Field theory Definition and 553 Threads

  1. C

    What is the Origin of Spin 1/2 in Quantum Field Theory?

    Dear Forum, I would like to understand what the origin of spin 1/2 is. I read in Feynman's lectures that the origin is related to quantum field theory. I know nothing about quantum field theory. Is there an easy explanation? Thanks Cabrera
  2. nukeman

    Is relating Quantum field theory to the brain and how the brain works silly?

    Hey everyone, I would like to first point out I am not a biology major in any way...I am a physics major, with a ever increasing interest in neuroscience. I am trying my best right now to find ways that I can incorporate my physics knowledge to the brain. Right now I am trying to...
  3. maverick280857

    Learning Dynamical Mean Field Theory

    Hi, I'm a masters student trying to apply DMFT to problems involving transport in strongly correlated systems. I have a cursory understanding of the physics behind the Hubbard model, which is to say, I have spent some time with it in a quantum many body theory course. However, I now want to...
  4. C

    Field theory plane wave volume integral

    Hi! I'm used to integrating over infinite spaces when working with QFT so far, but in an exercise I stumbled across a statement that \int_V d^3x e^{-i \vec x \cdot (\vec p - \vec p')} = V \delta_{\vec p \vec p'} It is clear that this is okay when p = p', but it does not seem to make sense...
  5. B

    Is the nature of a magnetic field always conservative or is it case dependent?

    Is Magnetic field conservative or non-conservative in nature, I have searched online regarding this, it seems to be a divided house, MIT professor Walter Lewin demonstrated that it is non-conservative using an experiment, but still many arent convinced with the way experiment was conducted...
  6. S

    Graduate Student Struggles to Keep Up in Quantum Field Theory

    I just entered graduate school. As an undergraduate I took a graduate course in Quantum Mechanics, mostly for fun and practice because I knew the credits wouldn't transfer to the uni I was applying to for grad school. So, I got accepted there and even though the credit wasn't transferred the...
  7. E

    Relation between quantum computer and quantum field theory?

    I'm a computer science and engineering student, who has recently developed interest about quantum computers. I can understand that quantum computers are totally linked with quantum mechanics. But I would like to learn whether there is any relation between quantum computing and quantum field...
  8. H

    How much mathematics do I need to know to start Quantum Field Theory?

    I plan to study from Peskin and Schroeders book if it helps, I just need to know what topics I need to study and it would be greatly appreciated if someone could tell me what books are good on the subject, I have a limited budget however and if I could get a single or only 2 or 3 books covering...
  9. bcrowell

    Conservation of angular momentum in field theory: imposed, or emergent?

    We would like both 4-momentum and angular momentum to be conserved in a field theory such as QED. My understanding is that in the case of 4-momentum, there are two different descriptions of the same theory. (1) We can impose conservation of 4-momentum p at each vertex, which requires that...
  10. G

    Does [H,P]=0 imply no scattering in field theory?

    In field theory: [H,P]=0 So shouldn't that mean there can be no scattering? If you have momentum state |p1p2> then it is an eigenvalue of P with eigenvalue p1+p2. But it should be a simultaneous eigenstate of H too, so e^(-iHt)|p1p2>= |p1p2> up to a phase factor. But in general...
  11. T

    Ideas for practical application of electromagnetic field theory

    Hello, I have to give a presentation on an application of electromagnetic field theory of my choosing, and I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions that might be more interesting than the ones that have been suggested. It's for a 2nd year university level physics (E&M) course, so the...
  12. G

    How time did Einstein waste on a unified field theory

    The weak force was not discovered until 1953 or thereabouts so that pretty much made Einstein's attempt to unify all forces an impossible task. Does anyone know how much time he wasted on trying to find a unified field theory? Other than write a paper on gravitational lensing and the EPR paradox...
  13. S

    Explain Field Theory in Detail - No Quotes Needed

    If some one could please explain what a field is in as much detail as possible please. don't be shy I love a challenge. My understanding is that a field is a precise area surrounding its source. depending on the field you get different effects. For example with the higgs field, the higgs...
  14. S

    The Lagrangian formalism of Quantum Field Theory

    Recently i am reading A.Zee's Quantum Field Theory in a Nutshell 2nd Edition. there is a equation that i can not derive by myself. I suspect its correctness. <k1k2|exp(-iHT)|k3k4>=<k1k2|exp(i∫dxL(x))|k3k4>, where the L(x) on the RHS is an operator function of space-time. This equation...
  15. I

    Solving a Quantum Field Theory Recursion Relation Through Self Study

    Hello Everyone! I have a problem I am solving through a self study project from Lowell Brown's book entitled: Quantum Field Theory". It is a math question (basically) on recursion relations. Homework Statement The variational definition gives us the relation: det[1-λK] = exp{tr...
  16. Y

    What would be the pre-requisites to learn Topological Quantum Field Theory?

