What is Falling: Definition and 1000 Discussions

In Newtonian physics, free fall is any motion of a body where gravity is the only force acting upon it. In the context of general relativity, where gravitation is reduced to a space-time curvature, a body in free fall has no force acting on it.
An object in the technical sense of the term "free fall" may not necessarily be falling down in the usual sense of the term. An object moving upwards might not normally be considered to be falling, but if it is subject to only the force of gravity, it is said to be in free fall. The Moon is thus in free fall around the Earth, though its orbital speed keeps it in very far orbit from the Earth's surface.
In a roughly uniform gravitational field, in the absence of any other forces, gravitation acts on each part of the body roughly equally. When there is no normal force exerted between a body (e.g. an astronaut in orbit) and its surrounding objects, it will result in the sensation of weightlessness, a condition that also occurs when the gravitational field is weak (such as when far away from any source of gravity).
The term "free fall" is often used more loosely than in the strict sense defined above. Thus, falling through an atmosphere without a deployed parachute, or lifting device, is also often referred to as free fall. The aerodynamic drag forces in such situations prevent them from producing full weightlessness, and thus a skydiver's "free fall" after reaching terminal velocity produces the sensation of the body's weight being supported on a cushion of air.

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  1. J

    Calculating proper time falling toward a black hole

    Hello everyone, I have a homework question for general relativity that is driving me nuts. It goes like this: An observer falls from rest at radius 10GM in the spacetime of a black-hole of mass M (in natural units). What time does it take for them to travel from a radius of 6GM to 4GM...
  2. Arij

    Studying Falling behind in physics courses

    Hi all, So I'm having hard time going through my physics courses. I tend to fall behind in the middle of the semster and once I'm behind it's hard to get myself on track again. So I am taking Classical Mechanics using Taylor's textbook. And Quantum Mechanics using griffiths I want to...
  3. T

    I Rod falling through the event horizon of a black hole

    Having discussed recently https://www.physicsforums.com/threads/rod-falling-radially-towards-the-center-of-a-mass.871169/ I'm now puzzled by the question, what happens to the rod during his radial fall through the event horizon and what would the hypothetical observer at ##r=2M## measure...
  4. kubaanglin

    Falling Rock Climber (Work and Energy)

    Homework Statement Stretchable ropes are used to safely arrest the fall of rock climbers. Suppose one end of a rope with unstretched length ##l## is anchored to a cliff and a climber of mass m is attached to the other end. Ehrm the climber is a height ##l## above the anchor point, he slips and...
  5. M

    What is the Force Exerted by a Falling Rod on a Hinged Support?

    Homework Statement Consider a rod of length ##L## that is attached to a hinge making an angle ##\theta## with the horizontal. There is a force ##\vec{F}## acting vertically on the rod that creates constant angular velocity ##-\omega##. If there is fluid under the rod with constant density...
  6. R

    Why Can I Assume Constant Velocity for a Falling Loop in a Magnetic Field?

    Homework Statement This is a question regarding Problem 7.11 in Griffiths Electromagnetism book, which considers a falling square loop of aluminum through a uniform magnetic field pointing into the page with only part of the loop in the field at t=0 (see picture below). To solve this...
  7. Olive1923

    Dropping Beads and their velocity?

    Homework Statement A straight rope is dropped at a height where is it not touching the ground. The rope has 10 beads spaced out on it and tied so they do not move. From the bottom to the top, the space between the beads increase, where the distance is the smallest at the bottom and largest at...
  8. T

    A falling stone takes 0.28 s to travel past a window 2.2 m...

