in space-time just like mass?
  43. A

    Does the fabric of space-time move faster than the speed of light?

    Just wondering? Space-time is exerting pressure. Is this movement faster than the speed of light?
  44. R

    Understanding Space Time Fabric: How Objects with Mass Affect Its Curvature

    I recently read that space time is curved by and object with mass. The example given was of a trampoline with a bowling ball and pool balls moving across the surface. I can understand or at least visualize this easily. However, Since all objects do not exist on the same plane or do they, I...
  45. E

    Can mankind transcend the fabric of space and time?

    A question that came out spontaneously, what do you think?
  46. M

    Question about greene's the fabric of the cosmos

    question about greene's "the fabric of the cosmos" I have a question regarding the content of chapters 5 and 6 in Brian Greene's "The Fabric of the Cosmos." Although my question results from what I see as an inconsistency in what he has presented, I'm not claiming that my logic is flawless...
  47. petm1

    What is the fabric of the universe?

    I just wanted to know what people think of the question "What is the fabric of the universe?" I only see two choices either time or space. I know that gravity is something that warps space, which means it must warp the fabric of space, or our second choice time, and I would think that any...
  48. H

    Space-time Fabric: how what and why it warps?

    I would like to ask another 3 question, 1.Gravity causes warps in the space-time fabric in general Relativity what cause this gravity? i was told in grade school it was with the planets rotation around its axis, but now, trying to do my own research in General Relativity i have found nothing...
  49. V

    Hooke's Law and stretched fabric

    A piece of fabric obeys Hooke's Law - force is proportional to extension - when stretched in one direction.Is it possible for the fabric to continue to obey Hooke's Law if it is simultaneously stretched in another direction at right angles to the first direction?