    Personally, I am interested in Topological Quantum Field Theory. And now I am battling against Quantum Field Theory. I am not sure how much Quantum Field Theory is needed to do Topological Quantum Field Theory. And I am not sure what should be the mathematical pre-requisites of Topological...
  17. P

    Ginsparg Applied Conformal Field Theory

    Ginsparg "Applied Conformal Field Theory" I have some questions concerning the first two chapters of Ginsparg's text on CFT, which can be found here 1. In equation (2.1) primary fields of conformal weight (h,\overline{h}) are introduced as fields that transform the following way...
  18. J

    Black Holes and Quantum Field Theory

    Now, I must preface this by saying that my understanding of QFT is limited, and my understanding of GR is even more so. Nevertheless, I was reading about the No Hair Theorem, and it seemed to me to be suggestive of the indiscernibility of Quantum Particles. Obviously, for a macroscopic black...
  19. I

    Conformal Field Theory: Evaluating the Vertex Operator on the Vacuum

    Homework Statement Evaluate \lim_{z \to 0}:e^{ik \cdot X(z)}:|0\rangle where X(z) is a free chiral scalar field in the complex plane. Homework Equations In Conformal Field Theory, the free chiral scalar field in the complex plane is given by: \begin{array}{rcl} X(z) &=& \frac{1}{2}q -...
  20. E

    Arising of exp(-ipx) in QM in quantum field theory

    Wave functions and their exp(-ipx) are base of quantum mechanics and QFT. But how to derive them the most simply that we will understand why they are base of QM? It is interesting that Feynman in his book "QED: The Strange Theory of Light and Matter" very simplifies QED, but he did not give a...
  21. E

    Noether current for SO(N) invariant scalar field theory

    Homework Statement I understand the premise of Noether's theorem, and I've read over it in as many online lectures as I can find as well as in An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory; Peskin, Schroeder but I can't seem to figure out how to actually calculate it. I feel like I'm missing a...
  22. Spinnor

    Static electric field in Quantum Field Theory?

    In quantum field theory do we "describe" static electric fields with proper combinations of transvers propagating photons? Is that a basis? Is there a basis using the longitudinal and timelike photons to describe static fields? Thanks for any help!
  23. B

    Quantum Field Theory lecture by Tong (Cambridg)

    I am struggling with equation 1.5 in Tong's QFT course. I try to understand/explain it in strict calculus, i.e. without physics shortcuts like "small variations". I guess in the full blown explanation, \delta S is a total derivative. To be specific, with total derivative I mean the linear map...
  24. DarMM

    What are the next steps in constructing \phi_{3}^{4} in Field Theory?

    I previously took part in two separate threads where I slowly went through various field theories from a rigorous perspective. I would like to restart the discussion. Here are the two previous threads for anybody who would like to take part this time: Thread 1 The pages from 12 on (and...
  25. K

    Effective field theory and Wilson's renormalization group

    I have just read my first course on Quantum Field Theory (QFT) and have followed the book by Srednicki. I have peeked a bit in the books by Peskin & Schroeder and Ryder also but mostly Srednicki as this was the main course book. Now, I have to do a project in a topic not covered in the course...
  26. A

    A few doubts about quantum field theory and high energy physics.

    1. I read that the picture of gauge bosons as mediators of interaction originates in and is valid in perturbation theory. But how do we know that picture is correct? We do perturbation theory only because we do not know how to study a system in a fully non-perturbative way. If someday we...
  27. J

    Is the Standard Model a particle theory or a field theory?

    just looking at the standard model, which describes a host of fundamental particles and bosons, one could assume that the SM is a particle model. however, most of what i read appears to indicate that particles are merely "excitations" or manifestations of a field, and it has been stated on this...
  28. N

    Quantum field theory and the renormalization group

    The following statements are from the paper with the above title, recommended in another thread, are from here: An interpretion of these statements would be appreciated: 1. [first paragraph, page 3] What is 'conservation of...
  29. S

    Engineering electromagnetics field theory

    I am taking a course in Electromagnetic Fields Theory, and the prescribed book for us is Engineering Electromagnetics by William Hayt. We are referring to its 7th edition, in one numerical Example 2.3 we have to find total charge contained in 2 cm length electron beam where as we are given the...
  30. H

    Ideal book to learn Quantum Field Theory

    I'm an undergraduate with interest in theoretical particle physics. No course available in QFT. I have background in particle physics, quantum physics and relativity. Want to start learning it before going for M.Sc I've seen books like Mandl and Shaw, Landau and Lifgarbagez in university...
  31. H

    Relativistic Dynamics, Action at a Distance, & Field Theory

    PREAMBLE: I'm not asking you to do this for me, just point me to some CLEAR references. THE PROBLEM: I am trying to understand the differences between Action-at-a-distance (AAAD) and Field theory. I am trying to better understand relativistic dynamics and the relativistic 2-body problem...
  32. M

    Requirements on Quantum Field Theory to be correct physical theory?