    Homework Statement A falling stone takes 0.28 s to travel past a window 2.2 m tall. From what height above the top of the window did the stone fall? So from this problem I think I have these variables: vo = ? (or 0 because falling usually indicates 0 for an initial velocity?) yo = 0 y = 2.2m...
  9. peter010

    The actual force on the ground from a falling body's impact

    1. problem: a body of mass started to fall from rest, and from S elevation. what is the equation that calculate the force of what this body will hit the ground? Homework Equations :[/B] F=mg // which is used to calculate the force of the body on the ground when it is already on the ground...
  10. Elvis 123456789

    Write a computer program to solve for time of a falling body

    Homework Statement In this problem you will do numerical computer calculations. A skydiver of mass 75.0 kg jumps out of a plane at an altitude of 30.0 km above the surface of the Earth. His parachute fails to open. Assume there is no horizontal motion and the initial velocity is zero. We...
  11. Elvis 123456789

    Falling object in a gravitational field with v^2 drag force

    Homework Statement Consider a particle in a gravitational field that is also subject to a resisting force proportional to the velocity squared ( Fdrag = + or - cv2). a) Find the terminal velocity, vT, for the object as it falls. b) Show that for an object dropped from rest that the velocity...
  12. H

    How Can You Calculate the Impact Force of a Falling Egg?

    I searched engineering calculators and they rely on the input you know the stopping time or the stopping distance - easy for a car but not an egg. Knowing either of these quantities makes the problem trivial, but how to estimate or calculate them?? What is the best assumption for either and...
  13. K

    Mass falling and pulling others on a rough surface

    Homework Statement 4 m masses, μ is the coefficient of friction. what is the tension and what should the maximum μ be to allow acceleration. Homework Equations Mass-acceleration: F=ma The Attempt at a Solution $$\left\{\begin{array}{l} mg-T=ma \\ T-3mg\mu=3ma...
  14. Brage Eidsvik

    Can Liquid Metals Defy Gravity and Form Perfect Spheres While Falling?

    Will liquid metals create droplets when falling or will they create different shapes?
  15. A

    Kinematics: falling stone question

    Homework Statement While standing at the edge of the roof of a building, you throw a stone upward with an initial speed of 6.91 m/s. The stone subsequently falls to the ground, which is 16.5 m below the point where the stone leaves your hand. At what speed does the stone impact the ground? How...
  16. UnterKo

    Can Gravity Make a Hoop Rise Off Its Support When Beads Slide Down?

    Hello, I've got a problem and I have no idea how to start. I'll be happy for any hint. Thanks Homework Statement Two beads each of mass m are at the top (Z) of a frictionless hoop of mass M and radius R which lies in the vertical plane. The hoop is supported by a frictionless vertical support...
  17. V

    Finding Binding Force in Falling Disk System with Lagrange Equations

    Homework Statement Let's have a disk and massless rope tangled in it. One end of rope is tied to the ceiling and the disk is falling freely down. System has one degree of freedom. As a coordinate we can choose angle ##\phi## which says an angle of rotation from the start position. Find from the...
  18. Riju

    Kinematics Question on falling rock

    Homework Statement A rock is thrown straight upward from the edge of a 30m cliff, rising 10m, then falling all the way down the base of the cliff.Homework EquationsThe Attempt at a Solution Well, because the rock was thrown 10m up, and then it came all the way down, I added those quantities...
  19. TheTallJS

    Automotive How do bolts hold a car's subframe in place?

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  20. I

    How to stop a weight from falling

    Hello, new member here so first post, I apologize for any unintentional faux pas. Anyway... I have a problem which I have been asked to sort out in my work place. We have a rig which is used to move a pneumatic ram up and down. Currently it is on an electrical winch system and I have been...
  21. Clara Chung

    Free falling with air resistance question

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  22. H

    I Radioactive decay, falling pencils and the uncertainty principle

    Consider an ensemble of identically prepared pencils balanced on its tip. If a pencil is precisely vertical, ##x=0##, and precisely at rest, ##p=0##, then it will never fall. But some pencils in the ensemble would fall, because according to the uncertainty principle, the standard deviation...
  23. J

    Time taken for free falling objects to travel a set distance

    The time taken for a free-falling object to fall a set distance (on earth) is, according to Wikipedia, described by the equation: t = √(2d/g). Why is the distance doubled in this equation/ how is this derived?
  24. J