    In some class notes I found those conditions interpreted as a "five requirements on Hamiltonian of physical system": 1. Unitarity -> Hamiltonian has to be hermitian operator 2. Claster decomposition (microcausality and locality) -> (? missing part) 3. Poincare invariance -> Hamiltonian...
  33. Z

    Two component field theory and unitary transformation

    I have a theory described by a 2-component field \psi_i (i'm working with BCS in Nambu-Gorkov representation, but any other field theory would be ok, that's why I'm posting in this subforum), and the lagrangian it's defined in the following way: \mathscr{L}=\psi^\dagger \Gamma \psi where...
  34. alemsalem

    Symmetry breaking and the ground state of a quantum field theory.

    when a continuous symmetry is broken, we say that the ground state is just one of the possible ground states, and there is no energy cost in moving from one to the other.. why doesn't the state keep changing with the slightest perturbation (production of goldstone boson). why don't we have a...
  35. N

    The state space in quantum field theory

    I'm a grad student in math, and I've been trying to learn some physics on the side by taking some classes and reading books. I took a class on quantum field theory last semester that was taught out of Srednicki; the class was very good, but I found myself at the end with a conceptual question...
  36. B

    What are the required mathematics for studying Quantum Field Theory?

    Hello everyone! I want to study QFT and I want to know all of the required mathematics for it. I know most of quantum mechanics topics -wave function -schrodinger equation -state, operator -perturbation theory I know some of special relativity. And I almost familiar with einstein's...
  37. D

    Is Dark Matter actually a gravitational byproduct of quantum field theory?

    Hi All, I don't know whether to post this in quantum field theory or in cosmology. Maybe this stuff is one subject, not two. Hajdukovic published some papers recently which seem very intriguing even to an amateur like me who doesn't understand it. Here's the latest one...
  38. S

    2 questions. 1 on Field theory, the other on Ads/CFT.

    My first question: QED has U(1) symmetry. The transformation is a function of x (psi -> psi*theta(x)). How does this depend on the spacetime? Do interactions therefore differ between curved space and flat space? Is this what leads on to QFT on curved spacetime research? My second question...
  39. P

    Electric charge in quantum field theory

    I have a question concerning the notion of electric charge in QFT. What value of charge for electron should I use if I want to compute the force acting on electron in some external electric field. Of course in first approximation it is just elementary charge which value might be found in...
  40. E

    What does it mean if something Transforms Covariantly ? (Quantum Field Theory)

    What does it mean if something "Transforms Covariantly"? (Quantum Field Theory) Referring to an isospinor, \psi which transforms as \psi(x)→ \psi'(x)=S(x) \psi(x) (S(x) being an n by n matrix) I'm told that it is clear that ∂_{μ}\psi does not transform covariantly. Now, correct me if I'm...
  41. M

    Unified field theory impossible?

    My question is, is it still widely believed that an all encompassing "theory of everything" exists for the universe? It seems to me that due to quantum mechanics it would be impossible to actually observe enough data to predict precisely the behavior of quarks and other subatomic particles, one...
  42. sujoykroy

    Is Quantum Field Theory and General Relativity Theory mutually exclusive?

    Does Quantum Field Theory and General Relativity Theory predict anything which is mutually exclusive? This question came up to me as i was thinking about why there was/is apparent rivalry/debate between the proponents of these two theories. As far as i understood, Universe(or Multiverse) is...
  43. R

    Quantum field theory and string theory

    What is the relationship between quantum field theory and string theory?
  44. L

    Hi,Can anyone explain why in field theory we require [f*(x),f(y)]

    Hi, Can anyone explain why in field theory we require [f*(x),f(y)] = 0 for space-lkie intervals x,y; but not <0|f*(x)f(y)|0> = 0? Thanks!
  45. L

    Is quantum field theory the return of the ether?

    Hi, My question is about why quantum fields are used. Are quantum fields just a reinvention of the ether? It seems like something superimposed on spacetime (from which theoretically spacetime should emerge in the case of gravity) from which particles can pop in and out of. How wrong is...
  46. J

    Suggested Classical Field Theory texts?

    Hey everyone, I posted this a while back in General Physics without any reply, and it looks like this is actually the germane forum (despite the fact that I'm explicitly NOT looking for QFT) -- but I couldn't find the "move thread" option... Anyway: I'm looking for some books that...
  47. J

    Best / suggested / great Classical Field Theory texts?

    Hey everyone, I'm looking for some books that really dig into the topic of classical field theory -- and not necessarily just the fields that were known during the heyday of classical physics (electromagnetic / gravitational), but not necessarily all about Yang-Mills and Dirac fields, either...
  48. Vyse007

    Rotating magnetic field theory

    Hey fellas am having some trouble understanding the concept behind a rotating magnetic field. Looked up the wiki entry and a couple of other webpages, but only ended up getting more confused. I am well versed with all EM fundamentals, but still...:confused: OK so in a basic alternator, we...
  49. S

    Introduction to Group Field Theory: Main Ideas, Formalism, and Origins

    Hi there PF I just want to ask, what are the main ideas behind Group Field Theory? How does it work, and what is the formalism? And why is it called GROUP Field Theory? :) \Schreiber
  50. A

    How we see things, relating to Crystal field theory.

    Sorry this is largely chemistry based, but delves into electron theory. I'm a little confused about how the colour of transition metal compounds arises. I understand that say for [Cu(H2O)6]2+, you have an octahedral arrangement around the central atom, and the specific positioning of these...