    Bottomless Water Barrel: Observing the Falling Chasm

    Conceptual question that's seemingly abstract: There is a barrel of water that is bottomless, or has an infinite amount of water in it. It is upside down and thus releasing water from rest at Earth's acceleration. The barrel is suspended in the air and there is an onlooker on the ground...
  25. DiracPool

    Close Calls from Falling Objects Out of High Rises

    Does anyone have any stories of close calls from objects falling out of windows of high rises in the city (or elsewhere)? I was watching the Ken Burnes series on the civil war recently and they said that the women in New Orleans used to dump their chamberpots on the occupying Union soldiers...
  26. jonisba5

    Equations that define a human fall forward

    Ok so what I want to create is a simulation of how the acceleration of a person falling would change according to the person's mass and height. This would then be explored in Matlab. Therefore, first, I am trying to find out the equations that would relate acceleration motion with mass and...
  27. T

    B Rod falling radially towards the center of a mass

    This example might be not very interesting, but perhaps helps to improve my understanding. Is a radially falling rod in free fall? Which frequency shift of light emitted at the ends of the rod would observers at rest at the respective other ends measure? Here are some assumptions. Please...
  28. B

    Force of impact for human falling different heights

    Homework Statement I am trying to prove a human head hitting the ground after falling backwards down a hill suffers a significantly greater impact than one hitting the ground on a flat surface. The person is 95KG, 180cm tall, and the impact point of the head was 60cm below (in altitude) the...
  29. K

    Mass falling and pulling a cylinder without sliding

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  30. B

    Find the initial velocity of a man falling in a boat

    Warren falls over his tackle box and lands in a canoe 0.95 m below the side of the dock. Warren's mass is 70 kg and the canoe has a mass of 72 kg. Warren and the canoe move 1.73 m away from the dock in 1.005 seconds. relating equations are Vi = Vf - at v = d/t A = change in velocity/time...
  31. C

    Calculate falling distance when object is already in motion

    Homework Statement A person looking out of a window of a tall building sees a bucket fly past the window at 30 m/s, then hears the bucket hit the ground 8 seconds later. At what altitude is the observer located? Assume negligible air resistance and speed of sound at 340 m/s. The problem I am...
  32. P

    Falling Rain Drop (Variable Mass)

    Homework Statement Suppose a rain drop with mass ##m_0\neq 0## is falling due to gravity with initial velocity ##v_0##, assume ##\frac{dm}{dt}=k=##constant. Solve the differential equation and determine the velocity as ##t\to\infty## Homework Equations ##F=\frac{dp}{dt}=\dot{m}v+m\dot{v}## The...
  33. S

    Centrifugal force on Earth and deviation of free falling obj

    Centrifugal force due to rotation of the Earth has among its effects the deviation towards the equator of a ball falling from height ##h## vertically on Earth. I do not understand what is the inertial explanation of this phenomenon. Once the ball is released there is no centripetal force that...
  34. S

    Coriolis effect causes in motion of a free falling object

    I don't understand what are the causes of the Coriolis effect for objects moving with respect to Earth. For istance consider an object free falling on the Earth from an height h. Its tangential velocity its greater than the velocity of an object on the surface of Earth, hence it moves eastward...
  35. F

    I Understanding Falling with Horizontal Velocity

    In the book I'm reading, there is a discussion about how a person inside a "box" falling in a gravitation field would see himself as compared to someone on the ground. It is as follows "While the guy is asleep, put him in a spacious box elaborately furnished inside to look exactly like his...
  36. jBase

    B Speed of Objects Falling to Black Hole Center

    I was wondering what is known about the speed of objects falling to the centre of a Black Hole? If a number of identical objects, initially located outside the event horizon, were propelled at varying speeds towards a black hole, would that variability be maintained as they pass through the...
  37. Tom MS

    Falling to a Star With Varying Acceleration

    Take an object of negligible mass that is dropped from rest 2 kilometers away from a neutron star of mass 1.989*10^30 kilograms (1 solar mass) and radius 7,802 meters. How long will it take the object to reach the surface of the neutron star? I'm not terrible at calculus, but I know for a fact...
  38. H

    Coriolis effect deflects falling objects eastwards to westwards?

    According to (4.93), it should be eastwards. But intuitively, shouldn't it be westwards since the Earth is rotating from west to east?
  39. A

    Are Pressure Films Accurate in Measuring Impact Forces?

    Homework Statement I am doing a project on pressure sensitive films and finding if they indicate the correct amount of impact. I have carried out an impact test by dropping a mass of 5KG from a height of 1m. I have calculated the velocity to be 4.43m/s. The kinetic energy just before impact is...
  40. Cincin

    Difficult integral - Falling mass

    Homework Statement Solve the differential equation, dt/dv= 1/g (1/1-a^2*v^2) where a = (k/mg)^1/2 to yield v= 1/a(1-e^-2agt/1+e^-2agt). Homework Equations F=ma Newton's 2nd Law Integration Laws The Attempt at a Solution See image. I think I'm getting messed up on the integration laws.
  41. L

    Falling rotating sphere and displacements

    Homework Statement Homework Equations How to locate the point P and C after 0.5s from their initial position ? The Attempt at a Solution Well i don't know whether it would be correct way to start the problem i.e find the centripetal acceleration .
  42. C

    Mirror Falling: How Long Can Person See Their Feet?

    Homework Statement A plane mirror of length 20 cm is put up in a wall.The upper part of the mirror is 130 cm above the ground.A person is standing 1 m in front of the mirror.The person's eye is 130 cm from the ground.Suddenly,the mirror falls.How long is the person able to see the tip of his...
  43. M

    Energy Loss of a ball falling off the lip of a ramp

    Homework Statement This is a Lab: A Ball is placed on a 14cm high ramp and it rolls down to the bottom of the ramp and onto a table where it rolls 20cm (the ramp's horizontal displacement is 16.5cm). After rolling on the table, the ball falls off the table for 76.5cm with a forward horizontal...
  44. P

    Rope falling through a hole on a frictionless table

    Homework Statement A rope with uniform density ##\lambda=\frac{m}{L}## is placed on a frictionless table with an initial length ##y_0## hanging through the hole. Derive a differential equation for the position of the bottom of the rope and then using this solve for the time required for the...
  45. G

    Calculating Angular Velocity for Falling Object Simulation

    Homework Statement This is an academic project related to a falling object simulation. I have come to the point where I'm trying to calculate the per degree angle of the falling object seen in the attached images. The object has known height and length in pixels and is fixed on a pivot...
  46. G

    Angular velocity of falling box

    Hi, I'm preparing a computer software to simulate the fall of an object for an academic project. The object is rotating (not rolling) over the circular bottom point. I know that the angular velocity at the horizontal point is ω = √(3g/L). I would like to calculate the angular velocity at every...
  47. hackhard

    Why people float inside free falling airplane

    in science shows , an airplane made to fall freely under gravity has its passenger floating in mid air i understand weightlessness is due to 0 normal reaction by floor on person but since both passenger and plane have same aceleration due to gravity what might be reason for relative separation...
  48. A

    Is the Hypothesized Law of Gravity for a Falling Body's Speed Accurate?

    Homework Statement The speed of a falling body might be based on the observation that the velocity of a falling object seems to increase the further it has fallen. Model the hypothesis "The speed of a falling object is proportional to the distance it has fallen" as a differential equation...
  49. P

    Free falling particle near Earth's surface (Diff. Eq.)

    Homework Statement The free fall acceleration of a mass ##m## above the Earth's surface in one dimension can be represented by ##m\ddot{y}=-\frac{mMG}{y^2}## where ##M## is the mass of the Earth and ##G## is the gravitational constant. With ##\dot{y}(t=0)=0## and ##y(t=0)=y_0##.. (1) Find an...
  50. G

    B Falling into a black hole (seen from outside)

    I refer to the time coordinate of an outside observer (ideally hoovering over the BH at large constant distance). Can (s)he actually see something falling into the hole within finite time, that means actually disappearing and making the Event horizon larger? If no, all the merging of black...